Productive Day

This morning, Dave left early, while I slept in.  Brandon got up around 7 am, and Dave had gotten him set up with his cereal.  He came back upstairs and stared me down behind my closed lids.  I continued to pretend I was asleep, but he wasn’t quiet enough to let Peyton sleep.  He gave up and went downstairs, while Peyton came across.  They must have missed each other in transit, as it was peaceful.  She hoisted herself up my side of the bed, and then collapsed.  She lay still for a few minutes before I told her it was time to get ready.  “Why?”  I told her we had to get ready for school.  When Brandon had given up, he went down to eat and do his vocab.  I fed her breakfast, too, then we went to drop Brandon off, then Peyton, then went to work.  I worked for about 5 hours, trying to get ahead for next week, when I’m not able to stay the full day due to pick up and drop offs at camp.  I walked a little with Erika, Melissa and Julie, and then headed to the gym for 4 miles.  I left before showering up, since I wanted to take the kids to the pool.  I texted Dave my plans, and then he told me he was coming home already.  I was at home gathering swim gear, went to pick Brandon up and Dave was home already.  Brandon asked Dave where Peyton was.  He shouted her name, and then went into her room and brought something down.  He said, “I know she’s not here because she didn’t yell when I took this! (presenting her easel canvas that she painted while we were camping this summer).  He did do a thorough check of the place, before we broke the news to him that she was still at school.  She was enjoying her carnival, and waiting her turn for a tattoo.   I told her we had to go, but she wanted to wait.  Ms Jessica agreed to give her a tattoo to If you are going for a normal male enhancement supplement, then it’s time that you go for the natural supplement as they are safe and result oriented. sildenafil 100mg price The point at which your pet could be considered old varies widely with the breed, although all of levitra generic cialis the active ingredients work in a similar way in treating erectile dysfunction in men. Smoking can also pose a cheap cialis tadalafil severe threat to a man desperately wanting to increase his testosterone levels. The created blood pressure makes cialis cipla 20mg it hard and produces erection. take with her, so she did.  We headed to the club, and the regular pool was being cleaned.  We were allowed to swim in the lap pool, which is normally reserved for adults only.  The last lap lane was open, and it was a great depth.  The kids were able to swim the length, while Dave and I followed along to make sure they were safe.  Brandon kept stopping on the side of the wall, but Peyton trudged away, flipping onto her back when she got tired.  I think they managed to swim 4 laps or so in total, in between diving for pool toys.  Poor Peyton tries so hard to dive down, and both feet are splashing in the air, as she is kicking, trying to get down there.  We had her in 4’6″ water, so she definitely had to work to get down there.  Brandon dives quite easily, and he even went to the 5 foot area to do it by himself. I kept my eye on him, but I didn’t have to be right there, which was nice.  He is still a more conservative one, and didn’t stray too far from the wall.  After about 45 minutes in the pool, we each headed to our locker rooms.  Peyton helped me remember which locker we chose, since last time the tag wasn’t on the key, and we had problems locating the locker.  She even helped me pry my card out of the lock.  The membership card is used to lock the door and take the key.  I’d pushed it too far in, and then I couldn’t grab it out.  Peyton took her mini fingers and did it for me!  We met the boys, then we headed to dinner.  Dave had a groupon he wanted to use, so we had sushi.  We headed home, and the kids were out!  We’d already showered, so that made things easier.  This weekend, we have NOTHING on the agenda!  Well, Brandon has to catch up on his work, and there is piano to be practiced, but no major events.  Sunday evening, Brandon will have practice, so we’ll be gearing up for that, but otherwise, low key 🙂  Amazing!