This morning started with the kids waking up around 7. Peyton practice the piano on her own, refining a song I’d just taught her yesterday. Brandon and I started cleaning up the kitchen, while Peyton came down to help Dave with the lasagna. She was going to be at the girl scout skating event this evening, so she was putting her voluteerism in to help with the ingredients. She shelled all the garlic, while Dave chopped the vegetables. He showed her along the way what he was doing and why. He showed her how to make the veggies even sized so they would cook evenly. He explained to her what the aromatics were, and how they should be cooked first. He even told her what “sweating the onions” meant. While he was cooking the sauce, he had to lift her to see the pot on the back burner. She helped layer the pasta and sauce, and the sprinkled the cheese and scooped ricotta. They made two pans of lasagna before it was time for Dave to take Brandon to his game at 10 am. Peyton and I walked at around 940 am. The game was great, with Brandon having an awesome first quarter. He scored 6 points, and he was taking the ball up the court. He had at least one assist to O and they high fived each other after the play. He was a bit sad after last week when all the girls were scoring. He found his mojo now. After the game (a win!), we headed over to first take the boys’ pictures and then the girls’ team. G came with her parents and H. But she had the dog outside, so she couldn’t come in. Brandon didn’t want to go out there at first, then he took the outdoor ball and headed outside. The two of them stayed with the dog, while the girls took their picture. As we were leaving, Dave and Brandon were going to go to baseball evals. Dave is coaching Brandon’s team and needed to look at the prospects he didn’t already know. Fortunately, since Dave is already coaching, Brandon was exempt from the evaluations. Since they were going in an opposite direction, I told Peyton we’d walk home with G, H and their parents. F was at home. The girls got excited and said, “You’re coming to our house?!” I told them that we’d walk in the same direction. But then their mom asked if we wanted to come over and look at their construction so far. Their house is on the way home for us, sort of, so we headed that way. I got to take a tour of the before and half-way. Ryan headed to get sandwiches for their lunch, and I dragged Peyton out of the house eventually, telling her she could come back later some time. And that we’d see H at the game. We headed home, and as we were two blocks away, the rain started coming. I told her to run, and to see if we could outrun the rain! We got a little wet, but we made it. We set out for groceries for her cake, but Dave called for a sweatshirt. I told him I’d bring him one later. We quickly got our groceries, then headed home to put them down. I got Dave his sweatshirt, fed Peyton a quick pasta lunch from leftover lasagna sauce, and grabbed something for Brandon. I brought it all to the field, and they were just wrapping up. I grabbed Brandon, fed him lunch, gassed up the car, and headed to the basketball gym across town. My parents were coming to watch Peyton’s game for the first time. The game got a bit heated with a competitive opposing coach. But, he was in for it, with our own competitive coaches. Oftentimes, both of our own coaches have the same exasperated looks. And both are stubborn! Luckily, they don’t keep score at this level. Peyton didn’t score, but she played some aggressive D. My old neighbor said she and her husband had a talk with their kid about being more aggressive. I told her that we have Brandon to thank for that. She’s able to just grab onto he also ad yank it away!! She stopped being a ball hog since she was showing signs of it on Wednesday at practice. Dave reminded her about it and she spread the ball around.
We went to eat lunch since Dave hadn’t eaten anything all day long, only his homemade coffee. Then, we headed home, and we had our skating gear, while Dave and Brandon went to the house to feed the families at the house.
Their menu:
(When Dave told G’s dad about it, he said they wanted in the “next” time we did it! I guess we’ll do it again, especially since Peyton wasn’t involved this time). We arrived early, and waited our turn to get in. It was sprinkling a little bit. Peyton had a great time with her friends. She’s getting really quick and still fearless on skates. I tried to get her to skate backwards, and then I tried as well. She enjoyed skating INTO me…and I had to warn her that I needed to be able to drive us home, so I can’t get hurt! We stayed the full two hours, enjoyed some hot cocoa, and we saw some other friends from other troops. P saw one 5th grader, with whom she plays four square, and they were talking for a bit. She skated with her for a few laps. I ran into a mom that I didn’t know was going to be there. I knew it was an outside chance, since her husband had invited Dave and Brandon over since she and their daughter were “out”. Dave was going to go over to their house to talk baseball and drafting after serving food. Peyton and I got home after 8 pm, and she went to take a shower while I started on her cupcakes. I have candy rocks that she is going to decorate cupcakes with tomorrow. But, I wanted to get a head start on the decorating. Dave and Brandon came home close to 10 pm. He informed me that dinner went well, except he dropped a whole tray of pasta that Michelle had brought! And he wonders why Brandon is the way he is! Butterfingers! Klutz! He said he couldnt believe he’d done it. Like when he spilled his wine all over Ted when they’d come over for dinner once. Brandon had a good time hanging out with C at their house. Here are the pictures of our very long day…
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The Kaos and tsao boys went to dinner after their dinner. Here’s what I got:
Apparently there was also a lot of fried chicken as well