Another Passenger; Teachers

Today, I received a text from G’s mom asking me to take her home tomorrow. I told her we had piano, and that Brandon had band, but that I could drop her off or take her with me to piano if she didn’t feel comfy staying home alone. Her mom said she’d be home by 3, so she wouldn’t be home long by herself (I haven’t left Brandon more than 10 minutes). She said whatever was easier, but G’s house is on the way to piano. Then, I asked her about last week, when Brandon told me G may have come home with us. Her mom confirmed that we had been part of the maybe plan, but they figured it out and everything worked itself out that they didn’t need us. So I put it in my work calendar, in my phone, and told some friends to make sure I repeated it enough to take her home. I don’t want to drop the ball! As I picked Brandon up, I told the kids. Brandon immediately said, “I know! She told me.” Wow, word travels fast! Peyton was missing her sweatshirt, so we went on a bit of a goose chase looking for it. It wasn’t in her class (her teacher was still there); it did give me the chance to ask about PTC scheduling. She was going to send the email tonight. Then, we looked in the lost and found, and it wasn’t there. We stopped by CDC one last time to no avail. Brandon stayed behind at the car, and as he did, one of the male teachers stopped to chat with him. He was parked next to us, and I didn’t hear what they were talking about. I said goodbye to him as he backed out.
As we were driving home, I asked her where the last place she remembered it being. She said her classmate and friend had the same one (does everyone shop at Target? That’s where my mom got it.) so I emailed Z’s mom to ask her if she may have taken two home by chance. Z’s mom responded in that time and told me that Z remembered Peyton had it at her desk. As I pulled into the driveway, Peyton told me she had it last playing four square, and that it could be on the black top. So we turned right around. We parked next to another male teacher’s car. He was coming out to his car while we were entering. Brandon told me that’s Mr. P, and he gave him a yellow slip last year with a few other of his friends. Oops. Peyton and Brandon ran ahead to get to the black top. I could hear something, and then as I came upon them, they were picking up a white sweatshirt. It was Peyton’s! They ran back, and we jumped back into the car. Finally, we made our way. I asked Brandon what he said to the first teacher who was talking to him. He said, “Mr. H asked me how my day was. I told him, ‘It went well,’ then I asked him how his day was.” I was impressed he continued! Brandon was wearing his Warriors champions shirt today, and Mr. H asked him, “Do you know that the Warriors played last night?” Brandon told him, “Yes,” but when asked, didn’t know if they won. Mr. H told him that they had won. Brandon then told me, “Mr. You have to be taken care of the medicine that is of high canadian pharmacies viagra cost and it was the monopoly of business. These conditions often prevail due to lack of enough secretion of certain enzymes and hormones.The Sildamax viagra generika works to make biochemistry of body perfect. This levitra price problem is usually found in older men increased risks of a heat attack and in younger men, who really don’t need it for physical reasons and take it for recreational purposes, may end up in divorce or breakup, this condition should be tackled at the initial stage with the help of effective exercises, diets and therapies. It helps build the measure of characteristic discount cialis no prescription testosterone created by the body. H gave me and my friends a yellow slip in second grade, since we went out of bounds.” I did remember that, too, but so far, we saw two teachers, and two yellow slips. Oops. The kids each read to me, and then showered as we waited for Dave to return. He got home later, and then we headed to the community night. There were tons of people at both the taco and pizza places. We split up, and I got myself a salad at the taco place, while they got pizza and salads. The kids did a great job sitting and eating in peace. Initially, Dave sent them outside, which is where I’d found them, eating together quietly while he was inside. Dave and I found ourselves a booth that we had to clean up because the family before us just got up and left. I didn’t see who they were, but it was quite messy. Dave cleaned it up before the employee could help us. She was cleaning up another spill from a kid. I went back outside to get the kids. The principal was eating next door (Brandon saw her within a second when he came to pick up my PMH reward card to give to Dave), and she came over to say hi to all the CC patrons. She was like a celebrity! And she knew many of the kids’ names. Peyton proudly told us, “She knows my name!” Dave asked her why. She said, “Because I went to the office TWO times!” I told her, “That was sooo last year, right?” She was just as proud to say, “Yes.” Maybe that was her way of meeting the principal and getting on a first name basis with her. She came by our table just as I was eating a hot pepper in my salad. It was a surprise to me, and I started tearing up. I was sitting with my back to her, so I turned briefly, but sure enough, she said, “Hi, Peyton!” Brandon quickly waved. I asked him if she knew his name, and he told us, “Yes, she knows C and W (the twins), too!” No doubt. After she passed, Peyton smiled again and said, “See, she knows me!” She couldn’t be more proud. I couldn’t be more embarrassed.
Peyton and I had froyo, which was also donating, and then we headed home. The kids were brushed and down before 8 pm, but still a later night. They’ve been waking up much later these darker days. It was 7 am on Monday and Tuesday. Today was 650 am. Pretty soon it’ll be daylight savings. We’ll see how they do.
I told Brandon to clean out his side of the backside in the car so that G didn’t have to see what a messy car he had. He dutifully listened, and threw a bunch of paper and things away on his side. The trash cans were still out so it helped. Luckily, Peyton doesn’t have as much junk on her side. He was pretty keen on doing his best to present a nice car and seat for her. He did ask me if he’s going home, too, but I reminded him he had band. Sorry, Charlie!

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