When we got back from school, I was unpacking the lunches and doing the dishes while Brandon was gathering his NY trucks in our room. There was a note in his lunchbox: “Brandon and another child were going for the same toy. Brandon got it first and turned his back to the child. The other child bit Brandon on the back.” Poor baby! I ran to the room to check him out and see if he was ok. I pulled his shirt up and sure enough there was a reddened spot on his shoulder blade area. I asked him if he was ok. He said, “Vello bit you.” Oh, no! He’s ratting out his classmate, but still informative information. That Vello. Then I asked Brandon what did he do when Vello bit him. He said, “I cried.” My poor baby. Today I didn’t layer him up with as many clothes as I normally do because he usually gets so sweaty at school. So the kid was able to bite more of Brandon. What a rough week he’s had.
After we got cleaned up, we went over to Thuy’s house for dinner. Again, I requested that Brandon behave. It helped that I brought some of the NY trucks, and there were plenty of people there to keep him entertained. He even shared his toys with the other big kids there – Uncles Stuart and Robert. We were all sitting around the table, while Thuy’s sister and friend were sitting at the bar. Thuy’s sister was baking something, while the friend was hanging out alone. Brandon sidled up to him, but kinda freaked him out. He said he wasn’t good with kids and didn’t know what to do. So he kind of ignored him. Brandon wasn’t going away that easy. He was trying to engage him and make sure he wasn’t too lonely all by himself. I said, “Shake his hand.” I was talking to either one of them, just to break the ice. Finally the guy warmed up when Brandon brought him the trucks and airplane! Brandon made a new friend!
No one believed Brandon could peel his own Cutie. So to bribe him, Julie gave him a piece of rice krispy treat, and asked him to peel the orange. I started him, and he played a little game, slowly peeling the orange and putting the peels on the napkin on the floor. Slowly but surely, he got most of the peel off. He was concentrating so hard on the task at hand, he started drooling. He didn’t do his anal separation and peeling of the membranes. He did share with Auntie Julie – she asked him for some orange in exchange for a rice krispy treat. So he carefully peeled off a segment and fed it to her. Well, it wasn’t so much “fed it to her” as stuffed it in her mouth. But as promised, Auntie Julie gave a small piece of krispy to Brandon. I think Brandon wanted to go one segment for one krispy, but we told him it didn’t work that way. He had to eat the healthy stuff first before the sugary stuff. That slowed him down a little bit. We got a tour of the house from Thuy, making Brandon climb all the stairs! There were four flights in total. Cathy couldn’t believe we made him climb them all by himself.
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As we were driving home, it was raining cats and dogs. I thought Brandon would go to sleep, so I told him I was scared. I asked Brandon if he would protect me. He said, “Yes. Yes, Mommy.” (His usual answer to everything is NO, so this was quite special.) He did; he stayed awake the whole drive, and it was 930pm when we got home. So we got home safe and sound, and Brandon told Dave all about his day and his owie. Now we just have to use alcohol on it; ooh, it’s going to sting.
(Mum-mum this morning. He hasn’t completely forgotten.)