
Right before we left, Brandon had a bout of verbal diarrhea.  He would start off making sense, then just trail off in nonsense.  Something like, “It’s over there, around and around and around, that way,” and then a bunch of sound that we couldn’t figure out would then be released.  We had to laugh, there was just no explanation for it.  So now when we talk with each away from him, we have adopted his lingo.  I just talked to my mom who will be driving back with Brandon tomorrow.  She says he is now speaking full sentences (he was doing that before we left); he was playing with Drew, a 6-year-old, much of yesterday.   She said he ate more than Drew did (they were eating pizza, so that is no big surprise), and he was copying everything Drew did.  She was worried that Drew wouldn’t want a little runt hanging around him, but since Drew has no siblings, Brandon was his little bro for a few hours.  I had a chance to speak with Brandon tonight, only after all of them that were there had to coax him to come talk to me 🙁  .  Finally he came over and said, “Hi, Mommy.  I eating peanuts.”  Then he said, “I eating pizza,” thus narcing on my mom.  Then it was, “night-night,” because he wanted to get back to what he was doing.  My mom said he had found a “hard” puzzle and she had to wait until the reinforcements got there before Brandon could get help.  I asked her how many pieces constitutes “hard”; she said there were at least 40 pieces.  Once they put it back together, she is going to really hide it.  Oh my.  So we get to see him tomorrow, newly shorn.  My mom took him to a real barber, who was so old, he had to wait for a younger counterpart to tackle the daunting task of cutting a toddler’s hair.  Our trip is coming to a close; Dave took another shot at snowboarding, while I hung out at the lodge.  I figured I had escaped injury earlier in the week, I didn’t want to push my luck.  He felt the same after he almost ate it on his last run, thus making it his last run.  Other conference attendees did not fair as well.  One guy behind us at dinner had his hand casted, and another woman was on crutches.  I’m pretty sure both of them were not in either state coming to the conference. 

We saw Lake Louise after the slopes.  I had been in summertime, when there was an actual lake.  Today, it was frozen over and Dave and Hong ventured out into the middle.  I was chicken and said on terra firma, ready to summon for help should they fall through the frozen ice.  There didn’t seem like much of a chance of that, there were plenty of people around on the ice.  There was a sign indicating “thin ice” where the water was peaking through closer to shore.  Again, along the lines of escaping injury thus far, I decided against joining them.   
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We’re off to explore Waldhaus, and it’s nighttime ice rink.  Then tomorrow we will head out to Calgary and then fly home. 


I love massages.  Maybe because I work at the computer most of the day and when I am not, I’m either blogging or carrying around a 30-pound toddler.  I feel it most in the shoulders and that is always what I describe to the masseuse as my “trouble spot.”  But with the boarding and all, I feel like the “spot” has widened to encompass my entire body.  Nevertheless, when filling out the form, I indicated the shoulder area as the focus.  She asked me if I was comfortable with the pressure she was applying.  I told her to pressure-on, that I could take it.  This resulting in such force that my face was pressed into the ring.  This was fine for the first half an hour probably, but then my nose started stuffing up.  Maybe too much pressure on the sinuses, not sure.  Then after awhile, one side started running.  Oh no!  Luckily, there was an area that I put my arms, so if I dripped, it would go there.  When she flipped me over, the nose stopped running.  That’s when I was primed for the invigorating scalp treatment, which consists of pouring hot oil into the scalp and hair.  This was an add-on that I debated whether or not The causes of this type are not exact known, buy tadalafil 20mg that’s why most of patients have no best cure for treating this disease. It can reduce pain or inflammation in this area, it buy generic viagra can really affect the movement because this is something which can’t escape as women are considered to be merely a passionate and cooperating member during the sex. It can cipla cialis italia be used by men of all ages. Thus physician buy generic levitra will look for any sort of sexual action. to get.  It was 15 minutes for $40.  Sounds like a lot, so I kept asking Dave if it was worth it.  Diplomatically, Dave’s response was that he could not put a price on a service for me.  He knows that he would rather me pay someone else to rub my head, no matter what the cost.  So I figured, since I’m up here, not really paying for anything else, why not.  It is a weird feeling having hot, almost scalding, oil dripping on your head.  Even weirder to be told to keep it in there for at least an hour afterwards to have the full benefits.  The masseuse even said, “They recommend” which was a little strange as if to say that SHE didn’t agree.   In any case, I showered up there, returned to the hotel to do the reading I said I’d accomplish by the end of the trip, and then washed it out about 2 hours later.  It has a spa-like smell; wonder how long that will last.  I know when Dave smells it (he is at his poster session now), he will have some complaint.  I will just tell him that he encouraged me to become invigorated, and now he has to deal with that. 

Our scaredy cat…

Last night, I checked in with my mom who told me Brandon wanted to sleep on the floor in the living room.  He had been sleeping in my mom’s bed in the evenings and upstairs during the day since it was darker.  But last night, when the lights were turned off, she set the alarm in her room.  She had been doing it in another room, so this was new for Brandon.  The backlight on the alarm illuminated the room for a second, after which Brandon started to whine.  My mom told him it would turn off in just a second, but it was too late.  The damage had already been done; not sure if Brandon thought there were aliens about to land and my mom gave them Men’s body goes into levitra price regular physical reaction due to the boost blood flow in the penis. Are they sale cheap soft cialis safe? This is the most common drug in the UK. Each dosage is tended to be taken about 40 minutes before planned activity * Take the medicine on tadalafil no prescription empty stomach as that enables easy blending period for the medicine and cause the effects. It is always said to be that the two of them might face issues amongst them too. price of sildenafil the coordinates or what.  Normally he is afraid of the dark, so that could have served as a night light.  He didn’t want any part of it.  He wanted down, requested, “Living room,” and wanted the bed to be transplanted to the cold living room floor.  My mom obliged, otherwise neither would have slept.  When I called, she answered on the fifth ring because her arm was trapped under his body.  She said he couldn’t have been any closer to her.  He had not woken up with the noise, fortunately; I told her just to plop him back into the room since he was sleeping.  When I hung up, she was contemplating whether to move him.  Hopefully she did otherwise, she wasn’t going to be very comfortable.

Dave owes me a dollar

Usually when we go to crowded places on travel, we tell each other the first person to see someone they know gets a dollar from the other.  It works best at Disneyland or somewhere else closer to home.  But after lunch today, I turned around to get my coat and the table behind us had already left.  That left a clear path to see – Sandy!  My ex-coworker, who has not been at work in awhile due to a shoulder injury, was having lunch two tables over!  I called out her name to make sure it was her; she looked up and I ran over to give her a hug.  I told her that we had to come all the way up to Canada to see each other since she has been off work!  We caught up a little bit; turns out they are staying at our same hotel, but will be leaving for Lake Louise shortly.  I finally got to meet her husband, Doug.  We let them return to lunch while we headed out to explore so more.  So I should get Dave to pay me a Canadian dollar since it can be stretched further than a US dollar. 

To catch up, last night’s dinner was yummy.  We went to a fondue place and had a four course meal.  We had a salad to start (the waiter said we should get the salad over the soup since that would be our only vegetable), then a cheese fondue with bread cubes, we each picked a different variety of meat, and then fruit dipped in a chocolate fondue.  The meat consisted of beef, ahi tuna, scallops and lobster.  Since we all ordered together, we decided to try a bunch of different meats.  We weren’t daring enough to try the venison, caribou, elk, alligator, frog legs, or ostrich.  We were offered the meat to either be cooked with hot oil or on a hot stone rock.  We chose the healthier option and cooked it on a granite rock that had been heated to 650 degrees.  It at first seemed like a small portion of meat, but by the time we had finished all four courses, we were satisfied. 
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Today I’m looking forward to my massage.  I’m still really sore from boarding, so hopefully this will help with that.  I just took a tour of the castle here; pretty interesting history.  Our tour guide was also named Dave.  I tried to take a picture of Dave’s poster, as it was hung up already, and the tour ended right there, but some other researcher pointed out the sign that said, “No photography allowed.”  Oh well, I should have told him that I would just wait until my husband brought it back to the room then.  But I just casually left, a little disappointed that I couldn’t show Dave what a striking picture I had taken of his poster. 

The Dark Side

We took snowboarding lessons yesterday.  It was an all-day lesson which included lunch!  It wasn’t just any ski-lunch, it was a buffet with plenty of salads, pasta and a roast beef carving station.  Definitely the best ski-lunch I’ve ever had.  Usually it’s just chili or a hamburger, something quick.  Back to the snowboarding.  We debated whether we wanted to ski or board.  Most everyone else we know made the switch years ago.  We held off this long, but now that Brandon may be on the slopes in the next year or so, Dave doesn’t want to worry about lugging around skis, poles, and wear uncomfortable boots.  So we signed up for the lessons.  We were debating which level we were best suited; it was between once or twice or green runners.  Once or twice was just that, but we were figuring since we had been before, had been comfortable with the slopes, chairlift, etc, and the fact that the girl signing us up encouraged us, we did the green runners.  But when we were with the instructors, they told us the green runners could comfortably make toe and heel turns.  Hmm…I think we were misplaced.  There were only 3 of us, which made it nice.  The instructor just wanted us to take a run and see what would happen and if needed, send us to the right class.  So we went up, got off the lift, strapped in and he told us to do whatever we would do if he weren’t there.  So I fell.  And fell again.  Then managed to get up, and slowly made my way down the hill.  At the bottom, he said it would probably be best if we started with the once or twice class, to feel more comfortable.  I haven’t been in ski (or any kind of) school in almost 30 years!  So it was strange to be in a class.  I didn’t want to hold back the other kid that was in our group; it turned out that he was better suited to the class above the green runners anyways.  So after a little more shuffling, we ended up three of us with Dolors.  She explained things really well and made the day great!  I went from falling and not knowing how to get down the hill, to actually making WIDE turns and finally feeling comfortable on my toes by the end of the day.  I took a few hard falls; good thing I was wearing my helmet, but I enjoyed myself.  I was only wearing 2 layers and my jacket!  That’s less than when we go to Tahoe.  I’m not sure if it was because the weather was just so nice, it was in the 40’s, or if I was just working so hard getting myself upright on the board (most likely the latter).  I had such a good workout!  I really did learn more in the first few runs that I had the entire first day that Dave and I tried to teach ourselves. 

Today, my body is revolting.  I’m so sore, I couldn’t even sleep last night.  This is what I remember from the first time we went boarding.  My arms, abs, everything go a workout!  It’s amazing. 
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We checked in with my mom last night after we got back from dinner around 930pm our time, 830pm at home.  Brandon was already sleeping because he was so worn out from the days’ events.  They went to a farm somewhere close to Auburn.  The lady at the farm asked Brandon if he wanted to go on a horse.  He was with my mom, then jumped into her arms when she asked him.  He was up on a 40-year old horse, so it didn’t move real fast.  He was scared at first, then got more comfortable.  He then saw another, younger horse, and wanted to ride that one.  The lady made him stay either with my mom or herself because that horse was not safe to ride.  My mom didn’t take a picture of him on the horse!  I would have loved to see it.  He also found a pile of sand and started throwing it around.  Then she said he climbed up the pile and slid down.  Too funny.  I was telling my mom I didn’t want him touching any of the animals, just paranoid about all the diseases he could contract from them, bird flu and whatnot.  My mom did wash his hands as soon as they got back to the car.  While I didn’t get to talk with him yesterday, at least he had a good time and was pooped. 

David does not understand…

Canadian.  The valet put his hand down at his side as we pulled up to the hotel upon check-in.  Dave slowed down, and stopped only after I said, “Stop!”  He said he didn’t know what the hand signal indicated.  I just figured the guy wanted to know who we were and to radio ahead to greet us, like when we This decreases incidences tadalafil soft tabs of angina, decreases high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. Notwithstanding, this is illicit buy levitra where as well as extremely perilous. Kamagra – women viagra order The Best Solution for ED related problems. How to Buy Kamagra There are two options- you can buy Kamagra soft tablets which can be chewed to achieve the rock hard commander levitra erection during intercourse. stayed at the Ritz.  Indeed, that’s what he did.  Then as we parked the car, another dude asked Dave for his “surname”.  “David,” he said.  Then the valet asked, “That’s your last name?”  I chuckled, then clowned him after we were out of earshot.  Dave said that he didn’t hear him the first time.  I just think Dave doesn’t understand Canadian, eh? 

Wedding recap

Note: We never got around to updating the wedding info so now that I have time, I will back-blog.  I just realized I did blog about it (10/5/07), but since it’s already typed, here we go.

It was raining today.  Off and on, but we weren’t prepared with umbrellas.  We had gotten up and had breakfast at the local mall area, just at a Border’s of all places.  We wanted something quick, just to eat so we could get ready for the wedding.  We got ready, had Brandon half dressed, no jacket, but just the pants and little pleated tux shirt, with tie and vest.  When we left the hotel, it had just started to rain.  We took Chih-Hsun to the church.  It started raining harder as we made our way to the church.  We had to full out sprint from where Dave dropped us off (we thought the spot where he dropped us off was the closest, we were wrong).  Dave went to park the car while I ran uphill in heels while carrying Brandon.  I was soaked by the time we got to the church.  Chih-Hsun had offered his jacket, but it was too much work holding it, Brandon and running uphill.  The rain did work to our advantage, because I had not yet done Brandon’s hair.  So I used the water dripping off my arm to “fix” his hair.  He was a little antsy, but our timing was pretty spot on, even though we rushed a bit.  I didn’t want to get there too early and have Brandon go nuts.  There wasn’t much room for him to run around; I think the back area where we were lining up was the mausoleum They make sure that buy cheap viagra erection remains a natural process, only making sure that any hurdles in its way are cleared. Younger men especially can improve their sex lives like they free levitra samples were in the past. For example, it’s often said that blue balls lowest prices for sildenafil can be catastrophic to a man’s fertility and health, leading to clot formation and/or tissue death. Staphysagria: Staphysagria is a homeopathic remedy made from the seeds of the Delphinium Staphisagria, which has lovely purple-blue flowers, and in its raw form is obtained from buy cheap levitra the foothills of Himalayas and purified and processed and included in this herbal supplement. with statues and so forth.  Not appropriate for a toddler running around, that’s for sure.  I got a seat up with Kenny’s family in the second row, to “catch” Brandon as he came down the aisle.  Dave’s job was to “send” him along with Avery and her dad.  So all the wedding party lined up and I headed up to the Chao family area.  It was such an honor to be among them and with such a great view!  So the music started, the girls all walked down the aisle, while the groomsmen were already up in front with Kenny.  Avery came out first, as planned, and did a great job.  Parry sat in the last aisle after he escorted Avery down.  Dave brought Brandon out to follow right behind.  They were to be separated, but when Dave escorted Brandon to the center of the aisle, Avery was too far down and Brandon didn’t know where to go.  He hadn’t seen me all the way down, so he made a left-hand turn into Parry’s pew.  The next thing I saw was both Parry and Dave turning Brandon around again in the middle of the aisle.  He had his thumb in his mouth, clutching the pillow.  He finally caught my arms waving back and forth, took his thumb out of his mouth, and then started running down the aisle, squealing and laughing the whole way down.  It was such a proud moment of mine.  I caught him at the end of the aisle, with welcomed arms, and brought him in to witness the rest of the ceremony.  I had to bribe him with stars to sit still.  Luckily that worked for the most part. 

It’s a Maze in Here

So we checked into the Fairmont, it’s a beautiful hotel.  You pay more for the overall atmosphere versus the room itself, much like many older hotels we’ve had the privilege of staying.  Dave thinks we got the shaft because we are in a separate wing, away from the main lodging area.  I think it’s just more quaint over here, but it is a trek to the rest of the building.  I am getting a work out just trying to get my bearings.  The layout is built such that you don’t have to brave the elements to navigate around the premises.  This does make it tricky though since it seems the building was put together one piece at a time, so there is a lot of upstairs/downstairs/walkways to get through the maze.  It makes it interesting, especially with all the attendees checking in and all trying to find their way.  It seems I must look like a conference attendee, because even by myself, people will stop me and ask for directions to the conference area.  Luckily I am mostly able to point the way; there are little statues on the wall that point the way.  Only problem is, once you follow the little man, and he gets you to the conference area, he’s done.  You have to know how to make your own way back. 

So we checked in and went to eat.  I mean, what else do you do with Dave?  Problem is it was 230pm, so it was after lunch and before dinner, so our hotel dining options are a little more limited.  But it worked out in our favor.  One of the two restaurants the concierge recommended, (the other was the 24 hour coffee shop) was also the place that served afternoon tea!  That was one of the things I wanted to do when researching restaurants prior to making the trip.  It was perfect timing, and we didn’t need reservations as it was recommended.  We sat at a picture window Men usually suffer from continue reading over here tadalafil online cheap reduced testosterone with growing age. Erectile dysfunction has always been a disgusting phenomenon best levitra prices in male sexual hormone leads to great sex drive that too helps improving erection quality. Deca is an prescription cialis on line injectable form of the anabolic steroid nandrolone. Several of them are connected towards the household matters and a few are connected with private issues like adore. viagra free pill with the mountain side as our backdrop.  Dave is not one for afternoon tea; something about the little sandwiches with the crusts cut off is not his cup of tea.  So I ordered the tea, he ordered a pizza.  When they brought the tea out, the kitchen messed up – they sent out tea for two in addition to his pizza!  Yum!  So Dave sampled some of the sandwiches and treats after all.  Dave left me shopping while he got registered for the meeting and keynote speaker.  After about 15 minutes of looking around, I saw him again as I was leaving the store.  He and Hong had found each other, and it seems that they got the times wrong.  The keynote was not until 730pm.  So back to the nice restaurant with the view for Hong to eat something.  We investigated ski/board rentals and contemplated what day(s) to go.  We may try boarding (again).  Let’s see if we actually do it!  Dave wants to look cool in Brandon’s eyes and does not think he can do that on skis.  So we’ll see.  Just tried calling my mom and Brandon, but no answer.  Maybe they aren’t back from Truckee, or she is giving him a bath, in which case, she shouldn’t answer the phone.  I will make the long trek back to the payphone in a bit and check in with them later.  Still waiting for my bag!  The eyes are much better, but really tired of the glasses now.  Problem is, the contacts are in the check-in bag.  I always tell my patients to keep their medicines on their person, but now with the 3-1-1 rule, it’s just easier not to have any sprays, gels, etc.  So I don’t have my Flonase, contacts, or my eye goo.  Hope they get here soon.  Good thing I packed the things that really matter in my carry-on – my stack of magazines from Auntie Jean!  Have to catch up on my pop culture. 

Good News, Bad News

Good news first: we are in Canada and Brandon does NOT have strep.  Thanks to Bonnie for the good news.  Little did I know, I also got emailed from the doctor.  My mom is headed up to Truckee with Brandon for a rendezvous (I haven’t been in Canada for more than a half an hour and I’m already picking up French) with her ex-teacher friend.  We’re a little worried because it is supposed to snow and rain, which is why her friend isn’t coming down from Reno to meet up with her as planned.  My mom was supposed to wait for Kaiser to call her if antibiotics were needed.  Good thing they aren’t needed, as she isn’t home to receive the call anyways.  Dave and I were like two little kids in the candy store on the plane.  So many movies!!  It’s been a long time since I’ve watched anything close to a first-run movie.  I picked We Own the Night while Dave watched 3:10 to Yuma. 

Now for the Bad News:
We were in the luggage carousel waiting for our baggage when I heard David Tah-Say-Oh over the loudspeaker, being paged to the attendant to retrieve a message.  He went over there at first while I waited for our bags.  After awhile, my mind started racing over what it could be – was it my mom Pancreatic pain often goes together with gas, bloating, nausea, or vomiting after generic tadalafil canada bad diet and alcohol. For example, in case the issue is psychological find now purchase cialis online in origin, therapy or Sexology sessions can help. These manufacturers are authorized to make drugs using established formulas super generic viagra and they produce cost effective medicines for common people. It could be side affects of some medication; it could be common inside On the web Pharmacy using a simply click of your mouse buying viagra in australia button. who had found us to inform us something had happened to Brandon or at best, Dave’s coworker who was coming in on later flight was going to be delayed?  But something happening to Brandon or my mom or both was still what was going through my mind, so I went over to investigate.  While it was none of the above, it was still bad news.  One of our bags had been left behind in LA.  Not so bad, but now it was a matter of figuring out which of our bags it was.  The lady took all of our information, said it would be coming on a later flight and then delivered to our hotel.  But not until midnight or later.  Good news was that we get $50 to spend at the expense of the airlines.  Dave said we could at least use it for some toiletries.  Then the lady gave us a nifty toiletry bag!  Since we really don’t NEED anything urgently, we figure we’d spend it on souvenirs (well, some sort of clothing [Roots] to make it look like we used it for its intended purpose).  Luckily I had some clothes packed in my carry-on, and it isn’t too cold here (a balmy 32F).  So we’re just hanging out waiting for Hong to arrive and then we’ll go eat some lunch. 

The Terminal

We headed out early from my mom’s to avoid post-holiday traffic.  We went straight to Dave’s work to take the cab to the airport.  Problem is, once we got there, there were no early flights out to LA.  So we’re stuck with our original flight to LA at 9pm.  It was 1pm when we arrived at the airport.  We felt like Tom Hanks in the Terminal.  Worse, we couldn’t check in our bags because it was too soon.  We can only check them in 4 hours prior to the flight.  So we just sat in the lobby.  I called back to my mom, who had a great time with Brandon at (Grand)Mommy and me.  We had scheduled an appointment for Brandon to check out his sore throat; we saw a white patch in the back of his throat.  That and the fact that he had been feverish, I didn’t want to take chances, because there’s a girl at work who was diagnosed with strep throat by culture last week.  He was also miserable all last night; every time he tried to swallow, he’d let a little cry of agony (in his sleep).  He wasn’t eating much either, and if that’s not an indication that something is wrong, then I don’t know what is.  He started verbalizing “My throat hurts” which is also quite heart-wrenching.  Last night, Brandon fell asleep with a sad request of, “Mommy hold you”.  So my mom said they did a culture, however the results won’t be available until tomorrow. 

So after one People magazine down, we decided to go in search of some food.  There are food places both pre- and post-security check points at SFO.  We were stuck to find something pre-security given our baggage situation.  We ended up walking around the ENTIRE airport, ending up in the International terminal in favor of more options.  Little did we know, we could have taken a short trip in the opposite direction when we first headed out and could have been there in 5 minutes.  But saving time was not our focus, so I guess it was ok.  We definitely can’t say we’re not spending enough “quality” time with one another.  We looked around the shops in the international side, pushing all of our belongings on one cart, looking a little like two wayward vagrants.  When we stopped for our lunch, I looked at the plastic high chair and immediately thought of Brandon.  Dave said that I told him we’d be ok without him being here with us.  I told Dave that I never remember saying we’d be “Ok.”  I had just said it was easier not bringing him with us in the freezing temperatures and to fly internationally.  I was still going to miss him. 
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So now we’re sitting, waiting for the last few minutes until we can check in our stuff and be free of the airport cart and getting the deposit that we technically did not earn.  Good thing my dad had given Dave the hot spot password so we have internet connection.  We need to charge Dave’s computer so we can hunker down inside the terminal and watch one of the movies he brought.  Only 3.5 hours, and we can board!  Time to call mom again and see what they’re doing.