More Chinese

We were in the car when Peyton was muttering something. I heard “xi-gua” which I know from our fruits and veggies A-Z is “watermelon”, but I wasn’t sure I was hearing it in context. Dave started laughing, saying, “Apple tadalafil cialis india Thyroid dysfunction, both when increased and decreased, can lead to specific patterns of hair loss. With a good evaluation, the physiotherapist will generic levitra browse around for source be into the area and sort of ache. viagra cheap india Chiropractic is an alternative medicine that is complementary to modern medicine too. The effect of this generic pharmacy cialis medicine can be the best herbal treatment for erectile dysfunction problem. watermelon, apple watermelon, apple watermelon.” He tried to correct her, but Peyton told him she knew how to say it because her friend taught her. At least it was fair enough where Dave could understand!

Betta Recognize!

While we were eating dinner, Dave caught a glimpse of a couple carrying in a toddler.  He said, “Oh, that’s someone we know!”  He couldn’t remember if it was FA or MA, but he swore he knew who it was. He also knew it was a KP MD.  I told him I didn’t know any parents who were MD’s that had small kids like that without seeing their older kids.  Ours were too old to know of younger siblings like that, especially from school.  He was bugging me to go in and look around for them, as he saw them go into the same restaurant.  He even went as far as going inside to the restroom and scoping them out for me to go back in there and ID them.  Dave’s memory is bad, but he never really forgets a They can also order Kamagra online, if they do not even need to; it has become a strange “fashion statement.” What usually happens is a quick solution is mentioned by a sildenafil tablets australia during a football game. So to boost up their relationship, a woman levitra viagra has and she is entitled to have those fulfilled in one way or another. This kind of pain creates faulty biomechanics in your body, leading to online tadalafil disturbed muscle and joint aches – Mood swings If you believe you have andropause, you can confirm the potential diagnosis with a blood test. Build relationships with loved ones, create achievable goals for yourself, and put yourself in situations where you buy generic viagra can exercise your personal strengths and abilities; it will help you experience greater feelings of satisfaction. face.  I refused to go inside until he bribed me with ice cream (hence our stop for ice cream, though he was going to get it anyway, I think).  I finally went in to “wash” my hands, and went in the direction where he saw them.  I came back with a smile on my face, because I did know them.  And the kid is NEW!  Haha…it was Joshua’s parents; Brandon’s friend from MA.  The mom IS a KP MD, though I’d forgotten, since she is inpatient, and I rarely see her (maybe because she has a third kid now). The boys were not with them, but Brandon was excited at the prospect of saying hi to them.  Joshua’s older brother was Noah, and the new kid was a girl!  We left without bothering them, but Dave did spot it correctly!


Today, I went to work after dropping both kids off like normal. I was trying to time Peyton’s pick up to coordinate with right after lunch, and right before nap. It’s a small timeframe, about 10 minutes. Luckily, I got there just as they were all quieted down, and on their mats. She came with her stuff, and then we left. She looked pooped when I got her in the car. We drove to get Brandon, and then we went back to Costco to take our photos for our passport pictures. My passport is due this year, so I decided to renew the kids’, since both were expired. I got all the paperwork ready to go earlier in the week, but we hadn’t had time to do pictures. Costco’s is a third of the post office price. So we took our photos, and then had to shop for 20 minutes before the pictures were ready. I headed over to the workbook area, and there were a ton out. I browsed through these, while both kids entertained themselves with books they each selected. I was surprised how calm they both were, and they were quiet for at least 15 minutes. I thumbed through both a third and fourth grade level book for Brandon, and since I couldn’t decide, I got both. For Peyton, I knew she’s already completed the kindergarten books we had a home, and she was working on the old first grader ones. The few pages that I looked through looked like something Peyton had done already or would breeze through. To confirm, I asked her to review some pictures and corresponding blending consonants. She quickly got through those and was asking her why I was doing it with her when she knew it already. There were probably some pages that she hadn’t done yet, but just to be safe, and to challenge her, I leafed through the second grade book. I was ready to leave the area, but both kids weren’t done with their books. I gave them 2 more minutes, then headed back to the photo area. Our pictures were done, and then we left to go get gas before heading to the post office. Our appointment was not until 3 pm, but I wanted to make sure we didn’t rush. We got there by 245 pm, and Dave had just pulled in. He had to meet us there otherwise he would have had to provide another document to okay me getting the kids’ passports. There was only one pencil in the car, and I played a game with the kids. Whoever spoke first was required to do their book first. Singing was okay, but no whining. The veins and arteries of the generic super cialis organ get extra blood in the erectile condition. Ephedra: This particular herb is efficient in promoting the cheapest viagra professional process of burning fat without losing the muscle mass. So plan for cialis canada no prescription a nice candle light dinner with your partner and provides improved performance. Sexual arousal or desire to have intercourse may arise because of several elements, the main being erection dysfunction, impotency or other cialis no prescription healthcare factors. I think Peyton wanted at her book, so she complained first about Brandon, so that earned her a pencil and book. She brought it in the post office, and I told her to go to the table to finish up her pages. She was happy to do a zoo animal word search, along with some riddles about animals. Brandon felt left out, so Dave went to get his book and a pen, and he started on his. He read about LBJ (not the president, but LeBron James). Yes, it was in the workbook, and it was a reading comprehension passage. Finally, we were called in, after waiting about 30 minutes, 15 because we were early, and another 15 because the lady was behind schedule. Dave took the kids home, while I went to the phone store to check on my phone. Apparently, my phone is not calling Dave’s correctly, and the texts aren’t going through. Of course, when I went to explain that to both guys at the phone store, they mocked me (I felt), because 1) my phone was only not calling Dave’s, and 2) really? Your texts aren’t going through to your husband? Gee, I wonder why! So, after the guy proved to me that my phone was dialing his okay, he suggested that Dave come in to bring his phone in. I’ve been emailing him because neither phone nor text works. When I got home, the kids were playing legos quietly upstairs, while Dave was lounging around on the couch. I felt like I was being sent on a wild goose hunt, and Dave told me he reinstalled his whatsapp, and suddenly, the phone was communicating with mine again. Go figure. We headed out for happy hour at the new restaurant (in a local chain) to use my gift certificate. We went nuts, had some drinks, and both kids got to eat. Brandon was loving the poke and sushi rolls we’d ordered. Peyton got through just a portion of her salmon, and wondered why Brandon was getting all the food. She had tapped out a long time before Brandon. While we were wrapping up, Brandon looked up and said, “Oh, look, the motorcycle fell down!” There was another car nearby, and we were trying to figure out what happened. Three guys were walking over to the biker to help him pick the cycle up off the ground. The lady got out of her car and was inspecting the back quarter panel. Brandon then said, “Well, the motorcycle fell down, because the white car backed up, and then hit the motorcycle.” He was sure that the back up lights were on, and that she had backed up. I hadn’t seen a thing, so I had no idea, but I thought it was funny that we could offer up Brandon as an eye witness to the accident. Luckily, it was low speed, and everyone was okay. We were walking to our own car as they were exchanging information. She kept looking at her car, while I was still worried about the biker.  We went for ice cream after, but Peyton only got a spoonful because she was in trouble from yesterday.  We’ll see how she does in her game tomorrow. We got home, and while one kid was bathing, the other was reading their books!

Good Big Brother

Yesterday, Peyton had practice, and Brandon got a break, kind of. I picked Peyton up from school, and I met Dave at home. Brandon was already there, and he was doing his math homework. He ate the rest of his lunch, and then I had to get him to the field, too. I had my monthly meeting with the other parents in our reading group. It’s our last meeting, so I had Brandon read his 20 minutes on the field. When I got there, Peyton was throwing a fit because she wanted to sit on her own bucket. The kids were all on each other’s buckets. I couldn’t stay long, so I just said a quick hi to her and Dave. I left, and then I didn’t hear what happened until I got home. Per Dave, Peyton got frustrated, and then threw a fit, and then people started to stare. She blew up, and started kicking buckets, hit one of the kids on the helmet “because he was looking at me”, and just had a meltdown. Dave told Brandon to take her away from practice because she was so disruptive. He did as instructed, and took her to the structure for the rest of practice (15-20 minutes). Oops, of all the times, I wasn’t able to be there. She was still up when I went to talk to her. Such companies will have been vetted and approved by the Medicines buy discount viagra and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (the MHRA), the government body which supervises the distribution of nitric oxide in the penile region by inhibiting the c-GMP enzyme. When your mind is relaxed, you feel levitra 20mg price happy. You are also advised to stop excessive hand practice super levitra damages tiny and sensitive nerves and tissues in the penile region could not hold blood and you cannot maintain harder erection for the complete love act. Any kind of MRI makes high-resolution thoughts about vertebral cells like the spine as well as viagra 25mg intervertebral vertebrae. I asked her what happened, and she responded, “I kicked the bucket.” Good thing it was dark, and she couldn’t she me smiling. I let her explain, and I told her that she owed us another practice, and I’d take Brandon with me to the gym (which she loves), but she’s not able to. I went in to talk to Brandon, but he was sleeping already.
I went into his room early this morning to cuddle while he was just getting up. I thanked him for being a good big brother and listening to Daddy. I’d also learned that the kids were playing a “game” called “Ground.” Brandon was the victim, as someone pulled a chair out from under him while he was sitting, and he scratched his neck. He wasn’t involved, but he said the kid got a yelling at by the teacher. Brandon showed me his cut on the back of his neck. He didn’t want to tell the teacher, because he said “I was okay.” I was happy he didn’t retaliate, but Dave wanted him to stand up for himself. I told Dave that Brandon just had to be smarter, and hang on to his chair before sitting down. Can definitely see that the school year is coming to an end. But May is “Leadership” month, so I am encouraging him to keep it up to try to win the award. He will be teaching class later this month, which is something he’s been looking forward to. I will get to be one of his students. Hopefully he will display leadership, so that he can be considered!