
We carved pumpkins this afternoon leading up to our trick or treating. Brandon did his own whole Peyton started hers.  Brandon was excited this was the first time he got to do it.  Of course, he broke his mini saw.  It had had several uses so it was okay. We waited until we got our first door-bell ringers. And when we opened the door, it was the Cheng’s! We said our quick hellos, then headed out ourselves. We walked around our area, but Peyton wanted to hit up the decorated corner house. It was a bit of a walk, but the kids were up for it. We had to walk through some areas without much decoration, but we reached our destination. There was a bit of a line, but the kids waited their turn. They did great with their “Trick or treat” and “Thank you’s” without prompting. Neither was afraid or unwilling to go up to the doors. We made our way around to G’s house, and we said hi to her mom, before heading home. I took Dave through the “secret” passageway from the main street to ours; we’d gone that way the last time H and Peyton walked their dog back to our house. Dave didn’t know where we were, but we snaked our way through. We ran into a lot of school families, mostly kids that the kids recognized first. Then, on our way home, we heard, “Hi, Brandon, Hi Peyton,” and Peyton said, “Oh, it’s the girls!” We said hi to G, H and F, as well as their dad and S. They had a few other kids with them, and they were headed home. G already told us, “You went by our house, right?” Her mom must have already texted them. We got home and the kids looked through their stash, each picking 5 things. Peyton already wanted to bag everything else up for my dad. He takes candy into the office. They were then sent to shower and brush their teeth. We stayed out a bit longer than usual, until 815 pm, and we came home to survey what was left in our basket. Someone had gone through the liner of the basket, which I thought might happen, but the candy remained. So strange!

We did run into the cheng’s again on our way home.  A was scared by Jason the masked man.  We happened upon him right after so he was kind.  But Peyton still said, “okay that was scary.  I shivered!”   Brandon said he did, too.  But both thanked him.  He was lurking in the bushes, and that’s how we noticed him.  
Here are the pictures we took, from before we left, and from my phone:



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