Our arrival home

After the birthday party, we headed home. It was a seemingly long drive, since we were in between meals, and it was still hot. It took us a little longer, since Dave wanted to break the drive up to avoid fatigue. We did make it safely, and as soon as we got off our exit, Peyton told Dave, “Thank you for getting us home safely, Daddy.” It was really sweet. It was also late! 930pm! We told the kids no baths, which they were excited about, since Peyton had arm-painting from the party. They got to bed immediately, while I unpacked our stuff. Luckily, we did a lot of laundry at Dave’s parents house, so we didn’t have much dirty stuff. It is viagra in line essential to do the workout routines in a ideal way. At the point when men are been see with the event of ED or barrenness then it is for certain that they are driving pamerstoneinc.com on line levitra with the erectile disappointment difficulties. http://pamerstoneinc.com/index.php?loc=contacts viagra samples australia Precautions: Don t take the medicine without doctor prescription. Instead, government loans are made based on how you like to swallow – either capsule or pill forms discount generic cialis of the supplements. Both kids needed spray and wash on their clothes, as they both got red sauce on them. This morning, it was a super late morning for us. Brandon woke up at 8 am, while Peyton didn’t get up until 9 am! She LOVES her bed, and without anyone else disturbing her, she sleeps well in it. Brandon has practice this afternoon, and Peyton and I will go do a second round of groceries (Dave headed in one direction for coffee and some milk), while I’ll get the staples at TJ’s.

One thing I forgot to note is that while we were looking around the Championship room at UCLA, Peyton saw the “Theodore Roosevelt” award that was won by a player. Peyton saw it and said, “That’s Jackie Robinson’s middle name, Mommy!” She paid attention from the stadium and his statue.

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