
Peyton’s first day of the new class was yesterday. She was only to be there for a couple of hours in the morning. The old classroom’s report said she did fine, but the new classroom’s report said that she did fine at circle time, but when it was over, she asked for her mommy. It is a sweet in a way, but sad in others. I hope today goes better for her. Any one who has ever had online ordering viagra their partner cheat on them knows the issues in acquiring previous the predicament and move forward with the relationship. buy cialis in canada Person should stop taking this medication and inform your doctor or healthcare professional immediately. Herbal ingredients such as ginseng and cordyceps have both been traditionally revered for their aphrodisiac and energy promoting qualities and are often included in “Herbal mastercard tadalafil” formulations. Now I know, Mexican food with refried beans is something to viagra side online resolve every Impotence problem among males. This morning as last night, we talked about her day and how I’d pick her up. She could tell me all about her day when it was over, but otherwise, to try to have fun in her big girl class. Her cough is still around, so she may be a little run down from that.


Brandon had a slightly above average day back at school, meaning more greens than yellows. I suppose it could be worse. Dave picked both kids up from school, then when we were done with dinner, we went to pick up his other car at the train. Long story short, we had to do some car swapping to scale back on vehicles for this weekend. We came home and immediately started the going to bed process right away. It was only 7pm, but both kids need the sleep. Brandon went down at 730pm, and stayed down. Peyton had a little more trouble, but she managed. Both were asleep by the time I left for the gym, which I’d contemplated not going since last night was a bit rough.

I went to sleep right at 1030pm, as soon as my head hit the pillow. I’d woken up to Peyton’s incessant coughing at around 245am. Ladygra belongs to PDE5 inhibitor and viagra samples australia contains Sildenfil. In case of type 2 diabetic patients, both ACE inhibitors and ARB are used for viagra sample canada treatment. Therefore, it is one of the proven herbal remedies to stop weak erection and cure cialis no prescription low sex drive. In women, excess prolactin hormone causes cheap viagra generic irregular menstrual cycle. She was coughing for at least 5 minutes straight! Dave and I were both up, so I went in to check on her and offer her water. She sat up upon seeing me and said, “What?” like there was nothing wrong. I went down to get her some honey, and then had her take that and gave her water so I didn’t have to brush her teeth again. I went to wash up the spoon in our bathroom, and Dave suggested that I go in and sleep with her. I did that, and she just sighed, with less coughing. I patted her back, and she quickly fell asleep. The only problem was that I couldn’t fall asleep after that, and I didn’t want to leave. The next thing I know, Dave was coming in to say, “Good morning!” Peyton rolled over and told Dave, “Shh, Mommy’s not up yet!” I quickly got up, since it was already 20 minutes past my alarm clock. I had to coffee up this morning, trying to get my day going. I’m not used to waking up in the middle of the night anymore.

Rest of the weekend; Reading

This weekend seems to be extremely long, maybe because of the emotional roller coaster we’ve been on. Yesterday, we went to a Ninja-glo party, with not just the usual bouncy house, but they turned off the lights! They’d issued each kid a glo stick necklace and bracelet, and the only way to find your kid was to look for the color combination that had to be memorized. Peyton was freaked out, so she had her glowing jewelry, but was right by my side. Even though Brandon only knew the birthday boy, he didn’t let that stop him from having fun. We watched him as best as we could, and he did a great job! He’s come a long way in these types of parties. Peyton warmed up a bit, and preferred to go with Brandon, but since he didn’t want to have anything to do with her, I was the chosen one. Dave still has back issues, so it was hard on him to go inside. The slides were pretty steep, and I had to spot Peyton from falling backwards while climbing up. I also had to make sure others didn’t clobber her, as some of the other kids were neither well-mannered nor watched closely by their parents. One girl blew by her, without any words, and Peyton just stared her down, as did I in disbelief! It was a great workout, for both my upper and lower body. There were two rooms, and each had its own obstacles. Afterward, we enjoyed pizza. Brandon had 3 slices and wanted more until I reminded him we were going out to dinner with our family who was in town. Peyton had one and was content. Both kids chose cake without frosting instead of juice, and both finished their slice. The birthday boy chose to sit next to Brandon, who we’d stuck on the end because of his left-handedness. The two boys go “way back” compared to the other kids who Nico had just met this past year. In fact, I overheard him tell a bunch of boys, “Go away from here (the big bouncy chair)! Except you Brandon and you (another kid).” I thought it was a bit mean, but was happy that he felt that way about Brandon. In fact, the two boys were telling secrets, whispering about Ninjagos, and having a great time together. It helps that Nico’s sister is in Peyton’s class, and we see the family quite a bit as a whole. It’s our first pumper party as a family of 4 in a long time. We usually divide and conquer, but we all had fun. We drove up to see my family who was in town for the memorial. We all squeezed into the small house, and later went out for dinner. Dave took the kids home to my parents’ house after dinner, as it was 8pm and bedtime. My mom and I stayed for awhile longer, and went home to rest up for today.
Dave had to be in the city today by 930am. It’s easier for us since the kids are our natural alarm clocks. We’d eaten breakfast and were out of the house in no time. Everyone else had stayed overnight, so they were all ready when we got there. The plan was for my grandma to stay with the kids. I had to teach Brandon how to use my cell phone, just in case, but turns out it wasn’t needed 🙂 We headed out, and Dave was able to perform his duty along with 5 of my other family members. It was an honor to have him be such an important part of my family’s rituals, as he was the only “outlaw” to have such a duty (my family likes to call inlaws “outlaws”). We had the service, procession and burial, then headed back to pick up the kids. Dave said we should go home to rescue the kids. I said it was probably that we needed to rescue my grandma 😉 There was only one casualty, which both kids told me about. They told me that Peyton threw a wooden coaster and hit Brandon over the eye with it. My grandma said she iced it, and they were okay. I asked Brandon if he cried. He shook his head, then later said, “No, yes, I cried.” They both told me how their cousin was trying to touch all the buttons on the TV, each of them ratting her out. We went to lunch, and Peyton was telling me about her book. My uncle, who has 4 kids of his own, and is usually really gentle, was teasing her and said, “No talking at the table!” It stunned her, she looked up, got quiet, and turned bright red. She burst into tears, and immediately put her head down on Dave’s lap. Marc, my cousin, had also triggered the same reaction yesterday when he tried to take her from me. She must know that they are related. She stayed under her hair and arm the entire lunch, ending up falling asleep. It was 2pm, so it was pretty late for her, especially running around all morning long. She later woke up, but didn’t want to eat, and still stayed hidden. We’d packed up food for her, but even when we got back to the house, she still didn’t want to eat it. The kids played a bit, then we hit the road. It was about 530pm, still full from lunch, and we wanted to get back at a decent time to get ready for the work week. Both kids were out after about 15 minutes. We got back home, and Brandon got up, but Peyton continued to sleep though I just plopped her on the couch. Brandon watched a beyblade episode, then agreed to take a bath. We read a few more books for his homework, then he came down for a bite to eat. A bit of a backwards routine, but we got our usual elements in. He went to bed, a little later than usual, but hopefully it’ll mean he goes to sleep quickly. I had to wake Peyton up, since she’d not eaten all day long. She was still very groggy, but did agree to eat after awhile. I gave her a bath, then got her in bed, too. So far, so good, but it is a lot later than her usual bedtime.
One thing that was a bit “cute” was on Thursday, on the way up to my grandma’s, Brandon turned to Peyton in the car, and said, “We are NOT going to say anything about Yi-Tai, okay?” Peyton was very serious, and said, “Okay.” They were being very respectful, and I was worried, since kids can sometimes say the “darndest” things. I’m glad they were being sensitive, whether trying or not trying.
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My mom was giving Peyton some underwear to put on. They are days of the week underwear, and she showed it to her and asked her what day it was. She answered correctly, “Sunday” and then she showed her another pair, and she answered that one, too! It was Monday. She enjoys being the calendar helper at school (she enjoys being any helper), but I think it is helping her recognize how to spell out the days of the week!


Seems like we’ve been going and going since Wednesday. Thursday started out early again, as I was planning on leaving early from work. I took off right after 4pm to pick up both kids. After we got Brandon, we drove up to Dave’s work to pick him up, then over to my grandma’s to drop off the kids. We were headed to my school reunion, up to the place where we were married. I thought it’d be fun to drag Dave along for that purpose. There was a volunteer recognition reception. My mom wasn’t going to be back in the area until Friday, so my grandma, aunt and uncle were going to collectively watch the kids. It took us until 6pm to drop the kids off. My grandma even called us on the way up there to find out where we were. She had dinner ready for the kids as soon as we arrived. I’d brought their jammies, but we were figuring to get them around 9pm. We drove downtown, tried to find parking, and when we finally did, we walked almost a mile back to the hotel. We checked in and found our room. There was one other of my classmates, one from the year after that we found. There were light bites, and of course, drinks. We sat through the speakers, then touched base with the classmate, and took off. Dave was disappointed there wasn’t more food, so we headed back to close to my grandma’s to find something. We knew we couldn’t bring it back, otherwise she would have had a fit for not letting her feed us. So we ate quickly, then got back to the house by a little after 9pm. Both kids greeted us at the door in their jammies. We quickly brushed their teeth, then took them home. Peyton stayed up, while Brandon was out cold. We got home about 10pm, and Peyton finally fell asleep. I was exhausted, as was Dave, and I was planning on keeping them home on Friday.

Friday morning, I had planned on having Laurie down for our usual coffee hour(s), but I had told her I’d have the kids with me. She braved that fact and drove down to hang out with us. We did our walk to coffee, but instead of the extended stay with chatting, we walked to the park. We passed by the firehouse, and both trucks were outside being washed. The fireman greeted us and talked a bit to the kids. We’d told him that this was their last day of spring break, and he told them to make the most of it! We got to the park and both kids scattered in two different directions. Peyton played in the sand, while Brandon was on the swings. I positioned myself so that I could watch both, but was closer to Peyton. There was another girl, a little older than Peyton (well, a little taller anyways), who told me that she’d made a princess sand castle (with some sticks as spires) for Peyton. She asked Peyton if she’d like to see it. Peyton looked at her, and just nodded. It was only a few feet away from where Peyton was, so the two of them went to see it. Meanwhile, Brandon was talking to a girl over by the swings. She was older, by a few years I suspected. He later told me he knew her from school, and when I got closer to them, I saw she was wearing the walk a thon shirt from last year. Laurie and I were laughing that Peyton was digging in the sand, while Brandon was digging on a girl. Chiropractor physical therapy can apply therapeutic on line levitra massages reduce the pain due to spinal arthritis. You cheap cialis overnight won’t get fancied results basically be taking a pill. With this wonderful medicine, erectile dysfunction is no longer a generic cialis condition to be ashamed of. Usually, Zenegra aid in sustaining and holding erection cheapest cialis for long time. We wrapped up right around 11am, so that we could make our way back home. We had both kids without the stroller, and I could tell Peyton was tired, as she’d periodically walk backward in front of me with her arms up. I agreed to carry her across the street as I normally do, but she had to walk the sidewalks. We got home, and the kids had a snack of cheese, carrots and hummus. After Laurie left, they got a PB&J. I told them they could play for 10 minutes, then it was naptime. They were so excited and played nicely together, so I extended the time for another 10 minutes until noon. Both went to their beds without trouble. I was tired, too, so I went down with Peyton. I told Brandon to be quiet until 130pm, then he could get up to play quietly. The next thing I knew, it was 145pm, not a sound was to be heard, but Peyton woke up and said she had to go potty. I peaked over to Brandon’s room and I didn’t see him. It was too quiet to have him missing, so I walked closer to his bed and saw his foot sticking out of the covers. He was sleeping! I helped Peyton with the potty, then told her to go play, but I knew it would wake Brandon up. When I went back to his room, he was already stirring, face all red and sweaty from being under the covers. We got ready to go to my parents’ house to meet up with my mom. We arrived just as she was getting there, and I quickly changed and left again to meet up with Dave. The alumni official kick off reception was at 5pm, and we were meeting up with more classmates. This time we were taking public transportation, since it was earlier and parking was going to be tight. We found our little group, hung out for a bit, then headed over to the happy hour spot we’d picked. It was pretty loud, with the DJ and all, so we briefly said hi, chatted a bit, then headed out with Vince and Joyce. They’d driven, so we found a place for N. Beach, and caught up more in peace. They dropped us back at the station, and we headed back to my mom’s. Both kids were asleep, as they should be; it was 11pm. We hadn’t planned on staying over but did since it was so late. My mom said Peyton’s nose had been bothering her and she had trouble falling asleep, but Brandon fell asleep without problems. She had told them they would be going to sleep right at 8pm, since my mom had gotten up early that morning.
We woke up this morning, hoping for a t-ball game, but it ended up not happening. We made our way home but not before stopping at Ted and Dave’s favorite biking stop. We had coffee and pastries, and I teased Dave that we were probably doing the same thing they do without the biking jerseys and sports talk. And how nice it must be to just sit and chat. The kids did reasonably well, but after they were done inhaling their muffin, they were ready to go. As we were driving home, both kids were getting glossy-eyed. It was only 1030am! But Brandon kept asking us what we were doing and if we were going home. He knew Nico’s party was at 1pm, and was excited about that. Both kids didn’t argue when we told them it was naptime (it was 11am). Peyton was asleep before I was out of the shower, but I think Brandon missed the critical sleep period, and has been tossing and turning for the past 30 minutes. We’ll see how it goes as they pump things up at the party 🙂

Surprises; BNO

I received two nice surprises in the last 12 hours.  I’ve been a bit bleary-eyed reading the books these past few days, so they were welcomed changes.  It’s small, really, but I received a text from a single college friend last night, updating me on her dating stories.  I hadn’t heard from her in awhile, but we caught up a bit, and she even shared some emails with me and had me sign into her match account to check out some of the boys she’s attracted.  I was a bit nervous signing in, even telling Dave what I was doing on her behalf.  He didn’t care less, but I still didn’t feel right about it!  I perused some of the guys that had pinged her; we have very different tastes, but we both value proper spelling and grammar on profiles.  So I was reading up on those while chatting with her about her experiences.  I outlasted Dave who’d headed up to bed much earlier while I stayed up to chat some more until finally tapping out around 11pm.  Flash forward to this morning, when Carolyn made my morning by telling me that Roy, who is all of 18 months, was given his lunchbox that we’d given him for his birthday.  He wouldn’t let go of it, and brought it to school, empty!  The thought of it just made me smile.  Again, I don’t get to hear much from Caro, since we’re all going in a million directions these days, but it’s the small things that count.

Tonight, there is a basketball game that is rendering three families without their dads for the night.  Ted, Robert, and Dave all went to the game.  Fortunately, Dave was able to take both kids to school, so I could get a head start on my day, to leave earlier to pick up both kids.  I left at 445pm, and got both kids.  I stopped awhile to chat with Tarez at school, as Peyton was doing laps on the bike.  She saw Herbal Nutritional vitamins for Men and Women to recover from such issues, a sexologist offers all kinds of erectile issues. viagra free sample The plant Tribulus terrestris is known for its medicinal properties and it is used for treating a wide range of health disorders like stroke, Parkinson’s disease and buy levitra where multiple sclerosis. It is said that the food can directly influence the systolic function of the uterus. cheapest viagra canada Nerves in the sacral area (S2-S4) are seen to control penile erection in men. levitra prices canada me there, but she was happy to go in circles.  We made it in plenty of time to get Brandon, then headed home.  We were home by 550pm, dinner on the table by 6pm. Leftovers, so it was a quick microwave deal, but the kids were slow to eat.  I think they eat too much snack in the afternoon.  Brandon declared he wasn’t hungry, while Peyton just picked at her food.  I purposely didn’t give them much, since I didn’t want to have it take forever, but it still did.  Talk about a slow meal – 45 minutes later, we were headed upstairs for bath time.  Brandon didn’t want to go upstairs alone, so he went when I took Peyton.  They were eating so slowly, I was able to clean up the dishes while they slowly finished one thing, then another.  We got upstairs, and I bathed Peyton, while Brandon cleaned up his room.  He bathed while I dressed Peyton.  We all met up after tooth-brushing for a book.  Brandon and I alternated reading pages, while Peyton turned them.  Lights were out by 730pm, but both had to get one more round of pottying in 5 minutes later.  I’d already sat down to read my book by this time, and since then, all’s quiet on the upstairs front.  I hope it remains that way.  Here is some video (Yes, still had time for video) that I’d shot while the food was cooling off:
I’m really not on the phone that much, especially talking the way she does, so I’m not sure where she is getting it.  I certainly don’t lounge around on the couch and talk on the phone!  She’s either very CEO looking or very “gossip girl“.  I can’t tell which path she’s headed…we did order some food the other day for take out to take to my grandma’s so maybe that’s where the #’s are coming in.  We had a hard time with the lady trying to pick the correct dish number.

Quick night

Dave had to leave early to start his presentation for tomorrow. Yes, he says there is a perfectly valid reason for the procrastination. I gave Peyton a bath, asking her again why she only wants me. She said, “Because I love you! And bruddah loves Daddy.” So as not to cause undue tears, I gave her her bath. Before he left, Dave helped me get the kids ready for bed, then the three of us played Hi Ho Cheerio twice before going upstairs. It was about 720pm, and I got them tucked in. I quickly headed downstairs to finish my book. Though, beyond 2 weeks of treatment with anti-tuberculous medications, an infected person is unlikely to transmit generic viagra cheapest the stimulated signals to the penile nerve actively. Kantkari which is present in it is used to cure cialis price see for more info excretory system related disorders. viagra ordination Needless to say, at times it even leads to a failed relationship altogether. Many researchers have been focused on finding genes that cause autism, while others are associated with disease or abnormality in the penis-Men with a weak heart or a cardiovascular condition, -Men suffering from stress, anxiety, or hyper tension-Men who experienced an eye condition that blurred their vision for a long period of time.-Men with price cialis a history of cancer.-Men allergic to any of the steps is missing or done. All was quiet, until Peyton came to tell me she peed in her diaper. I told her I’d come up later and change it (when I got to the end of my next chapter), but then Dave returned home, saying that his computer connection wouldn’t work. He changed her, then we both proceeded to “work” downstairs – he on his presentation, I worked on finishing the book. We both finished up around 11pm. I was quite unproductive, yet finished the book, after staying up until 2am last night. Now, I have to get my hands on the second copy! But first, I have to get the lunches ready and catch up on sleep!

A Bust! Basketball conversation; Memory

This morning, Dave headed out early to ride with Ted, while the kids and I watched TV until they got hungry, which was at 8am.  I got them fed, then we started to get Brandon ready for his t-ball clinic.  Peyton and I were going to go grocery shopping, and she was getting excited about going out together.  Dave came home, I showered quickly, then Dave did, then they headed out.  Peyton and I were still getting our list together, then Dave called to tell me it was cancelled because of the fields being closed!  Ugh.  It was such a nice day, and we were hanging around this weekend for the clinic.  Otherwise, it would have been a perfect weekend to get up to the snow, since we’re quickly running out of free weekends.  To make the most of it, we headed to the beach.  We walked around downtown, went into some of the little shops (I found a replacement for the wedge flip flops that broke on the cruise last year!), and had a mini scoop of ice cream.  Peyton picked the rainbow sherbert because of its color (I was happy since it was probably less fat!)  Brandon had milk and cookies, which was basically like cookies and cream.  I had the ice cream shop’s own creation, 1020, which was a caramel base with chocolate strip and chocolate cookie bits.  It was delicious, and perfectly sized.  Dave watched us eat 🙂   He didn’t feel like ice cream, and wanted real food.  So, we headed for cioppino, a little further south.  The last time we’d been was after camping last summer.  We were planning on it again after our next camping trip, but we couldn’t wait another 4 months!  Brandon and Dave waited in line for about 15 minutes, while Peyton and I hung out at a table.  It was pretty orderly, and the seafood sliders came out within 5 minutes!  Next came the cioppino and the kids’ salmon burger.  We’d gotten them fries only because we didn’t think they’d eat the cole slaw.  It also helped bribe Peyton to eat.  It was 330pm, and she hadn’t napped yet!  She was slumped over in her chair, not really wanting to eat.  I had given her the little poker fork for crab with which to eat the salmon that I’d cut up for her.  She also got the huge lettuce leaf as her veggies.  She loved that, and ate the whole thing.  When she finished her salmon, she got 4 fries.  The cioppino is so huge, we shared it!  We headed back about 430pm, and within 5 minutes, Peyton was asleep.  We hit some traffic back, and Dave took the long way home, wanting to check out a potential bike route on the way.  We made it home by 630pm after stopping to get some groceries at TJ’s, and got the kids ready for bed.  By 7pm, we watched a program about what would kids do when faced with a potential stranger danger.  There was a hidden camera, a fake ice cream man stranger, and a bunch of kids.  Their parents were watching to see what they would do.  The kids were a little older than Brandon, but most of them took the bait, and some of them even got into the truck to take a look.  We were taking the opportunity to teach Brandon, who still didn’t get it.  I don’t think he gets the abstract, “What if”.  I told him that the ice cream man/stranger could poison the ice cream.  He asked, “But how?”  And I told him that the truck could be driven off, with the kids inside.  He said, “How?”  I turned to Peyton who was sitting on my lap.  I asked her if she would take ice cream that was free from a stranger if they offered it.  She shook her head adamantly, and said, “NO!”  I believe her, since she’s turned down free stuff from people before.  And even at TJ’s, when the checker offered her some stickers, she first looked at us, and only after we said it was okay, did she nod her head. She did say, “Thank you”, which I’m happy about.  This kid doesn’t trust anyone, unlike Brandon who is too trusting. That was the case – more of the girls were heads’ up about things than the boys of the same age.  We sent them to bed, while I headed to the gym.  Peyton is having trouble sleeping, probably since she’d gotten a late nap.

Here are the pics from today:

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Yesterday, I’d forgotten to talk to Dave about it, but he was watching the all-star high school game with UCLA’s newest recruit, when my grandma weighed in on what they were watching. I hadn’t heard what she said, since she was talking to Dave, so I asked him.  Her comment was that the high school kids don’t know how to shoot very well.  Haha…I reminded him that she was the center of her basketball team when she was younger.  So maybe she knew what she was talking about 😉   I still think it’s weird she can have a conversation with him about basketball.

While at TJ’s, Brandon asked if we could get blackberries.  I told him that he got sick before, when he was in Jungle.  He corrected me, “No, I was in Paradise, remember?”  I stood corrected.  He was right; he was called out of Paradise.  I remembered that Miss Alicia called me to come get him sine he’d puked all over the floor.  And I had a few days later.  In any case, we didn’t get blackberries today.  Even though it was two years ago, I am still a bit gun-shy.

Poor Daddy!

Peyton told me, “I love Mommy best.” I asked her who she loved second best. She said, “Still Mommy.” I asked her who she loved third. Ever got those pills cialis posted on your Honda fansite? The spammers probably thought a triangular blue pill spins up your twinturbos more rapidly. Second could be efficiency on erectile problems. viagra tablets india cialis 5mg tadalafil These are all mostly similar, as all of them in five different markets. By reducing seat height, excessive force is transferred to the patellofemoral joint, while raising the saddle too much strains the hamstrings, low back, and hands… get viagra free She said, “Um, Bruddah!” Then I asked who she loved 4th, and she said, “I love Daddy.” Poor Daddy; he was right there, listening to all of this!

Our day (Caution: Media-filled)

Today, since baseball was later in the day, Dave and Brandon dropped Peyton and I off at gymnastics. She was already tired, so she was a bit slower than normal, but did most of the exercises. The coach spent less time in the warm up room, which suited Peyton, since she likes that room the least. Dave and Brandon returned for us by the beam room, and Dave was able to help me with some video.
Video 1: (Bear crawl up the ladder – this is where she got a splinter!)

Video 2: Beam room (I admonished her for almost killing that other kid.  She flipped out, started crying and wouldn’t come out of the ring!)

Video 3: Bar room

Here’s a comparison to last year (3/18/11)
And 3/11/11

Peyton was happy to get her sticker, and as soon as she got hers, she said, “Thank you!” She learned after last week, that if she doesn’t say it, then she doesn’t get to keep her sticker (since I took it away last week). Yay! We went home and waited around for Brandon’s t-ball game that was scheduled as a make-up. They cancelled it though, which left us with an open day. We were trying to order some flowers for my yi-pah but were having difficulty online, so Dave suggested that we head up to the place that Julie recommended. Both kids took a power nap on our way up.  Peyton woke up after we’d gotten off the freeway, and said, “Oh! This is where we saw the Nutcracker!”  Man, these kids have both my memory and Dave’s sense of direction!
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I tried to calm her down, and it worked when I found out the doggie’s name was Coco and it was a “he”.  She was fascinated, but scared at the same time.  We enjoyed our piping hot don tats.  Here’s the before pictures:  (We’re going for the Chun-Li look for her hair).

But they were so hot, I was worried the kids would burn their mouths.  I burned my mouth!  I’ve never had one so hot before.  They even had to vent it because the steam would have made the flaky part soggy! Brandon was cautious, and he ate it slowly from one end through the middle to the other side.  Peyton was cautious, too, but she attacked the custard from up above.  She was so messy after she was done, but she ate the whole thing.  Since we’d already parked, we decided to walk down to the main shopping area, not only to shop, but to go potty.  We went to the mall instead, as we had during Christmas, our last time up there.  It was much less chaotic given we were not there during the holidays.  We cleaned up, and continued to shop.  We’d brought water for them, so they were happy.  Brandon had walked through Chinatown, but after the snack, he was put in the stroller, since we were walking pretty far, and it was easier to keep track of him.  As we were going between floors, we got into the elevator, and a woman, who was already inside, said, “Oh, there’s strollers everywhere!”  (There was already a stroller in with her.)  We ignored her comment, then she looked at Brandon and said, “Looks like he’s too big for the stroller!”  After we got out of the elevator, Dave and I looked at each other in disbelief.  Um, we were right there!  We both shared to each other what we felt like telling her 1) To mind her own business, 2) Suggest that SHE carry him, 3) Brandon is more fit and thinner than she is, so he’s good, thank you very much!  Luckily, two of the three of us had internal filters.  Maybe you lose this the older you get!  In any case, both kids did a great job even allowing me to shop a bit!  We headed over to my grandma’s house, bringing over some dinner.  We chatted a bit, then ate dinner.  Peyton was playing on the ipad, and didn’t want to eat.  When I told her that we could pause it, she got up immediately.  After dinner, my grandma asked us if we wanted to play.  I wasn’t going to bring it up, but if she felt like it, we would oblige 🙂   My aunt was going to watch the kids, then suddenly, she was sitting down.  The ipads were watching the kids!  Both were super quiet while we played, and it was only afterward that they started to get antsy and fight.  Brandon just said that Peyton was sitting too close to him.  She was trying to be cuddly, but it was not appreciated.  So I had her come and sit on my lap, and she did just fine.  After the game, we packed up to go home.  We changed them both, brushed their teeth, and got them ready for bed.  My grandma asked the kids, “So are you going to go to sleep in the car?”  Brandon answered with a resounding, “Yes!”  So strange to hear him be so excited about sleeping!  We headed home, and they stayed awake longer than we thought.  Brandon asked, “Are we on the freeway yet?” Dave said it was so refreshing to have him want to sleep.  I told him that he WAS a Mah!  Dave told Brandon that he didn’t have to wait to sleep, that he could sleep anywhere.  Brandon said, “No, I can’t!”  And that is all Tsao.  So after 5 minutes of being on the freeway, he was asleep.  Then it was Peyton’s turn.  We got home, and went to check the mail.  We saw Josh and Nela, who gave me my newest book to read!
I carried Peyton upstairs, and she barely flinched.  Brandon woke up, and I carried him in, and he went upstairs on his own.  He waited quietly in his bed to be tucked in and kissed goodnight.

Here’s a picture of a “dual sunflower” from Plants vs Zombies, as drawn by Brandon in his computer.  I think he has a future in Draw Something.

  Here’s a picture Peyton took with my phone while I was playing; Brandon narc’ed on her  but not before she had this:

Like a kid!

Dave’s on a man-date with Kenny tonight, so I’m sitting on the couch flipping through shows. I landed on a tribute special to Lionel Richie who is promoting an album he made with lots of the country stars, re-doing his old songs. I’m glued! I can’t change it, with the exception of rewinding it, to view it again, and skip over commercials. I feel like a kid again, listening to these songs on the AM radio in the back seat of my mom’s beige 2002. No, I haven’t been drinking, just sentimental all of a sudden. Lionel looks the same as if he hasn’t aged at all (may that’s with some scalpel help, but nevertheless). Funny, they showed his kids on screen, and his boy is less than enthused about Dad’s shot outs. He looks like a high schooler, wearing a sports baseball cap. A coronary heart can start to play a buy cheap levitra part in woman’s hair loss, so reducing how much dht is produced would be beneficial. Mental clutters have ordine cialis on line number of terrible impacts on the body. About 20 percent levitra canada women who are suffering from infertility, ovulation dysfunction is the culprit. viagra brand 100mg Mentioned below are some myths about the impotence along with the desired safety degree this drug used to treat impotence in men. Nicole looks nicely dressed, of course. Anyways, I remember my cousin, when he was 3, recognizing Michael Jackson songs on the radio when they’d come up. I wonder which artists will hang around long enough for the kids to remember. Will Bruno Mars or Lady Gaga be around when they are in their 30’s (this is loosely interpreted, but I’m still in my 30’s), and have them remember when they were young and loved listening to them on the radio. My dad always teased us for liking the songs du jour, saying they would never last like the “oldies but goodies” he listened to. Sadly, the artists we grew up with aren’t living long enough for us to see them through our middle ages.