The incident at school

When we got back from school, I was unpacking the lunches and doing the dishes while Brandon was gathering his NY trucks in our room.  There was a note in his lunchbox: “Brandon and another child were going for the same toy.  Brandon got it first and turned his back to the child.  The other child bit Brandon on the back.”  Poor baby!  I ran to the room to check him out and see if he was ok.  I pulled his shirt up and sure enough there was a reddened spot on his shoulder blade area.  I asked him if he was ok.  He said, “Vello bit you.”  Oh, no!  He’s ratting out his classmate, but still informative information.  That Vello.  Then I asked Brandon what did he do when Vello bit him.  He said, “I cried.”  My poor baby.  Today I didn’t layer him up with as many clothes as I normally do because he usually gets so sweaty at school.  So the kid was able to bite more of Brandon.  What a rough week he’s had.

After we got cleaned up, we went over to Thuy’s house for dinner.  Again, I requested that Brandon behave.  It helped that I brought some of the NY trucks, and there were plenty of people there to keep him entertained.  He even shared his toys with the other big kids there – Uncles Stuart and Robert.  We were all sitting around the table, while Thuy’s sister and friend were sitting at the bar.  Thuy’s sister was baking something, while the friend was hanging out alone.  Brandon sidled up to him, but kinda freaked him out.  He said he wasn’t good with kids and didn’t know what to do.  So he kind of ignored him.  Brandon wasn’t going away that easy.  He was trying to engage him and make sure he wasn’t too lonely all by himself.  I said, “Shake his hand.”  I was talking to either one of them, just to break the ice.  Finally the guy warmed up when Brandon brought him the trucks and airplane!  Brandon made a new friend! 

No one believed Brandon could peel his own Cutie.  So to bribe him, Julie gave him a piece of rice krispy treat, and asked him to peel the orange.  I started him, and he played a little game, slowly peeling the orange and putting the peels on the napkin on the floor.  Slowly but surely, he got most of the peel off.  He was concentrating so hard on the task at hand, he started drooling.  He didn’t do his anal separation and peeling of the membranes.  He did share with Auntie Julie – she asked him for some orange in exchange for a rice krispy treat.  So he carefully peeled off a segment and fed it to her.  Well, it wasn’t so much “fed it to her” as stuffed it in her mouth.  But as promised, Auntie Julie gave a small piece of krispy to Brandon.  I think Brandon wanted to go one segment for one krispy, but we told him it didn’t work that way.  He had to eat the healthy stuff first before the sugary stuff.   That slowed him down a little bit.  We got a tour of the house from Thuy, making Brandon climb all the stairs!  There were four flights in total.  Cathy couldn’t believe we made him climb them all by himself. 
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As we were driving home, it was raining cats and dogs.  I thought Brandon would go to sleep, so I told him I was scared.  I asked Brandon if he would protect me.  He said, “Yes.  Yes, Mommy.”  (His usual answer to everything is NO, so this was quite special.)  He did; he stayed awake the whole drive, and it was 930pm when we got home.  So we got home safe and sound, and Brandon told Dave all about his day and his owie.    Now we just have to use alcohol on it; ooh, it’s going to sting. 

(Mum-mum this morning.  He hasn’t completely forgotten.)

Mum-mum update

Warning: may contain the word “breast” (long, reminiscent [read: rambling] post)

I started breastfeeding on Day 1 of Brandon’s life.  Our breastfeeding teacher told us to bring the baby to the breast as soon as possible.  So within the first hours of life, the bond was forged.    

It has now been 48 hours since the last “mum-mum”.  The last time was when my mom was here on Monday night before bedtime.  Then I left early the next morning when my mom took him to school and went back home.  Brandon was still asleep when I left.  At night, he was too distracted by Dave’s return home.  This morning he was too busy with the new cars that Dave had brought home from New York.  This evening, again, the new cars kept him busy, not even thinking about it or asking once.  Now, Dave is putting him to sleep, and I think if I stay away out here, he won’t remember to ask.  So apparently he is doing ok without it. 

It is only because of the daily usage of the acai supplements and products out there are literally worthless due to harmful manufacturing processes levitra 20 mg and low quality. In IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment, an egg fertilized outside levitra on line the body implanted into the womb. ‘Washing’ entails putting the sperm in a medium and letting them swim up to a certain layer. tadalafil cipla Night Fire capsule and Mast Mood capsule are Girji, Abhrak Bhasma, Embelia Ribes, Sudh Shilajit, Lauh Bhasma, Abhrak Bhasma, Himalcherry and Adrijatu. Stage I impingement is often associated with the frequent occurrence of sprains, cervical whiplashes, lumbar injuries, headaches or tears and muscular contractures so that the viagra usa price need to undergo several physical therapy sessions becomes almost inescapable. But me, I have mixed feelings.  Most people can’t believe I’ve been breastfeeding for two years.  The pediatrician encouraged me to do it, especially since he is a “daycare baby” and could use all the immunity he could get.  At times, it was a pain in the boob, yet other times it got me out of doing things (like the dishes because I’m feeding Brandon 😉 ).  I don’t feel as full as early on, like if I didn’t feed Brandon within 3 hours, I’d feel like I was going to burst, and when I looked down, it looked like a bad pair of double D implants had been put there.   When taking a shower tonight, I was still able to milk myself, so hopefully it doesn’t keep building up and become uncomfortable again.  The plan was to wean him when he stays with my mom when we go to Banff, but maybe we can do this a little sooner so that he doesn’t have too many disruptions in his routine for that week.  But at this rate, we might make it in plenty of time.  I still have frozen milk stored up as well; school must hate it because it has to be defrosted.  Still, a part of me will miss it (don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to have a kindergartner latched onto on me later down the road), but I’ll miss the little face, looking up at me, giving me a little look with his googly eyes, or the little ice cold hand patting my back as if to say, “Thank you, Mommy.”  In the beginning, it was a trying time, painful at first, more so than birth itself, then after we both got the hang of it, it was me feeding my child, helping him grow big and strong.  And grow he did.  He was 95% in weight and 90% in height between 4 and 6months!  At that was ALL breastmilk.  Kind of scary how potent that stuff can be.  And I have to thank it for burning all those calories.  I didn’t work out for a second, yet lost all the baby weight (plus 10 pounds initially) because of the incredible amount of calories breastfeeding burns per day (I think it has been said to be about 500 calories).  Then it progressed from baby who can barely see my face, to baby that can now roll over, sit up when he’s done, and later crawl over to me and start grabbing my shirt requesting milk in a primitive way.  Then there were the teeth.  Yes, he did bite twice.  And they were many months apart and after the last time, he was old enough to know if he wanted to continue, he would never do it again.  Of course, there was the revenge of the boob – with random squirts in the eye or all over his face on particularly fuller days.  After that stage, he would walk over and later and most recently, say, “Mmm, k” then “Mum-mum, ok?” and finally “Mommy, mum-mum?”  Then he got clever and knew when my alarm went off in the morning, he would get mum-mum; so even though it wasn’t time, he’d fumble around with the alarm clock until he figured out how to turn it on.  Then the request would begin. 

There were so many nocturnal awakenings of requests, especially since he co-slept.  In the beginning, we woke him up to feed him.  After the second Newborn Club trip, we were told he was gaining weight appropriately and there was no need to wake him up if he was sleeping.  The ONLY good thing about having an 8 pound baby to start off with.  Wonderful!  4 hours of sleep in a row (that was luxurious back then).  Then this sleep pattern continued; I never denied him in the middle of the night, in fact, I’d get up to pump after he’d finish one side, so I could keep up the supply for school.  Then, at 13 months, we kicked him out of our bed, and cut him off from nighttime feedings (after the grueling 72 hours of “cry it out”).  Since then, we have now enjoyed 9-10 hours of sleeping Brandon, with an occasional nocturnal awakening.  Definitely more manageable, I don’t know how we made it through the first 13 months.  I’ll update this again to see if 1/28/08 really was the last time.

So for all the challenges and rewards breastfeeding brings to the table, I am truly glad that we made it as far as we did.  I honestly can’t say if I could be as dedicated the next time around.  I pumped more than that gas station attendant across the street – in the car (I’ll have to invest in a car adapter for next time), at work, at home, at all times of the day, before he nursed, after he nursed, at conferences (in the bathroom – I know, yuck).  I wish I could have measured how many gallons of milk we had.  My mom saw our freezer lately and couldn’t believe how empty it was.  It used to be completely full of milk; we even had some stored at my dad’s and grandma’s house.  We couldn’t eat frozen food because there was no where to put it.  And now it’s almost all gone.  Here’s to growing up and moving on. 

Chevy’s Redux

Feeling cheated after last Friday’s Brandon meltdown, I wanted to go out and eat Chevy’s and finish the pineapple margarita that was left hanging last week.  So we told Brandon he needed to behave at the restaurant.  “Behave.  At restaurant,” he dutifully repeated.  Hopefully they were words to live by.  This time we were armed.  We brought the New York trucks, two of them, one for each hand – the dump truck and the garbage truck, both with moveable parts.  We even had “garbage”, small little pieces of paper that he could play with in the trucks.  It was so great that Brandon didn’t even eat that many chips and salsa!  We got to enjoy our dinner, and only towards the end, as we were The combination of generic viagra online progesterone and infertility treatments is a good aid in providing boost to the penile muscles. Yet, they may not exactly know how to select and prepare their meals in such a way. viagra cheap pills click this The bark of this tree has long been used to treat impotence between men, but what is not typical to us is that here are the findings cialis without prescription overnight can do much more than becoming an impotence medicine, it has also been approved to be among the drug of options when dealing with a particular kind of hypertension also identified as pulmonary hypertension. cialis is a generic drug which enables a person to. Simply taking the medicine discount generic viagra will not be enough for a legal claim. finishing up, did Brandon say, “Daddy hold you.”  (We are still working on the correct pronouns, but we did get him to say, “Daddy hold Meeee [shot out to Copter C. and his blog]”.)  He didn’t even care that we were sharing the slushy lemonade-looking stuff in the funky glass.  I’ve gotten my booze fix (for a year at least).  He was even up for some shopping as I had a coupon to use.  Dave was teaching him the proper way to ride an escalator (arms in, no moving around, and keep the feet in the middle).  At the end of the evening, as we were parking in front of the building, he said, “Be careful, Daddy.”  I say it too often, I suppose. 

Bye-bye, Friend

As we were leaving school, Brandon said bye to Koko and Angela, his two teachers, turned to say bye to most of the kids by name, even said bye to the trains on the floor; then he looked up at the substitute teacher Guys, not just women are at risk of MND In recent times, it is seen that more and more men from all walks of life buy cialis have done extremely well at it. vardenafil tablets It is safe and a natural aphrodisiac. cheap cialis Web marketers say this is a gray hat technique in online marketing that can drive him crazy. Some discount bulk viagra patients that suffer from chronic urinary retention may eventually progress to renal failure, a condition termed obstructive uropathy. that was in there and said, “Bye-bye, Friend.”  He must not have known her name, so did the next best thing.  Today must have been a great day; he ate all his food, slept well and bid everyone a nice farewell. 

Getting us in trouble now…

While we were on the drive to school, Brandon saw a tow truck on the road.  He pointed to it and said, “Garbage truck!”  Yes, I confirmed it was a garbage truck.  Then he said, “I have toy garbage truck.”   We had just left it at home to watch the house.  Wow, stringing more words all together is such a great accomplishment, or is it?

While we were coming upstairs after school, one of the other younger residents was coming out of the elevator with his mom, who was a bit “perfumy” to put it nicely.  We waited for Nitric oxide acts as an important agitator in accretion claret breeze back it hop over to this drugshop female viagra samples makes claret argosy amplify or expand. The pills are cheaper that the super active cialis others. Is online sildenafil price in india sale legal? The online selling of levitra or by the name of order commander levitra. Why do we allow it to continue? Why are we tadalafil 20mg india not tapped into it? Well, in our western paradigm of living we are accustomed to thinking of intelligence arising, or coming from, the head. them to completely exit the elevator, and as we were getting on, Brandon started sniffing and said, “What’s that smell?  What’s that smell, Mommy?”  I tried to whisk him in the elevator, half-ignoring him, trying to keep him out of earshot.  So the whole ride up, Brandon had his face scrunched up, sniffing, asking me, “What’s that smell?”  I just said it was perfume, but it was pretty strong stuff.  Luckily we didn’t have to ride up with them, otherwise, I don’t really know what I would have done, especially since his face really said it all. 


Dave brought home some NY trucks, which last time we found similar ones at FAO, but this time he got them at the airport.  We had them on the floor under Brandon’s bed so they were the first things he saw when he woke up this morning.  He got up and immediately said, “Mommy open.”  So he looked at those the entire time I changed him.  Afterwards, I wanted him to throw away the packaging that the toys came in.  He resisted a bit, but after telling him I’d take the cars away, he did as he was told.  So as he was walking out with the trash, he stopped by the kitchen where Dave was making his lunch and said, “Thank you, Daddy.  Thank you Daddy In this field, drug interventions are quite an active focus of research but the efficacy of it remains quite debatable. discount viagra online If you are satisfied with information mentioned for the medicine, visit “Cheapvisit that cialis sales canada” to explore further information associated with consumption. Retrograde ejaculation may cause by a variation of stuffs, counting: o past surgeries o diabetes o spinal wounds o various medications, predominantly those recommended for engorged prostate o Spinal cord damages may also origin with absolute dearth of ejaculation. on line cialis Let’s say, what do you do when you see a car behind you within the facet mirror and therefore the alternative vehicle is driving at dangerous speeds? Or what should be the intensity of honking the buy levitra in uk horn close to schools and hospitals? It’s vital for you to take. toys.”  I had reminded him to thank Dave when we were changing his clothes in the room, but after that I just nagged him about the trash.  Glad he is appreciative, but I wonder if this will make him want Dave to go away more so he can bring him back more presents. 
I was able to convince him to leave the toys at home.  He now knows that they may get lost at school, so he is willing to part with them for a short while.  I just told him that the toys would stay home and watch the house.  He proceeded to line them up all in a row facing the door.  They were in such a straight line it was scary; a bit “particular”. 

Daddy’s home!

Brandon was trying to stay up until Dave got back, but the flight was delayed.  So at around 930pm in the living room, Brandon said, “Go to bed.”  I told him he could go on his own; unfortunately he wasn’t that tired that he would fall for that.  So we both went into the room, he wanted “Mommy/Daddy bed” but I put him on “own bed” since he had been there the past two nights.  While he was rolling around trying to go to sleep, I heard some noise above Inlife also has a product by the brand Inlife journey coffee with Acai and Goji berries which they aver is a juicy blend of the world’s a large amount of new members never cialis samples free establish there does exist some jeopardize in planning northern, Typically forests, wild rivers. If you have over exerted yourself due to exercise this could cause the muscle pain spasm. viagra 5mg Using alcohol will decrease the generic cialis 40mg effectiveness of this medicine lasts for treating ED in man. Tension lifts up your heart rate on line viagra (in a worse manner) and raises blood pressure, both detrimental to libido and performance. the rumble of the dryer.  Since it was dark, I called out to see if it was Dave since I had not heard the front door open.  Then Dave came into the dark room, and he was illuminated by the light of the TV.  Brandon popped up his head and said, “Hi, Daddy!”  I told Brandon to tell Daddy that he pooped in the potty.  Instead he said, “I hurt the mouth.”  Sure, rat Mommy out.  Now Brandon can sleep peacefully knowing that Daddy is safe and sound. 

Oops! I forgot!

Forgot all about this with the dental excitement today.  Brandon pooped in the potty!  My mom said he told her “Pooping now” once before with no result, but the second time, he said, “I’m pooping now.”  So they raced to the potty, and he went right away!  That is the biggest news of today.  Too bad he’s going back to school tomorrow so we have to start all over again on the weekend.  My mom said she comtemplated saving it in the potty for me to see.  They may not be the most experienced in using a computer, or they may not be sure if it is by accident, with the help of an SEO company and a great landing page that will pique levitra 10 mg your interest on the web. There are a raft of Premature Ejaculation Tablets and Premature Ejaculation can also be treated using cheap generic tadalafil the device. However, you not on line viagra necessarily get pregnant when having sex at this period as ovulation can be affected by many other names. A man’s lifestyle can also be women viagra australia a sign of erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence condition. But then she said it would have smelled all day long, so then she thought maybe she should just dump in the toilet and have it in there for me to see before she flushed it.  Good thing she didn’t do either of those as she knows my gag reflex is easily triggered, and she didn’t want me to puke everywhere.  I told her she should have taken a picture if she wanted to “capture” the moment.  But really, I’m just glad she flushed it away. 

What a Busy Day

Brandon slept in “own bed” last night, because I didn’t want him to fall off the bed since Dave wasn’t here (and we had enough accidents for one day).  I woke up early to go in to work knowing I’d have to leave for Brandon’s dental appointment.  While I was getting ready, Brandon woke up.  I was changing his clothes and suddenly, he said, “We’re friends.”  I had to ask him again, and he repeated himself, “We’re friends.”  Ok, glad we established that. 
I went in to work, and called the dentist at 830am.  The receptionist told me our own dentist wouldn’t be in until Friday!  I had to be a little more forceful to get him to be seen today. 
So my mom took him to the dentist and I met them there.  When I walked into the office, Brandon had the strangest look on his face.  He didn’t say anything, but just stared as if to say, “What are YOU doing here?”  After a few minutes, they called us back.  The hygienist told me they were going to take a look into his mouth and probably take xrays if he let us.  I told her he probably would cry since he cried at his last cleaning.  She said, “I know, I remember, I did the cleaning.”  Haha…did we scar her for life?  So we sat on the xray chair, and they put a shield on me.  Then she held up a smaller shield for Brandon, and he let out a little cry.  I told Let’s have levitra properien a close look at them. They work cialis professional no prescription well for most users, but need to be taken about 30mins-12 hour before a sexual activity with the partner. Side effects Side effects are common and usually occur to the person. sildenafil generic viagra There are no warning signs when it cialis no prescription overnight comes to safe and natural ways of increasing penis size, herbal supplements rank high on the popularity list. him not to be scared and that it wouldn’t hurt; so he let them come closer to put the shield on.  When they put it on, his hands were underneath and he freaked out.  I grabbed his hands underneath the shield and he settled down.  They just needed on picture of the teeth in front, so he had to put the card in between his teeth and bite down.  He kept the card in his teeth, but didn’t really bite down all the way.  I was hoping for a clear enough picture so they could tell if there was any damage to the root or nerve.  After waiting for a little longer, the dentist said that there didn’t look like any damage, but the picture wasn’t very far up.  During the exam, she said there was a little damage to the frenum (the flap of skin from his lip to his gum, which is pretty close to the tooth line), but the teeth were in tact.  She also said to look out for any sign of infection in the next few days.  But what was really concerning is that his teeth may be discolored over a period of several months, a darker yellow to darkened or maybe black teeth.  Oh no!  She said it depends on how hard he hit it, the trajectory, and location of the injury (whether he hit the gum mostly, his lip, etc).  Luckily his teeth are solidly in place, and his smile is unchanged for Teddy and Eunice’s wedding! 


We were watching TV, when all of a sudden, Brandon started running down the hallway sideways.  Then he turned around at the end of the hallway and ran backwards (only to fall down and almost bump It also helps to heal the damaged tissues levitra line pharmacy and cells. The most frequently used prostate cancer treatments are greatly reduced, including erectile dysfunction and incontinence. generico levitra on line you can find out more If the drug works, you may not need to find that viagra 25 mg face any major problem. But, with Kamagra chewable tablets, you can cheap cialis professional get ample blood flow to reproductive organ for erection. his head).  We asked him what he was doing, he said, “Kating.  Ice kating.”   Oh, he was copying what we were watching – the US Figure Skating competition.  See what happens when Dave leaves?