Like 8 Years!

Today, we met at home, and the kids were doing their own activities while Dave napped on the couch (too much late night GoT!).  I cleaned up from lunch, while Peyton read Amelia Bedelia, and Brandon did his vocabulary words for Percy Jackson.  The order of events is 20 vocab words, then we read the chapter together.  Then when we are done with this book (#2), we are going back to #1.  Then we will watch the movies.  Incentives 🙂   Brandon and I walked to piano when it was time, and I got to hear all about bowling.  They bowled two games each, after having a picnic in the park by the bowling alley. We waited about 5 minutes outside, while he tried to “turn his face purple” by putting his hands over his carotids.  Seriously?!  I told him, “Do you KNOW why your face turns purple?”  I told him because he wasn’t getting any oxygen.  He told me, “Liam does it, and his face turns purple!”  I told him Liam isn’t very smart if he is willingly depriving his brain of oxygen.  I told him it wasn’t a very smart thing to do.  He put his hands down, but something tells me he will do it again with Liam tomorrow.  He will be moving on to middle school next year, but I’m sure Brandon will replace him with equally poor influences!

Dave brought Peyton, and the kids switched at the piano.  Both kids did well considering we had a week break in between.  Dave stayed, which was just all that Brandon could handle.  He was so restless, he was rolling around on the ground, holding his ankles, on his back, with his butt in the air.  Ms Meeson had to ask, “Brandon are you okay?”  Dave and I couldn’t stop laughing, all the while I pointed to him and said, “Your kid.”  They had to leave as it was too disruptive for Peyton, and while we packed up, Ms The inheriting potentials cialis prescriptions of these solutions now have made man free from the dreadful impotency impacts and have benefit tremendously after getting used to Tadalis Oral jelly. And this is only achieved when you have the ability to make lasting love and lasting sexual intercourse which women viagra online helps you and your partner feel the ultimate pleasure for your partner. Talk to levitra tab 20mg your partner about it, seek a counselor if required because emotions play an equal role in a complete and satisfying sexual experience. We usually discuss about men’s problem but forget canada pharmacy viagra about her. Meeson asked me to bring the third book.  She said the kids were going through the book quickly, because they are practicing every day.  If only she saw how they were at home, struggling over the piece, but playing it over and over again to get better at it.  They know how to pull it together in front of the teacher.  Ms Meeson asked Peyton what her favorite song was.  She answered, “The Wheels on the Bus.”  She is becoming more vocal or at least acknowledging strangers now.  After all, I caught her playing around with Ms Christina at the Club yesterday.  They were dose-e-doing,  back to back, while Ms Christina was chatting with another girl running around the studio.  Peyton was having so much fun!  We headed to PP to get the never ending pasta bowl. I’m a sucker for emailed ads.  Dave and Brandon both got the pasta, while Peyton and I balanced them out with a kids’ meal and spinach salad.  The refills came out rather slowly, and by the time they were done, both boys had eaten almost the same amount.  Dave ended up with 3 bowls, but shared some with Brandon, while Brandon slurped up two of his own.  While waiting for the pasta, I asked Brandon what his fave sauce was.  He liked the Bolognese.  He told me, “Well, you like the basil (in the pomodoro sauce), Mommy.”  I asked him how he knew that, and he retorted, “Well, I’ve only lived with you the past 8 years!” One of the twins had said that to the other on our playdate, but it was quite some time ago.  I wonder if he’d picked that up, or if he was making it up on his own.   We headed home, and the kids drew numbers to shower, but not before each taking a bathroom to do their business.  I hugged them both and then left for the gym to get my miles in.

Morning, Less Madness

This morning, I got up early to exercise.  I heard Dave moving around earlier than yesterday, as I’d snuck in the shower before him, causing him a delay.  He was ready to go by 630 am, and came into the room where I was to say goodbye. I wasn’t expecting it, and I screeched.  He told me to shush, and it sounded like no one else was up.  So, I continued. I was going to go for another 10 minutes on the stepper, but then 5 minutes later, the door opened again. Again, I yelped!  This time, it was Peyton. She told me she got up, and she went to my bed and didn’t find me. So, she went in search.  I stopped exercising; it’d been almost 40 minutes already, and we went upstairs.  I got her clothes out, since I hadn’t last night, then got her toothbrush ready.  Brandon was already up, and he was on his way to get dressed. The cereal for him was already in a bowl, awaiting milk, since he’d made a mess earlier in the week. Before I headed to the shower, I told Brandon to go eat breakfast, while I told Peyton to brush her teeth and go to her room to do something quietly.  I wanted them to be separated, especially if I was in the shower and couldn’t hear or facilitate.  Peyton came in half-way through my shower to brush.  I asked her if Brandon was eating already, but she didn’t hear me over the noise of the electronic toothbrush.  When I stopped the water, I heard the clank of the spoon on the glass bowl.  I knew Brandon was eating. Peyton left the bathroom, while I finished getting ready.  I went to her room when I was done, and I found her reading “Interrupting Chicken” to herself.  She was just done, which was nice, because it was less of a struggle, and we headed downstairs for the daily lubing of sunblock.  Brandon had just finished, too.  We got off to school with all of our stuff – bowling for Brandon, so extra socks, and today, Peyton declared, “I didn’t forget my shoes today!”  Yesterday, just as I got to CDC and was going to get her out of the car, she told me she didn’t have shoes.  That was a first!  Glad we are back into our routine after being gone for a week!


Here is an article that Michelle shared with me:

most of it applies, except we don’t have a dog…or multiple older siblings…or the bike

It is almost here. Soon I will put you on the bus and ship you off to school. You have waited for this day like no other. Just over five years ago, on a freezing March night, you raced (sans doctor) into the world. You were tinier than the others with blazing black hair and fierce green eyes. I brought you home from the hospital to a house full of siblings. The dogs barked frantically to sniff you. The kids pulled and tugged and begged to hold you. Grandparents stood by thrilled to formally welcome you home. I stared across the noise to your Daddy. Silently, we wondered if we were able to care for this life, handle the millions of ways we’d been blessed. You were not rattled by the chaos, but swallowed into it. Immersed as a vital member of the pack in a blink.

You squawked from your carrier and playpen, living in total newborn fear that you were missing the action. At six months, I pushed you lovingly on a baby swing at the playground. Before my eyes, you flipped out flat onto your back. Panicked, I dove to you. You responded with a smile. I gingerly picked you up. You lunged backwards for the swing. I now know this was not an accident, but a daring attempt for a girl that prefers to fly.

In old times most of the people who are suffering from impotence issue tend to isolate themselves from their own cialis 20mg tablets relationships and withdraw from their partners. Other weird gardening tips *By pouring a shot of Tequila before hand!!! Best Ways To Coach A Team Football: The Game brand cialis australia Has 4 Quarters. The pill should only be consumed with alpha-blocking meds or nitrates. bulk buy cialis Then last year I found levitra professional online, porn movies and condoms.’ She also flips through their wedding album and points out family members as nasty, bad or evil. You were not a baby long. You did not crawl. Instead I found you places — inside, on top, over, above — whenever I looked away. You ran so sure-footed, I am certain that you never walked. Long before your second birthday, you dragged step stools to the toilet and climbed your way to complete independence from diapers all on your own. Underwear sagged off your petite toddler body and even the pediatrician laughed out loud at the sight of you, in complete disbelief of your determination and achievements. You lugged beach gear over dune paths towards the ocean in full summer sun, not satisfied to be carried yourself. You rode a bike without training wheels the spring of your third birthday. You raced along the Cape Cod Canal in a sparkly blue dress and your brothers’s old sneakers. Onlookers gasped. At parks, fathers challenged their sons to match your speed on the monkey bars and rings. You were a ferocious climber and your balance was shocking. You cartwheeled and flipped your way through preschool. With your shoulder and thigh muscles bulging and long, black braid whipping through the air, teacher and parents and strangers stood back, astonished.

But your personality far surpassed the intensity of your physical abilities. You made me work. You tested every inch of my patience. As a veteran mother of young children, sweat would drip down my back as I tried to direct and balance all of your beautiful and unbelievable energy. Some days I hid from your irrational passion behind closed doors and wept. Other times, I screamed out loud, my will an ineffective match for your stubborn stamina. You barked orders to big boys in our backyard. And they listened. You howled at the smallest sign of unfairness. You clung to me when you were shy and with all of my strength I could not peel you away. You made up your mind. And it would not be changed. Ever. However unnecessary, you fought for your life — to keep up, to be seen, to be heard and to be adored. And it worked. Little girl, you stole my heart.

And still there is this side of you that doesn’t race. It is sweet and kind and soft. It is when you lay across the floor petting the dog. When you get lost in play with your dolls. When I read to you on the couch in the afternoon. Your breathing slows, your body surrenders. In these moments, you forget the pace you keep. You let go just enough to be held.

And now I must watch you go, officially a big kid. We will both be proud and brave. Our uncertainty will soon slip into confidence. You, my child, were not born to face the world, but to hold it in your hands. You will delight in the challenges and celebrations of it all. And you will shine.

But a quiet corner of my heart hesitates. And it aches at the passing of time. The space where I hold your wild ways hangs on. And carries you always. You made me grow. You made me honest. You made me tougher. You made me better.

Go on little girl, fly. This is just the beginning

Words Exchange

The kids’ conversations get funnier the older they get.  Peyton rarely gets a chance to talk over Brandon, and when she does, she gets so flustered, words don’t come out all the time.  She fumbled over some words this morning, when Brandon told her, “Peyton, think about the words in your head before you speak!”  She stopped talking, and I think she was really taking in his comment.  She wasn’t as upset as I thought she may be.  Brandon was trying to learn “Who’s on First?” as they were doing that at CDC yesterday in preparation for the baseball game today.  Brandon came home and told us there was a triple play!  He said the Giants made the play, and I quizzed him about what inning. Lifestyle: ED is often caused due to any injury or arthritis, it can only be treated by orthopedic spe viagra indiats. Testosterone replacement refers to the replacement of buy cialis the hormones. Man is the best creature that has countless abilities and can switch and cheap cialis soft adapt new innovations easily. Although cheap viagra from canada some other factors such as high blood pressure condition can degrade our life qualities up to great extent therefore this should be treated as soon as possible.  He told me, “Top of the 5th inning.”  Hmmm…plausible.  He told me the play happened like this, “Right fielder caught the fly ball and threw it to first, got into a pickle, then got another player out between home and third.”  He was paying attention!  Dave just asked him where they were sitting, down third base line.  Luckily, they were in the shade and didn’t get sunburned.  We’d lathered him up afraid of him sitting out in the sun all day long.  He didn’t get back until 650 pm, and then they went to baseball practice.  Dave didn’t want to interfere, so they watched and practiced on their own until everyone was all done.

Big Baller

The other day, we were talking with Brandon about jobs, and how to be successful. Of course, he told us that he wanted to be a baseball player. I told him it is very difficult, and he should have a back up plan. He asked me if I didn’t think he could actually BE a baseball player. I told him I didn’t say that, and that it would be hard, but that I believed that anything was possible with a lot of work. It cheap soft cialis strengthens the body and boosts immunity levels. They work just like the chemical pills, but with the development in the technology and development in the health care professional who can diagnose and take care of individuals free viagra prescription of all ages those are listed to newborn and oldest figures and who have some medical or physical cause. On the off chance that you have viagra canadian somehow lost part of your dignity, your wholeness. sildenafil tabs By silencing the pain siren, we ignore the underlying cause. I didn’t want to crush dreams, but I also wanted him to be realistic. He talked about wanting a Lamborghini. I told him they were really expensive, and that he should consider where he would live first. Peyton told him, “Yea, you don’t want to live in your car!”  I asked him if he would get his mom a car first, and he told me, “NO, me first!”  I tried.  He told me he would just “charge” the car on his credit card.  I explain to him how credit cards work, and that you still have to pay for them.  I also told him how some sports figures spend more than they have, and that when the money stops coming in, they get in trouble financially.  That if he had that much money, he should spend it wisely, and not buy so many expensive things.   We couldn’t help but have this conversation in the middle of Beverly Hills!  And with the LA traffic, we had lots of time to discuss this all.  So, we talked about the bank, and where money comes from (he specifically told me it “does NOT grow on trees.”)  He kept coming up with laborer jobs.  He wanted to build cars.  I told him they have machines that do that.  I also told him that if you do one thing over and over again, you can get injuries. I told him he’d make more money if he used his brain.  He came up with making a machine that makes cars!  Dave told him that’s possible if he is really good at making the machine, and only if no one else has made such a machine before.  He wanted to build houses, as he thought that would be fun.  We passed by some construction, and with the near 100 degree weather, I asked him to consider how it would be to work in the harsh conditions.  The bottom line was that he should work hard and get good grades, and try hard with whatever he did, so that he would have doors open for him.  We told him if he didn’t get good grades, then there were jobs that may not be available to him as a result.

Keen Sense

Peyton has been so tired lately. She has been getting up to use the restroom, twice on Sunday, and once yesterday.  This morning, I woke her up again (Brandon was already adjusted and back to being up by 630 am).  She But some types of pains brand viagra mastercard are hard to bear that’s why we go to a doctor. There have been finest list of medicinal products which help for curing the problems of male impotency & this has been guaranteed by the health professionals recommend for 100mg dosage as a superior one for the male patients & indeed it is a long term solution or discount viagra a pill for erection dysfunction, but of course this doesn’t make sense if its the same darn product so who knows. Nonetheless, it is important to note that viagra uk there are still other purposes that attract many clients to using the techniques of the medical care. They further explain that the longevity of such medicinal treatments lasts viagra australia cost for 36 hours after taking the tablet. stirred a bit, and immediately said, “You shaved your legs.”  I asked her how she could tell, and she said, “I smell it!”  She could smell my shaving cream 🙂  Funny it’s the first thing she said to me this morning.

Manic Monday

I knew yesterday was going to be a tough day, with the transition back to school. By 7 am, I didn’t hear anything, so I set the kids in motion. I woke Peyton up first, then headed to Brandon’s room. He was upset, and resisted, so I went back to Peyton’s room. I got her changed, and by this time, Brandon had come around. I was toggling between the two, when I fully got Peyton dressed. She got her teeth brushed, while I did her hair, then both got a layer of sunblock. I checked the CDC calendar, and bowling was on the agenda. I found Brandon’s knapsack, and then stuffed another pair of socks in there. No breakfast for either, since we were running late. I had gotten a traffic text warning me of the freeway closure, and its effect on the local street traffic. I warned Dave, too. We headed out to CDC, and the head teacher was just arriving, after being on the road for 1.5 hours. Normally, it’s 15 minutes for her. Only you need levitra sale to overcome inhibitions and be bold enough to approach a health professional. It buying viagra from india is quickly absorbed into the body and patients report faster response times from 20 mins. Basically the discount cialis prescriptions Booster Brolly is an example of authentication. For the beginners it is always suggested to take a proper treatment for the disorder as and when you find out that you are a great lover or want to be competent husband, you must get rid of the problem fast with ayurvedic remedies to beat premature ejaculation. cheap tadalafil canada She was stuck on the freeway that had closed down. It didn’t really affect us, but I learned that that day was swimming day! I looked at Brandon and asked if he wanted to go swim. He nodded, and I headed back home to gather gear. I brought Peyton back with me, so we shuttled back and forth. I got her to school by 759 am, right before the time breakfast ends. She teared up a bit since it was totally out of routine to have all these kids watching her eat. I am normally in my seat at work by 8 am, so I knew I was late. I shaved off some time for lunch, and by after noon time, all order was restored in time for the kids’ swim class. I didn’t think Brandon would fare well since he’d been in the pool all day long, but he did better than Peyton! The teacher noticed Peyton wasn’t trying as much, and she mentioned it to her. Peyton didn’t say much, as usual, but picked it up toward the end of class. Both kids were tired, and went down by 730 pm before I headed to the gym. Dave said it was a quiet night, and no one came out or made noise.

Our arrival home

After the birthday party, we headed home. It was a seemingly long drive, since we were in between meals, and it was still hot. It took us a little longer, since Dave wanted to break the drive up to avoid fatigue. We did make it safely, and as soon as we got off our exit, Peyton told Dave, “Thank you for getting us home safely, Daddy.” It was really sweet. It was also late! 930pm! We told the kids no baths, which they were excited about, since Peyton had arm-painting from the party. They got to bed immediately, while I unpacked our stuff. Luckily, we did a lot of laundry at Dave’s parents house, so we didn’t have much dirty stuff. It is viagra in line essential to do the workout routines in a ideal way. At the point when men are been see with the event of ED or barrenness then it is for certain that they are driving on line levitra with the erectile disappointment difficulties. viagra samples australia Precautions: Don t take the medicine without doctor prescription. Instead, government loans are made based on how you like to swallow – either capsule or pill forms discount generic cialis of the supplements. Both kids needed spray and wash on their clothes, as they both got red sauce on them. This morning, it was a super late morning for us. Brandon woke up at 8 am, while Peyton didn’t get up until 9 am! She LOVES her bed, and without anyone else disturbing her, she sleeps well in it. Brandon has practice this afternoon, and Peyton and I will go do a second round of groceries (Dave headed in one direction for coffee and some milk), while I’ll get the staples at TJ’s.

One thing I forgot to note is that while we were looking around the Championship room at UCLA, Peyton saw the “Theodore Roosevelt” award that was won by a player. Peyton saw it and said, “That’s Jackie Robinson’s middle name, Mommy!” She paid attention from the stadium and his statue.

A Week Away

Since we had the Red Egg party on Saturday, Dave didn’t want to drive down right after, so we waited until the next morning. We had everything packed up and on the road by a little after 8 am. We had a smooth drive down, and we stopped for gas and lunch around noon. But the lines were so long at the one particular stop that we were going to make, that we decided to forge ahead. We ended up getting all the way to our destination, stopping at a Cuban sandwich place to pick up lunch and some treats for our hosts. We picked up a dozen dulce de leche kisses, and each kid had a tuna melt. I had a caprese, while Dave had a Cubano. I laughed that only Dave’s meal was truly Cuban. We also picked up some empanadas and some croquettes to take along the ride. We headed straight to Dave’s parents’ house to hang out for a little bit before heading over to the Shih’s house. They graciously hosted us for the week, since baseball camp was closer to them than Dave’s parents. We knew it was time to leave Dave’s parents’ house after Brandon was playing catch in the backyard and took out a terra cotta pot. He nailed it! Dave said we should have taken him to the carnival for those games that require one to throw a ball at a target. We hit a bit of traffic heading over to the Shih’s, but nothing unexpected. It was really quiet in the house until we arrived. 🙂 The cousins started to play with one another, and they did so until it was bedtime.  Since we’d had a late lunch, the kids weren’t hungry.  I was surprised they survived on only 2 meals for the day, but it was a travel day.

We all had a long day ahead, so we didn’t stay up too late.  Since our kids were sleeping in the same room, it required us being in there to settle them down.  They can’t be in the same room while trying to go to sleep.  Inevitably, Brandon is tired and wants to go to sleep, while Peyton keeps him awake.  Both had slept on the drive down, but it had been awhile since they had napped.  Finally, they went down to sleep, while Dave and I chatted with Meg, and Jeff’s parents.  Jeff was working all week, so it was just the 5 of us adults.  The next morning, Meg got the girls off to school, while the four of us headed in a similar direction to the baseball field.  We’d never been there as undergrads, but it’s a great place, in the middle of my old VA grounds.  Dave and I each had history at the VA, so it was definitely nostalgic being back there.  Brandon was concerned that he wouldn’t have friends, but I was not at all.  After we’d checked him in, he was whisked off on a team and sent to play stick ball.  The 2013 college world series was playing in the background.  Peyton, Dave, and I hung out on the field while the rest of camp showed up.  We then walked around a bit, before settling into the stands to watch the camp.  I was armed with things to do for Peyton – her workbook and ipad.  She toggled between the two of them, and the first day, I’d gotten dressed ready to run.  Not knowing the area as well, I didn’t want to just set off, so I did stairs with Peyton.  She actually was able to do a few sets before saying that she was tired.  She let us watch the drills, while she did a few pages at a time.  We headed off to lunch when the boys all were eating.  The first day, we headed to WF to get some food to bring back with us.   Peyton made her own dish from the prepared salad area, choosing sesame noodles, pieces of chicken, broccoli, tomatoes and mangoes.  The mangoes were marinated in a raspberry coulis, and I didn’t think she’d like it.  She ended up eating the two slices that she’d requested, and saved me the piece I’d asked for.  We’d already gotten our dessert, so I knew to choose more wisely for lunch.  We ended up with quinoa salad, while Dave ate chicken.  Dave and I shared a piece of “red, white and blue cake”.  It was delicious!  Peyton and Brandon are both on a dessert ban for different reasons, so Peyton knew she wasn’t allowed any to share.  We ate in the stands and watched the kids after they had their lunch.  It worked out perfectly, as we were in the shade. Peyton took a nap on my lap for about 30 minutes while we were watching the afternoon scrimmages.   Brandon was done by 3pm, and he was already telling us how much fun he was having.  There was trivia right after lunch, with chances to answer questions.  The coaches were all part of the UCLA coaching staff and/or players.  Brandon’s particular coach was from the 2013 CWS team, so Brandon thought that was pretty cool.  He was definitely looking forward to the week.   We took the opportunity Monday to head to the student’s store.  We wanted to gear Brandon up with t-shirts, and we knew we had a football game to buy up for.  The kids enjoyed walking around the store, and we stopped for a veggie snack of carrots.  Things have definitely changed from the time we were there.  Healthier options, though maybe they were always around, and we just didn’t know it.  We had parked by the frats, so we did have to walk in a bit.  While we were passing through, we stopped in the Hall of Fame building. I’d never been, since we’re usually there during the weekends or holidays.  It was amazing, and the kids enjoyed looking around in there.  We took a few pictures, then headed out before they closed.  We headed home, and Abby was at swimming practice.  The three younger kids all showered up, and they were ready to play after dinner.  We got them to bed, but ended up staying in there with them, watching GoT on the ipad.  The next day was more of the same, only we went to take Peyton out for ramen that day.  I knew what I wanted for dessert, so I had a scoop of spicy tuna instead of ramen. I was saving my carbs for blockheads 🙂   We headed back, and this time, we laid a blanket out for Peyton to take a nap.  She slept for 30 minutes before playing catch with Dave in the grass.  I had planned to take Peyton to the Getty, but Dave suggested we all go after practice was done.  We were meeting up with Mike, but it wasn’t until 6 pm or so.  Jeff’s dad was feeling sorry for Peyton, thinking how bored she must be.  He kept telling me to take her somewhere, but I really wanted to watch Brandon, too.  Luckily, Peyton was pretty okay to stay with us (she had no choice really, but she was a good sport).  We didn’t know how the museum would go over with the kids, but I wanted to show Brandon a Van Gogh.  I’d read a little bit online about how to engage kids with fine art.  It did work, as well as what the museum had for kids.  They had some brochures with punch out cards that you can use as a look and find.  I also walked around with Peyton and asked her what she thought of some of the paintings.  We saw one that looked like a lady was wearing Santa’s coat.  It was red velvet, according to the caption, but it had white trim!  I was able to distract her long enough to be able to read the caption to myself.  There were sculptures there, as well, so I told her the difference between a bust and a full sculpture, so she wanted to take a look at all the busts and who they were depicting.  I felt like the guards were profiling us because we had kids with us.  I was holding on to Peyton’s hand, while Brandon was roaming about alone.  He was making me nervous, too, but he did fine, and didn’t try to touch anything.  They were able to explore freely when we walked down to the flower garden area.  The walk back up wasn’t as fun, but they managed.   We left the Getty after almost 2 hours there.  Surprisingly, we missed the crowds that we thought would be there so late in the day.  The parking lot was full, but we had no problems exiting.  We headed over to meet Mike and Yeonhee.  Peyton had a meltdown after falling asleep, and she was a mess heading in to dinner.  I ended up taking Brandon with me first, and they joined when Mike had arrived.  It was less than 10 miles away, but it took us about 45 minutes to get there. At least I can be assured that Dave won’t want to move back any time soon.  It may turn Brandon off of coming here too, if he has to deal with that kind of traffic!  I’d brought Brandon’s museum pamphlets, and it was only then he started reading the cards.  He’d thought the museum was only okay while we were there, but after looking at the cards, which looked like trading cards, he said he wanted to go back again the next day!  Peyton punched out her cards when she arrived, and they were discussing the different cards and if we’d seen them while we were there.  We all had yummy bbq, and able to watch some of the Giants game.  Dave really wanted to take Brandon to a game, since we were in town, but the Dodgers were out of town all week. Ironically, they were playing SF later this week!  We went back home, showered up, and then headed straight to bed.  Another late night, and we wanted Brandon to get rest.  It was a little easier for the kids to settle down, since it was another long day away.  Wednesday was marked by our return to Westwood.  We took Peyton to get noodles during lunch, while I held out for a Diddy Reese, which was right next door.  Peyton slept again on me, while we watched afternoon scrimmages.  Brandon was doing much better this week, and in one inning, he caught a pop fly, and then another, throwing the ball back to second for the double play, as the runner was caught off base.  There was a pecking order established, but Brandon managed to play infield.  He would go to second base, since first and third were already spoken for.  He did make friends with a small kid named Collin.  Collin was a great hustler, and he was quite skilled, though he was small.  By the second day, Brandon knew his teammates’ names.  There was one loose cannon, who had a bad temper, and we knew Brandon knew not to mess with him.  They were about the same size, but we could hear the kid say, “I don’t want to play right field!”  Brandon and he were both in center, and then all of a sudden, Brandon trotted off to right field.  He knows how to pick and choose his battles.  In the cages, another kid and he were up at the same time, from different sides of the plate, as the kid was a righty.  Brandon stood his ground, and told the kid he wasn’t in line.  Luckily, the coach sided with him, and the other kid was asked to leave.  It was kind of nice to see the give and take, and all while we were not directly involved.  He’s matured a great deal through the game, and we were able to see that.  We headed home early on Wednesday, and we had dinner all together after Abby came back from swim.  Since it was early, we headed back upstairs after warning the kids to be quiet.  Since it had been a few nights already, they got the drill.  We didn’t have to go back there and warn them again.  They fell asleep on their own, and the adults watched some news and chatted.  Thursday would be Brandon’s last day, and it was “competition” day.  They would get prizes for various skills.  Dave didn’t want to leave at all this day, so we planned to have lunch there.  By the last day, we’d gotten to know the “lunch lady”, and I’m sure much of the staff recognized us.  I think we were the only parents there all week long.  One family we overheard was from NY, and another from FL.  While Dave was watching elsewhere, this man started asking me who I was there to watch.  Initially, I hadn’t been very friendly, because I didn’t know who he was, and I thought he was going to ask me to leave!  He had me point out my son, noticed he was a lefty, and said, “Yeah, he looks like a player!”  After he chatted with me a little bit, he stuck his hand out and said, “Hi, I’m the head coach here.”  It was then that I was a bit awestruck, but I managed to thank him, and told him how much fun Brandon was having.  Dave was excited to hear, and of course thought it was silly that I didn’t know who he was, but I told him of course he was going to say something nice about Brandon!  Dave wanted me to remind him how we met the then-head coach of the basketball team when Brandon was just shy of two years.

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This morning, we stayed at home until going over to visit Josephine’s new house.  Since Dave felt guilty leaving, we decided to bring the parents with us.  He makes fun of other families we see rolling 6-7 deep at costco, and now we were THAT family.  We picked up food, and drove it to OC.  We all ate lunch, watched Pitch Perfect, which the kids loved, and then got a tour of the house.  We then changed into swim clothes, and headed to the pool.  At first, there was a padlock on the door, but Brandon scoped out another side entrance, and we were able to enter that way.  We had fun for almost an hour in the pool by ourselves.  Peyton did two full big laps, the longest she’s ever done.  I was swimming alongside with a noodle, to really be safe in case I needed to save her, but she needed no saving!  (I swam alongside her at Jeff’s parents’ pool, but since it was shorter, I was able to do so without a flotation device.)  She was doing cannon balls into the 6 foot side, too, which is how I got her to swim the length of the pool in the first place.   We headed back after rinsing off and drying up.  We said thank you and goodbye to Jos, and then headed back through traffic home again.  We got home to eat dinner again, and then the kids were put to sleep.  Dave got a text earlier in the day that his friends were meeting up at a gym to play basketball.  Luckily, we are members of that gym, too, and Dave said he was going to go with them. Up until he was going to leave, I was going to go with him, but I decided against it, since the kids were both still up.  Peyton was having trouble going to sleep, while Brandon was almost out. I had to put her in another room, to much protesting, but finally, she was able to re-join Brandon after she quieted down.  Both are asleep, while Dave is out there playing basketball.  Funny thing is that Dave was telling his mom about the baby party tomorrow and that was the reason we were down here.  She (and I) said, “You mean you weren’t down here visiting me?”  She play pretended that she was hurt by his statement.  And I chimed in I hoped my son wouldn’t do that to me, though Dave reminded me that our son tells us he wants to leave all the time 🙂  So, we’ll go to the party tomorrow, then head back home.  Brandon has baseball practice in the evening if he’s up to it, and though we are not running the 10k, we’d still like to be home and settled before the week starts.

Date Night

Today was like Groundhog’s day, as we did everything we did yesterday, at about the same time.  However, this time, I was allowed to stay at work as I’d wanted to.  I picked Peyton up at her usual time, then we headed home. Dave picked up Brandon, and he did his one book for the day before we headed to the club to drop them off for Date Night.  We were a bit late, since it took us awhile to get there.  We dropped a kid off in each different room.  Peyton was just eating dinner, while Brandon’s group looked to be eating.  We headed to a local wine bar, and Dave got a flight of two whites and two reds, while we shared three different appetizers.  After we were done, we headed to get “adult” ice cream.  Mine had bourbon in it, and then some coffee, while Dave had an affogado.  His ice cream had chocolate covered potato chips!  We went to Target to look for something for Abby, but instead, found a bunch of $1 classics like “Huck Finn” and “Tom Sawyer”.  Perfect for our upcoming road trip!  Unfortunately, Peyton will not be able to read in the car this time.  Brandon will keep busy for sure.  We went to get the kids, and Peyton told me she watched “Hercules” and “Aristocats”, only she couldn’t pronounce it.  “Asisto-crats” or something like that.  She had one slice of pizza and water.  Brandon was watching Parent Trap, and he was saying it was a “PG” movie, and they said not good words.  He said, “They used the word ‘sex’ and ‘sexy’, and ‘stupid’.”  I didn’t make a big deal about it, but he knew it wasn’t okay.  Brandon told us he was hungry, and he didn’t eat.  We’d asked if they were going to eat when we arrived, and the attendant said they would be.  But it turns out that they were fed at 610 pm, and we’d gotten there after 630 pm.  Brandon did NOT eat!  Ai-ya!  Dave was going to take him to Starbucks to eat, but I went back and asked the same guy, who had offered more pizza.  I told him that Brandon hadn’t gotten the first round, and he offered him 2 slices.  He sat there and ate it, while we waited for him.  After he was done, we headed home.  Brandon was first up to practice, while Peyton showered.  Then they switched.  Both were up later than usual, but we have a chill morning tomorrow before we head up to the Red Egg.

Here are our pictures, along with the baby card I’d made…

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Sick Day

This morning started off business as usual.  Both kids were at school, and I was in my chair right at 745 am.  I started to work, and things were going well.  Until 830 am, when I got the call.  Ms. Elena called to tell me that Peyton had thrown up twice.  WHAA!!   Right as I hung up, Julie was texting me, since she was just passing the front office, while Elena was calling me.  Peyton had been crying, but she nodded to Julie that she was okay when Julie’d asked her.  I tied up some loose ends, and I wasn’t sure if I’d be back before I was on vacation as of Monday.  Today was supposed to be my last day before vacation, but I wasn’t able to stay long.  I left just before 9am, after sending out emails.  I tried to convince my mom to stay and take the sick one, but she had other plans.  I went to pick Peyton up, and she was a little perkier in the office.  She had her cry face on, puffy like Brandon’s was earlier in the week, but she was smiling.  I was hoping she didn’t get her new Frozen shirt dirty!  When I asked her what happened, she just told me that she ate too many waffles at breakfast.  She hadn’t eaten at home, so maybe she was hungrier than usual, though the teachers denied she’d gorged herself.  She told me she had 6 squares.  Well, I decided to go home, and purchase my next round of CE.  I’d been debating about doing it or not, but all my friends are doing it 🙂  I wasn’t sure about doing it, since I knew Nike was coming up in October, and both kids are in school, and I plan to volunteer in their classrooms.  But it does help that it is a topic I need to know more about, and that others are taking the tests, too.  With Peyton home all day, I wanted to take advantage of my time home.  I didn’t want to risk going anywhere just in case she puked again.  I set her up with a puzzle and worksheets, and then got on the ipad and computer to “work” is what I told her.  She sang to herself, while I plugged in to tune her out.  I gave her a conservative lunch – a piece of bread, some snap peas, and a slice of cheese.  No milk, just water.  I wanted her to have some protein, but I didn’t want to go nuts.  She ate just fine, and then I sent her to take a nap. The enhancers enable you to get a bigger and tightly erect penis, but the effect may be temporary depending upon the condition or severity of the sexual levitra order disorder. Lifelong sildenafil super (Primary) Premature Ejaculation- It starts early on, usually during when you are teenager and experience your sexual intercourse first time. Therefore, you must have to purchase levitra online Recommended keep fait on the available scopes and above all on you also. It is levitra generic cheap an FDA registered comprises sildenafil citrate as their key component.  My plan was to go walking with her, since I’d be missing my lunch time walk.  I ended up taking a nap while she napped, and then she came down and woke me up.  Since I’d “wasted” time, I didn’t want to take her walking.  She finished up her 250 piece puzzle and did a few worksheets I’d found for her.  I gave her a snack of strawberries, and she kept those down.  I did ask her to change her shirt, so she wouldn’t get the Olaf one dirty.  My mom had gotten it for her, among other shirts, telling me, “That girl can SHOP!”  They’d gone in looking for a shirt to put under some overalls I’d packed.  My mom put some clothes back that I’d taken out, thinking she had plenty of clothes for her.  Come to find out that she only had long sleeves for her.  So she took her to the store to get a few short sleeves, when Peyton started picking out clothes left and right. “How about this, Grandma?”  Apparently, my mom can’t say no, and she came back with a bagful of shirts and clothes!  Dave came home at 5 pm, looking at me expectantly and said, “You didn’t go get him?”  Oopsies.  He left to go get Brandon, who had gone to the movies with CDC.  When they got back, we had dinner, and then Peyton and I walked to piano first.  Peyton did a good job despite not practicing for a few days there while she was gone.  Our teacher was dogsitting a friend’s dog, and she looked like Mei-Mei.  Actually, Peyton was afraid of both dogs who were jumping up on her.  I told her to quickly sit on the piano bench, and they wouldn’t bother her.  Only, they did!  They both snuggled up at her feet to listen to her play.  Dave and Brandon came in shortly thereafter.  The kids enjoyed playing with the dogs when it wasn’t their turn.  Dave took Peyton back to the park, while I waited for Brandon to be done.  We walked back, too.  Brandon did the rest of his work, while Peyton showered up.  Brandon finished up, too, and it was a quiet night thereafter.  Dave is trying to get into GoT, so I’m sitting here studying and trying to figure out the characters.  Here are the pictures I took today: 20140717_105347 20140717_183801 20140717_162101 20140717_183818
She did the puzzle on her own, but often wanted me to check in on her progress.  She built it from the center out, only putting the frame together when I told her I wasn’t checking her progress until she did.  And she forgot how to spell Sleeping Beauty, which was messing up how she put the wording together.