Monday Blues

I had to fight Brandon today to get him to wear pants.  After taking his earned money away and issuing 500 sentences, and taking away tv for next weekend, he finally changed his clothes.  Oh, and I stripped his shoes off, while sitting on him 😉   He was only wearing a t-shirt and shorts before I told him it was 48 degrees outside.  I was sweaty though after getting him to change his clothes.  He did finally leave the house in a pair of pants he’d selected along with a t-shirt and long-sleeve.  When he got out of my car to go to school, his response was, “Yea, it’s cold outside!”  He didn’t give me the satisfaction of telling me I was right.  I did hold my tongue, not telling him I told him so.  I got to work, did what I had to do, and stayed 30 minutes OT.  When I went to leave, I saw there was a note under my windshield wiper.  It said, “You have a flat tire.”  I looked at my side first, and yeap, sure enough, there it was.  I called Dave three times without answer, as I’d wanted him to confirm his getting Peyton.  He finally called back after I’d called AAA to come help me change my tire.  Actually, he just texted “I’m leaving now,” and I had to call to confirm whether that meant from HOME or WORK.  Because at 5pm, if he was leaving from work, I needed to institute plan B to get Peyton.  Luckily, when I called the 4th time, he answered and told me he was at home already with Brandon, but leaving to get Peyton.  Phew.  I didn’t mind waiting for AAA as long as the kids were safe before 6pm.  I met some of my coworkers in the parking lot ED usually affects men as they age and it’s viagra professional price important to get I checked out as in many online United States pharmacies. Kamagra jellies are especially formulated for the people to stay apart and for all those men who are not able to uk generic viagra attain an erection at all. Men’s health cialis canadian pharmacy issues are common and there are A LOT of them out there. Normally, age is the biggest factor and viagra cost in india older men are bound to suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) due to physiological changes. for the first time, seeing how I don’t normally see anyone on my way in or out of the building.  She’d also had a nail in her tire, and she helped whistle down the AAA guy who appeared as we were talking.  I was left with Nick, who was really helpful.  I presented him my wheel locks, and he was excited to have me know what and more importantly, WHERE, they were.  I told him if my dad had had his way, I’d be changing the tire on my own, but I admitted how I didn’t like to be dirty.  We chatted while he was changing the tire, then he showed me where it was leaking (which I could hear, too, after he put air into it).  There was a piece of metal in there, which he said can be the case on the stretch of road where we work.  There’s tons of “trash” on the roads there.  He got the spare on, gave me instructions not to drive faster than 50 mph, and then set me on my way.  Michelle had just had a flat tire last week, so I suppose it’s my turn.  Luckily, once I’d secured the kids their place, I wasn’t too dismantled.  I kept it together 🙂  It’s been about 20+ years since I’d had my last flat tire, and I was driving at that time.  I hope it’s another 20 before I get the next one.  I made it home after driving surface streets the whole way home.  I was going to bring it straight to Costco, but the dude told me it was going to be 2.5 hours to wait.  I didn’t have that kind of time!!  So, I’ll drive the other car until I get it fixed.  Hopefully the rest of the week is a bit easier.

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