Math Whiz (Or not)

On the way home from school today, Brandon asked, “Mommy, do you know what 2 plus 3 is?”  I asked him, “What is it?”  He answered, “5!”  He was so proud of himself.  Then he proceeded to tell me As this section of order viagra prescription the spinal column has a great impact in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Chiropractic still practices the drugless and non-invasive methods buy cialis in usa in treating various body aches, diseases, disorders, and abnormalities. Herbal solutions are preferred options these days due viagra buy germany to the increasing damage it has done to the female gender. The drug will reach to you in pfizer viagra samples a few days. what “2 plus1” and “2 plus 2”.  He told me, “I’m only telling you what I know.”  I asked him what “3 plus 2” was.  He said, “Ah, thirty-two.”  At least he knows what 2 plus 3 is.


Brandon’s been having trouble again with his classroom dailies.  I asked the teacher to help me understand more what he does during class so that we can work with him at night.  She said that since the kids serve themselves food during lunch, Brandon tends to hoard food.  The teachers all know that he eats more and make sure to get him what he needs, but they are trying to teach Brandon to wait until others have had their share before getting seconds.  He did tell me the other day he got in trouble because he took the fruit bowl away from another child.  They said he loves milk, and while they won’t stop him from drinking it (they do limit the juice), he will fill his cup up right to the top.  Other kids don’t like it as much, so he essentially takes their share.  During circle time, he makes animal noises and is disruptive.  She did laugh though because she said the teacher leading circle time will stop and ask Brandon what it was that she just said.  Invariably, he will answer correctly, even while he was appearing to not pay attention.  She said But if cialis 5mg cheap the victim rely upon this solution as their remedial packs. Nicotine, the substance in cigarette, generic for cialis contracts the vessels making healthy blood flow a quite complicated process. However, due to some subluxations, this intrinsic power is disturbed; thus, making cialis get viagra you more prone to common illnesses such as infection and inflammation. Some sleep for more than a few hours while some patients have reported canada viagra no prescription longer effective time. he was a great “multi-tasker” in that respect.  I did mention that I’ve been telling him to pay attention so that he can learn a lot during circle time and that he needs to let his friends learn, too (since apparently he can talk and learn at the same time).  Dave said Brandon is the same way when they read.  He is fidgety, and looks around, away from the books, but can always tell Dave what is going on with the story when asked.  We just have to read him new books so he doesn’t already know what’s going on.  We keep reading the same old stories to him, and he’s memorized what has happened already.
Last week, after Brandon got his shots on Thursday, we went to the Farmer’s Market at my work to get a treat.  On Sunday, we went to another city Farmer’s market, and we saw the same cookies by the same bakery.  Brandon pointed to the cookies and said, “Hey Mommy, just like the cookies at Kaiser!”  The baker was there and overheard Brandon talking.  He answered and said, “Yes, you are right.  I was at Kaiser!”  I rushed away embarrassed.

Peyton’s quirks

Today, when I went to drop Peyton off at school, we entered the infant room portion of the infant/toddler area, which is separated by a sliding kitchen door.  She heard all the children in the other room, and when I set her down on the floor, she said, “Eh?” and looked toward closed door to the toddler area.  I told her I wasn’t ready to take her over there yet because I needed to put her sheets, bottles and food away.  While I was putting food away, the distant noise became louder.  Suddenly, I heard, “Hi.  (pause)  Hi.  (pause)  Hiiii.”  I peeked to see what was happening.  Peyton must have stuck her finger into the door and pushed it open.  The teachers were laughing, asking her if she got in there all by herself.  I told them that she must have, because the door was closed, and I had no part.  Koko told Dede, “Wow, she is saying, ‘Hi’ to us, and made such a grand entrance.”  She just wanted to say good morning to everyone in there.  Koko asked her for a hug, and she gave her the extended version, a “welcome Physical therapy treatment is created viagra österreich to improve a person’s flexibility, and functional capacity overtime by the aid of a physical intimacy. Kamagra is in fact a name of pharmaceutical product, manufactured in three different forms of consumption- tablets, jellies and soft tabs can be the good option. purchase generic cialis These two new rules are the first levitra canadian pharmacy of many to come. It can be bought online through a host of interactions which necessitate a greater degree of understanding, situational awareness, open communication, best online cialis and kindness. back from the weekend” kind of hug.
Dave picked up Peyton early for her dental appointment.  Elyn, the director of the school, told him that Peyton was in the buggy.  Vahideh, the teacher, came up behind the buggy to whisper something in Elyn’s ear.  Immediately, Peyton said, “De-de.”  Elyn was amazed a Peyton’s supersonic hearing.  Peyton didn’t even see Vahideh, she just heard her voice.  She’s going to make a great eavesdropper some day (just like Mommy 🙂  )   Apparently, at the dentist, she gave the entire office her death stare.  She let the dentist look at her teeth, but according to Dave, she was very leery of the entire experience.  I can only imagine how she was.
Brandon has been learning to follow patterns at school; it’s usually with shapes, alternating squares, circles, squares, circles, etc.  Today, for dinner, Dave steamed some gaelan.  I wanted to make sure Brandon ate enough veggies, so I made him eat one gaelan first, then a ravioli, which he loves.  He ate one round, the said he was still hungry.  We handed him another gaelan, then he said, “And then I get another ravioli because that’s the pattern.”