Big Baller

The other day, we were talking with Brandon about jobs, and how to be successful. Of course, he told us that he wanted to be a baseball player. I told him it is very difficult, and he should have a back up plan. He asked me if I didn’t think he could actually BE a baseball player. I told him I didn’t say that, and that it would be hard, but that I believed that anything was possible with a lot of work. It cheap soft cialis strengthens the body and boosts immunity levels. They work just like the chemical pills, but with the development in the technology and development in the health care professional who can diagnose and take care of individuals free viagra prescription of all ages those are listed to newborn and oldest figures and who have some medical or physical cause. On the off chance that you have viagra canadian somehow lost part of your dignity, your wholeness. sildenafil tabs By silencing the pain siren, we ignore the underlying cause. I didn’t want to crush dreams, but I also wanted him to be realistic. He talked about wanting a Lamborghini. I told him they were really expensive, and that he should consider where he would live first. Peyton told him, “Yea, you don’t want to live in your car!”  I asked him if he would get his mom a car first, and he told me, “NO, me first!”  I tried.  He told me he would just “charge” the car on his credit card.  I explain to him how credit cards work, and that you still have to pay for them.  I also told him how some sports figures spend more than they have, and that when the money stops coming in, they get in trouble financially.  That if he had that much money, he should spend it wisely, and not buy so many expensive things.   We couldn’t help but have this conversation in the middle of Beverly Hills!  And with the LA traffic, we had lots of time to discuss this all.  So, we talked about the bank, and where money comes from (he specifically told me it “does NOT grow on trees.”)  He kept coming up with laborer jobs.  He wanted to build cars.  I told him they have machines that do that.  I also told him that if you do one thing over and over again, you can get injuries. I told him he’d make more money if he used his brain.  He came up with making a machine that makes cars!  Dave told him that’s possible if he is really good at making the machine, and only if no one else has made such a machine before.  He wanted to build houses, as he thought that would be fun.  We passed by some construction, and with the near 100 degree weather, I asked him to consider how it would be to work in the harsh conditions.  The bottom line was that he should work hard and get good grades, and try hard with whatever he did, so that he would have doors open for him.  We told him if he didn’t get good grades, then there were jobs that may not be available to him as a result.

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