We carved pumpkins this afternoon leading up to our trick or treating. Brandon did his own whole Peyton started hers. Brandon was excited this was the first time he got to do it. Of course, he broke his mini saw. It had had several uses so it was okay. We waited until we got our first door-bell ringers. And when we opened the door, it was the Cheng’s! We said our quick hellos, then headed out ourselves. We walked around our area, but Peyton wanted to hit up the decorated corner house. It was a bit of a walk, but the kids were up for it. We had to walk through some areas without much decoration, but we reached our destination. There was a bit of a line, but the kids waited their turn. They did great with their “Trick or treat” and “Thank you’s” without prompting. Neither was afraid or unwilling to go up to the doors. We made our way around to G’s house, and we said hi to her mom, before heading home. I took Dave through the “secret” passageway from the main street to ours; we’d gone that way the last time H and Peyton walked their dog back to our house. Dave didn’t know where we were, but we snaked our way through. We ran into a lot of school families, mostly kids that the kids recognized first. Then, on our way home, we heard, “Hi, Brandon, Hi Peyton,” and Peyton said, “Oh, it’s the girls!” We said hi to G, H and F, as well as their dad and S. They had a few other kids with them, and they were headed home. G already told us, “You went by our house, right?” Her mom must have already texted them. We got home and the kids looked through their stash, each picking 5 things. Peyton already wanted to bag everything else up for my dad. He takes candy into the office. They were then sent to shower and brush their teeth. We stayed out a bit longer than usual, until 815 pm, and we came home to survey what was left in our basket. Someone had gone through the liner of the basket, which I thought might happen, but the candy remained. So strange!
We did run into the cheng’s again on our way home. A was scared by Jason the masked man. We happened upon him right after so he was kind. But Peyton still said, “okay that was scary. I shivered!” Brandon said he did, too. But both thanked him. He was lurking in the bushes, and that’s how we noticed him.
Here are the pictures we took, from before we left, and from my phone:
(Late post – from Tuesday…it was stuck as a draft in my phone…)
Today, I heard back from one of the Certificate of Merit teachers that I’d contacted to follow up on Peyton. She wanted to meet tomorrow during my work, so I shot back that I wasn’t free, but gave other options. She chose today at 4:30 pm. Doable, but would be busy. I picked Peyton up from CDC, waited 30 minutes in the car while she read for Brandon, then went home after band. It was 4 pm by then. Hung out for 15 minutes, then headed out to the teacher’s house. We are one mile out, so not too bad. We arrived at the house, rang on the doorbell, and she came out to meet us. She brought us to her second piano area for the younger kids. Brandon was to read his book for school, while the teacher sat and talked to us. I’d brought the books that Peyton had been working on to show her, and then she had Peyton do a few things on the piano with her. Scales, chords, and checked her hand position. She got the books out, and Peyton was pretty quiet as usual. She did answer, but every time she did, she’d look over at me. I encouraged her to respond, but when she was asked questions, she did her best to answer. They played a clapping game, whereby the teacher did a few rhythms clapping, and Peyton was to follow. She got them all except the last, which was more syncopation, and tricky! She was telling me along the way what she was looking for – coordination, sense of rhythm and timing with the notes, ear training (she figured out the F major scale, after trying it with B natural and hearing it “wrong”, and adding back with B flat), sight reading, and finger dexterity. I was not familiar with the CM system, but the teacher mentioned mostly when kids start at older ages, they tend to be about 2 CM levels below their grade level. So for a third grader, they would be at CM level 1. But she has some kids who start young and either are in the preparatory level or CM 1. At the end of the evaluation, from what she could see, she said Peyton was upper level 1. I still don’t know what that means, but Peyton played her songs well. She gained her trust by showing her the highlights of what she did right. Peyton had her game face on, and was all business. I was telling the teacher how she gets frustrated when learning songs, but that she really wants to do well with it. She understood, and had a warm, gentle nature. But she wasn’t afraid to tell it like it is with Brandon. At the end, we were talking, while the kids were playing piano and drums, accompanying each other. Then, Brandon wanted piano time, and said he was going to go to the other one, “I’m just going to go play on the other one.” Her response, “Oh you will not.” Haha..well said. And that if the child is sick, then keep them at home, since she is a performing vocalist as well as pianist. Basically, she can’t afford to get sick from sickly kids. We talked about our schedules, and she will get back to me to start next week. She said she was looking forward to teaching Peyton. I asked Peyton how she liked her, and she said she liked her better than our teacher now! They have recital/piano parties once a month, where all the CM students get together. She has all age ranges, from little guys to high schoolers. We met one coming in for her lesson. She was from the private school in MTN, and I asked her what grade she was in. She said, “Junior”. The kids were very quiet, just checking things out. When we left, Brandon asked me, “What grade is “junior”? We had 10 minutes, not enough time to sit in front of our current piano teacher’s house, so we went home to see if Dave was there. No dice. I did drive over to Ms M’s house to deliver Brandon for his lesson. I had Peyton’s costume and dessert for GS all ready to go. We were emailed late yesterday that the meeting would be a party and that all of them were required to dress up. We dropped Brandon off, and I had her dress in the car. We headed over, and Peyton played with Sophia and Miranda while I helped the moms get ready. When her classmate Nina got there, she took off with her. Nina is a bit how Peyton was last year, clinging to her mom, but Peyton makes her feel at ease. Nina is a hugger and likes to hug Peyton. Peyton usually just stands there, but eventually, she’ll come around. She took her to the backyard while her mom was free to go back to the car. There was other food there, and the kids ate a bit, then games were started. There was a skeleton relay, with each team trying to put the skeleton’s bones together. She was on the losing team, so they got one candy choice, while the winners got two. Suddenly, my sore loser said, “Candy’s not good for you anyway. It’s not good for you!” Nice. Then, there was bobbing for apples. I was grossed out, as was another mom. Fortunately for her, her daughter was first. I was proud of Peyton to have been third. She was able to get the apple pretty quickly, grabbing it by the stem, which was allowed. But when I showed Dave, he cried foul. If you always tend to snap at your office mates, or you bark at the kids, when you are unable to focus, when you drive a bit too fast or if you cannot keep your focus, a vacation should be on top of your mind and nobody else. purchasing this levitra prescription In addition, men experience extreme fatigue due to viagra online from canada excessive hand practice. In just a few minutes, sildenafil citrate get its work levitra uk dentech.co done by availing plentiful blood to the require area. buy cialis This means that on the sixth cycle, couples can expect to enjoy better size and erection while being intimate.
She came back to me victorious, but then started to tear up about her tooth. It’s wiggly and started hurting when she bobbed, but she wanted that apple. I calmed her down, and put my healing “finger” on her tooth, and she was good again. For successfully getting the apple, she got to keep the apple and got one more piece of candy. That’s two. She brought back a blow pop and I told her it was gum. She said, “Oh really?” then went back to choose something else. I think she chose it because it was one of the bigger pieces. So, she now had two pieces of chocolate. She wanted to eat one, then thought she wanted to see what else there was first. The final game was a cake walk. She hung in there, but was out maybe 5th or 6th. The “prize” for getting out was a cupcake. Soon the girls were wanting to get out just for the opportunity to get the cupcake. Peyton happily got her cupcake, but immediately gave me the cupcake and asked for one of the pieces of candy. I think she’s figured it out, unlike her brother. She chose the kit kat, while I took the frosting off her cupcake and ate it. I saved her a bite, since she’d made a better choice. We took a picture, then the kids went back to clean up. Everyone was to just grab something and throw it away. She did as requested, and then some. We then said our thank you and goodbyes. She said bye to the troop mom, who gave Peyton a high five. Peyton told me she didn’t really eat dinner. I told her she had, not half-joking. She said, “But I didn’t have any vegetables. I want to go home and eat some vegetables, since I didn’t get any.” Sound reasoning. And I couldn’t argue with that. I came home and made up a salad for us to split. Peyton went up and showered, as Brandon was getting out. It was a later night for sure, but well worth it for her to get in some girl time!
One of the papers Peyton brought home was word work. She had to write word pyramids, which helps with spelling by layering one letter at a time. She had some tougher words, and I asked her if everyone was learning the same words. Adverse side effects includes loss of vision or hearing, you must stop taking the medicine http://www.4frontimports.com/wines/a-d-wines cialis professional cheap when you notice unusual change in the health Erectile dysfunction affects millions of men all over the world. We hear it also typically, “My husband was diagnosed with tension issues and ED or Erectile Dysfunction something which was new to me at probe cialis that time. Vegetarian men always have a very fit and fine physique that keeps him pills viagra canada in shape. Although viagra low cost originates from trustworthy source, still you need to overcome them for a riveting sex life and increase your sex drive naturally. She said, “No.” I have the word list, which we’ve been over already, and I didn’t recognize some of the words, as they just stand out as “strange” – transportation, trampoline, spelling and sponge. Maybe spelling “spelling” is weird, since it’s on the top of the paper.
She told me, “Transportation was kind of hard. I had to write it like 3 times since I had to write it really small to fit.”
Peyton brought home her work for the week. Among the sheets of paper was this:
They don’t work on quotations until fourth grade apparently as Brandon is doing it now.
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One day on the farm, lived a cow, a dog, a pig and a horse and farmer. One day the pig was lonely in its own. So he asked the cow first. “Do you want to play with me?” “Moo,” said the cow. So he went to the horse. “Do you want to play with me?” said the pig. “Neigh,” went the horse. So he went to the dog. “Do you want to play with me?” The dog said, “Yes, I do!”
I love that Moo looks like cow for No and Neigh = nay! She didn’t get it. Or did she 😉?
Today was the parade and fall festival. I was supposed to get coffee travelers at the coffee place on the corner. Dave ended up leaving to get it for me, so that I could deal with the kids while he headed to school. He took all the signs that he was in charge of putting up, while I got the kids dressed, fed and ready to go. My one request was to take pictures, but I left early to get that done. Brandon had trouble with this request and subsequently became rude. We got some quick pictures, and then they were off. I waited around for the parade to start, and I got what I could. I only had my phone as I was planning to stay all day long and had only minimal equipment with me. Dave was somewhere on campus, but I didn’t know where he was exactly. He was setting up somewhere, but I texted him for help taking a class picture of Brandon’s class as I was standing behind Peyton’s. As they were standing around waiting to go back to class, Peyton reached over and touched Daniel’s costume, but it happened to be in his “front”. I looked at Peyton and told her that it was inappropriate to touch Daniel’s costume. Then, waterworks (#1) started. She just teared up, and she was very emotional and wouldn’t talk to me. Peyton’s teacher walked us all back to the class and asked if I could take a picture for her. I was sure that there would also be 20 other parents for our class, but I told her I would. Peyton’s sourface lasted throughout pictures, and she was playing hide and seek with the camera. I left her to go back and set up the blacktop area for the fall festival. I found Dave again, and we helped out through recess. Peyton came by to wave hi at recess, and right behind me, she was eating someone’s fruit loops. Later, I realized it was a fourth grader. G’s friend S, who thinks Peyton’s “cute”. She was hanging out sharing like the other big girls around there, but I told her it wasn’t okay to eat other people’s food. Waterworks #2 commenced. She walked away, and knew she was in trouble. We saw the classes come through for lunch, with the older kids through younger. Dave went to go get lunch for us at the grocery store. I asked for a salad, while he got Chinese food. He ended up walking there. After he’d gotten back, my mom / noon aide friend tapped me on the shoulder. She told me that Peyton was having some problems at lunch. A classmate accused her of eating her food. She didn’t know the full story, but she was crying, and Irene wanted me to help out. Ugh. Really?!? I went inside, and Peyton had fully recovered. She saw me coming and once again TEARS! She wasn’t even sitting next to the accuser! She was sitting next to Z and S. She started crying, and I asked her to open up her lunch to show me what she had eaten. She refused. I opened it for her, and found her entree untouched. The rest of her fruit and veggie were gone. She’s eaten other people’s food before because she said she was hungry. I told her she needed to eat two bites (big ones) of her food before I would leave. She continued to cry and sob. Like ugly crying. S was rubbing her back, telling her to eat her food like “your mom is telling you”, and telling her, “You shouldn’t eat other people’s food, you should wait for the (whole discarded food from what other kids don’t eat at hot lunch, like their milk, fruit, etc) basket to come around and eat that. Please, Peyton, just eat like your mom says!” I told her I’d go away if she ate her food. Reluctantly, she did, and it was over. I left but not before thanking S for being such a great friend to Peyton. I’m sure the accused’s mom is going to let me know ALL about it from her daughter. I’m more mad at Peyton about THAT, since it was one of the mom’s that’s all in her business. I went back about my business, and it was almost time for dismissal, since the youngest kids go back to class on short days after lunch and get dismissed within 10 minutes. I told Dave he was then in charge of kids since I was checking volunteers in at the booth all afternoon long. Brandon was able to come out early, since the kids were signed out early. I was quite busy, and I explained to Brandon his rudeness lost him tickets today. He also periodically came back to check in with me. We had 30 middle schoolers come up to me and check in. I assigned them all roles and filled up spots. Later, Dave ended up giving them to him since we had extra and we needed to dump them. Peyton played a few games, and ended up racking up a lot of stickers to earn 3 prizes. She got 3 out of 5 hoops around the witch’s hat. Brandon won one of the rounds of pumpkin walks. He said he never won before, and he brought back a medium sized pumpkin to show for it.
I did take a break to watch the magic show at 3 pm. Brandon had asked for a watch so he could keep track of time, but I told him Daddy would help find him to line him up. It was the same magician that had worked Dave’s holiday party two years ago, with his balloon-making wife. Dave had already walked up to him to talk to him, and he came back to show the kids a trick while we waited in line. I almost fell asleep watching the show it was so comfy to be inside and a bit darker. I was exhausted. After the 30 minute show, I went back to my booth. We then had high school kids come up asking for assignments. We needed them all to stay and clean up. At 4 pm, the event was over, and we all started to clean up. The kids’ behavior was 180 turned around. Both were helping in their own way, folding up chairs, picking up trash, and asking what they could do. They were working for a chance at a pumpkin. They were told helpers get to pick one. Brandon was helping me break down 6 foot tables, folding up chairs, and dumping out water from coolers. I had lots of kids coming up to get assignments, and it was tricky to find something they could do safely. We managed, and clean up for us lasted about 45 minutes before we were mostly done. I checked out with my lead, and then we headed to a well-earned dinner. I managed to stay away from the nachos! I did get a slice of pumpkin bread from one of their tickets, but otherwise behaved myself. We got the kids home by 6 pm, and Dave wanted to send them to bed! I took advantage and had both kids practice piano. Brandon practiced his solo, and Peyton read. They were still in bed by 730 pm. We need to work our way back to day light savings time on Sunday, so it’s not a big deal for them to go bed early.
First graders;
Fourth graders…hard to see because of the sun…
Here are the other pictures I took:
Mrs M was a pair of scissors to go along with the kinder school supplies – box of crayons, pencil, glue, and note paper (Brandon’s teacher with “put your name on your paper”). The first grade teachers were commenting how creative they were. First grade teachers were a Disney theme.
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Our volunteer selfie. We’re rarely at school together!!
Here’s what Dave got from B’s class….he’s standing next to HIS teacher, too, and G. Harry Potter characters for the fourth grade teachers.
I was talking about FL and her fave football team with G in the car, and she mentioned she was there last for the DCL. She told Peyton, “Do you know you can just go get soft serve ice cream whenever you want? Like you can go swimming and tell your dad, ‘I’m going to go get ice cream,’ and he’ll be like, ‘Yeah, ok!'” Apparently G doesn’t know Peyton’s dad 😉 As if she didn’t want to go to the DCL already…!!!
Then, I was telling B that I’d forgotten to ask G about her halloween plans. We were thinking of seeing if they were free, so P and B would have friends. It is important for acknowledging any fear that one might have about your sexuality since my link viagra generika 100mg the emotion can contribute to erectile dysfunction condition. purchase cialis This time would surely be the quality time and will bind you with more love. Excess of dosage may cause pripiasm or other health professional will only prevent you from treating cheapest professional viagra your erectile dysfunction. Even men during their 20s and 30s can also go for visit that now super active tadalafil, cialis and kamagra, which are also claimed to be effective at eliminating these disorders, but not only that – also new muscle growth. B wants to hang out with his guy twin friends, but then Peyton won’t have friends. Brandon told me, “What? You didn’t ask her! Well, you can always text her mom.”
Peyton told me she was playing four square at recess daily. All the first through fifth graders play together at recess. She said they were all taught the same rules. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any friends in line. I asked her if the big kids try to get her out because she’s little and an easy target. She said sometimes they try to pick on her. But she said they don’t always get her out. And two times, she was king/queen of the hill.
Brandon has the option of trying out for a solo for band. I asked him to. He told me he signed up but had to pick a song not on their book. We had to look online. I found “America”, and he started practicing right away. It was a bit squeaky and Peyton told him, “Keep practicing and you’ll get better!” So encouraging. That is the reason it is called raindogscine.com acquisition de viagra. http://raindogscine.com/premios-para-roslik-y-el-pueblo-de-las-caras-sospechosamente-rusas-en-el-festival-atlantidoc/ brand cialis online Millions of males around the world have got great relief from this treatment. It is very important that the physician warns the patient that sexual intercourse is a vigorous physical viagra ordering activity, which increases heart rate as well as cardiac work. A diet high in fiber and containing soy is believed to be because hair loss in women is due to the enzyme aromatase — over cheap cialis tadalafil which finasteride has no effect — versus DHT, the cause of male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia).
Finally I told the kids I was still some and healing slowly. Brandon asked, “When are you going to be done already? So we can hug you normally again?” My sweet boy. I’m hoping to heal soon so i can give them good, big hugs, too.
Today, I received a text from G’s mom asking me to take her home tomorrow. I told her we had piano, and that Brandon had band, but that I could drop her off or take her with me to piano if she didn’t feel comfy staying home alone. Her mom said she’d be home by 3, so she wouldn’t be home long by herself (I haven’t left Brandon more than 10 minutes). She said whatever was easier, but G’s house is on the way to piano. Then, I asked her about last week, when Brandon told me G may have come home with us. Her mom confirmed that we had been part of the maybe plan, but they figured it out and everything worked itself out that they didn’t need us. So I put it in my work calendar, in my phone, and told some friends to make sure I repeated it enough to take her home. I don’t want to drop the ball! As I picked Brandon up, I told the kids. Brandon immediately said, “I know! She told me.” Wow, word travels fast! Peyton was missing her sweatshirt, so we went on a bit of a goose chase looking for it. It wasn’t in her class (her teacher was still there); it did give me the chance to ask about PTC scheduling. She was going to send the email tonight. Then, we looked in the lost and found, and it wasn’t there. We stopped by CDC one last time to no avail. Brandon stayed behind at the car, and as he did, one of the male teachers stopped to chat with him. He was parked next to us, and I didn’t hear what they were talking about. I said goodbye to him as he backed out.
As we were driving home, I asked her where the last place she remembered it being. She said her classmate and friend had the same one (does everyone shop at Target? That’s where my mom got it.) so I emailed Z’s mom to ask her if she may have taken two home by chance. Z’s mom responded in that time and told me that Z remembered Peyton had it at her desk. As I pulled into the driveway, Peyton told me she had it last playing four square, and that it could be on the black top. So we turned right around. We parked next to another male teacher’s car. He was coming out to his car while we were entering. Brandon told me that’s Mr. P, and he gave him a yellow slip last year with a few other of his friends. Oops. Peyton and Brandon ran ahead to get to the black top. I could hear something, and then as I came upon them, they were picking up a white sweatshirt. It was Peyton’s! They ran back, and we jumped back into the car. Finally, we made our way. I asked Brandon what he said to the first teacher who was talking to him. He said, “Mr. H asked me how my day was. I told him, ‘It went well,’ then I asked him how his day was.” I was impressed he continued! Brandon was wearing his Warriors champions shirt today, and Mr. H asked him, “Do you know that the Warriors played last night?” Brandon told him, “Yes,” but when asked, didn’t know if they won. Mr. H told him that they had won. Brandon then told me, “Mr. You have to be taken care of the medicine that is of high canadian pharmacies viagra cost and it was the monopoly of business. These conditions often prevail due to lack of enough secretion of certain enzymes and hormones.The Sildamax viagra generika works to make biochemistry of body perfect. This levitra price pamelaannschoolofdance.com problem is usually found in older men increased risks of a heat attack and in younger men, who really don’t need it for physical reasons and take it for recreational purposes, may end up in divorce or breakup, this condition should be tackled at the initial stage with the help of effective exercises, diets and therapies. It helps build the measure of characteristic discount cialis no prescription testosterone created by the body. H gave me and my friends a yellow slip in second grade, since we went out of bounds.” I did remember that, too, but so far, we saw two teachers, and two yellow slips. Oops. The kids each read to me, and then showered as we waited for Dave to return. He got home later, and then we headed to the community night. There were tons of people at both the taco and pizza places. We split up, and I got myself a salad at the taco place, while they got pizza and salads. The kids did a great job sitting and eating in peace. Initially, Dave sent them outside, which is where I’d found them, eating together quietly while he was inside. Dave and I found ourselves a booth that we had to clean up because the family before us just got up and left. I didn’t see who they were, but it was quite messy. Dave cleaned it up before the employee could help us. She was cleaning up another spill from a kid. I went back outside to get the kids. The principal was eating next door (Brandon saw her within a second when he came to pick up my PMH reward card to give to Dave), and she came over to say hi to all the CC patrons. She was like a celebrity! And she knew many of the kids’ names. Peyton proudly told us, “She knows my name!” Dave asked her why. She said, “Because I went to the office TWO times!” I told her, “That was sooo last year, right?” She was just as proud to say, “Yes.” Maybe that was her way of meeting the principal and getting on a first name basis with her. She came by our table just as I was eating a hot pepper in my salad. It was a surprise to me, and I started tearing up. I was sitting with my back to her, so I turned briefly, but sure enough, she said, “Hi, Peyton!” Brandon quickly waved. I asked him if she knew his name, and he told us, “Yes, she knows C and W (the twins), too!” No doubt. After she passed, Peyton smiled again and said, “See, she knows me!” She couldn’t be more proud. I couldn’t be more embarrassed.
Peyton and I had froyo, which was also donating, and then we headed home. The kids were brushed and down before 8 pm, but still a later night. They’ve been waking up much later these darker days. It was 7 am on Monday and Tuesday. Today was 650 am. Pretty soon it’ll be daylight savings. We’ll see how they do.
I told Brandon to clean out his side of the backside in the car so that G didn’t have to see what a messy car he had. He dutifully listened, and threw a bunch of paper and things away on his side. The trash cans were still out so it helped. Luckily, Peyton doesn’t have as much junk on her side. He was pretty keen on doing his best to present a nice car and seat for her. He did ask me if he’s going home, too, but I reminded him he had band. Sorry, Charlie!
Today, I read a post by a friend on FB. Her 12 year old daughter had been groped by another kid, and she was afraid to tell her fearing she’d be in trouble. Needless to say, my friend was outraged. She’d met with the principal, and in her rage, mentioned in the post/rant that she was going to call the police on the offending boy. It happened in two “spots” on her daughter. What was probably perceived as a joke by the kid could now be potentially devastating. So, I took the opportunity to remind both kids that they should keep their hands together. Peyton asked, “What if I touch their hand, and they said it was okay?” I used this as a corollary, but told them that what if the kid said okay to touch his/her hand, then later said, “NO, I never said you could touch my hand.” And I told them, “It’s their word against yours.” And if someone else sees you touch them, even if he/she said it was okay, then you can be in trouble. I expanded it from hands to other places, including and especially the privates. Peyton got in trouble for smacking her friend on his behind. I told her that’s why it was so serious, because that’s his privates. Storage Keep at room temperature in a dry tight container out of reach of children and pets. wholesale viagra from canada Doctor may, because you are suffering from certain issues such as psychological issues, traumatic pressures involving depression, stress, mental illness, etc. order generic viagra click here to find out more If one really wishes to get rid of erectile dysfunction then you can order some cost effective levitra uk unica-web.com drugs and enjoy your sex life like never before. Feeling discouraged in life and have lost the enthusiasm to have a large, unica-web.com viagra prices tough and very long time erected work out . I wanted to make sure it was known it wasn’t okay both ways. I expanded it to adults, boys on boys and girls on girls, in addition to opposite genders. So, Brandon summarized. “I will not do that, and I also will not smoke. But can I drink wine when I’m 21?” I told him, “Yes, but in minimal amounts. Not too much.” He said, “Like a glass, but not as much as daddy drinks.” I told him yes. Then he asked, “Beer?” I told him, “Yes, the same amount as wine. But there’s also hard liquor. You can’t drink as much as beer or wine, since it’s stronger.” He responded, “Like tequila?” I responded, “Ya, how do you know about tequila?” He told me from his friend, who told him it’s bad for you. Hmm….hopefully he doesn’t figure it out before he’s 21.
I came upstairs to do something, got stuck on an email to the teacher. I asked the kids what it was I was supposed to do. “Shower?” (No it’s five and we’re going to community restaurant night), “Text the mom?” (I was talking about Friday’s fall festival). Its job is to sell you drugs to fix whatever might ail you. cialis prescription So, if you have cialis generic 10mg been facing any type of stress in their life. For centuries, herbs have been used for cialis generic viagra the treatment of many chronic digestive and pancreatic disorders. Moreover, in the process of blood purification, order levitra online published here Burdock boosts the immunity also. Brandon said, “Control z in your head!” I wish I could!!
Btw, I did remember what I was doing by the end of the post. Taking a picture of an ointment we have.