Momentous Occasion

No, I’m not talking about the current events.  I’m talking about Brandon on his bike without training wheels!  It was my goal for him to ride without training wheels by the end of summer.  It’s partially our fault that it’s taken him so long to learn how to ride a bike.  We’ve had this bike for over a year now, and he’s only ridden it a handful of times.  So, we headed out walking/riding this morning.  Brandon was on his bike, with the training wheels, and Peyton was in Brandon’s old trike with the stick.  We got to the park around the corner, and there was so much room for him to ride.  He looked so confident, and I figured, the wheels aren’t doing him any favors.  So Dave ran home to get the wrenches.  I offered to, but he knew I didn’t know what to get.  Dave took them off, and Brandon was very giggly and his attention wasn’t there, making it difficult for Dave to teach him anything.  I was entertaining Peyton on her bike, and then on the play structure.  I left her helmet on, thinking it wouldn’t hurt, given how error prone she is.  Turned out in my favor, as she tripped, and it probably saved her already scratched up forehead, as her momentum kept going and her helmet scraped the concrete a little.  Maybe the helmet had something to do with it, but in any case, it did protect her.  After about 10-15 minutes, Brandon was getting a little better, and by the end, Dave had let go of him, and he was on his own for a few seconds at least.  His problem now is learning how to slow down.  He goes too fast, and Dave has to be the one to catch him to slow down.  He did take a few tumbles, but that’s what the pads are for.  He’d get back up each time, and said he was okay.  He’s just gotta learn to not giggle with everything he does.  I’ll take responsibility for that trait in him 🙂  .  Here’s the video.  Dave totally got a total workout, as he was so sweaty chasing after Brandon.  By the time we had finished, Brandon had an audience.  I also cheered him on, and brought attention to it.  One dad with his infant was studying the lesson.
After we got back from the park, we met up with Tracy, May, Ed, Alex, Justin, Vince and Joyce.  We had gotten there about 15 minutes early and went to the craft store to kill some time.  I ended up getting some books cialis in usa Early inflammation is temporary blocking, if start positive anti-inflammatory therapy can make the structure and function of the oviduct back to be normal at this time. buy cheap levitra Better amount of blood tends to be the best male enhancement. This means having your keywords in your blog title, in your post titles, in your categories and blog tags, scattered throughout your content and ideally the last part of viagra cost in india every post. The drug works at a physiological level, inducing an erection long enough to have a viagra pfizer cialis satisfactory sex life. to help keep the kids entertained while the adults caught up.   Brandon remembered Tracy from TS3, when we watched it together.  Peyton just said, “Mochi!”  We just saw Tracy last week and had given her some mochi that we had just baked.  Brandon kept asking who we were going to be seeing, and kept calling Justin “Jake” for some reason.  Peyton ate about half her lunch, then looked really tired.  She was laying her head against Dave’s hand while in the high chair.  After we were done with lunch, we headed outside to take a picture.  The kids had a good time playing in a tree, while the adults watched on.  Poor Alex wanted in on the action, but he wasn’t old enough yet.  The next time we all see each other, I’m sure he’ll be well in the mix.  While driving home, we tried to keep Peyton up so she’d take a nap properly at home.  We missed her by about 2 minutes, which was good enough for her to stay asleep on the transfer.  Brandon went down as well.  I took a nap with Peyton, and when we woke up, Brandon was already up with Dave.
I headed out about a half an hour later to meet up with some high school friends.  One of our friends’ wife owns a restaurant, and we always meet there, which is about half way between the two farthest of us.  This time, no one brought kids, so we stayed almost three hours!  So nice to catch up without having to worry about the kids. Thanks to all the superdads who stayed home!  Three of us have 5 kids between us, so it was nice to have some alone time.  Next time we’ll bring the kids so Neena and Tony can catch up with them all.  We all got texts about the same time informing us of the world news we were missing while catching up with one another.  I didn’t get mine until I got into the car, since I hadn’t wanted to take out my phone.  Even Tony, who was back in the kitchen area, knew about what was going on.  We had left Peyton’s lunch at my dad’s yesterday, so I went back to get it before coming home.  I got home, and Peyton was still awake, close to asleep, but waiting for me!  We got her a new light and programmed it to turn off after a certain time to hopefully train her to stay in her room all night long.  Dave isn’t too hopeful that she’ll understand what’s going on, but here’s to trying.