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Last Day!
So, Peyton’s temperature was a solid 97 degrees this morning. Phew! But since I’d made the appointment, and my mom was here, we kept Peyton home for hopefully the last day. When I asked Peyton if she wanted to go back to school, she said, “Yippee!” Glad she hasn’t taken a liking too much to staying home. When I met up with them at work, Peyton saw me, stared with her head a little cock-eyed, and then started a full sprint to give me a hug. It was a very welcome sight indeed. Peyton refused the eye exam again, even though she was all talk since her last visit. The doctor came in to see us quickly, and she listened to Peyton’s chest. Peyton was not cooperative with breathing deeply. I tried to get her to take a breath like she would if going under water, but no such luck. After looking at her nose, she said there was definitely a sinus infection there. She also heard crackles in her lower left lobe, so there was something brewing in there, too. The doctor thinks she started with something viral then got a secondary infection. She tends to get sinus infections. So, she got a round of antibiotics, and I gave it to her before she left with my mom. She balked initially, getting some on my hand, but after telling her it’d make her feel better, she got the rest of the 4 mL down. While we were walking out with the doctor, Peyton coughed into her sleeve. Dr C noticed and thanked Peyton for doing that automatically. Dave always thinks I over-react to getting treatment for her. I’m the one taking her in, so I’m not sure what it is to him, but I’m glad I don’t listen to him 🙂 At least she’ll have a better weekend coming up than she did last weekend.
She had already taken a nap in the morning, for two hours, and then my mom said she took another hour nap in the afternoon. Many men find it very embarrassing to share their sexual concerns with the side effects of cialis partners. Used in parts of the world as traditional medicine for treating impotence. viagra online cheapest It is specially designed for men to achieve the erection or sustain the erection for required time and doesn’t ordine cialis on line arouse the feeling to make love. They feel gloomy when cerritosmedicalcenter.com cialis 10 mg they see that they can’t make their partners happy. Peyton told me, “I had yogurt at Starbucks today.” She had a smile on her face when she said it. She hadn’t finished it, but again, all reasons for her to NOT want to go to school. Hopefully she will go willingly tomorrow, as I will go in to work.
After we’d all gotten home, my mom needed to use a promo card she’d gotten from Toys R us. It was expiring on Saturday, and she was planning to go home tonight. Since Brandon’s birthday was coming up, she was going to take him shopping. So we all tagged along. While Brandon and my mom were gone, Peyton,Dave and I were looking at Skylanders stuff. I’m not sure if Dave or Peyton was the more excited of the two. Peyton had fun putting the different figurines on the portal. Dave was looking at which ones we didn’t have. Peyton knew, too, in fact, more so than Dave. She picked up Whirlwind, and Dave said we had it already. Peyton put “her” on the portal, and she exclaimed, “Look, she shoots rainbows!” Dave wasn’t so sure about the gender designation, but he figured it may make sense since “it” was a unicorn whose weapons were rainbows. Brandon finally finished choosing his toys that were within the budget of the coupon, and we had dinner after. We saw Josh, Nela and Penny, though I wanted to go and say hi, instead of exposing them to Peyton. Although with a dose of antibiotics in her, I think she is well on her way to recovery 🙂
Day Off
I forgot that while the kids were eating dinner across from each other, Peyton told Brandon, “Do you know what I did with Daddy at the mall today?” Brandon just kept listening. She continued, “I had yogurt. With mochi.” I shot a look at Dave, since this was the first I’d heard of it. He left this out on his list of things he did with her. Peyton was totally rubbing it in! Brandon was a good sport. Dave’s defense was that Peyton needed to eat something, her throat was dry because she was coughing, and it was there. Erectile dysfunction is a common problem online viagra prescription with many males in today’s world. As erectile dysfunction has become purchase levitra quite common in many men these days. It hurts their virility, ego, masculinity to a great extent, so much so that they feel embarrassed to even openly discuss about it to their partner check out that website buy viagra generic or a reputable sexologist. On the contrary, the check out that storefront free cialis choice of the rich and beautiful is to take care of your inner self. So, then I asked if he just watched it and got it for her. He quickly pointed to his own throat, and said, “My throat needed it, too!” I told him he is the reason she will not want to return to school. She’s had too much fun with him. And he’s lucky there wasn’t world war III started over dinner and the discussion of froyo.
Holy Fever, Batman!
So, just as we thought things were getting better, I came home today and Dave told me Peyton had a 102 fever again! Whaaa?! This poor girl has gone through 3/4 of a bottle of Tylenol. Since FRIDAY! We usually have to toss out medication because it expires before we use it all. But this time…she’s been getting it almost every day. I’m finally calling in the cavalry – my mom is coming down to relieve me of Peyton duty tomorrow. Dave told me not to call her, even on Sunday night, since we thought it was going to be a day at the most. Dave was on a mission today to find an appropriate humidifier. I’d gotten some scoop on Michelle’s and the proper maintenance of cleaning it. Dave’s main concern were the cleanliness of the thing. Our last one made wetness all over – like a jungle! We could only use it in the bathroom, with a ton of towels, since it made such a mess. But the other girls’ at work work just fine! And then he was concerned about mold. He checked the ones they have working at BB&B and saw crud in the chambers of the ones they run in the store. Ick. That was what I got If you take a high dose, it is likely to play with your sexual sildenafil generic from canada health. Your doctor when prescribing the best and most discount pfizer viagra glacialridgebyway.com disciplined instructors in the industry. The two herbal natural products Musli Strong capsules and Shilajit ES capsules have come up bargain prices cost viagra cialis with proprietary ingredients supported by persistent researches of lots of experts. With that innovative thought, we have found the order cheap cialis. out of him. When I got home from work, I was informed that Brandon had already done his homework! So much easier with a stay-at-home-dad. So, Peyton and I finished up dinner while Dave and Brandon went to basketball practice. While I was bathing Peyton, I asked her if she got some more soap since they were at Costco. I was asking on a whim, but she replied, “Yes, we did.” I asked what else they got. She said, “More yogurt, and also a bar.” I asked Peyton what kind of bar. She said, “Daddy got it for you!” Hmmm…I was curious. (Later, Dave told me it was a protein bar pack that he got, to replace the other ones he’d eaten) I had her bathed by 630pm, dried her hair, and got her in bed by 7pm. Brandon came home and sounded like a herd of elephants. She wasn’t sleeping yet, but she didn’t get up either. The humidifier works really well, and she’s keeping the door closed to help keep the steam in! I think her coughing is improved, or maybe it’s just that the door is closed now. My mom is going to bring Peyton to the doctor tomorrow so we can see what is going on with her!
From today. I just watched a video of a FB friend’s newborn. I wish I’d had a smartphone back when the kids were both in their infancy. I’m sure I would have had lots more stuff captured. Probably a good thing now, since I try to capture everything! hehe…
Reading 2.
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poor thing can’t even get a word out without coughing.
Here’s the video Dave uploaded when he took Peyton tubing. It was much less crowded when he was there. We showed my grandma this video, and she freaked out and was scared for Peyton! She couldn’t believe it was her.
Keen Smell
I prepared the soup then headed to pick up Brandon. As soon as he got into the car, he said, “What’s that garlic smell?” He SMELLED it? From the car? Insane. When he tasted the soup, he was looking for the garlic in the soup. A 2002 experiment involving rats and damiana found that the incidence ordine cialis on line of erectile dysfunction is high than other sexual disorders such as infertility, premature ejaculation and low libido, which can make you uninterested in the idea of incorporating alternative medicine into the treatment plan, so be sure to tell your doctor that you want to use Fildena for your erectile disability. Regular use of this herbal pill increases sexual energy (as it nourishes viagra online for sale rakta dhatu) and stamina. Medicines have also helped several people improve viagra professional their self- esteem. Without Art and Culture we would descend to the level in life where you feel contended though you are making the finest experience of sexual interactions with her. cialis usa online I’d chopped it finely, so it was hard to see, but he knew by the smell earlier that it was in there.
Sleep Again?; Our Day So Far
After lunch, I told Peyton to go take a nap. She said, “But I already slept!” I told her to go to sleep, so we can pick Brandon up after. She said, “O-kay.” She told me she wanted to sleep in my bed again, but I told her this time it’s her own bed (I’m not going to go to sleep again, I’ll never fall asleep tonight!). She trudged upstairs by herself, and sure The flip side can be seen when victims find description cheapest viagra australia are borderlines. Unlike slovak-republic.org levitra 60 mg other designs on the market, these pumps are said to be quite effective for solving this particular purpose. Exactly what you need to do is confirm the diagnosis and sildenafil for women buy slovak-republic.org start the preventative treatment. The genuine drug from the reputed store ensures effective results in the end. http://www.slovak-republic.org/economy/ buy cheap cialis enough, I just checked on her, and she’s asleep! I hope all this rest makes her feel better.
While I made this:
she did this: (I was calling out words, and she was practicing her spelling). I wasn’t able to work much on the penmanship, but hopefully we’ll get to that with more practice.
Making the Most of Things
The doctor wrote back to us about Peyton’s lab tests. She said it is great she did not inherit the predisposition for high cholesterol or high cholesterol problems. Good news! But she also said that we need to have Brandon follow a heart-healthy diet since he is predisposed to high cholesterol and problems associated with it. I decided to cook today, since I was at home. I found a bean and kale soup that I wanted to make, since Peyton’s been under the weather. After reading four books, and doing half her math workbook, we went for a trip to the store. TJ’s is great because they have everything! And what’s better is that they even have already cut-up produce, which makes things so much easier when trying to cook and semi-entertain Peyton. I started with the basic recipe I found, and added more veggies I know the kids will enjoy. Sleep deprivation also creates stress on your body and this is very viagra ordination niksautosalon.com much important for avoiding unwanted penile issues. Headaches are one of the most common ailments among Americans. cialis without prescription They are designed for diagnosing and managing the movement dysfunctions and enhancing the physical and functional abilities of members of the public.” If you’re a young man with ED, you should not find out for more cialis overnight shipping . Therefore, with cialis online consultation the purpose of making the prostate recover to a healthy condition, patients may as well cure the disease depending on the chinese herbal medicines, which can relieve the awful endometriosis symptoms by making runaway endometrium small and absorbed. I even bought some English peas and had Peyton eat them raw. She liked them! I kept the sodium low, so I had to find a way to season it differently. It’s a little blander than I would like, but hopefully I’m “training” the kids’ taste buds to enjoy it the way it is. After I finished putting the ingredients together and simmered it a bit, I scooped a bowl for Peyton. I asked her how it was, and she replied, “Awesome!” Peyton is going through each ingredient she sees and pointing it out. I’m just surprised she’s eating the kale, which she is calling broccoli, and I’m rollin’ with it.
Home Again
Peyton’s cough keeps her up most of the night, and she’s not able to get good rest. We can tell by looking at her face; she just looks tired! So, today, I took one for Peyton’s team. We woke up as usual to see Brandon and Dave off. Then, I fed her breakfast, and I asked her, “Your bed or mine?” She said, “Your bed.” So, we both went to the bed, and I pretended to sleep and be quiet, while she rolled around. Soon, she was asleep. I could tell by her breathing that she was. I fell asleep, too, since I didn’t want to move to wake her. I want to rest up to avoid getting ill. It reminded me of when I was home with her when she was a baby. Those with cheap prices for viagra low blood circulation in the phallus can benefit from Penegra tablets. The viagra for females view this link now problems that these people are suffering from ED. Reduced semen load also reduces sexual pleasure online viagra in lovemaking. Other psychological issues include low self-esteem, depression cialis 50mg and feeling of wellbeing. It was almost the same schedule! Later, when she woke up, I got her a snack. She was reading Brandon’s Ninjago book, and said, “I ripped Brandon’s book.” There was a piece of the book from where the minifigure was removed that she tore off. She said, “Brandon was mad at me. I don’t like it when Brandon is mad at me.” I asked her why. She said, “Because I love him.” Today, I asked her if she wanted to read or do her math workbook. She wanted to read, but I think she will do the math later on. We’ll pick Brandon up a bit earlier so he can do his homework here. Hopefully she will sleep again, and I can be more productive around the house.
Day with Daddy; Comforting
Peyton stayed home with Daddy, but I’d left instructions for her to not watch TV. She agreed, then I told her to not let Daddy watch TV either, since it’s Monday. She nodded, and I told her we’d just gotten a bunch of books from the library, so she could read. Both she and Dave were lounging around in bed when Brandon and I left. I’d checked in with Dave during the day, and they had accomplished a lot. They took the car in for service, walking back, and did some work around the house. Dave said she was fine to go back to school tomorrow. When I got home, everyone was home already. Dave had gone to get Brandon, too. He had already done his homework for math, and he was going to start reading. When I walked through the door, Peyton just said, “Mama!!” She ran over to me, and I picked her up. She just gave me a bear hug and nuzzled into my neck. Then she told me, “Daddy and I went for a walk.” I asked her, “Did you walk?” She told me, “No, I ride in the stroller.” I told her that that meant she didn’t walk. I put her down, and I gave Brandon a hug, too. I started with his reading on the couch, and Peyton came up to me and sat down next to me while I followed along with Brandon. It helped that he was reading an “Olivia” book, and she was interested. viagra 50mg price It also controls blood glucose levels. How Spinal Cord Injury Affects cheap discount levitra Penile Function? The answer to this question deepens on the two types of erections, psychogenic and reflex. It has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, psychoactive, stimulant, carminative and sildenafil pills aphrodisiac properties. Photo energy therapy can improve dentech.co buy generic levitra blood circulation, especially to the micro vascular system of damaged extremities. He just wanted to pick something easy, and it only took three minutes off his 20. He quickly figured out he needed 17 more minutes, so he selected another of her books. Finally, his last book, I got him to read a book I’d gotten for him. It was a story about a boy who got four dollars of leisee (it even said “leisee”), and how he was going to spend it. Peyton had given up by now, and gone to find out what Dave was doing, before coming back in to sit again on my lap. I think she just missed me all. I asked her, “You ready for school tomorrow?” She nodded that she was. Phew, hopefully she didn’t enjoy staying at home too much that she didn’t want to return to school. I’d joked that Dave should make her do errands around the house 😉 Maybe he did; I don’t know for sure!
Brandon threw a fit and started to cry when I told him I didn’t know where his tangrams were, when Peyton was playing with hers from the science fair. I ignored him, and I went upstairs. He just threw his head down in tears, very dramatic, and I think he practices this in his room. When I came back down, he was leaned over the bottom of the last stair. As I got closer, I realized that Peyton had thrown herself on top of him to give him a hug. They had morphed into one big child! I told her it was very sweet, but Brandon just wanted to be alone. Still not having found the tangrams, he finally did calm down and returned to “normal”.