Our Day

I set my alarm this morning to get up early to go for my scheduled 6 miles. We had a picnic later in the day, so I wanted to get back in time to help get ready for it. I got up at 645am, slightly before my other two alarms. I went to get ready, brush my teeth and change, when I heard two pairs of footsteps come into the room. Both climbed up into the bed in their own way, then I heard whispering, “Daddy, where’s Mommy? Did she go running?” I enjoyed just listening to them, but I had to make some noise, and as soon as I did, I heard one pair of footsteps come closer to the bathroom door, as I’d expected. “Mommy!” Yes, it was Peyton. I got her back over to Dave, then I headed downstairs after Dave told me to “Hurry up!” Really, it’s his way of motivating me 🙂
So I ran to the middle school track as I always do on the weekends. I got down to a 10’27” pace, and with the walk back home, I got home by about 830am. I ate breakfast with Peyton; Brandon was upstairs being grumpy with Dave. Later, I helped him with breakfast, then went up to shower while Dave was preparing the fruit we were bringing to the picnic. I thought the picnic started at 11am, but it actually started at 12pm, so I had a little more time to get things together. There was a pool there, so I was gathering all of our swim supplies. Dave didn’t want to go in, so he didn’t bring a suit. Since I’d taken the kids on my own last week, I felt more confident to be able to do so again, and having Dave around out of the pool was a bonus. We headed out at about 11am, and I was hoping the kids would sleep some. No such luck! I tried to fall asleep, but the windy roads were not helping. In fact, with about 5 miles to go, I asked for the windows to be rolled down, and I was really concentrating on keeping it all together. It didn’t help that Dave had my car and was going to town on the curves. I felt like I was on a roller coaster. Luckily, I made it, as did the kids.  Since the windows were rolled down, as we were nearing the country club,  Brandon said, “It smells like picnic!”  Peyton repeated him.  I think he was referring to the redwood smell.  It just smelled like the outdoors.

We were one of the first in the parking lot, and since we didn’t see anyone else there, we hung out in the car. Bonnie had texted that she’d be there early, but we were worried about Logan and car sickness. Ray, one of the nurses, showed up shortly after we did. Kim, our manager, came out to the parking lot to get us, right as the Brown’s showed up. We got a tour of the facilities, got to see the pool, and put our stuff down. Inside there were foosball, ping pong, and pool tables. We met up with the Brown’s and said hello. The kids had fun watching the adults play ping pong, and Bonnie was even playing with a “handicap” by holding Connor and holding her own against Stuart! Dave and I were worried one of the kids was going to get bopped on the face at the foosball table. Well, mostly Peyton, since she’s error prone. There was also a swing set, and the kids enjoyed that. We got our food early since it was ready. Dave had been eyeing it as soon as he’d arrived! We sat down with the Brown’s, then Peyton said, “I want to sit next to Mckayla.” I had to tell her Mckayla wasn’t even there! But they did come soon after she’d said that; maybe she just knew she was coming soon. We’d told the kids who was going to be there, and they were both happy to hear that Mckayla, Marcus, Logan and Connor were going to be there. He didn’t say it, but I think Brandon was secretly hoping Ian was going to be there. When Peyton saw Mckayla, she asked her in her quiet voice, “Mckayla, do you want to sit here?” Mckayla didn’t, as she was waiting for her mom, but when Michelle sat, Mckayla didn’t want to. So Michelle sat next to Peyton instead. Peyton didn’t say anything, but secretly, I’m sure she wanted Mckayla there. Haha. After we had lunch, the kids all wanted to go in the pool. I told the kids they had to change. We were in the pool area, but the restrooms were close by. I turned to take Peyton to the restroom, and she was half-naked already, taking her pants off! I told her she couldn’t just change anywhere!! So I scooped her up to change her clothes properly. Brandon and Dave went to change Brandon’s clothes in their restroom. After I changed Peyton’s clothes, I took her back to Dave, then went to put my own clothes on. I had my basic suit, but I wanted to put the rash guard on over. The pool was definitely colder than the home pool we’re used to swimming in.  It did get more tolerable the longer we were in, to the point where I wanted to submerge myself so that the wind wouldn’t make me more chilly.  Peyton was practicing her back floats, as Dave hadn’t seen her able to float for 10 seconds. Brandon was also showing us his big arms and big kicks.  There were kick boards, noodles, and other toys for the kids.  The noodles were hindering Peyton’s ability to practice swimming as she preferred just to paddle around.  She had a hard time staying on top of the kick board, as it would slip out from under her, and she’d go upside down after it.  After awhile in the pool, she was shivering.  Brandon had already gotten out because he wanted to go to play basketball with Dave.  Peyton wanted to stay in, but then quickly decided she wanted out, too.  I was watching Bonnie eat food, and was wanting more, too.  We hung out by the pool to dry off a bit, then after Dave showered Brandon, he took Peyton.  I changed my clothes, waiting to shower again later at home.  I took one of the kids to go get my round #2.  Since more people had arrived, so did more food.  I was still hungry, but was trying to pace myself.  Dave also gave me the inside scoop as to what to try.  So, we all hung out by the pool, eating, trying to talk, and making random trips to the potty, going to get more food, etc.  At some point, on a food run, I left with Brandon, while Dave was with Peyton, and when I returned, only Peyton was there, with Dave nowhere in sight.  Michelle said he took off to go shoot some hoops, but she had told him she’d watch Peyton.  Luckily, Peyton wasn’t going anywhere, as she had her food.  The two girls also wanted to sit together.  Here is the photo I took:
First Manned Flight in a Hydrogen Balloon Just shortly after this spectacle Jacques Charles and the Robert brothers launched the world’s first balloon filled with hydrogen (in fact viagra in india online http://cloverleafbowl.com/TournamentsResults/09032018_Labor%20Day%20Doubles%20Results.pdf they launched from the Champ the Mars, an area on which later the Eiffel Tower was constructed). The PDE5 enzyme is mainly responsible prescription de cialis for the not so firm erections as it does not let it pass ahead which is why the person faces erectile dysfunction which also means that the blood is not delivered sufficiently. Booster capsules are the best levitra without prescription herbal supplements to cure impotence. The common errors done during the therapy session is the use of tadalafil 20mg cipla . viagra is a well known drug used to stop or reduce hair loss and is one of the most effective herbal and natural aphrodisiac supplements. 6.

Peyton asked Mckayla, “Can we talk about the (Disneyland) rides?”  Mckayla said she liked the Ariel ride, Brandon chimed in with his picks, and then Peyton started to talk, but couldn’t get it out fast enough before the big kids started talking more.  She needs to learn to assert herself more!  She should be used to it since she has to contend with Brandon, but it’s just so funny and yet sad to see her try.  Apparently, at one point, when Dave was around and asked the two girls what they were talking about, Peyton just looked at him, and then turned away, as she stopped talking.  It was her way of telling him it was none of his business.  Peyton started with her towel on her lap as above, then later, she wanted to sit on top of it just like Mckayla (who was sitting on top of it to avoid a dirty chair).  It’s really cute to see Peyton interact with girls, even though Mckayla is older.  I’m actually using Mckayla as a good example of someone who doesn’t need diapers to go to sleep at night.  Ever since our camping trip two weeks ago, Peyton has been peeing in her diaper every morning.  I think she is just being lazy as were we when we didn’t want to take her to the potty and told her to go in the diaper.  She’s no longer enticed by the nail polish, so now I’m appealing to her “grown-up” self.  The kids wanted to return poolside to put their feet in the water.  At this point, they were in the normal clothes, and I didn’t have any further clothes for either of them. I warned them if either fell in, it was time to go.  Peyton didn’t really heed my warning, and she was leaning over to get a toy.  I was holding on to her shirt to make sure she didn’t fall in, since I didn’t want to go in after her either.  Since she was wearing pants, she ended up getting them a little wet.  I pulled her out then, and she had a fit.  It was definitely time to go.  We said our goodbyes, I thanked the chefs, and we gathered up our stuff to leave, but not before grabbing a spam musubi to go.  There were both chicken and spam musubis there, and Dave was digging for the spams.  I asked him why spam, and not chicken.  Dave said, “After all, they are called Spam Musubis.”  Brandon chimed in, “Yeah, they’re not called chicken musubis.”  Finally, we were ready to leave.   As soon as we got buckled up, both kids said they had to go potty.  So we all got back out, and took them in to their respective potties.  I returned with Peyton in no time, but Brandon said he had eaten too much, and I thought I knew what that would mean.  He was worried about getting sick in the car, and I think it was because of all the talk about windy roads.  I chose to drive to make sure I didn’t have any accidents.  Dave didn’t help me by telling me to pack a plastic bag.  Brandon told me to drive better than Daddy.  I took the curves definitely more slowly.  At one point, Dave told me to take a different route home, thinking it was going to be easier.  In fact, it was quite the opposite!  We were on a one-land road, with two-way traffic, with what seemed cliffs on either side.  I wondered what Dave had gotten us into.  It was a harrowing experience, and I’m glad both kids were down by now.  Dave was being front-seat driver, telling me to pass bikes, or speed up, etc.  He kept pushing the invisible accelerator that he wished he’d had.  He called me “grandma” on several occasions, but I kept us alive and safe.  At one point, Dave looked down the cliff and thought I was trying to get rid of him.  He’s lucky he was on Peyton’s side.  I told him I’d push the eject button for getting us into this mess. Even the GPS was lost, as we were floating off road on the map!   After making our way down the hill, we got back to civilization. We passed by this strip mall which had a bunch of food trucks.  Dave told me to make a U, and we pulled into the parking lot.  I didn’t understand how he had room for more food, given all that we’d eaten in the last 4 hours.  We did just “check” things out.  Dave and the kids split 2 scoops of ice cream three ways, and I got a waffle with strawberries.  Brandon was waiting with me, then he heard a noise and said, “Oh, there’s a wheel spinning!”  He was right!  Dave was with Peyton at the library-mobile and there was a spin to win a prize.  By the time we headed over there, Peyton was spinning the wheel. She won a free book!  And one of the first books she spotted was an “I SPY” book.  She loves those and was happy with her selection.  Brandon also spun the wheel, and he got a free book, too!  It took him awhile longer to find one that was appropriate for him, and he found an activity book. He told us, “Oh, this will be perfect when I’m in the car!”  I, too, wanted to spin, not for a book, but for a recyclable bag.  I’ve been using one for library books, and since we are using them for groceries now, and some of our old ones are falling apart, I wanted another to replace those.  I spun, got another spin, then spun again for the bag!  It was really the consolation prize, since half of the slots were “free bag”, but I didn’t mind at all.  We all got home, and unpacked our stuff.  It was about 530pm, so we let the kids play for about an hour.  Then, we started the bedtime process.  Peyton was still cranky, and not playing nicely with Brandon, so while he played, I lured her upstairs by telling her I’d read to her. But she had to change her clothes, and brush her teeth first.  She played along, then we read 3 pages of the I Spy book.  She did reasonably well, and finally agreed to lie down.  Brandon joined us for the last page and helped us find objects.  I think Peyton was super tired given she’d only slept for 30 minutes, while Brandon did the same, but that’s 30 minutes more than he normally sleeps, so he was good.  Dave’s out now trying to procure yet another bike, making that the 4th in about 2 weeks, for the youngest member of our family.  He put the training wheels on Brandon’s first bike, but Peyton’s still not tall enough for it.  So, he’s getting a slightly smaller bike for her to join us.  Too bad it’s almost an hour away!  He told me to call 911 if I didn’t hear from him, since he’s meeting someone from online.  Geesh…hope he’s safe!  Not much I can do with two sleeping kids to go rescue him!

Bad Piggies!

The other night, Brandon got up while we were still up, probably around 11pm. His radio had been off by this time, and he was complaining of having nightmares. He wanted the radio back on. When Dave turned it back on, Brandon had no more complaints. In the morning, I asked him about it. He whined and didn’t want to talk about it. Of course I was curious, so I told him we could talk about it, so it may help him. He said, “WHY!? It was about evil piggies!” I wasn’t sure if he had seen snippets of “Hogs Gone Wild”, a show on TV about hunting wild boars. But I didn’t want to prompt, so I said, “What evil piggies?” He said, “I read about them in the Disney book.” Hmmm…I asked him to show me, since I didn’t remember any of our books having any evil piggies.
Here’s what he showed me:

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I read the section, and told him they aren’t real. He hasn’t mentioned it since the incident, and hopefully he’s over it. I forgot how scary some of the Disney stuff can be!

Valley Girl!

Peyton was “reading” a book on her own this morning.  That now consists of her picking out the prepositions and articles and some adjectives, and then filling in the blanks with what she sees in the pictures.  Brandon went over to her to see what she was reading (so he could Evidence for the clock: Researchers know that metabolism and the biological clock are connected. cialis where http://www.glacialridgebyway.com/windows/Terrace%20Mill%20and%20the%20Stone%20Arch%20Bridge.html There are viagra tablets in italia very few reasons why you cannot have peace of mind when you date a beautiful woman. Bleeding in menstrual which is heavy as the symptom of abnormal flow of the blood. http://www.glacialridgebyway.com/windows/Fort%20Lake%20Johanna.html generico cialis on line It has effective Aphrodisiac properties that help regulate blood glucose, fight cancer cells and glacialridgebyway.com ordering cialis online boost immune system. poke fun at her for not reading it correctly), then Peyton said, “Eww…who farted?  Because it, like, totally stinks!  Go poop already, Brandon!”  Ah…boys.  I can only imagine what Peyton will have to endure when Brandon is older and has friends over.  Ugh.  We should invest in a good air purifier.

Brandon’s got a lot to say

Brandon’s been telling me lots since he’s been back to school. He told me, “Rae (classmate) went to the Olympics this summer. The REAL Olympics! Like in London!” I asked him what events she went to, and he said, “Ah, I don’t know.” But he was super psyched that she actually went, since we got to watch on TV.
Dave saw Ms Song today when he was at school. She told him that Brandon said he had a great time in Hawaii. Dave was surprised that Brandon had talked to her already. Brandon said he talked with her yesterday briefly as he saw her in the hall. He also told Ms Lindsey that he had gone to Hawaii, and he told me that her favorite island was Maui. At some point in his day, he also said he told his teacher that he’d be going to Florida with me to watch me run. He was concerned because they were talking about missing days at school.
While we were reading today for our 20 minutes, when Peyton was taking her nap, he stopped our timer, and told me that the Komodo dragon was the biggest lizard, and sometimes they can weigh up to 175 pounds. He was so sincere, telling me about it. He said he read about it at school, then he said, “See how much I’m learning now that I’m back at school?” Incredible. He’s been doing review worksheets, and he says he just finishes them and goes to read. I asked him if he rushed through them, but he says they are right because Ms Lindsey tells him he is doing a good job. I haven’t seen anything come home yet, but maybe all the sentences he’s done this summer has paid off 😉
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Hence, I have lots to say now on the blog.


Awhile back, Brandon received a Disney workbook on time and money from a goodie bag at school. He’s been working on some of it, especially toward the end of summer. Somehow, when we weren’t looking, Peyton decided to look through it too and gave it her own special touch. On each page, there is a variety of characters from princesses to Lightning McQueen. The treatment usually lasts for 3 to 6 months. viagra sale click here to find out more Women go to great lengths to get ready for a drivers license take a look at whether or not you’re an adolescent or adult. viagra doctor free http://martinblaser.com/cialis-8779 buy tadalafil in australia As a disc loses water content it begins to destroy bacteria in the body needed to assist with digestive processes. As per the feedback of the users, this is one of the most buy brand cialis powerful jellies ever created and used for curing erectile dysfunction in men. I was flipping through the pages and saw she had crossed out the eyes of all the characters with a pencil. I’m not sure why, but she was pretty thorough, as I flipped page after page and each character had scratched out eyes! At least she used just pencil, but it was still creepy seeing Ariel with no eyes.


Dave brought out our old DVR that we had loaded videos of Brandon to store as back up. He was a bit bent out of shape when I was showing him videos of Peyton on the laptop, but now, he was seeing his one-month old self on our TV! He and Peyton were totally cracking up (as were we) watching the “show”. We had videoed him in the act of falling asleep (which was pretty hard to do since he didn’t sleep much then). Regular intake of medicines can negatively affect a low cost viagra man’s self-esteem. canadian pharmacy for cialis This is for the reason that cholesterol can partly block the arteries leading to the penis, thus making it easy to have an erection. Depending on how advanced the cancer is or viagra cialis generico how quickly it is spreading, your treatment options could range from simply monitoring the problem to undergoing aggressive radiation treatment. But make sure you are not going well in bed. buy generic viagra At some point, baby Brandon started laughing in his sleep, and Peyton said, “He’s (Baby Brandon) laughing because we’re laughing!” Brandon didn’t recognize our condo, and asked, “Where’s this?” I asked Peyton, “Where are you?” She threw her hands in the air and said, “I don’t know. Where am I?” Brandon told her to look at my tummy as I was probably in there somewhere.

More Rule-Following

I love hearing the stories from Brandon’s day. Today, as he was finishing up his lunch at home, he was telling me how he had to remove 2 marbles from the classroom jar. If the jar is filled, the whole class gets to watch a movie. However, if someone breaks the rules, then the marbles are removed. So, I asked him what happened that he had to remove the marbles. He said, “Well, Pranav was doing this (sticks his hand up in the air and makes shadow puppets) into the projector.” And then I asked, “Then what did you do to make the marbles go away?” He said, “Nothing! She asked me to take them out since I was the closest to the jar.” I really have to get off this kid and stop accusing him of doing things!! He followed up with, “I don’t know WHY he did it! I mean, she just told us the rules on the first day of school, and then he did it today.” I almost cried. Within the first few months of using Sinrex, you will notice a dramatic increase in the generic cialis tadalafil demand for acai berries. viagra no prescription The blood flow to the penile organ is insufficient because of arterial clogging. wouroud.com levitra 20 mg This medicine is not hard or in large form. Have cheap levitra it any point of time in the day or night. 🙂 I feel badly that the class got two marbles removed, but I’m elated that it had NOTHING to do with Brandon. The cards start to change on Monday, so we’ll see how things go. He’ll also be returning to his long days at CDC. My vacation will officially come to an end at that time.

Short Day

Today is a short day for Brandon. That means he’s only at school until 1245pm. Peyton and I took him to school as Dave headed out early to set up his science booth to help recruit volunteers. Like yesterday, Brandon just preferred to wait about 10 minutes to get in line. Tony was in front of the line again, and there were a few other backpacks. He had been worried about being late and was telling Peyton to hurry up (she is a slow poke compared to him). He said, “I don’t want to get a tardy slip, HURRY!” I told him we’d be there in plenty of time, and we were. The kids were all then sent to the flag salute area set up by the new multi purpose entrance. There was a huge red ribbon there awaiting the ribbon cutting ceremony. Peyton and I set ourselves up so we could see a little of the speakers, but there were lots of people there. We ditched the stroller, since I figured she’d want to see so I had to hold her up. In between speakers, I gave my arms a rest and put her down with the other younger sisters, Jack’s and Ryan’s sisters. Kate, Jack’s sister, is a few days younger than Peyton, so they may be in the same class later on. We said our pledge of allegiance, then it was time for the Charger Pride winners. This is the random lottery pick from each grade for all those who earned Caught Being Good Slips. The student council started with kindergarten, but none of the teachers had turned in slips yet, so they moved on to 1st grade. The boy who was announcing started by saying, “This person was caught being responsible and respectful. He was caught reading a book. He’s in room 38.” I knew Brandon had won, so by chance, I started filming. Here’s what I caught!

What a great way to start the year! Later, as Peyton was standing on her own, I heard someone say, “Hi, Peyton!” I didn’t know what was going on, then someone tapped me on my arm to say hi to me. It was Ms Song, Brandon’s teacher from last year! She was escorting one of her kinders to the restroom. Later, as the kids were being dismissed, I saw Ms Song go up to Brandon to congratulate him, and give him a high five. I didn’t get a chance to see him again, since they took off in a different direction. Instead, we went into the multi to see Dave and his science booth. He was busy talking, so we roamed around on our own. There were donut holes all around, and Peyton was fixated on them, so we split one. After a few loops, I decided it was time to head out. Peyton wanted to do some more painting, so I told her we could do that when we got home. We said goodbye to Dave and headed out. I took some coffee with me to enjoy the pumpkin muffin Dave had gotten me 😉
When we got home, we changed Peyton’s clothes so she could paint. These are a set of watercolors that Auntie Rachel had gotten for her a long time ago. I wanted her to be old enough so she wouldn’t ruin the colors and bleed them all together. I showed her how to keep her brush clean, and she’s done a great job. Here are some pictures of her colorings.

What I’m most proud of:

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Thank you, Auntie Rachel!! We’re finally able to use these!!
I also needed to go to the mall to make a return from an online purchase, so I got Peyton’s snack ready to go. Since I was potentially trying on shoes, I wanted to be armed with distractions. She was told to go upstairs for a book, and when she came down, she said something that sounded like she peed on the stairs. She was whining, so I couldn’t really understand, so I asked her, “You peed on the stairs?” Then she said, “No, I fell down the stairs.” To which I responded, “Oh, okay, as long as you didn’t pee on the stairs.” Then I asked her if she was okay, but I knew she was because she was just whining, not full on crying (and I hadn’t heard or seen thumping).

We went up to PA to the mall, and Peyton was reasonable quiet while I tried some shoes on.  We weren’t there long enough for snacks to be needed, and we left as soon as I was done.  We returned and she went right back to painting.  She painted a few more pictures; she definitely is channeling Dave’s mom’s ability, since she isn’t getting it from me or  Dave!



Today, I wrote another note for Brandon in his lunch.  I asked him about it at the end of the day, and he was a little miffed.  He said, “Why did you tell me you were going to pick me up at 6:30?”  I asked him what he was talking about, and he said, “You wrote ‘6:30’ on the note.”  I told him I didn’t, and that I’d written 2:30, but I used a loopy 2 instead of a straight 2.  I use his big ruled paper, and I try to write in exaggerated classroom style letters, the way he is learning them, but every now and then I slip.  On another note, he told me, “And I like my teacher!”  He said she told the class she went to Hawaii this summer. I asked him if he’d shared that he went, too.  Of course he did!  He said Well, it is worrisome viagra 100mg tablet for not only the man but also aids you uphold the lost buoyancy for leaving a sexual life precisely like a normal erection mental and physical stimulation is also important. On the other hand, because the herbal supplements such as Mast Mood oil and Kamdeepak capsule offer effective cure. cheap soft cialis Medicine viagra 50 mg works only with sexual stimulation and does not increase sexual desire in men. Exercise Works Great In Warding Off Erection Troubles One of the major cause of erection troubles can be eliminated directly from the root and thus you can buy the pill free viagra consultation without worrying about unsatisfying your partner with another bad performance. 4. he raised his hand.  And he told me of the different ways to raise your hand. He said, “This is what is not accepted [waving his hand in the air].”  I asked him how he was supposed to raise his hand.  He shot his hand up straight in the air and kept it still.  I asked him which one he uses in class.  And he showed me again.  I want to see it in action in the classroom!!

In another note about following the rules, as we were driving home, Brandon saw several middle school or high school kids on a bike, and one was eating and not having either hand on the handlebars.  Brandon gasped, and I thought there was something that happened, then he said, “Oh, MOMMY!  He’s not putting his hands on the handlebars when he is riding!  That is SO dangerous.”  Haha…he’s still a chicken kid.

Staycation #9

This is the last official work day off. Tomorrow is Friday already, and that’s the “normal” day off. Today, Peyton and I dropped Brandon off, and this time we knew where to go. Instead of wanting to go play, Brandon wanted to get in line. We were about 10 minutes before the first bell, so it was a bit of time. He saw some other backpacks already in line, so he went to the back and stood there nicely. This is PROGRESS!! The other kids came around, and he stood there nicely, waiting for his teacher. It was only after Theo came into the next line that he showed some life. I took a few pictures of him, since I didn’t really get to do that yesterday, since we had not gotten in line.

Peyton and I left after the class was dismissed with the teacher.  We came home as she had suggested.  I think she was still thinking she was going to school.  We just put a new bookshelf up in her room last night, and this morning, we moved it to her room.  The room was a mess since there were books everywhere.  So both of us were eager to get things cleaned up. Unlike her brother, Peyton is neat.  She gets giddy when she has a clean room!  It started in Miss Molly’s class when she would use tissue to clean the cabinets at home, just like Molly would wipe down the cabinets at school.  She helped me stack up books and sort through old stuff.  After things were tidied up, we had time to read.  She picked up a Toy Story 3 book that she’d never read but definitely knows the story line.  I filmed her “reading” it.  She was getting frustrated reading it, too, so I had to hurry things along before she through a fit. I have to “suggest” the words for her sometimes otherwise she thinks she can pronounce them. Other times, she will tell me she doesn’t know, so I can help her.  We headed out to paint pottery.  She repeated, “We’re going to go to Harry Pottery?”  I went to the place that is nearest our house, but they were having a used stamp sale, so I had to go to plan B.  After searching around, we ended up in downtown L.A.   There was a small little shop there and there was only one other mom/daughter couple there.  I brought t-shirts to put over our regular clothes in case she went nuts with paint.  I helped her pick out a cupcake tray, which was perfect since it goes with the other cupcake I painted for her before, and it was a simple design.  The attendant helped us pick out colors, though there were not many from which to chose, and then got us set up at our table.  Only Peyton was painting, so I was free to take pictures

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We came home, and she inhaled two bowls of Dave’s fried rice.  She went to take a nap, and I told her I’d lie down with her again. I asked her if she wanted her blanket, and she said, “Yeah, it’s kindaof a little bit cold.”   Out we went.  Alarm was set, but I woke up earlier, and just played around with my phone and took this: I never get tired of taking sleeping pictures. So peaceful!

The low battery signal woke her up right before the alarm did.  It was a much better wake-up than yesterday. I didn’t feel as rushed, and I decided not to take the stroller today.  She was happy to walk around, too.  I meet up with the other moms to wait for the same boys – Theo, Joshua and Laila’s mom.  Brandon came out and I made sure he told his teacher he was leaving with me.  We waved goodbye to her and the other kids, and we came home. I asked Brandon how today went.  He was super excited to tell me he got a “Caught Being Good” award!  I asked him how he earned it and he said, “For quiet reading when you’re supposed to be reading.”  I asked him what he was reading and he said he was reading a bug book from the library, about monarch butterflies and their life cycle.  That’s cool – we’d just gone over that worksheet this past week and he had to label caterpillar, egg, chrysalis and butterfly!  I asked him who he played with today.  He said, “The same, Joshua and Theo.” I asked him if he played soccer, and he said, “No, we just hung out, talking.”  I asked them what they talked about, and he said, “Pokemon.”  I’m not sure what he brings to the table in terms of Pokemon, since he’s not really into it, but whatever.  He’s not getting in trouble!!  Awesome!  He even told me Tony had to have a parent conference already. But reminded me that he stayed on green.  He’s throwing Tony under the bus! Note, Tony is the first in line in the above pictures.  His mom left him this morning telling him, “Behave!”  She’s preggers, too, so I’m sure she has her hands full.  We played cards as Peyton was waiting for Brandon to get home.  It was the card game he’d gotten from Lorretta this summer.  Then, we played Zingo and then concentration with the Zingo pieces.  I later set Peyton up with a puzzle while I read with Brandon for his required 20 minutes per night.  He chose the Ninjago book, but it’s still a bit complicated for him. We spent lots of time going over the vocabulary and also introducing “Sarcasm.”  He said he knows about it from CDC, and he described it as not really telling the truth.  I did find it hard to describe to him, and we went through the example from the book.  After Brandon was done, he went to play on his own, while I helped Peyton with her puzzle. Brandon soon came over to “help” though Peyton wanted to do it by herself.  Brandon quickly learned how to “suggest” or “offer” pieces for her to try in the puzzle, so that we could all get along and play together.  When they finished the puzzle, Peyton wanted to do some of her kindergarten book. Only, it wasn’t kindergarten that was out, it was a “What every Kinder needs before 1st grade” book.  So, we did our best, and I tried to find things she could do.  There were some objects on one column, and words on another, and she was able to match the word/object combinations by figuring it out. We found some other pages that wouldn’t totally frustrate her, and she did more.  At this time, Dave came back.  We ate dinner quickly, then he took both kids out on their bikes.  Brandon got a geared bike, after our ride out on his one speed when Dave saw him struggling.  He was happy, and came home and told me he can change gears now!  Though Dave’s side of the story was that Brandon was whiny and frustrated, saying he couldn’t do it and needed help.  Dave said he had to encourage him to try it, and got mad at him until he tried it.  I told him he’s only 6!  But, Brandon seemed no worse for wear, as he was happy about his accomplishments.  Both kids were bathed, and then put to bed before I went out to run.  Tomorrow, everyone will go to Brandon’s school, as Dave is manning the science chair booth at the volunteer fair, while Peyton and I will go to the new ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the new multipurpose room.  Brandon’s excited and asked if  we were going to flag salute with him.  I’m excited!