I left work early to help Peyton with her costume. The costume was in my trunk, and it was too big to fit in the classroom. By the time I parked the car and walked to school, as the parking lot was too full, the whole class was full of people. Peyton gave me a dirty look when I first got in there, as she was making her way through a plate-full of junk food. She was also drinking a juice box, which she told me she wasn’t going to drink. I convinced her to put the rest of the plate away for “later”, and tried to get her to go put her costume on. And then, I knew she was going to have problems. It was too hot in there, and putting the costume on, she was even hotter. After a meltdown, and EVERYONE and literally, their mother, was staring at us (seriously, people, leave us alone to deal with things, and parents, watch your kids so I don’t have to police them when they’re pawing at Peyton’s costume), I told Peyton it was time to put the costume on or go home. Crying and crying, we were not getting anywhere. I’d finally had it, and told Peyton we were going home. We slipped out as the kids were lining up to go trick or treating through the classrooms. I get it, she doesn’t like the attention, and frankly, neither did I. I was dripping in sweat, and was not appreciating all the staring. I think one mom was upset with me for telling her child to stop touching the minion’s eye balls. Too bad. I shouldn’t have to have to say anything to them. Then, as we were leaving, Peyton pointed to the wipeboard and said, “I didn’t win.” She was pointing to the pumpkin seed guessing contest. She’d picked 120, after I’d talked her down from 300 and 180. They were playing price is right style, so they couldn’t go over. The winners had 200, and the total was 320. She was SOOO sad that she didn’t win, and then I figured it out. She’d initially guessed correctly, before I’d convinced her it was too high. She let me know about it in the car. “YOU WERE WRONG!” I felt terribly, and she told me that the two winners got Baskin Robbins gift certificates. She cried the whole way home, and couldn’t maintain composure when even thinking of it. I gave her a big hug, and told her I’d tell her teachers the story, and that I’d take her out to ice cream on my own. But she told me, “That’s not fair, because I didn’t win.” Bad Mommy! She felt better after some hugs, and then Brandon got home. And Dave, with food. We ate dinner, and then got ready. She was totally fine in her costume with Brandon there, which I suspected would be the case. We took some pictures, then headed out super early. It was not even dark yet, but close enough. We stayed out for about an hour, seeing our neighbors, and kids from school. One kid said, “Hey, there was a minion like that at MY school!” Haha…he goes to Brandon’s school, and Brandon WAS that kid. The kids got compliments from almost every house they trick or treated at, and even passers by on the street. One mom stopped us to take a picture, and told us she was going to send it to the Today show. We also saw some baseball moms, so we stopped to chat with them. We got home and realized we forgot to turn on our light in front of the house. The candy was still in the basket! That doesn’t bode well for us, since Dave bought stuff he likes. The kids got bathed and ready to pass out candy, but we didn’t get any more trick or treaters after that. Dave had some spooky Halloween music on, and Peyton was interpretively dancing. This will be Dave’s first and last ever attempt to make Halloween costumes. Great work!
Here are his final products:
Minions practicing their “trick or treat” and “thank yous”
Minions Trick or Treating
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Interpretive Dancer
Halloween Dancing – Haunted House music
She was pretending to be the Haunted Clock in the Haunted Mansion at dland. Yes, they really miss it there.