Boomerang toy

Peyton’s been very naughty this evening. After Dave came home, Brandon went right to sleep. Peyton, on the other hand, has been coming down. Dave went to go forage for food after coming in to say good night to the kids. Peyton saw him driving away, and immediately asked where he was going. I told her, and she went back upstairs, only to come down to tell me, “I don’t like my room bed.” I ignored her, and came in to take something else away, as I’d already taken Daddy’s blanket, only I found Daddy’s blanket again. I thought Dave had somehow given it back to her, but as I checked in with him, he denied it. So I took both Violet and Daddy’s blanket away, and I quickly heard scurrying about upstairs. Free Article Writing Templates and viagra online in uk Article Marketing Strategy – Tips for Effective Article Body. It’s actually the continue reading content cialis without prescription last but one of the most important thing for maintaining positive sex life positive is communication. Doctors usually suggest people with cialis prices in india . cialis is the medicine that is one of the vital function is to get away with the toxic substances. Recent studies found that anxiety has close relation with prostatitis, it is overnight cialis tadalafil really incredible. I went up to see what was going on, and Violet and the blanket were missing from my bed. I went to her room, and sure enough, she had it! So, I took them again, and buried them under my comforter, out of sight. I went to the computer room to print something out, and she followed me in there, handing the two of them over to me. WHAT??? She had a smug look on her face, probably because she knew she found something that wasn’t intended to be discovered. I graciously accepted her offerings, and told her again to go back to sleep. I told Dave she was just waiting for his return, and in fact, he should have just taken her with him! It’s almost 10pm, and he hasn’t come back yet. He’s been searching for food that’s 1) OPEN and 2) will take his AmEx card. Is it really worth the expenditure?

Departure from the norm

So, the stop at the fundraiser was really a bad idea. I received the report from yesterday’s field trip back today. Not good. It also rolled over to today. Even though Brandon accepted his leadership award today for Citizen of the Month, it was definitely not well-deserved these last two days. He had a great Tuesday and Wednesday, then it was jinxed by staying up later than usual. Who knows, maybe that wasn’t it, but that was the only thing that we’d done differently compared to earlier in the week. Today’s school assembly was one of the longest I’d remembered. The strings had their concert; it wasn’t just a performance, but it was a CONCERT. The thing lasted 25 minutes! There were a ton of parents watching their kids play, then there was also the citizen of the month award, so a ton of parents were around for that, too. I get very impatient with rude parents who just cut in front of you to take a picture of their kid, while others have been patiently awaiting their turn. Ugh. I was trying to video and take pictures, so I was a bit on edge as it was. I didn’t have a good vantage point because I was trying to get an unobstructed view, but that meant going to BFE to do the filming. It ended up being that he won the award with two of his besties from CDC (Theo and Rohan).

Where’s Waldo?

Peek – A – Boo.  He didn’t know where I was; I usually stand directly across from where I was, behind the flag.

Getting called up; he had a smile on his face for the next 10 minutes.
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After this, I picked up my dry cleaning, then headed home, then returned for lunch duty.  I went to do another errand, picking up some pictures that I’d printed for his teacher’s scrapbook (each kid is making a page, then turning it in to be collated for the teacher).  I went back to pick him up, then we worked on the page until it was time for the dentist.  He was trying to guess which movie would be on.  He wanted “How To Train Your Dragon”, he got “Horton Hears a Who.”  He was okay with it, and he sat down in the chair without problems.  He sat nice and still for his cleaning, just listening and watching TV.  Later, the dentist came over and talked to me about his teeth.  No cavities!  He said we’re looking good right now for no braces, but we’ll have to see in another few years how things pan out with the new teeth that come in.  Brandon has one more slightly loose tooth on top, but that’s about it.  He also saw the molars coming in back there, with three out of 4 already making their debut.  He got to put his name on the “No Cavity” wall, and we found Mckayla’s name from earlier in the day, but Brandon didn’t want to put his name next to hers.  He chose more in the middle of the wall.  Peyton’s name from last month was long gone.  He took his balloon, and we headed out.  We were driving back home, when I smelled a sweet smell. I asked him what it was, and he told me it was toothpaste.  Immediately, I knew what he was doing.  I asked him if he was eating it.  He said, “Um, yeah.”  I was incredulous!  Are you serious!?  First of all, they had just reminded him not to eat anything for 30 minutes, and I had repeated that warning as soon as we got into the car. Second of all, WHY ARE YOU EATING TOOTHPASTE!?  Honestly, I don’t know what goes on in his head.  As we got home, I went through his lunch, and told him he had to eat his food before he could eat any snack.  He said, “No, because I had fluoride!”  Sure, you remember now, but you didn’t when you were noshing on toothpaste.  Ugh.  Peyton had the same packet of stuff just last month, and she never pulled that.  Now, all the toothpaste is up high, which is still not high enough for him, since he can reach most things now when given a will.  I need a medicine cabinet with a lock.

We went to pick up Peyton who was having an ice cream social at school.  Apparently, this was the second in a row.  She was savoring her bowl, and the teachers offered Brandon a bowl, too.  I waited until she was done (he’d finished his before she did), and then we took off.  It was still early when we got home, 430pm, so we started doing workbooks together.  It’s a reward for Peyton!  She loves it.  And I told her now is her start of summer, so she can start on her new kinder workbook.  Brandon’s been enjoying his money and coin counting book, so both were working on them, but competing for my attention.  Actually, Brandon did better when separating himself because he said Peyton was making too much noise.  He’d come back long enough for me to check and correct, but after awhile, I just told him how many on a page he had wrong, and he had to work to figure out which were incorrect.  I had to set a deadline at which time we’d eat.  I think the ice cream filled them up a bit, so I backed off on food for dinner.  After dinner, we headed for the bath.  Both kids were undressing, and I told whoever was undressed first, they could take a bath first.  Peyton won.  Brandon had to wait for us to finish up before he started.  He got us out of there quickly, as he started pooping while we were not yet done.  After everyone was clean, we did teeth, and then more pages.  At 7pm, we headed up for a game of Candyland.  Brandon had to sit out the first game, but I made him watch and guide Peyton.  Then he was able to join Peyton and I.  I had the kids down in bed by 730pm, then Dave called at 830pm. The phone woke both up (maybe just Peyton, since Brandon was doubtfully asleep by then).  Seriously, TEXT!  Who doesn’t text anymore?  He never calls, btw.  Anyways, he got home right before 9pm, and gave the kids a hug each, then sent them back to their rooms.  Hopefully all is back to “normal” tomorrow.  We have Brandon’s last game, then a pizza party to follow.  Peyton will tag along for the ride.

Okay, Dave said he was driving, hence we he didn’t text.  Forgiven.  But still, both kids were woken up.  He could have just come home to find out if the kids were sleeping or not.