Marriage; Field Trip

This morning, while driving Peyton to school, Brandon and I were talking about going on vacation together.  I am going with my parents later in the summer. I asked him if he’d go with me when he was older.  He said, “Yeah, like when I’m 17, I’ll go with you and my kids.”  I told him he better not have kids when he’s 17.  Then he said, “Like when I’m 12?”  I asked him what was a bigger number, 12 or 17.  He knew.  Then he said, “How about when I’m 36 and I have kids.”  I said, “Okay, 36 is better.”  Then he said, “How about 37?”  I said, “Yes, you can have kids when you’re 37.”  Then I changed it to “You can have kids after you get married.”  He said, “How am I gonna get married?”  I told him we’d talk about it later.  Then he said, “Like when I get to my school?”  I told him when Daddy gets home.  I opened up a can of worms!
After dropping Peyton off, I went to the bank, got gas, and gassed up (on caffeine) for my long day with the boys.  We were heading out at 9am and not back to school until 4pm.  Whoah nellie that’s a long time to be two 5 year old’s watchdog (some other parents had 3).  Luckily we were going to a park that was half zoo, half rides.  But the rides were like mini-rides, mostly run in circles.  I could barely stand to watch them go around in circles, as it made me dizzy.  Luckily I didn’t have to actually go on the rides.  I carried the backpack with our food and water.  I borrowed Brandon’s backpack, since Dave’s were all laptop carriers and weighed a ton even empty.  I stuck with another mom who had 3 kids in her group.  The teachers warned the kids if they didn’t behave with their chaperone, they could be switched out to a teacher group, including the parent’s own child.  I usually had to worry about Brandon misbehaving when he was with me, but today, it was more of the other kid who was being a little rude, especially after lunch.  The kids normally have a nap/quiet period, but since we were staying until 4pm, that wasn’t happening.  I knew Brandon would normally get a little delirious when he gets tired, which makes him more “deaf”.  He did okay because I asked him to be my “helper” and keep our group on track.  If he helped me, we could have more fun, and I wouldn’t have to work so hard.  He took this to heart, especially since he wants me on future field trips.  I was paranoid about being late for our departure time, so I got to the front a little early.  The other mom had wanted to got to the petting zoo, and based on Dave’s last interaction at Dland with the goats, I decided to sway the boys to go on the merry go round.  Luckily, they agreed.  While we were getting rounded up, the other boy’s mom took him to go #2, while I took the 4 boys back to the bus.  They were all well-behaved, which was helpful to me, since I had two more to watch.  I’m probably not a very “fun” chaperone, but one of the moms was complaining her group wasn’t listening to her.  She asked the teacher how she did it.  The teacher was not very sympathetic, and just said, “Because we issue consequences. And we mean it. And the kids know it.”  Listening to her conversation, I kinda agreed with the teacher.  I had no problems telling my group what’s what.  Dave doesn’t like telling other kids how to behave.  I told Brandon and the other guy, if they didn’t agree on a ride, we weren’t going until they did.  They had to work it out between them.  The other mom was saying all the kids wanted to go in different directions.  Maybe because she had girls, who are more drama-filled.  The boys were pretty easy-going and agreeable.  It’s just I knew they were getting tired at the end of the day.  While on the bus ride over, Brandon suggested we play the “Quiet game”.  I was a little surprised he wanted to initiate it.  I mentioned it to his teacher, who said he played last time, and was pretty good at it.  It helped for about 10 minutes (the ride was about 20 minutes long).  On the ride back, I expected them to all be napping.  Instead, we played the quiet game again.  I told them I’d be handing out the “Quiet trophy” to the winner.  After about 5 minutes, Brandon blurted out that “the quiet game is over”.  I told him he lost, and his friend was the recipient of the quiet trophy (I “handed” J the fake trophy), and Brandon got upset.  He put his hand over his head, and I knew he was crying.  I told him that was what happened when he lost!  Miss Tarez, his teacher who was sitting in front of me, asked me what was wrong with Brandon.  I explained it to her, then she relayed it to Miss Becky, who was sitting across from us.  We had a good laugh when Miss Tarez said how Brandon looks up when he’s trying not to cry.  He doesn’t like anyone to see him cry.  So I actually didn’t see him cry, but I knew he was.  Soon, J cheered him up, and he was laughing again.  We had about 5 more minutes left in the ride, and we played our last round.  But both boys were being silly, and both didn’t want to play anymore.  Oh well.  We made it.  Brandon asked me if he was going home.  I told him we’d go home after her grabbed his snack.  He said, “No, it’s snack, then naptime!  We can’t go home!”  I told him it was 4pm, and there was no nap!  He had no concept of the time.  When I told his teachers, they all chuckled.  As busy of a body as he is, he still needs his sleep.  He even mentioned it to the vice principal, who told him it was way past naptime.

Here are some pictures:

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After getting home with Peyton, she told me how this boy was pulling her hair.  It was so funny, I videotaped her 🙂

My mom came down to help us while we went out to dinner at a nice restaurant.  We had Brandon shower before dinner time, so it was about 530pm when he was done.  At this point, he asked if it was bedtime already.  (Kid was tired!)  We told him to eat dinner, and I set him up with all his bedtime routine (music and night light).  We told him anytime he was done with dinner and brushing his teeth, he could go to bed.
It was nice to have an adult meal, and we sat there for 2 hours!  I can’t remember the last time we ate a slow meal.  Dave was doing some research, so we had a tasting menu, and I chose several smaller plates.  Since he paired the meal with wine tasting, I got to drive us around after.  He wanted to look for a new phone, and we also looked went to look for another pair of shoes for Peyton, whose new shoes had popped two buttons off the last two days.  They are recycled shoes, which just aren’t made too ruggedly, apparently, so we’re going to return them.  Dave was upset because he thought they were “cute”.  Hmm….wasn’t Dave just telling Brandon how he should use “cool” not “cute”?  (BTW – Brandon was asleep by 735pm)

Savoring; Italian? Spelling Bee

We’re trying to teach Brandon delayed gratification.  He has twice in one week eaten dessert before he was instructed and had to take the dessert away.  It happened at his graduation party (tough lesson to learn) and again at dinner (with a fortune cookie).  I’m trying to teach him if you wait until you’re supposed to eat it (after dinner), then you can enjoy it, and have the entire dessert.  Dave did an experiment yesterday, by putting the dessert out in front of the kids while they ate their dinner.  It was half a pudding cup he had gotten from work.  Peyton has more willpower than Brandon, but this time, he did a good job. It’s almost cruel, like putting food out for a dog and telling them not to eat it.  You can almost see them salivating.  Brandon finished his food, and was happy to enjoy his dessert.  Peyton also waited until she was done, even though her brother was already eating his dessert.  Dave made her show him her empty plate before she started eating it.  The other day in the car, we stopped by the Danish town on the way home.  I bought cookies for each of them.  Brandon shoved his in his mouth in two bites, while Peyton was taking the teeniest bites EVER.  Brandon even noticed and said, “Oh look, Mommy, she’s taking so many small bites! How cute.”  I think she hears how we talk to Brandon about savoring her food and really takes it to heart.

I think Peyton is learning Italian somewhere.  When Dave was trying to pat her to sleep, she said, “Don’t toucha me!”  Then when she was asking Brandon for a pen to draw in their journals, she said, “May I hava da pen?”  Lots of vowels on the ends of her words 🙂
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Finally, we were watching the spelling bee today, and Dave was encouraging Brandon to get on it, since most of the kids were about 10 or 11.  That means Brandon has only 5-6 more years to get his act together to learn “pyopoiesis” and other words from Greek, Latin, and German roots.  We couldn’t stop watching it!  Peyton’s favorite part was when the kids got the word wrong and there was a “ding” of the bell.  As soon as she heard it, she’d say, “Ding dong!” and start laughing.