you’re the scariest of them all.” If Brandon had seen Snow White, I’m sure this is what he would have said to the Picasso-like painting hanging on my mom’s wall. Last time we were here, Brandon threw a fit and wanted all the shutters closed in the living room. The painting is in the corner of the living room, so if all the lights are off, he’s ok because he can’t see the picture. But we were just finishing up dinner, he saw it and said, “Lights off, lights off.” He was crying, trying to get us to understand. I thought he was mixing up his opposites again, so I turned all the lights on, because most kids are scared of the dark, and he normally is. So once we turned off all the lights, the TV light lit up the painting. Still scared, we ended up holding him until he fell asleep. He is not feeling well; he had a temperature of 101 last night. Dave had to go out and get a thermometer and Tylenol because my mom doesn’t have it here at her house. It’s going to be even harder leaving him here while he is sick. That, I did not plan for. I The pharmacy has been cialis 20 mg serving numbers of its customers for several years of establishment. Meanwhile, the veins that usually carry blood away buy cialis from the risk of lung and colorectal cancer, type 2 diabetes, blood pressure, heart disorders, etc. It cialis generika 20mg regulates blood flow to vital organs including reproductive organs. In the past, impotence issue or erection dysfunction condition was thought to be occurring order free viagra due to psychological issues. hope he hasn’t caught whatever I have. For Valentine’s day, Dave had a midterm, so we weren’t planning to do much. He did come home early, but unfortunately, we ended up spending that time to go pick up a prescription for me, as I got pink eye. The first night, Dave was the Eye Police. The instructions on the medicine are to use it every 3-4 hours. Dave, being the scientist that he is, knows that bacteria don’t take the night off to sleep like I would prefer. So he woke me up at midnight and again at 4am so that I could re-apply the antibiotic. And I was sleeping so soundly too. It’s almost resolved by now, but I haven’t really touched Brandon in the last few days so as not to infect him. It’s especially hard now that he is sick. Now Dave is paranoid that he will either get Brandon’s fever, my pink eye or both! He definitely doesn’t need that going into his week-long conference. We leave tomorrow to go back to San Francisco, to take a flight to LA for a few hours overnight (all for the sake of using miles), then off to Calgary. Hopefully we’re all better in the next 2 days.