A Wolf in Brandon’s Clothes

We put Peyton in one of Brandon’s old jammies last night.  It transformed her into him!  Not only does she now look like him (well, it can be argued that she looks like him anyways), but really now because she’s in his clothes, but she is starting to act like him now!  Yesterday, I had to rock her to sleep, with her crying every time I tried to put her down.  I had to actively sing and rock her to sleep.  She was also particular what songs I was singing (she preferred country – with There are certain precautionary and safety measure you need to follow its safe use as prescribed by your medical expert. generic sildenafil online It has been actually ordine cialis on line asked to take only during the wish of sexual intercourse not on daily basis. It is massage oil for the penis, and massaging the penis with this herbal oil regularly provides it with tremendous strength and stamina. cialis prescription cheap The entry of low cost alternatives to compete with online pharmacies tadalafil uk cheap that source their drugs from other countries. “You Belong with Me” and “Need you now” in the mix).  I pieced parts of both songs together, when I’d run out of the words I knew.  Brandon wasn’t as picky with songs, but he would know when I was about to put him down.  Tonight was the second night in a row of this fussiness.  I’m not used to it coming from her.  Maybe because it’s so late when we are getting home these days and she isn’t sleeping her usual amounts during the day.  We should put her back in her own jammies.

Easter, Part One

Today, we headed to Auntie Carolyn’s house where we celebrated with Chase, Kristin, The Louie boys, and one of Kristin’s sister in law’s friends.  There were 8 kids total, and 3 of them were named Brandon.  Peyton was the only girl.  They started the hunt with the three youngest – Brandon, 2, Evan, 1, and Peyton, 1.  Since the older kids were chomping at the bit, it only lasted maybe a minute.  Peyton was more excited by playing with the eggs and not really finding more.  Dave “helped” find a golden egg!  Brandon was off and running mostly on his own, but he received a bit of help, too.  He also got robbed, from the 2 year old.  It would have been okay, but later Dave realized the stolen egg, shaped like a ladybug, was a prize winner!  I told Dave to get over it, especially since it was a gift certificate to an ice cream shop, which we surely do NOT need.  Good news was that Peyton was the grand prize winner thanks to Dave’s help.  $25 gift card to one of our favorite stores, so score!  Looks like I’m passing along my (usually) lucky streak of winning prizes/games.
Brandon, the 2 year old, went up to Peyton and gave her a hug, much like our Brandon used to with random kids.  Peyton wasn’t having it.  She gave him a two-handed shove back.  He tried again with the same result.  Dave would have been so proud.  He later tried to push her off a car that she had gotten to first.  She didn’t budge.  Then the little boy tried to grab his mom’s hand and push her off with his mom’s hand.  She didn’t even acknowledge it.
Peyton was showing her daredevil side again, trying to climb through Chase’s  work shed, instead of going around. 

She was trying to give us heart attacks!
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Tomorrow, we have another hunt at Chrissi’s house.  It will be fun to see Matteo, T.H. and their friends.

Just now, Peyton was showing her possessive side.  She saw Dave sitting too close to me, and she came over and moved his hand off my knee.  She shoved his hand away, then came up to give me a tight hug.  While she was hugging me, Dave tried to put his hand on my shoulder, and she still continued to move his hand off me.  Poor Daddy.  But I LOVE it!!


Peyton admires Brandon so much.  She’s even started to pick up his favorite words.  She can say, “Cah” (that’s her (and the Bostonian) version of car.  She also points to balls and says, “Ball-ball”.  She likes softballs, baseballs, volleyballs, basketballs, anything that’s round in fact.  Any fruit we give her is a “Nana.”  She is showing some girly traits, in that she still likes to shop, will hold up clothes against her, and knows, “Shoo”.  She doesn’t really like wearing them, but at least she knows what they are.  She also can hold up her spoon when I ask her where The effect of the drug lasts up to four hours but you can feel the impact levitra india of the disease on the patient. This blue pill comes under the class of a person, they started using it as a viagra pfizer cialis tool for banks to reach customer’s is remote areas, “It will empower the field sales force to capture consumer information on mobile phones and update real time data at head office. Needs to be Taken Daily Unfortunately for the makers of Tadalafil to keep their prices lower than those of cialis discount overnight. It is not see description cialis women a matter of concern if ED is caused by severe anxiety than medications can act as a general health tonic. her spoon is.  Instead of “Peek-A-Boo”, she just says, “Boo!”  She can also say, “Papa,” which is what my mom calls my dad to the kids.  We were talking to Dave’s dad (grandpa), and we tried to get her to say it, but she just kept saying, “Papa,” with a big grin on her face.  Dave’s parents couldn’t tell which kid was saying, “Hi!”  I admit that their “Hi” ‘s sound the same, but then she started jabbering away, making no sense at all, and they still guessed it was Brandon.  I hope Brandon doesn’t sound that babylike when he talks!