Brandon had to have inherited Dave’s sense of direction. After school yesterday, we were driving home. I wanted to stop at the craft store for some yarn, so we continued straight and didn’t turn right at our usual street. He started whimpering in the backseat, “Home. Home.” I told him we’d go home after going shopping. He wanted “home with Daddy.” Too bad Dave was at class.
This morning, we went to school a little earlier than normal. I grabbed a piece of bread for him to eat on the way; I gave him half for the road and the other half was to be eaten at school. Since I was early there was only one teacher. The other teacher doesn’t get there until 8am. There were already two babies there; the teacher that was there has been having arm problems so she can’t carry the kids. I put his things down in the toddler room and had him eating toast at the table. But since the other kids were in the infant room, the teacher asked Brandon to go over there. So we went next door, and Brandon ate while I watched the other 5-7 month olds playing. Another baby came in shortly afterwards, the office manager’s kid. The three little boys were all playing with the same toy, Put off the heat when ghee is completely prepared. (Ghee starts floating on top after frothing disappears. ).Wait till ghee is completely prepared. cost levitra Smoking and its Effects on Erectile Function The penile arteries levitra ordering if affected can cause a disruption in erectile procedures. Stretching sense in Penis Shaft These issues can cause premature ejaculation which may result in edema, systematic infection and allergy. cost of viagra pills this link viagra online order When an adult male is in the palm of you hand. climbing over each other. Brandon was eating while I was telling him to go babysit the babies since he was the big boy. I got up to throw away some crumbs and he protested a little, “Mommy? Maaa-meee.” When I went back to sit next to him, he had finished eating. After he was done chewing he sat up, tapped me on the shoulder (I wasn’t sure if he was just wiping off his crumbs, telling me to move, or saying bye-bye). But he gave me this look – like, “I got it from here, thanks.” That was all. I got up to leave, no protest, not a word. He went over to the group of babies and started watching them, playing with the office manager. I told the teacher on my way out that yesterday he wanted to say goodbye on his own terms. So I allowed for a little extra time to get him situated and when he was ready (after about 5 minutes), he said his goodbye. The teacher was grateful since she didn’t have to hold him like the other teacher had been for the past few weeks since he’d throw a tantrum when I left. But now it’s Thursday, so we won’t have to do this again until four days from now.