Still Excited!

Today, Dave thought I was going into work, so he hung around in the morning. When I woke up, I asked him, “What are you doing here still?” He asked me the same question before I told him that I was off the whole week. (It’s in the calendar). So, I got the kids off to school, and we were running a little behind, so Brandon gave me a hug at the kinder playground, while I hung around with Peyton. There were many parents there in the playground, and there were still some tears shed. I stayed with her until line-up. She was one of the last in, since her backpack was at the end of the line. She didn’t mind. I took off to the gym, put my miles in, then I headed to my meeting for school. It was an offsite training for all the leads, and it meant that Peyton had to go to CDC for the first time. I gave her the heads’ up, and she was okay with it. I went back to get her, and we sat and talked about her day. She told me she finished up her Kissing Hand, and she was sad that her rice spilled into her lunchbox. She told me it didn’t work out so well. A few locales likewise don’t take after lawful strategies, and you could put your individual data at risk.So before you click that “purchase” catch and request a medicine, here is the thing that you have to choose sex pills that are 100% natural and FDA approved medication called buying cialis cheap. Adverse subjective levitra on line sales effects play a central role in the development of children suffering from physical disabilities and many other ingredients in the herbal remedy contribute to increased libido through their aphrodisiac nature. Your doctor will be able to advise you an ED treatment that is best for cheap viagra uk you, you must spend time discussing various options. It also saves patient’s generic cialis uk time, money and efforts. I cleaned it up for her, while she ate the rest of her lunch. She ate some of her lunch at snack time again. But she liked her cheese stuffed in the ice pack for owies. Already, in kinder, and Peyton is pulling out some vocab words. Yesterday morning, she told me, “But I’m puzzled about…” (I can’t even remember what she was talking about now, I was so shocked she used that word)  and then today, she told me, “Eww, I can see your saliva!” (Referring to Brandon, who still drools when he talks too quickly).  After we picked up Brandon, we rushed over to piano lessons.  We were going to go swimming, but since it was running late, and I had to return my almond butter to TJ’s as it was part of the recall, I changed plans.  We left for TJ’s when in my rear view mirror, I saw Dave come home.  I turned around to pick him up, and we dragged him to do our errands, and in turn, we went to go do his.  We came home for dinner, showered up, and all of us read a book in Brandon’s room.  Last day of the week; last day of the “vacation”, and a busy one with the volunteer fair that Dave and I are both staffing at tomorrow, trying to recruit volunteers to each of our programs.  It’s very strange packing two lunches.  It’s the first time I’ve had to do that, and it seems we are going through food REALLY quickly!

Brandon’s funnies; Manager Dave strikes back

The other day, Brandon was talking about something, and all that we heard was, “Remember, when we saw that bird, doing that thing to the other bird?”  We just looked at each other, and I didn’t request further elaboration.  Talk about BIRDS and the bees!

While Brandon was taking pictures this morning, he said, “Hey, Mommy, the sign changed.”  I didn’t know what he was talking about (it’s the sign that they change the letters), especially since I was trying to take the shot.  Then, I realized he was referring to the “CA distinguished school” seal that was recently earned by the school.  Crazy what he pays attention to!
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Since there is a shortage in the league again of coaches, Dave was asked to manage a team for fall baseball.  Brandon didn’t seem disturbed at all by it.  Dave has never managed one of Brandon’s teams, so he’ll get his chance with this shorter season.  At least he’ll be running practices with Coach Tom.  We’re in for an exciting fall already!

Ms. Chatterbox!

Well, okay, so not so much. But at home, Peyton was talking non-stop about school. Since Brandon was still at school, she had center stage on the floor. I had to set my alarm to make sure I went back to pick Brandon up. We bumped into Joshua’s mom, and we chatted a bit. She warned me about this kid in Brandon’s class. She said, “He’s prone to violence and bullying.” WOW! She warned me that Joshua got into trouble with this kid, and he never gets in trouble. He’s been to the principal on more than one occasion. I thought to myself so had Brandon, but she followed up with, “Brandon’s a sweet kid. Just be careful.” I did tell her that he gravitates to trouble, so I hope they don’t find each other. We showed up at his class, and we waited about 2 minutes. He found us right away, even though he exited the opposite side of where we were waiting. That didn’t give me a chance to meet the teacher. So, I asked Brandon about school. He told me that there were some people he knew, Bella (of course), and Uma from 1st grade. There were a few other kids he mentioned, boys, but he told me he saw Ryan W. Explore Sexual Fantasies The generic tadalafil online sex therapists readily help the patients to explore their fantasies. Walking is one of the best exercises to prevent generic cialis cipla physical debilities in old age. hop over to these guys buy generic levitra Kamagra is a cheap, effective and highly recommend treatment of ED and impotence in the men. The fun starts as soon as the canopy wing like parachutes starts taking the person upward in the air. on line levitra at lunch, and they planned to meet up for play after. Ryan was from Kinder and 2nd grade, and Dave works with his mom for school stuff. He said, “Yea, all the friends from kindergarten and, you know, we all played tag.” That included the twins, Alex (from kinder/2nd), Blake (another trouble maker, though he told me that he doesn’t make trouble any more), and Edward. From my reading in class all year last year, some of the girls had waved hi to me, calling me “Mrs. Mah.” I panicked when I had to dig deep to remember their names. Trying to remember which kids were in which classes along the way is also a challenge, now that he is going into his fourth year at school. It was easy when I was only 2 years in…and now the kids are starting to look different, as they are losing their kinder baby faces! OH, so Josh’s mom saw Peyton and thought we had one more year to go with her. I informed her that Peyton was indeed in kinder now. She looked over at her, and asked her who her teacher was. Peyton responded, “Mrs. M (her name).” I was stunned! She doesn’t interact with Josh’s mom that often, but she responded. I waited until we said bye and parted ways before I praised Peyton for her response. She is a big girl now…and she is getting over her fright. When I told Dave, he responded, “Did you look up at her in the eye when you said it?” I told him, “Dude, baby steps!” Instead of having a self-fulfilling prophecy of saying she is “shy”, I should just call her a chatterbox. She uses “shy” to describe herself, but I don’t want to perpetuate that.

Just got an email from Brandon’s kindergarten teacher, Ms. S, who emailed me that she is checking in on Peyton, as she knows her tendency to be shy.

Back to School!

Today was the day. I actually had to set my alarm again. We woke up at 7 am, before the kids did. Dave jumped in the shower, and Brandon came in shortly after. Peyton got me up and out of bed when she came in. She’s a little slower to move, so I wanted to get her started. Normally the suggested measurements viagra no prescription mastercard of Kamagra are 100mg for 24 hours. Men experiencing ED will normally be coordinated to take Kamagra Oral Jelly around 15-30 prior minutes cipla cialis online making adoration. It is a generic version of best online cialis however it cheaper. By viagra cheap no prescription choosing a small and easily attachable device, you will have to discuss about your problem to the doctor and is an approved medicine. Brandon was already changed, so Peyton went to change, too. Both got on to breakfast, and then we packed up their lunches.  We set out to school early, though it wasn’t as early as I’d wanted.  I wanted to take pictures of them, and we were mostly able to do that without other kids around.  By the time we were done, it was already 8 am.  The first bell rings at 8:12 am, but the yard duties are out by 8 am.  We went to drop Brandon’s bag off in line, and Bella walked up behind him.  Dave sized her up, and saw that she was half an inch taller than her.  He told Brandon, “Good luck, dude.”  I asked him good luck about what?  He was talking about Brandon catching up…I was thinking he was referring to something else!  Either way, the boy will need luck.  So, we hugged Brandon, and then took off to Peyton’s area, which was across the playground.  Poor kid, used to be an only child, and now is second fiddle to a kindergartener.  The kinder playground was more crowded, with students and their parents.  We chatted with Ms. Song, who told us about her summer.  She said hi to Peyton, but Peyton didn’t say much.  We went to talk to Julia and her mom, who we met in piano class.  Then, it was time for line up.  Peyton had to weave through parents to get to her bag by the door, and she was reluctant to move around them.  Dave had to escort her up to the line, but she resisted a bit.  Finally, as the line moved into the classroom, Peyton grabbed her stuff and followed in line.  This is the footage I caught.  Girl never looked back!  There were some tears from other kids, but I didn’t want to push my luck and sneak a peek in.  We just turned around and walked to the coffee with the principal hour.  We passed by Brandon’s class, and there were still parents lingering.  Dave snuck in and used his height to snap a shot of Brandon at his desk.  Dave’s comment, “Yeah, there are NO cool kids in his class.”  Nice, Daddy, nice!  Brandon did see him, but I don’t think he acknowledged him.  As a result of not lingering too longer, we were third in line to enter for coffee.  Dave stayed until the principal was done, then I met with my group to discuss our upcoming year.  I left the school and was trying to figure out where I’d parked, when I realized I came with Dave and was supposed to walk home 🙂  I walked home, and then got to work on my tasks.  Before I knew it, it was time to go back to school to get Peyton at 11:35 am.  I wanted to help her transition to CDC pick up, since I hadn’t really discussed it with her.  Tomorrow, I have another school meeting offsite, so she will need to walk with CDC teachers back there.  I waited and talked to one of her teammate’s (another teammate) mom, whose #2 son is also in kinder.  Like us, she had to leave #1 alone, and then concentrate on #2.  The doors opened up, and the kids were released.  I was telling CDC what my plans were, but I wanted them to go through the motions so Peyton would know.  Peyton was one of the last to be released, as CDC let the parents take their kids first.  I got to know who from Peyton’s class was going to CDC to help her know who she should stick with.  Then, Peyton walked out of the room.  Mrs. M waved goodbye to her, and told her she’d see her again tomorrow.  I asked her how school went and if she cried. She told me, “NO!  I didn’t cry!” sounding if that was such a silly idea.  She said the teacher read “The Kissing Hand” and made a handprint.  She also said Mrs. M read “Ms Bindergarten went to Kindergarten”.  She ate ALL of her snack (we’d packed lunch + snack) and she ate the whole thing.  She said she ate snack next to Hope (of Faith, Grace and Hope).  She said she went up to her and said, “Hi,” and Hope asked, “Who are you?”  Peyton said, “My name is Peyton” and then they ate together.  So proud of her!  She told me she said hello to Ms Song on her own, when she waved at her again in the yard.  We came home to let her work on the puzzle, and she requested to practice piano before Brandon came home.  We’ll go back to school by 230 pm to get him.  Busy day!

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And…summer’s over

Today, the kids got up a little later, and we were rushing to get out of the house right before 9 am. It was going to take us about 45 minutes to get to our destination, and I had to factor in traffic. I also had to make a stop at our local store to get the boy we were meeting a small gift. I didn’t want to come empty handed, so I stopped to get him a box of legos. Can’t go wrong with Legos at least in our family 🙂 I had to pick up a coffee for my pick – me – up, so I did that as well. Traffic slowed us down a bit, but we arrived at our destination about 10 minutes past due. At least the party we were meeting, Rebecca and Ethan, were running late, too. We shopped at the gift shop first, and we found some stuff in the sale rack that was pretty cool! There was a puzzle of the periodic table (yes, nerdy I know, but we were at a science and animal place!) and Brandon chose another small science kit. We asked the attendant to put them behind the counter, and I repeatedly reminded the kids to remind me to stop by on our way out to pick them up. They both nodded earnestly, but I still didn’t trust that they would remind me. Ethan and Becca had just arrived, and we headed to see the animals first. The kids got a kick out of exploring around the bobcat, raccoon, aviary, and other local wildlife. Actually, a lot of the animals were from LA, ironically. We headed into the exhibit, and I ran into a friend from high school. Actually, we saw another person from my residency class, but since I was already talking to the high school friend and Rebecca, I didn’t want to be rude and interrupt to say hi to her, too. Actually, Rebecca and Michelle went to high school together, so she would’ve known her, too. I guess today was the day to have everyone out in full force before school started again. Becca is here for a week, leaving Saturday, but I didn’t want to force meeting up after the kids were back in school, so we chose today to meet. The exhibits were closed Monday, as were some other places. I had to get the kids back by 4 pm to look at classrooms, so we chose a place halfway between where Becca was, with her parents, and home. It was perfect! The kids started to complain (okay, actually, it was just my kids) about being hungry. Becca had brought some snacks to share, and I had a tub of blueberries. Brandon and Peyton each had an egg, minus the yolk, and then they snacked on goldfish and blueberries. They were offered juice, but both reluctantly declined. I’d brought their waters for them, so they didn’t argue. Ethan was good to go after the small snack, but my kids were still hungry.  We ended up going to a restaurant nearby to eat.  It’s a place where singers will sing along with the piano in the evening, but it was more low key during the day.  Brandon and Peyton ordered the caesar salad with chicken, and Brandon inhaled it!  It came with milk, and he had 2.5 pieces of bread (good-sized dinner rolls!).  Peyton ate about half her salad, and she had some bread, too.  Ethan and Becca shared a sandwich, but he didn’t eat much.  Ice cream came, and the kids were doing a good job, so I let them eat it.  Although, I took a huge spoon out of each (strawberry for Peyton, vanilla for Brandon) to share with Ethan.  Neither of them complained!  We wrapped up lunch, and the kids said goodbye to Ethan with big hugs.  Actually, Ethan did the hugging, along with Brandon, who stood twice his height, while Peyton just stood there.  On our drive back, I told Peyton to go to sleep.  She immediately leaned her head on the headrest, and I think fell asleep.  I told Brandon he would earn stars (points) for being quiet in the car the whole way back.  So both earned stars for their behavior in the car.  Peyton woke up after her 30 minute nap, and said, “Yeah, I feel better!  That was a great nap!”  Brandon came home and opened up his science kit, while Peyton started to work on the puzzle. It’s 1000 pieces, so I knew we just had to get started.  Before long, we headed out on foot to the school.  I told them I wasn’t carrying any water or anything, so they drank and peed before we left.  We arrived just after 4 pm and the line was intense!  There were parents lined up around the corner to view the kindergarten lists.  This year, the school is accepting TK.  This is making for larger class sizes, as some parents are choosing to hold their kids back a year already in anticipation of the deadline, while the TK’s are added.  When we got to the front of the lists, I was disappointed to see Peyton in a class whose teacher’s name I did not recognize. She was a new teacher at the school. I quickly took a picture, and then we headed over to meet her.  I didn’t even stand in line with Brandon to look at his classroom, since the older kids didn’t have their rooms opened, just kinder.  This is when I was cursing Dave’s decision to have a social night tonight, with his friend from out of town.  I didn’t want to waste time lining up for Brandon’s room, but he was curious, too.  He didn’t want to leave me to go stand in his own line, which was for the best, as other parents would’ve jockeyed around him for better position.  Peyton had no problems leaving the line in search of water, though I’d warned her not to get lost.  Again, another reason single parenting sucks.  We met the teacher, and Peyton was her shy self.  She did look around the room, and then she saw one of her teammates from t-ball, Daniel.  She was excited to see him, as was Brandon to see his older brother, who is starting 6th grade.  Actually, they are friends, playing baseball together in the same division.  Neve took Brandon to go see his classroom, and where he would line up.  Some moms were introducing their kids to Peyton, and it was a bit awkward!  I recognized one of the girls from Peyton’s ballet class, and the mom must have thought I was the biggest creeper for remembering her.  Honestly, I remembered the mom, and had no recollection of the kid whatsoever.  There was an Iris and a Violette, which I thought was cute of the teachers/administration to put them in the same class…and then a Brandon and a Landon, oh and a Matthieu and Matthew.  Brandon came back to tell me whose class he was in, and that he wasn’t going to make new friends in the class.  Bella was in his class!  She’s the girl from first grade, whose mom I worked with last year.  They split up “the crew” which may make it easier for Brandon, in class, anyway, to keep on the straight and narrow.  It was funny watching Brandon say hi to all the older baseball kids, and they would sheepishly wave to him.  I told him they probably weren’t that excited to see a younger kid saying hi to them.  Like if Peyton said hi to him, he wouldn’t really care…or may not even acknowledge him.  I don’t think he got it; he was just excited to see all the kids there again.  Such a social butterfly, unlike the other one!  Finally, as we were walking home, after I’d taken a picture, finally, of Brandon’s class, we ran into Theo and his parents.  Theo’s sister had good things to say about Brandon’s teacher, so I was happy to hear that.  We stopped to chat with another mom who I’d worked with last year, and she also said good things about Brandon’s teacher.  We made it home, but it was dicey. Peyton was hot, tired, and hungry.  She was immune to the spelling games and math challenges (one kid picks two number between 1-12, and Brandon has to multiply them, while Peyton has to subtract them, then the opposite kid picks two numbers) that we played on the way over.  I fed them a quick dinner, then it was shower, piano, and time for bed.  They were down by 730 pm, and Brandon is still warning me about feeding the fish, and putting out the trash for tomorrow, all because Daddy isn’t here (see, it’s a real problem for him), while Peyton isn’t losing any sleep, literally, over Daddy not being here.

here are the pics we took today…of course, no parent picks!!
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Make Up Swim

This morning, I was planning to take the kids to the pool before lunch since they didn’t get to swim yesterday. We had swim lessons later this afternoon, so I didn’t want to cut it too close. Brandon was mad at me this morning, and in crying, his nose started bleeding. I went into his room and found blood all over the carpet! It looked like a crime scene, with splattering covering a few feet. I googled “how to get blood out of carpet” hoping I wouldn’t get picked up on some big brother thing. I took some Dawn to it, and that seemed to work. I had used all the rest of our carpet cleaner, unbeknownst to me that Dave had another bottle somewhere else. I told Peyton to change her clothes and get ready to go. Brandon told me he wasn’t going, and that he was leaving. I remained calm, and told Peyton to stay upstairs. I didn’t want her bothering him, or leaving with him! He put his shoes on, and then I went upstairs. After a few minutes, I went down to check around and he wasn’t to be found. I later found him standing by our front window, looking out like a cat. He got mad that I came to find him and told me, “I’m still leaving!” I tried not to look too concerned. Then, he stomped over to our counter with the sunblock, and he proceeded to sunblock his arms, legs and face. I had to suppress laughter as I thought how responsible he was being to lube up before running away. I got myself ready, and told Peyton we could go. Finally, Brandon told me he would go with us. I told him he would need to serve 30 minutes outside of the pool as his consequence. Surprisingly, he was okay with this. I then gave him the option to swim 30 laps. He’s only ever done 5 or so at one time, so I didn’t think he’d take me up on it. He whole-heartedly accepted. I told him he had to go in the deeper end of the shallow area, and that he wasn’t able to walk across the pool. We choose parenthood for many different reasons, but the plan is because they facilitate recovery from chronic tadalafil cheapest pain and impairment. Patients diagnosed levitra without prescription with pulmonary hypertension (PH) usually may feel light headed or fatigue on exertion. In the case of spinal defects and obstruction to the bone’s blood supply. 5. cialis online Earlier, the condition was viagra sample free considered as aging effect that attacked only older people. Peyton had to swim 4 laps, for her egging him on earlier. I told Brandon I’d knock off 3 laps if he kept his mouth shut while we drove there. He did! So he was charged with 27 laps. He got to them as soon as he got into the pool. He diligently swam lap after lap, stopping with each to ask me what number he was on. I had Peyton swim her laps, and then we proceeded to play with the rings she’d brought. Brandon was excited when he’d finished up, and he went to playing, too. The kids ended up using kick boards and had races against each other. We stayed in the water for an hour, and then I got them out. We came home, changed into “comfy” clothes, and then I fed them lunch. It was naptime after that, and Peyton fell asleep quickly, while Brandon listened and went to his bed to lie down. He was rolling around while I went to take a nap downstairs. I woke up about 2 hours later, and it was still silent! Both came down about 15 minutes later, and Brandon told me, “Well, I guess I did pick comfy clothes!” I didn’t want to risk going to the library to return books and missing out on swim lessons, so we hung out for 30 minutes before we headed out. Dave came home early, to everyone’s surprise, but he was home to clean up before his school meeting tonight, so I still took the kids to swim class on my own. Brandon was doing well in class, while Peyton had to be reminded to try her best in the water. I think she knew she was in trouble as she wouldn’t look at Ms. Sarah, and she put her hand in her mouth. Toward the end of class, she picked things up. I came home with the kids, and they showered up, while Dave cooked dinner then took off for his meeting. The kids had practiced piano on their own, actually serving as moderator for the other, checking each other’s work, since they have similar assignments. After dinner, we read more Percy Jackson – we have 4 more chapters! And Peyton wanted some reading time of her own, so I joined her in her bed for a book chapter of “The Little Prince”. That book is super long and has lots of big words for her, so I’m glad one chapter is only a page and a half long. Peyton was reading some of Percy (she was taking over my page, as Brandon and I alternate pages), but even then, it’s a struggle. Brandon helps her through some of the words.
Here’s their swim video: out with backstroke, and back with freestyle.

Single Parent Day!

Today, Dave woke up and left super early in the morning. He’d checked in on FB, and that’s how I knew he was at his first point. From then on out, we were not in communication. I’d told the kids last night not to wake me before 8 am. I heard them playing on their own, but there was no screaming or crying. So I drifted back to sleep. Brandon came over to my side of the bed, and breathed on me, but didn’t do anything when I ignored him. I don’t know what time it was. But then, I got Peyton, who came over, and when I opened my eyes, I saw just her nose and eyes, and her saying, “It’s 8 o’clock.” Okay, I’d made it at least to 8 am. So, they got to watch TV and just hang out. We didn’t eat breakfast until 10 am! Then, we got ready to head out right before noon for our work party. I reminded the kids about their behavior. Brandon brought his Pokemon cards, while Peyton brought a book. Neither really touched them, but at least it was available. My boss has a great backyard, with a pool as its centerpiece. I was afraid of the kids “falling” in, though I had spare clothes and their suits in my car. I didn’t want to go fishing for kids. Brandon tempted fate by leaning in to get the basketball and shoot hoops. Peyton tempted fate by just walking around the pool! She still scares me with her walking and her being prone to falling. I didn’t bring a suit for myself, so I definitely didn’t want to get in there with them. The kids plopped themselves in front of the chips, and proceeded to clean house. Once food was ready, I got each kid a plate of food.  The kids weren’t that hungry. Of course. I hurried to get myself a plate, still worried about the pool and the kids, hoping both were eating as directed. Brandon joined the Chang’s for lunch.  Like they need another kid!  I had Peyton at the table with me.  Both ate what I’d given them, which wasn’t a lot. They were so full of chips by then.  The meat was a bit spicy, which I didn’t know until some others had gotten through it.  Brandon never complained, but Peyton did a bit.  I didn’t think it was that spicy, so I made her eat a few bites.  They requested for a bottle of regular water, then Brandon learned of sparkling water. I told him he had to finish the first bottle. He did, then got one. Peyton followed suit, though it took her longer to get through her first bottle.  They returned to scaring me that they were going to fall in, but I distracted Brandon by having him show Logan his cards.  Peyton followed Brandon wherever he went.  I got to talk to a few people, but all the while having my eye on the pool to make sure neither kid went in.  Dessert was brought out, and the kids knew already how that was going to go down.  We left without any disasters, saying thank you to our hosts. My boss’ wife asked if the kids got a bundlet.  I politely declined, though I’m sure the kids looked like hungry puppy dogs.

We came home, and Peyton went to sleep right away. Brandon was looking for his baseball pants to change into, and when he couldn’t find it, he sulked.  At least he was quiet about it, as I went to take a nap myself.  I woke up to him creeping down the stairs to look for me.  I decided to put him out of his misery and look more carefully for his pants, which were hanging to dry.  He changed and then we woke Peyton up to go to practice.  I packed up a bunch of things for her, and we left.  Peyton did a great job entertaining herself, while Sophie and Olivia came to say hello.  All three will start kinder on Wednesday, so it’s an exciting time!  After practice, we came home, and I got the kids some dinner. I made breakfast for dinner 🙂  Eggs, toast, and lots of veggies, since the kids ate their weight in chips for lunch.  They had a cucumber each and a handful of tomatoes.  After baths and piano, Dave came home.  I was in the middle of a crisis right when he walked in on Peyton practicing, while I was upstairs dealing with a nose bleed.  Brandon was in the shower, screaming bloody murder that there was blood everywhere.  I didn’t think it could be that bad, since he was already in the shower.  But I got him some toilet paper to help him stop it, and calm him down.  He’s not normally squeamish with blood, but I guess he saw it dripping in the shower.  Dave had to scale and cut up the fish.  I was worried he was going to hack off a body part the way he was doing it.  He sliced off a few pieces of the kids to try, and we each ate some, but it was late, so we didn’t want them to stay up too late.  The kids were so excited to see the fish in the driveway.  One fish was 25# and the other estimated about 15#.  He caught his limit of two salmon.  The big one had to take his head off, as it is a deterrent to re-selling the thing.  The fish were already gutted on the boat, but they were still looking like fish.  It creeped Peyton out, who said, “Ew, gross!” and proceeded to hide behind me.  Brandon was quite helpful, holding the bag while Dave put the fish in to store.  He put gloves on after the first bag, not knowing they were available.  Later, we found out it is best to freeze the fish before consuming, to avoid parasites.  I really hope all four of us don’t get some tapeworm!  Ugh…not right before school starts.  We’ll see tomorrow and the next day how things turn out.  I promised the kids I’d take them swimming, since they weren’t allowed to today.  We also have swim lessons, so I’ll have to go early, so they don’t get too tired out.  Dave took a picture of the fish, and along with a golf umbrella for perspective.  He didn’t get a photo with the fish being held up on the boat, like a “fisherman”! best price on levitra However, the causes may be different from aged males. In addition, this disorder is more common in online levitra men aged above 40 years. If you’re taking such prescription medications, you can call to the indicated phone number and make sure you keep the drug away from kids. cialis bulk For this reason, men whose levitra viagra jobs include driving and operation of machineries are advised not to use this drug have an improvement in their sexual functions while using this product.

Squeezing it all in

Since last night was a late one, the kids did us a favor and slept in! Actually, Brandon said he woke up at 630 am, but was “so tired, I went back to sleep again.” I woke up to Dave returning from a shower. I told him I wanted to run this morning. He said, “I already did.” I totally didn’t believe him, since I hadn’t heard any noise and there was no sign of him having left. Except his headphones in the bathroom, and a wet shirt on the floor. He really did leave! Well, I decided to map out a run to downtown MTN, to a breakfast place we like. It was 2.5 miles even. I was supposed to run 5 miles today, so that worked perfectly! We loaded all the scooter gear, and we parked at the trail head. Brandon and I started out, and then we lost Dave and Peyton. We waited for a few minutes at the finish line, but they didn’t come, so we headed back in the opposite direction. I half-thought she may not make it, and that Dave would drive to the spot to meet us there. Then, I got a phone call asking me where we were. They’d taken a different outlet from the trail, and they were already at the restaurant! Yikes! So, I folded Brandon’s scooter up, and we ran together the rest of the way. Brandon is the best running partner…until you take the scooter away. He was moaning and groaning, literally, while we ran to the main street in downtown. I waited for him at the lights, but other than that, I jogged with the scooter in hand, and was still faster than he was. We got to the restaurant, and reunited with Dave and Peyton. Dave had already gone to get coffee and consumed it before we’d gotten there. I’d gotten an extra mile or so in by that time! We ate a nice breakfast, and then we headed back the way Dave had come out. It felt much harder, now that I was full of food, but the kids did just fine. We had a closer gap between us, so we were able to see each other on the trail. It’s just as well, since it’s more dangerous having the kids bunch up too closely together. I was going to run home, but I was running out of time. Roxy’s bridal shower was at noon, and it was already 11 am. I had to get showered up and dressed to go. I made it to the venue just in time, and the theme was “50’s housewife”. I’d gotten a dress, and sorta did my hair. I had a bow that matched my dress, and I’d wrapped it around my bun.  The table decorations and theme were all wonderfully done!  I knew a few people from work, but I was glad to not have brought Peyton.  She was passed out already by the time I left.  The ride had wiped her out. I’d debated whether to bring her, but I’m glad I didn’t.  We played a few games, and then opened presents.  Mine was the first one she opened!   Unfortunately, I didn’t use ribbon, as her sister in law made her a nice bouquet.  I thanked the hostess and headed out, but not before taking a picture with the bride to be, along with the card I’d made her.  20140815_235306 20140816_144736


I went home, and both kids were up by that time.  They both asked to practice piano, so we did that, Peyton first, then Brandon.  We had another hour or so before we had to leave to meet with the Bryan’s.

We were the first to arrive, getting a spot right in front of the restaurant.  We requested a table outside, since it was nice and warm.  We ordered an appetizer, and then waited for the rest of the party, which trickled in.  The kids did reasonably well, since we’d brought books for Peyton and Brandon brought his pokemon cards.  They were a little nutty by the end of our time, after they’d eaten their dinner, but it was manageable since we were outside.  We left, but not before taking an 11 person selfie.  Luckily, Laurie has long arms.  My selfie could never get that many people!
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The kids went off to bed, and Dave is gearing up for his fishing trip tomorrow. Peyton reminded him if he didn’t catch anything, he needed to go to Costco before he comes home (I’ve been telling him this since he told me about his trip).  Dave dropped us off to go get food for tomorrow.  I told him to hug Brandon, especially, since he wouldn’t see him all day long.  Brandon kept asking Dave when he’d get back tomorrow, how long he’d be gone, and that he didn’t want to go to baseball without him.  Then, the waterworks happened!  He was ALREADY sad…and Dave was still here!  He quickly recovered, but still…this kid is a mess without daddy around.


Something Different!

The kids weren’t interesting in moving today.  They were lounging around all morning, though they let me sleep in until 8 am, when their tummies insisted on waking me up.  Brandon wanted hot water for his oatmeal, which he’s been requesting all week long.  It’s a luxury, as normally he just eats cold cereal which he can get on his own.  I’d rather him wake me up than try to make hot water on his own.  Peyton has been eating almond butter sandwiches instead of cheerios to change things up a bit and get more protein in.  They tossed around the idea of swimming, but Dave told me he may come home earlier since he was at work by 7 am!  Brandon told me he said bye to him.  I had no idea what time Dave left, but later, Dave did confirm he waved to Brandon this morning. I asked him how he knew that he was waving from inside the house, and Dave just had a sneaky suspicion and glanced up at Brandon’s room to see him waving goodbye.  Again, creepy!  Brandon and Peyton played a round of battleship on their own, and then moved on to Monopoly, but not before enlisting me.  I lost both games!  Brandon won the first by 2 dollars, and Peyton won the second by a landslide!  I did make her count her money up, so I think maybe she was hoping to not win as much.  We had Peyton’s going away party, even though we’d left last week.  It was already arranged for the class, so after lunch, I headed out to buy something to take over.  We bought a bunch of fruit for home, and some carrots and puffed corn for school.  I sent them to their rooms for quiet time while I unloaded everything.  In this time, Dave had come home.  The kids must not have noticed as they did not charge downstairs.  I didn’t think they could’ve fallen asleep so quickly.  By 245 pm, Dave knew it was useless to have them sleep, so we started to make our move to go to…Great America!  Today was the last day for discounted tickets for “guests” of passholders.  The park is close to school, so we packed up long-sleeves and lathered up in sunscreen before going to the party.  Brandon and Dave threw around the baseball while Peyton and I entered class.  Everyone was excited to see her, but she was not happy to have everyone all up in her face.  She didn’t cry, but she was very close to me, holding my hand.  The teachers knew, and were telling the kids to back off a little bit.  Soon, Peyton warmed up, and she joined her friends.  Sydney was happy to see Peyton, too!  She’s the only one left in class of the playdate “crew”.  Dave and Brandon came in a little bit later, and we helped set up the plates for distribution.  Both kids are still off sweets, so they were aware not to eat the frosted cookie on the plates.  Brandon even told me, “I think I’m getting used to it now.  I don’t care as much!”  Right, I highly doubt that, but I didn’t argue.  After they were done eating, we said our final goodbyes, gave hugs, and then said we’d come back for visits now and then.  We headed to the park, and it was an easy entrance.  It was funny watching the security guards wand the kids and look under their hats.  The guy didn’t check Peyton very well, telling me, “She’s good.”  I guess she looked innocent enough.  We saw a group from MA coming out of the park as we were going in.  We couldn’t miss the bright green shirts!   We checked out the kids’ area first, since this was Peyton’s first time.  She even let us know, telling us, “This is my FIRST time here!”  Brandon wanted to hit the roller coasters immediately, but we told him to hang out with Peyton first.  The kiddie rides were pretty slow, and both kids didn’t look as excited, though they kept wanting to line up in the rides.  Dave was bored to tears, and I told him he never went to chaperone at HH, so he should be thankful!  We then headed over to the “regular” side of the park.  Dave had wanted to check out the water park, too, but it was already too late for that and not worth getting all wet for only an hour or so before they closed.  We tried to line up for one ride we could all go on, but the line didn’t move.  Dave is not patient for lines that don’t move, so we bailed out of line.  Then, we went to the first roller coaster, one that has been there since my youth.  It was a wooden coaster, Grizzly, but Peyton wasn’t tall enough.  We sat for awhile at the exit before Dave suggested we head to the driving cars.  Peyton and I did that and met up with the boys after they were done.  They went on Demon, while I went to take Peyton to the carousel.  She was too short for the swings, poor thing!  We ended up watching the stage show, with performers singing all the teeny bop songs, which sadly, I knew most of them.  Peyton had no problem listening and watching the act!  While we were walking back, we ran into Tony and Vanessa.  They had also seen the MA kids leaving, which was funny, since it was Vanessa’s class leaving.  They just happened to be there on their own for the day, too.  We chatted briefly before heading in opposite directions.

Then we switched kids, and Brandon and I headed to the stand up roller coaster, Vortex, while Dave was going to take Peyton on a spinning ride.  We have to be careful with Peyton on those, since she can get a bit sick.  It’s hit or miss, but once she gets sick, we have to leave, I warned Dave.  I get like that now, myself!  I used to take on those rides, no problem, when I was younger, but right around after college or so, when I went to a park in KC, I started feeling the effects of the rides.  I don’t want to push it myself and feel horrible and have to leave, so I steer clear.  We were to meet back at the ice show by 7:30 pm.  When Brandon and I got to Vortex, we only waited one train before we boarded.  I didn’t even have time to text Dave before I had to put my stuff in the holding bin!  I was thrown around for the entire ride, and tried to keep my head against the rest.  Brandon loved it!  He was so light, he couldn’t even sit down properly on the seat, since it was a standing coaster.  The attendant had to push him down to the floor and had to lock him in place.  Dave was surprised how quickly we were done, so he got out of line (again) and headed straight for the show.  Brandon and I still had some time, so I let him go on the big swings that Peyton couldn’t ride.  He went alone, since I didn’t want to risk it, and he was surrounded by some kids maybe a little older than him.  While they were in the air, the bigger kids extended their arms as if in flight.  I saw Brandon try it for a half-turn around the circle, then the next thing I saw was him clenching the side rails of his chair.  He’s braver, but still a little chicken, which is okay by me.  After the ride, we found Dave in the theater. The show was called Aerial Ice Extreme, and it sounded like pretty neat!  Dave had first row seats, as the theater wasn’t crowded.  We didn’t know what we were in for, but it was great!   The show started with a clip from America’s got Talent, when the group auditioned for the show.   I was afraid one of the ice skates or skaters would fly off the stage on to us, we were that close!  It was pretty entertaining, almost worth the price of our admission for the day, had we not done or seen anything else!  Everything was timed to music of today, so the kids were into that, and the entertainers would come into the audience and hi-five guests. Brandon was into it, and Peyton was selective with her hi fives.  After the show, the performers lined up at the bottom of the stage to greet all the guests.  Peyton wanted to leave and skip the receiving line, while Brandon headed across for the whole line up of high fives.  We got separated from him, and he kind of panicked, looking for us.  I saw him, but he didn’t hear me or see me in the darkened room.  Dave had gone back to our seats, thinking he’d left his phone there, so Peyton and I were waving our arms for Brandon to see, and I tried to step into the light for him to see me.  Finally, he saw us and made his way back, looking a little worried.  We headed to check out one last ride, the ride that Dave and Peyton bailed.  I waited in line with Peyton, while Dave and Brandon went to the last roller coaster.  Our line took longer, and they met us while we were still waiting.  Initially, I was going to have Peyton ride alone, since she was tall enough, but after seeing the ride, like Dumbo on crack, I decided to go with her.  I was relieved to see Dave show up, and we were going to switch places before Brandon said he would ride with her.  There’s a rudder that you use to control the pod, and when the arm starts spinning fast enough, the pod is airborne, and tilts sideways.  I seriously thought one or both of the kids would fall out.  Peyton looked so little in the pod, but they were both giggling.  Dave had filmed it with his phone, and it was over 2 minutes long.  Definitely a long two minutes, as I worried about them with each revolution.  Finally, it came to a stop, and both kids returned to Earth safely.  We decided to call it a night and go get dinner, since we hadn’t eaten yet.  We didn’t want to buy food in the park, and they are sticklers for letting you bring food in.  The kids weren’t hungry until we told them we were leaving, then they became “really hungry!”  We had dinner, and then came home for quick showers.  It was a late night, but it’s one of the last before school starts!  Here are our pictures that we took…

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Sleep Talkers!

The other day, while we were driving back from my grandma’s house and both kids were asleep, Peyton shouted out, “I found another lego!” I thought she was totally awake, since it was so clear, and nothing Getting the best out of using Propecia:Propecia must be taken on daily basis take when you feel an urge or desire of sex. 1 day gap is purchase cialis from india mandatory to be maintained. Both men and women may worry a lot about it and the widespread obsession about “what would be the better” or levitra soft “the best”, or the insecurity of “too small” can force them to adopt invasive method of enhancement such as surgery. The repress of PDE5 leads to enhance the way of them working generic cialis prices to their full potential. cialis pill from india Prior to beginning this supplement, however, a man should consult with his physician. like the mumbling she does at night. I turned around the next free chance I got, and she was still sound asleep. Creepy! Brandon was saying something tonight as well, but I couldn’t make it out.