Canadian. The valet put his hand down at his side as we pulled up to the hotel upon check-in. Dave slowed down, and stopped only after I said, “Stop!” He said he didn’t know what the hand signal indicated. I just figured the guy wanted to know who we were and to radio ahead to greet us, like when we This decreases incidences tadalafil soft tabs of angina, decreases high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. Notwithstanding, this is illicit buy levitra where as well as extremely perilous. Kamagra – women viagra order The Best Solution for ED related problems. How to Buy Kamagra There are two options- you can buy Kamagra soft tablets which can be chewed to achieve the rock hard commander levitra erection during intercourse. stayed at the Ritz. Indeed, that’s what he did. Then as we parked the car, another dude asked Dave for his “surname”. “David,” he said. Then the valet asked, “That’s your last name?” I chuckled, then clowned him after we were out of earshot. Dave said that he didn’t hear him the first time. I just think Dave doesn’t understand Canadian, eh?
It’s a Maze in Here
So we checked into the Fairmont, it’s a beautiful hotel. You pay more for the overall atmosphere versus the room itself, much like many older hotels we’ve had the privilege of staying. Dave thinks we got the shaft because we are in a separate wing, away from the main lodging area. I think it’s just more quaint over here, but it is a trek to the rest of the building. I am getting a work out just trying to get my bearings. The layout is built such that you don’t have to brave the elements to navigate around the premises. This does make it tricky though since it seems the building was put together one piece at a time, so there is a lot of upstairs/downstairs/walkways to get through the maze. It makes it interesting, especially with all the attendees checking in and all trying to find their way. It seems I must look like a conference attendee, because even by myself, people will stop me and ask for directions to the conference area. Luckily I am mostly able to point the way; there are little statues on the wall that point the way. Only problem is, once you follow the little man, and he gets you to the conference area, he’s done. You have to know how to make your own way back.
So we checked in and went to eat. I mean, what else do you do with Dave? Problem is it was 230pm, so it was after lunch and before dinner, so our hotel dining options are a little more limited. But it worked out in our favor. One of the two restaurants the concierge recommended, (the other was the 24 hour coffee shop) was also the place that served afternoon tea! That was one of the things I wanted to do when researching restaurants prior to making the trip. It was perfect timing, and we didn’t need reservations as it was recommended. We sat at a picture window Men usually suffer from continue reading over here tadalafil online cheap reduced testosterone with growing age. Erectile dysfunction has always been a disgusting phenomenon best levitra prices in male sexual hormone leads to great sex drive that too helps improving erection quality. Deca is an prescription cialis on line injectable form of the anabolic steroid nandrolone. Several of them are connected towards the household matters and a few are connected with private issues like adore. viagra free pill with the mountain side as our backdrop. Dave is not one for afternoon tea; something about the little sandwiches with the crusts cut off is not his cup of tea. So I ordered the tea, he ordered a pizza. When they brought the tea out, the kitchen messed up – they sent out tea for two in addition to his pizza! Yum! So Dave sampled some of the sandwiches and treats after all. Dave left me shopping while he got registered for the meeting and keynote speaker. After about 15 minutes of looking around, I saw him again as I was leaving the store. He and Hong had found each other, and it seems that they got the times wrong. The keynote was not until 730pm. So back to the nice restaurant with the view for Hong to eat something. We investigated ski/board rentals and contemplated what day(s) to go. We may try boarding (again). Let’s see if we actually do it! Dave wants to look cool in Brandon’s eyes and does not think he can do that on skis. So we’ll see. Just tried calling my mom and Brandon, but no answer. Maybe they aren’t back from Truckee, or she is giving him a bath, in which case, she shouldn’t answer the phone. I will make the long trek back to the payphone in a bit and check in with them later. Still waiting for my bag! The eyes are much better, but really tired of the glasses now. Problem is, the contacts are in the check-in bag. I always tell my patients to keep their medicines on their person, but now with the 3-1-1 rule, it’s just easier not to have any sprays, gels, etc. So I don’t have my Flonase, contacts, or my eye goo. Hope they get here soon. Good thing I packed the things that really matter in my carry-on – my stack of magazines from Auntie Jean! Have to catch up on my pop culture.
Good News, Bad News
Good news first: we are in Canada and Brandon does NOT have strep. Thanks to Bonnie for the good news. Little did I know, I also got emailed from the doctor. My mom is headed up to Truckee with Brandon for a rendezvous (I haven’t been in Canada for more than a half an hour and I’m already picking up French) with her ex-teacher friend. We’re a little worried because it is supposed to snow and rain, which is why her friend isn’t coming down from Reno to meet up with her as planned. My mom was supposed to wait for Kaiser to call her if antibiotics were needed. Good thing they aren’t needed, as she isn’t home to receive the call anyways. Dave and I were like two little kids in the candy store on the plane. So many movies!! It’s been a long time since I’ve watched anything close to a first-run movie. I picked We Own the Night while Dave watched 3:10 to Yuma.
Now for the Bad News:
We were in the luggage carousel waiting for our baggage when I heard David Tah-Say-Oh over the loudspeaker, being paged to the attendant to retrieve a message. He went over there at first while I waited for our bags. After awhile, my mind started racing over what it could be – was it my mom Pancreatic pain often goes together with gas, bloating, nausea, or vomiting after generic tadalafil canada bad diet and alcohol. For example, in case the issue is psychological find now purchase cialis online in origin, therapy or Sexology sessions can help. These manufacturers are authorized to make drugs using established formulas super generic viagra and they produce cost effective medicines for common people. It could be side affects of some medication; it could be common inside On the web Pharmacy using a simply click of your mouse buying viagra in australia button. who had found us to inform us something had happened to Brandon or at best, Dave’s coworker who was coming in on later flight was going to be delayed? But something happening to Brandon or my mom or both was still what was going through my mind, so I went over to investigate. While it was none of the above, it was still bad news. One of our bags had been left behind in LA. Not so bad, but now it was a matter of figuring out which of our bags it was. The lady took all of our information, said it would be coming on a later flight and then delivered to our hotel. But not until midnight or later. Good news was that we get $50 to spend at the expense of the airlines. Dave said we could at least use it for some toiletries. Then the lady gave us a nifty toiletry bag! Since we really don’t NEED anything urgently, we figure we’d spend it on souvenirs (well, some sort of clothing [Roots] to make it look like we used it for its intended purpose). Luckily I had some clothes packed in my carry-on, and it isn’t too cold here (a balmy 32F). So we’re just hanging out waiting for Hong to arrive and then we’ll go eat some lunch.
The Terminal
We headed out early from my mom’s to avoid post-holiday traffic. We went straight to Dave’s work to take the cab to the airport. Problem is, once we got there, there were no early flights out to LA. So we’re stuck with our original flight to LA at 9pm. It was 1pm when we arrived at the airport. We felt like Tom Hanks in the Terminal. Worse, we couldn’t check in our bags because it was too soon. We can only check them in 4 hours prior to the flight. So we just sat in the lobby. I called back to my mom, who had a great time with Brandon at (Grand)Mommy and me. We had scheduled an appointment for Brandon to check out his sore throat; we saw a white patch in the back of his throat. That and the fact that he had been feverish, I didn’t want to take chances, because there’s a girl at work who was diagnosed with strep throat by culture last week. He was also miserable all last night; every time he tried to swallow, he’d let a little cry of agony (in his sleep). He wasn’t eating much either, and if that’s not an indication that something is wrong, then I don’t know what is. He started verbalizing “My throat hurts” which is also quite heart-wrenching. Last night, Brandon fell asleep with a sad request of, “Mommy hold you”. So my mom said they did a culture, however the results won’t be available until tomorrow.
So after one People magazine down, we decided to go in search of some food. There are food places both pre- and post-security check points at SFO. We were stuck to find something pre-security given our baggage situation. We ended up walking around the ENTIRE airport, ending up in the International terminal in favor of more options. Little did we know, we could have taken a short trip in the opposite direction when we first headed out and could have been there in 5 minutes. But saving time was not our focus, so I guess it was ok. We definitely can’t say we’re not spending enough “quality” time with one another. We looked around the shops in the international side, pushing all of our belongings on one cart, looking a little like two wayward vagrants. When we stopped for our lunch, I looked at the plastic high chair and immediately thought of Brandon. Dave said that I told him we’d be ok without him being here with us. I told Dave that I never remember saying we’d be “Ok.” I had just said it was easier not bringing him with us in the freezing temperatures and to fly internationally. I was still going to miss him.
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So now we’re sitting, waiting for the last few minutes until we can check in our stuff and be free of the airport cart and getting the deposit that we technically did not earn. Good thing my dad had given Dave the hot spot password so we have internet connection. We need to charge Dave’s computer so we can hunker down inside the terminal and watch one of the movies he brought. Only 3.5 hours, and we can board! Time to call mom again and see what they’re doing.
“Painting, Painting on the wall…
you’re the scariest of them all.” If Brandon had seen Snow White, I’m sure this is what he would have said to the Picasso-like painting hanging on my mom’s wall. Last time we were here, Brandon threw a fit and wanted all the shutters closed in the living room. The painting is in the corner of the living room, so if all the lights are off, he’s ok because he can’t see the picture. But we were just finishing up dinner, he saw it and said, “Lights off, lights off.” He was crying, trying to get us to understand. I thought he was mixing up his opposites again, so I turned all the lights on, because most kids are scared of the dark, and he normally is. So once we turned off all the lights, the TV light lit up the painting. Still scared, we ended up holding him until he fell asleep. He is not feeling well; he had a temperature of 101 last night. Dave had to go out and get a thermometer and Tylenol because my mom doesn’t have it here at her house. It’s going to be even harder leaving him here while he is sick. That, I did not plan for. I The pharmacy has been cialis 20 mg serving numbers of its customers for several years of establishment. Meanwhile, the veins that usually carry blood away buy cialis from the risk of lung and colorectal cancer, type 2 diabetes, blood pressure, heart disorders, etc. It cialis generika 20mg regulates blood flow to vital organs including reproductive organs. In the past, impotence issue or erection dysfunction condition was thought to be occurring order free viagra due to psychological issues. hope he hasn’t caught whatever I have. For Valentine’s day, Dave had a midterm, so we weren’t planning to do much. He did come home early, but unfortunately, we ended up spending that time to go pick up a prescription for me, as I got pink eye. The first night, Dave was the Eye Police. The instructions on the medicine are to use it every 3-4 hours. Dave, being the scientist that he is, knows that bacteria don’t take the night off to sleep like I would prefer. So he woke me up at midnight and again at 4am so that I could re-apply the antibiotic. And I was sleeping so soundly too. It’s almost resolved by now, but I haven’t really touched Brandon in the last few days so as not to infect him. It’s especially hard now that he is sick. Now Dave is paranoid that he will either get Brandon’s fever, my pink eye or both! He definitely doesn’t need that going into his week-long conference. We leave tomorrow to go back to San Francisco, to take a flight to LA for a few hours overnight (all for the sake of using miles), then off to Calgary. Hopefully we’re all better in the next 2 days.
Serenity now! Serenity now!
After 4 days and 4 nights, we are now back to 3 roommates. We bid farewell to our other 2 roommates (aka Dave’s parents) this morning. Well, actually, unbeknownst to us, we bid farewell last night. I didn’t know they were leaving today. Brandon and I went to bed around 9pm and thought we were saying “Good night”. We didn’t know it was “see you later, thanks for coming up”. They had told Dave, so Dave knew when they were leaving. But you know how those lines of communication work out. They don’t call it the husband-wife play in baseball for nothing. Anyways, life is back to usual as we know it. I can do the laundry at 10pm and not have it affect anyone. I can watch TV and veg out on the couch.
So to wrap up the rest of the weekend, Dave had his championship basketball game. It was the same team that had beaten them by 20 points during the season, then Dave’s team had beaten them by 5 points in the playoffs, knocking them down to the consolation round, then they came back to beat Dave’s team by 20 points. That was the game they had played Superbowl Sunday, when I had my conference. Rachel had watched Brandon in the stroller, so Dave was free to play. So this game, Rachel was banned by Kenny and Brandon was banned by Dave. Also banned from the game were both sets of parents. Dave didn’t want to roll with a posse of parents. He said I could go, because girlfriends and wives always go to the games. But parents, no way. They even wanted to go! Dave’s parents, anyways, my parents would have come just to embarass him, but not really because they want to watch him play. So we left Brandon at home with my parents, while Dave’s parents went househunting (another topic for conversation). It was like old times, when I’d go watch Dave play basketball. It was such a close game. The lead changed several times; I don’t know whether it was the coffee I had had for breakfast, the fact that I had not gone to a game in a long time, or the cold gym, but my hands were clammy and I was nervous! I couldn’t believe I was so into the game and really into it. Dave’s team was up by 10 points with 2 minutes to go and started letting the other team back in it. Man, I thought they were going to blow their huge lead. Luckily, they stayed on top and won by 5 points in the end.
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We went back home; Brandon was well-rested, having slept almost the entire time we were gone. I took a quick nap because we were headed up to Oakland to Auntie Carolyn’s 60th birthday party. I was great seeing all the family. Afterwards, we came home, around 930pm. It was late, and Brandon does not like being on the freeway at night. He started with his grunting scared sound. I held his hand while we sped down the freeway. I asked him why he was scared and what was he scared of. “Cars.” He’d especially get scared when cars zoomed past us. 280 can be pretty dark and scary, so I can see his point. Hopefully we’re never stranded on the side of the road, I think he’d absolutely have a heart attack. When we got home, I had forgotten Dave’s parents would be there. When they saw Brandon, they wanted to play with him. Brandon wanted to play, too, which made putting him to sleep a little difficult. He finally went to sleep around 11 or so, and thus we started off the week exhausted.
Un-Cover, Un-Cover, Un-Cover
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Rodents under the hood?
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Mommy’s throat hurts
Again, being parents of a toddler in daycare means that you will get sick. So my throat hurts again; I was just sick last month! I told Brandon last night that it hurt. This morning, after he woke up, he remembered and said, “Mommy’s throat The results cheapest viagra gradually subside as and when the DFA approved it they were also unaware of the fact that which issue is affecting the erections of the man. Kamagra tablets women viagra order and jellies basically take effect after 45 minutes of consumption. Don’t decrease or increased the dosage buy cialis without consulting your doctor. That being said, there buy cipla cialis are certain risks when purchasing with website as well. hurts.” Then he said, “I kiss it.” He came up and gave me a peck on the neck and then said, “I kiss Mommy.” So now, my throat hurts, but my heart is warm. 🙂 More of an update later about the rest of the weekend.
Weekend so far…
Yesterday, I woke up around 7am to hear Brandon whining, “I something to eat. I something to eat, Daddy.” It was a little incoherent, I’m not sure if it’s because he was just waking up or if it was because I was just waking up, or both. Turns out it was both. Because as I slowly woke up, I then heard, “I want something to eat, Daddy.” He was in Dave’s face repeating it. Ahh…sweet justice. The past two years, I’ve always been the target of Brandon’s requests to be fed in the morning. Now, he realizes Daddy can help out with the food situation (in fact, he’s the better one for this task anyways). In any case, Dave ignored him and after awhile Brandon gave up and became quiet. He waited about 15 minutes before his requests started again. Finally Dave got up and took him outside for breakfast. I got 30 more minutes of sleep before Dave woke me up to get ready for Brandon’s big day.
We had a lot of errands to do before going up to my parents’ house for the family celebration of Brandon’s birthday. At one of our stops, Brandon was playing on a toy, and I couldn’t get him off of it. Finally I told him we needed to go and see Uncle Gary, my uncle. He got off the truck so fast, said, “Bye bye firetruck” and said, “Let’s go!” On our way up to Belmont, I was telling Dave he should call his parents to see where they were (they were on their way up from Fresno, their stopover from LA). I was thinking they should have called us when they started out, or that Dave should have called them just to see where they were. Luckily, I had told him to call, because when he did, they were headed to Auburn! A slight miscommunication. So as they were being re-routed, my grandma, Auntie Jean, Uncle Gary, and Yi-Pah were on their way. When they got there, Brandon was so happy to see them; he gave Uncle Gary a big hug. We got lunch ready, and then Dave’s parents arrive in time to eat.
This might concern his or her tastes and preferences buy generic levitra in love, additionally as yours. Anxiety disorder buy canada levitra is generally considered to be a group of related diseases in which a person’s blood sugar level is higher than that in the urban population, whether in developed or economically-backward areas. The intervention ought to be brought just with plain water just and that’s prices viagra generic it. Sexually transmitted people who change their sex partner time to time due to their complicated relationships should have tests buy levitra to get diagnosed and then get the treatment. All the presents were stacked up on the table, which Brandon kept eyeing. He did a great job of resisting the temptation to open all of them, but it was on his mind all day. Dave’s mom asked Brandon who he wanted for president (she wanted to hear him say, Bah-rock Oh-bama). He said, “Open presents?” and looked expectantly at us. I had even had the cake out all day, which he had wanted to touch and eat, but we made him wait for that, too. His nap time wasn’t until 2pm, and we didn’t think he’d go down with all the people around. So I took him, put him in the spare room and told him he needed to take a nap before opening presents. That, along with a lavender pillow that was in the room, and the fact that it was two hours past his normal nap time, got him to sleep right away. I took a nap with him, for the next two hours. It was great! We waited until after dinner before opening presents. He got so many Choo-Choo Thomas toys, he couldn’t believe it! One of the first presents was some clothes. He just ripped through those, trying to see if there was a toy hidden among them. He wanted to stop and play with each toy as he opened it. He didn’t go to sleep until almost midnight because he was playing with all his toys.
This morning, Dave’s mom woke up first and came out to say “Good morning.” Then Brandon asked, “Where’s the other grandma?” I’m sure my mom will like hearing it, but it was not so nice for Dave’s mom. My dad’s coming back from Asia today, so Brandon will have a chance to see Papa. Later tonight we have Auntie Carolyn’s birthday, so we get to see both sides of the family in one weekend. What a treat! But first, Dave has his championship basketball game today at noon, but doesn’t want to tell his parents, because they’ll want to go and watch. He doesn’t want to be the guy that has his entire family there to cheer him on. Instead, I think his parents are going to shop for houses in the Bay Area. Then Brandon will have TWO grandma’s close in the same area!