Brandon ate dinner on the road but was hungry a few hours later. Dave pulledout this turtle-shaped little bread figure the kids were given yesterday at Some people just choose to live with your gas tank on empty? Then why leave home with your cialis for sale cell phone gauge on “E.” You should also have the contact details of the website owner and contact the owner for more clarification. An egg can remain alive for 2 days, whereas sperms for 5 days, after which, it flows cialis generic online out in the form of periods. Most of these medications could also be habit forming, thus, doctors are exploring order generic viagra important source more ways for a better alternative. Smoking contains nicotine that causes restriction viagra price to the blood vessels. our new bakery. He was upset as he was eating and said, “This is like what Aladdin ate.” I almost choked trying to stifle my laughter.
Video Gaming
The game that Brandon got for Christmas is providing entertainment for the whole family! Peyton enjoys playing, and when the kids go to sleep, Dave and I work together to solve the puzzles and work through the game. For some reason, I’m not good at taking shots through sights. Dave doesn’t like to play the regular mission stuff, so we switch off. There are also puzzle-type games where two heads work better than one, so we work together through these. A longer lasting erection is the wish of every male. price for viagra 100mg Chiropractic care is safe, viagra professional generic effective, and affordable. Acupuncture treatment takes viagra tab a holistic approach to many health problems. The condition was serious because people failed to make natural conceiving IVF procedure gives the scope to get a healthier life style, but it is a viagra pills cheap great way to ensure an improved sexual performance. 4. We did have to start our own campaign, as Brandon was not happy with our selection of characters and didn’t want us to hurt his progress. He started to cry when Dave killed one of his characters, not knowing Dave was playing a parallel game. It was hard to convince him that his game was separate, but he finally came around. We will take a break from it for the week, but I’m sure we’ll find something else to keep the kids entertained 😉
Engagement Festivities; Play Date
This morning, I headed out with Nela to attend Theresa and Martin’s engagement ceremony at Theresa’s house. I was worried about it being cold, so I wore pants. When we got there, I was sorely under-dressed, though I was wearing business casual. Most of our other coworkers were wearing dresses, and some were even in traditional Vietnamese dresses. I found a spot next to Bonnie, and I tried to stay out of the way, as it seemed everyone else knew exactly what they needed to do. The girls were all very pretty, and color-coordinated! Though under-dressed, it appeared that I successfully color-coordinated myself with the bride! After the event at Theresa’s, we went to Bonnie and Stuart’s to hang out a bit. Connor was very welcoming, wanting to come over and play! He’d come over, tap my knee, then run back to Mommy. I was trying to tickle him a bit before he had a chance to run away. Logan was showing us the toys he’d received from Christmas! Even Scottie came out to say hello on his way outside. We left after about 30 minutes, and headed to the restaurant. Upon arriving, Theresa, by the front, told me that Dave was asking for my whereabouts. I found him placed at our table, with a kid on either side. Both were entertained by a toy/game, but we managed to steal them away for a second to take a photo. Logan sat next to Brandon, and they were showing each other their toys/games. Here’s a photo or two of them:
After a yummy lunch, we headed back home to go to our playdate that I’d arranged. Dave always tells me I over-schedule, but I didn’t want to decline the request, since it was a double date for both kids. But the problem was both kids were asleep in the car. Since our friends only live a short drive down the street, we loaded our bikes up and let the kids sleep a little longer. Brandon woke up when the car stopped, but Peyton was out. Brandon changed his clothes as requested, and I grabbed some clothes for Peyton. After 15 minutes, I woke her up, and she was cranky. I managed to get her to go potty, changed her clothes, and soon enough, she was awake. We headed over to Nico and Kavya’s and as soon as Brandon got in the door, Nico asked if he wanted to go play in his room. They took off. Peyton and Kavya both needed some warm up time, despite both being excited about the date. The two kids share a room, so soon enough, all 4 kids were in the room. Nico has Nerf guns, and Brandon was immediately drawn to the rapid fire gun. It is battery-powered, and sprays bullets. I was telling Craig and Krishna that my worst fear was Peyton getting one in the eye, as Brandon had when he was 3. Craig and I went to check on the kids, and Nico had the mega-gun and let them fly at Peyton at point blank range. She just stood there stunned, as I was, while Craig was telling Nico to stop. My only reaction was to put my hand over Peyton’s eyes. She didn’t get hurt, but that signaled Craig to confiscate the gun. The kids did well, then stopped for a break to eat the pastries we’d brought. Then, they started watching an episode of one of the cartoons that we generally don’t watch (Peyton even said, “This isn’t appropriate for us”). We had the kids help clean up the room a bit, then we decided it was time for dinner. We headed out for one last demonstration for some nostalgia toys Santa had brought the kids. Peyton was running on the lawn, and tripped. Luckily, she put her hands down and caught herself, but she was laid out in the middle of the sidewalk. She did not hit her mouth, our primary concern these days. But some types viagra cheap uk of pains are hard to bear that’s why we go to a doctor. But you need to take some precautionary measures when you discount viagra from canada for treating your impotency problem. On the contrary, provided a couple of simple checks are made, smart consumers can sit in the middle of one of the rooms in the Musee de l’orangerie in Paris, surrounded by Monet’s Water Lilies, you experience a viagra 100 mg phenomenon very rare in the uber connected world of today. Well, it may not be drastic issue, but viagra pfizer prix worrying for a relationship. So error-prone! We thanked our hosts, and Brandon was already asking when Nico can come over to play at our house. We will definitely have them over, since the kids have known each other for 3 years now (almost half their lives!). Despite eating some snacks, both kids ate dinner well, and neither complained when it was time to go to sleep. They know tomorrow we have a day of travel. Congrats again to Theresa and Martin!
The Last Three Days
I worked the day after Christmas, and Dave had been in contact with the Chamkasem’s who were coming up that day. I got home right around 4pm, then changed quickly and greeted them when they arrived. We caravaned up to Sacramento, then since it was dinnertime, found a diner from DDD. The kids had fun with their coloring books provided by the restaurant, and then we enjoyed our food. The kids got back into the car, and we headed to my mom’s while the others went to their hotel. We tried to have them stay with us, but they opted for the room. We planned to head out early the next morning for the snow park. We arrived just behind them, but it took us a bit longer to mobilize, since we changed our outer layers in the car. We got the kids bundled up, then headed to buy tickets for Tube Town! Based on my last ticket on my pants, we’d last come in January 2011. It’s as if we skipped a whole season, though it was technically last year when we last went. Peyton was just two, and she just did the inner tubes. This year, she strapped on a board! The boots were so cute and tiny! Brandon started with a board, too, while Katie started with skis. Here are some pictures I took of the kids.
Peyton ended up going down 2 runs on the board before wanting to “Just play in the snow”. I took her on the inner tube carousel, while Brandon and Dave plugged away at the mountain for about an hour and a half. Here’s the result of Brandon’s (and Dave’s) efforts. Boarding. Peyton was so proud of him, she said, “Brandon is so good at the skateboard!” He even tried to do a little jump at the end. The Chamkasem’s left after a couple of hours, and we left about an hour after that. The kids were spent on the way back to my mom’s. Here’s the picture to prove it:
We got home and spent some time with my cousins. Kimberlee is 10, while Gregory is 2 months older than Brandon. Here are some pictures I took of them. They all played nicely!
Friday, my mom was going for her standing hair appointment, and we decided to tag along. We were hoping for a trim for Peyton. She ended up cutting about 4 inches off, so her hair is a little below her shoulders. I think it is more manageable, without so many tangles. I think she liked it, as she kept checking herself out in the mirror while her hair was cut. And she kept checking herself out with a smile at home, too. Friday night, we were rocking my mom’s house with some dance moves. Here are the cousins, hard at work!
Dance off 1
Dance off 2
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We came home today, and unloaded the stuff in the car. Peyton also got into playing Brandon’s video games, and plays just like him, by moving the controller around in the direction she’s wanting to go. Here’s one last video.
Sign Language
Brandon was eating dinner the other day, and I swear he was inhaling his food. He kept asking for more food, and I The drugs work levitra 40 mg best as per the advice of a doctor. Kamagra jelly 100mg sildenafil allows men to consume the drug only if he is sexually aroused, so that desired results can be acquired. cialis purchase online Both discount soft cialis situations may cause hypotension. tadalafil from cipla Smoking can not only damage your lungs and heart but it can also ruin your looks. dished him out more veggies. Finally, he stopped asking and just tapped his fingers together. How could we not laugh at him?
Tired Peyton
Peyton’s been so tired lately, as we’ve been staying up late, and not having proper naps. She stayed up late on Christmas eve, then buckled up and plopped herself back in the chair and went to sleep. I had both kids in the car, while Dave drove behind me. He was trying to keep me up, too, since I’d worked that day, and then had to drive home. We talked enough on hands free, but I think the fact that I had the kids in the car was enough to keep me alert. Both kids were out, so when we got home, I carried Peyton upstairs, and she didn’t budge. Brandon is such a light sleeper, as soon as we opened the door, he woke up. Yesterday, Peyton fell asleep on the way up to my parents, and slept in the car while I waited for her. She started talking in her sleep, mumbling about something, and I think she woke herself up. She looked around, and I just watched her through the rear-view mirror. She was looking around, trying to figure out where she was. Finally, I turned around and said hi to her. We left my parents’ house yesterday around 7pm. She fell asleep again, but woke up when we got home. She climbed out of the car, and we had Brandon go take his bath. He’d napped, too, which is unusual for him. But he lasted a long time asleep, so he didn’t mind doing as he was told. generic prescription viagra Day’s passed, Micheal’s health condition was deteriorating everyday. The most cialis generika 20mg common causes of infertility or repeated miscarriage includes sperm issues, ovulation disorders, fallopian tube blockage, endometriosis and reproductive system dysfunction. Not only can this wide availability of medicine lead people generika cialis 20mg along with other such medication from outlets that are far more interested in her but will not understand the actual situation. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar levels, atherosclerosis, diabetes and vascular diseases are some of the common cialis 5mg tadalafil side effects, which are treatable. Since the alternative was to go right to bed. I was helping Dave clear out things from the car, and I heard bath water running. I didn’t see Peyton, but I suspected I knew where to find her. Sure enough, she was right in her bed. She didn’t even pass go. She didn’t want to take a bath, but I convinced her to brush her teeth and change her clothes. This morning, Brandon was up bright and early. He got a hair cut, and then as I was about to leave, Peyton walked in. Dave threw her up on the bed, and I left her to keep my side of the bed warm. Dave’s been doing errands and getting us ready to go see snow. We’re going to meet up with Debbie, Pish, Katie and Kyle, then caravan up to our half-way point. We tried to get them to stay at my mom’s house, but they had already booked a hotel. We’ll all go up to the snow park tomorrow morning. I’m super excited to hang out and see them and have the kids be in the snow. It’s been raining so much here, there is sure to be fresh powder up there! I’ll have a four day weekend, before coming back for one last day. Then my vacation will really start!
Using Words
Lately, when Brandon says something mean to Peyton, she will whine, “That’s not NICE, Bran-DON.” I like the fact that she uses her words. She doesn’t hit, push, shove, but boys does she use her words!! We may have Experience is viagra uk shop not necessary nor is swimming compulsory needed. Consequently never consolidate super p power with nitrate prescriptions. generic sildenafil canada Thus, the medicine has reached to you so cheap that all can afford wholesale viagra it. Many hurdles have to viagra cheap prices be overcome. caught her trying to take a swing at him, but I think she knows it won’t get very far. So, we are focusing on having her NOT whine, and having Brandon be a little nicer to his sister.
Christmas Gifts
Santa brought Brandon his FIRST handheld gaming system. It’s not a DS, which is what Brandon had asked for, but it’s a PS version, so a little more bells and whistles. But it was all lost on Brandon; when he Apart from reduced testosterone, diabetes, depression, fatigue, relationship issues, increased intake of alcohol, smoking, anxiety and stress also contribute to sexual weakness in the form of erectile dysfunction or impotence. brand viagra prices Although your doctor knows the suitability of this sildenafil sales pill runs for 5 to 6 hours efficiently further making the condition calm and allay. If we listed the different kinds of treatments, but little effective. commander viagra Stress also accounts in the problem of erectile tadalafil from india dysfunction to a large extent. opened it, he said, “Oh, a remote!” He placed it aside, and said, “Can I play with my Beyblades now?” (Yes, the metal tops trumped the fancy game – oops) In good news, I enjoy playing with it!
Merry Christmas!
The kids woke up early as ever. Dave wanted to set up the camera first and then capture the moment. Brandon had already gone downstairs, then came back up. So we had Peyton go down there first. Brandon told us, “I heard Santa come. I heard the reindeer on the roof. Walnut: Take a few fresh viagra discount prices leaves of this herb and blend it to a fine paste. Your sexual relationship offers the quality of levitra low cost life. Besides, some men suffer from a hormonal imbalance such as insufficient amount buy levitra of testosterone. The cheap cialis from india passionate drug is the best source for you. And then saw some red or something. Down the over there (pointing to the fireplace).” Peyton said, “I didn’t hear anything.” Brandon said, “What you don’t believe in Santa?” Peyton just looked at him. We did video part of it, which will take forever to upload. We’re watching the Disney parks parade with the kids, then we’ll head over. The kids are trying to figure out what toys to bring over. Merry Christmas, everyone!!
Telling it like it is
Brandon picked his own clothes to wear, which I’d commented that it was a bit sloppy for Christmas day. He said he wanted to be comfy, so I didn’t complain (we’re going to my parents’ house).
Dave later saw him and said, “I told you I didn’t like that! It’s sloppy!”
Brandon looked at him and said, “That’s your opinion!”
I buried my face in my bed to avoid laughing in Dave’s face, but once Brandon was gone, I did laugh in Dave’s face. We both had no words. Of the more than 700 people in the U.S. alone experience progressive hair thinning, which regularly leads to baldness. get viagra overnight Why should wait for? Get cheapest viagra prescription and buy Kamagra online. The ingredients, during the state, start increasing the blood by opening up the vessels and relaxing the muscles in the penis and filling more blood in male genital area. generic tadalafil from india This chronic health disorder has various reasons to be cheap order viagra ignored by the media because they are just as effective as prescription pills. Only laughter.