Today, I went to work just for a couple of hours then headed to the school on foot. I was going to meet up with the girls’ mom but they were on a longer walk. I ended up walking to school and running into them in the opposite direction. So we walked there together, dropping their dad and dog off in the fork in the road. We chatted while watching the kids swim. I brought sunblock for Peyton as Dave mentioned she didn’t get some this morning. Brandon was swimming laps for the first half. He’s only keeping up because g is in his class. It’s run more like swim team and less like class. They got to go off the diving board, too. They had a great time jumping around. H and Peyton were in a separate group, but they went off the board, too. Peyton was completely by herself going up and down. She and h were faster than the boys in their group. Theirs was more like a lesson but they were doing laps, too with the instructor in the water. Brandon’s was on deck and barking orders to them. When they were done, we helped the girls change while Brandon was on his own. They all headed to their next period while we headed back home. I walked back the same way with the girls’ mom then no sooner did I leave the house that I got a text from the eldest sister’s phone from my kids. They were asking to watch a movie at the girls’ house. It wasn’t going to be until late, so I didn’t answer. I told them I’d wait until pick up.
I went home and cleaned up the house vacuuming and tossing all the kids’ paper airplanes from origami. When it was time to go pick them up, I parked close to the girls’ home and then walked to get the mom. We walked the dog over to pick up the girls only. Brandon wanted to stay for free swim. Peyton had piano. We walked with the girls and just as I’d suspected she whined about parking so far away. I knew she couldn’t make it the last 0.5 miles without friend and dog motivation. It was 0.5 miles exactly from where I’d parked. Geez. I just didn’t want to spend the time fighting her walking since we had to get things done.
Piano went well. She had a little extra time since her teacher was fielding questions from the mechanic regarding her car’s service. After, we went to get Brandon. As we were leavin the piano teacher’s house, Peyton saw a rubber ducky with “SD”. She told me, “That’s where they’re going to build the wall.” I asked her what she was talking about. She said, “Yeah, Donald Trump is going to build a wall from San Diego to Mexico.”
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Brandon was upset to leave early as they were doing a cooking project. He came home to change his clothes for his baseball scrimmage. Soon after, Dave came home and took him. Peyton and I headed out on foot shortly thereafter. We saw a mom from Peyton’s team so we chatted with her. Actually I chatted with her while Peyton set up shop with her activities. She is quite comfortable with our team and this particular field.
Brandon’s team did well winning 17-4. This was a practice game so hopefully they do as well when the real deal hit Monday. We went to dinner after the game as we were all starving. We ran into V and her family eating at the same place! We chatted when we first arrived and then at the end. Our last stop was for ice cream before heading home for showers. It was so late! Tomorrow is Brandon’s opening ceremony for All stars. I’m debating if Peyton and I should go. It’s two hours long!