20 questions

For this year…

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Birthday Celebration

Wednesdays are Brandon’s late start to the day, where the kids aren’t supposed to be at school until 930 am, and then they have their recess first until class begins at 950 am. He normally goes to Peyton’s school to volunteer for their second grade teacher. I emailed his teacher last week to let her know I’d be taking him out to breakfast.

I told him the night before, and Peyton said, “What? He gets to go to breakfast?” Uh, she got to see Ariel at Disneyland for her birthday. Lest she forgot. I told him to think about where he wanted to go, and he immediately said, “Crepevine.” We’d been for Peyton’s birthday awhile back, so he was making up for lost time.

We all got up at our normal time, and then Dave took Peyton to school, while Brandon and I made our way to downtown MTN. There was no line of course, so he knew what he wanted right away – the Purple Stack. I threw in a side of chicken apple sausage for protein. He said he wanted to eat the whole thing. I suggested that we split it, and that I would eat slowly, and if he caught up to me, that I’d give him more. Well, that never happened. His eyes were larger than his stomach. He got to five bites left, and he just gave up. We sat there awhile longer, and he was able to finish up. He had brought his magic book that Auntie Julie had gotten him, and he loved reading it! He also didn’t want to be late. He asked me, “What time is it?” I answered, “8:10 am”. A bit of time passed, when he asked again, “What time is it?” “8:20”. Really, we had plenty of time! After we’d finished, it was only 830 am, so he wanted to go home. While we were driving, there was something on the radio about someone being “legally blind”. He had never heard that phrase, and he asked me what that meant. Then he asked, “So what does it mean to be illegally blind?” His first 12-year old funny 🙂

Regarding his desire to go home, I asked him if he needed to poop (since he usually rushes us to get home for this), and he said no. But as soon as we got inside, he ran upstairs. I asked him why it changed?! He said, “Well, you said, ‘Poop, so.'” Touche.

I dropped him off at school and headed to work. I worked until school was out, then drove home to get Peyton. Brandon was going to walk home, since I wanted to put in a rounded amount of time, and that meant that I wouldn’t be back in time to get him. As I was headed down our street, I caught a glimpse of him. He saw me right away, and after it was safe, he crossed the street to join me in getting his sister. We got to CDC, picked Peyton up, and then headed back home to finish up homework. Dave was trying to figure out where to go for dinner while he was on the train coming home. We asked Brandon, and he answered, “Olive Garden”. Dave guessed why – because of the never-ending pasta? Brandon nodded. We didn’t know where one was, and because I had a book training for school, I had to be back at school by 730 pm. So, Dave asked me if we should return “to the scene of the crime” (Frankie, Johnny, and Luigi’s, where Brandon had almost choked on a piece of prosciotto that he didn’t cut properly, on a family outing with the KP families for a birthday gathering many years ago. He was probably 4-5 years old. Dave had to finger sweep and pull the meat out of his throat because he tried to swallow it without properly chewing it). So, I asked Brandon, “Do you want to go to Frankie, Johnny and Luigi’s?” He said, “So I can choke again? No thanks!” I guess he remembers. So, we didn’t really pick a place, but I had to leave to get cookies with the cookie mom.

The kids and I were picking up more cookies at the Cookie Mom’s house, and Dave met us there. We dumped my car off at school and headed to an Italian place we’d never been to before. While we walked in, there was another family from school, whose older daughter had the same birthday that Brandon did. The girl, Thea, said, “That’s the boy I was talking about!” She is a drama girl, so she was pretty loud. Peyton is friends with the younger daughter (she’s at cdc, in drama, and a 5th grader), and she ran up and said hi. I wished Thea a happy birthday. They returned the same wishes for Brandon.

We sat separately, and we ordered our food. The food was yummy; the boys had rigatoni, Peyton had the kids’ rigatoni, with chicken, while I had ravioli/spaghetti with pesto. When dessert was ready to be ordered, Dave asked the server if there was anything for birthdays. He offered Spumoni ice cream. Brandon was totally fine with that; they even brought it out and sang to him! Peyton, Dave and I shared a chocolate dessert. While the servers sang to him, the girls ran out from behind the wall and giggled at the sight.
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I love his giggly face; that hasn’t changed in 12 years.

The kids dropped me off at school, but I was still 30 minutes early. No one was in the library yet, so I headed home to help with bedtime. Peyton had piano to practice, and she had her report to finish up. She did all of that, while I turned around and got back to school. By then, there were attendees already inside the library. I stayed for about an hour before returning home to sleeping kids.

We haven’t gotten him anything yet, but there are so many things going on, fortunately, he’s our easy going kid. He is happy to have time alone with us. Here is his list of 20 questions:

I did ask if he had any friends who were girls who would make the friends list. Grace made it with a questionable prompt by me. But when I asked if other girls made that list, his answer was “No”.

And he wants to work alongside my dad. And loves his dads pancakes. I love this kid.

20 questions

For her birthday this year:

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What a week

It was a short week, starting on Tuesday, but it was jam-packed!
Peyton had picked up a cold over the new year, so she was sent to bed at 745 pm on Tuesday. She slept 11.5 hours until Wednesday morning. Brandon got his stitches out on Tuesday, and what was thought to be an easy removal, turned out to be quite the ordeal. The skin had grown into the stitches, and he had to soak in saline for almost an hour to soften the skin. We’d kept his skin dry all week long, and we’d done too good of a job! It didn’t help that the clinicians questioned why they were so tight, why we were told to wait 7 days versus a typical 5 for facial lacerations, and why the antibiotics. Glad he’ll live!

Brandon was changing teachers with whom he was volunteering. His current teacher, his former 1st grade teacher, is having a baby, so he is switching to his second grade teacher, who was Peyton’s second grade teacher as well. I reminded him of the switch (and later was informed that the teacher was there for one more week).

Brandon had a volleyball game that was a close on on Wednesday. I arrived in the middle of the third game, to see that one thrown away after two close wins in the first and second. The fourth game was also a close loss, and the fifth is only played to 15. They couldn’t pull that one out either. Seems the holiday funk couldn’t be shaken, as Brandon did not serve well that day. Thursday, I cancelled Peyton’s piano as her teacher is very sensitive with germs, especially as she is also a singer. The teacher had also picked something up, so it worked out well. It allowed Peyton to get her homework, reading and piano done before getting Brandon, who was at volleyball. I got them home, fed them a snack, the drove to Stanford to meet Dave for the basketball game. It was a good thing they’d gone with Dave a few weeks ago, as they were the ones who told me where to park, even with their questionable memory on things. I got us to the main area, and they pointed me to the free parking lot where they parked last time. We had seats through the alumni section, so we were surrounded by Bruin fans! The kids eagerly awaited Dave’s arrival, as we were super early, having been one of the firsts to enter the stadium, and definitely in our area. Dave showed up shortly thereafter seeing us as the only ones in our section. He took the kids to get food for dinner, and we enjoyed that while watching warm ups. The Kaos came right before tip off, and we waved to them from down our row, as we were separated by two seats. It was super warm up in the nose bleed section, and we were sitting in bench seating. The kids reminded me that they sat in the plush, actual chairs of one of the big donors. The game was looking like a victory up until the final minutes, when the Cardinal started coming back! They ended up tying up the game, sending it into OT. They almost won in OT, when one of the Bruins launched a three pointer to tie it up at the buzzer. I was texting Michelle, so I missed it, but Brandon definitely let me know! He’s become a staunch Bruin fan, and I’m sure he was excited to have the game extended, meaning he could stay out later. He did whisper to me that he was tired, but he did have a surge of energy with that play!

Sadly, they didn’t pull out the double OT victory, but did extend the kids’ bedtime by almost an hour. We brought two tired kids home, but they quickly showered and got ready for bed, but not before almost 11 pm. Peyton was leading flag salute on Friday with her class. That motivated her to get ready in the morning, as she was supposed to be at school by 8 am in the office. We managed that, having fixed their lunch the night before, and feeding them an easy breakfast at home. Brandon was happy about getting to school earlier than usual than when going with me. Since I was one of the earlier parents, I was appointed teacher’s helper, as she was on yard duty. I corralled the straggler kids who didn’t know where to go. I had the scripts and assignments, and helped the kids outside and later inside. It got me a front row ticket to see the kids. Peyton was one of the last to go.

Here is her announcement of the caught being good for her fifth grade, former softball teammate.
Normally, flag salute is done outside in front of the entire school, but when it is cold, the announcements are made in the office on the intercom. The intercom is piped through the principal’s phone, and from the office, there is a bit of echo.

I headed off to work after the students returned to class. I worked until it was time to pick Peyton up again. We did piano then headed to get Brandon early for their dental appointment. He was concerned about when and where to meet, but when we arrived, the kids were waiting for the bell outside of PE. He saw me, and ran to tell the PE teacher, while I checked him out of the office. We met up through the office, and as I was going back to the car, his friends all saw him leaving, and started giving him emphatic GOODBYES! They were mocking and teasing him, and he told me, “Why did you pick me up in the front of the school!” He was a good sport about it, and it was funny to see. We got to the dentist, and both kids had x-rays and movies going. He picked Guardians of the Galaxy one (totally not kid-ok), and she picked “A dog’s purpose” because she LOVES dogs. They only saw less than 20 minutes, but both were so happy. In fact, while he was waiting for his dental assistant, Brandon was giggling. I looked over at him, and he pointed up to the screen and told me, “It’s so funny!” Both left without any cavities, and both had done fairly well with their brushing (yay for us for Peyton’s teeth, since it’s a reflection on us).

Visit a doctor is high on the list and ask that you forward it along to all your friends and side effects cialis relatives. It is advisable to speak to medical professional offscriptband.com cialis sample about the exact use of this medication and also full information should be provided to the doctor while taking the medicine. Nonverbal communication, or body language, includes facial best pharmacy viagra expressions, body movement and gestures, eye contact, posture, the tone of your skin . On the hand, doctors advise patients to buy cialis tabs generic pills because they offer high quality products and have some very good shipping policies. I went back to volleyball practice, and dropped Brandon off while I dropped off Brandon’s excuse letter to the office. We joined practice and I started practicing with Peyton. Coach asked her if she wanted to join, but she was very shy (which he knows). She wanted to practice bumping, so I did that with her but her arms turned all red. I didn’t want to hurt her as she had her first softball practice on Sunday. Dave came home and we headed to the library before Brandon’s basketball practice. We picked up several books for Peyton, and she read her time for Friday and Sunday. Brandon got some Walt Disney books for his biography that is due by the end of the month. Fun that he wants to learn more about the man behind the parks that we had just left.

Saturday was a nice day, and it was free for us! Dave headed to his favorite coffee place, in Santa Cruz! We hung out at the boardwalk and got the kids all access rider passes. They just left Dland, yet Dave felt the need to get them more rides. That suited us as we just hung out and waited for them. They do get along well when they are on their own to take care of themselves in lines. Except Peyton refused to go on the haunted house. Brandon went alone, and it was awhile before he came out! I was worried he’d gotten off the ride or was pulled off somehow in there. PEyton looked a bit worried at the suggestion, but soon, we saw him emerge. He said it was kinda scary. Peyton was trying to pump him for more details, and finally, she had the courage to go back with him. She came out and he told me she almost cried. She had her hoodie all the way up over her face, and didn’t really watch. So, that was a fail! After the rides, we headed to a little quaint restaurant that served craft beers and tapas. We all split food, then went to the ice cream shop. It was a great day out! While on our way back home, we picked up Peyton’s birthday card for Toys R Us. It was an invitation to get a free Lego build, but we didn’t have time to go shop. We were running out of daylight, so we returned home to get some softball and baseball practice in for both kids. They got about an hour in before there was an injury – Brandon hit a ball back under the screen, and it came up and hit Dave in the ankle. He came up a bit lame, and he wanted to get ice on it as soon as possible. We came home, had the kids shower up, then after ice was applied, we headed to the mall. We had to return some clothes that didn’t fit them from Christmas, so we braved the mall, which we had not been to in years, it seemed. We went to the two stores where their clothes were purchased and did what we needed to do, then left. We wanted to get to bed earlier as Brandon and I had our chocolate run on Sunday. Dave said we should go sleep downstairs to avoid waking them up. Brandon didn’t want to sleep alone downstairs, but when he found out I’d go, too, he quickly moved in. Peyton asked what she would do. I suggested (if I was going to be inconvenienced by Brandon) that she should sleep in my side of the bed. But I worried about her falling off, and she said, “Don’t worry, I’ll sleep in the middle, so I won’t fall off!” Dave shot me a glare. But she quickly moved in to our bed, while I was getting our things ready for an early morning.

Both kids fell asleep quickly. I set my alarm for 415 am. Brandon’s last words to me at bedtime were “good luck getting me up tomorrow morning.” He wasn’t wrong. But after 15 minutes of rolling around and complaining, he jumped up as if to say, “Let’s do this!” He’s such a good sport about these things.

He was happy to only be doing 5 k with me. I had parking and two shuttle passes, and we drove up to the City by 525 am. We passed the parking structure the first time, but we were early enough that we had it pretty easy. He wanted to stay in the warmth of the car, but I didn’t want to fight traffic to get on the bus. So, we waited a bit on the bus, and when it filled, we headed off. We were still very early, by 6 am, to wait over an hour for the start at 720 am. We went to the port a potties and I was the first to use the toilet paper, as I had to open it up, so at least it was clean. Last time we did the 15 k, we started much later, so we didn’t have such an early start. And we had a ride as Dave dropped us off last time. It was much colder this time as well! We huddled up in the merchandise tent and talked to another mom and her 13 year son. They were doing the 15k, so we left before they did after wishing them a fun race. I offered Brandon music, but he declined. I set myself up, and with 20 minutes to go, we corralled to B. He asked why we weren’t in A; I told him we are NOT that fast. The corrals went as far back as G or so, so I think it was good we were even where we were! When our corral was starting to move forward after A went, I was queuing up my music, and he was quite concerned that my phone would be dropped. He had his phone off in his breast pocket. I told him only to turn it on if he got lost. Last time, we held hands, but this time, I told him it was easier to NOT do that. He was fine with that, and we kept pace with one another. He knew that it was better to start running in the beginning to go with the flow. It was a bit more hilly than I recall, and he did a great job at the start, and was actually pacing me! I didn’t want to slow down as I didn’t want him to wait for me, so I pushed through for him. I hadn’t run in awhile, so I felt like I was struggling the first half mile. He kept running and looking back at me, so I ran up ahead to run side by side. He did a great job, and he stopped for water and chocolate chips on course. He grabbed me one, too, but I declined it. He only ate his, then tossed the second cup, as they must have been pretty thick to chew or eat while running. 3 miles was over sooner than we knew it, and I pushed him to run past each of the photographers. As we got our finisher’s mug, we took our requisite pictures, and he told me this one was more fun than the last one. He stayed awake during our drive down, though he was quiet. We got home and I showered up, awaiting Dave and peyton’s return home from the grocery store. We headed back to toys r us per our promise to them to return to spend their gift cards. Then, we headed to Peyton’s softball practice in San Jose for three hours, and straight to Brandon’s basketball game at 430 pm back in Daly City. At the end of the day, after the kids showered up, Brandon thanked ME for running with him today. He also asked when our next one was, if he could do a Disney one, and if we could do the hot chocolate one again. This prompted Peyton to ask, “What about me?” Brandon chimed in, “Well, you have to do what I did…you need to do the 15 k next year (she’d be the same age he was when he did his first 9 miler), and then 5K, and then you can pick whatever race you want.” She responded, “But I’m going to throw up!” She’s still scarred from that turkey trot where she over-exerted herself. Phew what a week.

Here are the pictures:

20 Questions

For Peyton this year:
1. What is your favorite color? Turquoise and teal (She knew how to spell turquoise – I had to look it up to verify)
2. What is your favorite toy? Lego
3. What is your favorite fruit? mango and pineapple
4. What is your favorite TV show? Food Network “Cutthroat Kitchen”
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? grilled cheese Sandwich
6. What is your favorite outfit? Short-sleeve turtle t-shirt and blue/green shorts with the flowers on them
7. What is your favorite game? Subway surfers (on ipad)
8. What is your favorite snack? cheese stick with crackers
9. What is your favorite animal? puppy
10. What is your favorite song? “Side by Side” by Ariana Grande
Therefore, these herbal pills offer the best herbal levitra 60 mg treatment for leaking of semen. This occur where arteries carrying blood to purchase cialis online browse around this link the male organ. Evidence-based efficacy of our website cialis sample adaptogens in fatigue, and molecular mechanisms related to their stress-protective activity. It also contains the same ingredient that order viagra online More Discounts – Sildenafil Citrate. 11. What is your favorite book? “Dork Diaries” series
12. Who is your best friend? Hope, Jessie, Lia, Melodie, Violette
13. What is your favorite cereal? corn flakes
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? play four square
15. What is your favorite drink? ginger ale
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas, Halloween, and Easter
17. What is your favorite thing to take to bed each night? Daddy’s blanket (green Kaiser jersey blanket)
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Peanut Butter Toast
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Alexander’s Steakhouse
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Veterinarian

20 Questions for Brandon’s birthday

1. What is your favorite color? GREEN
2. What is your favorite toy? Star Wars Legos
3. What is your favorite fruit? Coconut
4. What is your favorite TV show? Star Wars
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Cheese + Walnut/fig bread
6. What is your favorite outfit? Shorts and (any) Nike sweatshirt
7. What is your favorite game? Clash of Clans
8. What is your favorite snack? goldfish, Cheetos and Doritos
9. What is your favorite animal? dog
10. What is your favorite song? Star Wars Main Theme
11. What is your favorite book? Harry Potter
12. Who is your best friend? Blake, Wyatt, Carter and Austin
13. What is your favorite cereal? Honey Nut Cheerios
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? dodgeball
The problem is that most men do not take this buy viagra for cheap over here advice. Say for example, if you look cialis viagra online at Gilbert Arenas’s left fingers you will find “change we believe in” inked on them. Magento is one of the most popular options, complete with objective facts to help you make the best decision for yourself. purchase levitra no prescription and Kamagra to enhance their sexual life.The treatment mostly recommended for male includes opting for Testosterone Replacement therapy. Physicians disagree about the exact cause of development of these cancerous growths is cialis lowest price unknown. 15. What is your favorite drink? sparkling water or coconut water
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17. What is your favorite thing to take to bed each night? stuffed dog from Grandma
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? bacon, croissant, pancake
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? pizza
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Blue Angels pilot

Daddy was making them laugh by making faces at me while I was taking this.  


20 Questions

For Peyton this year (she’d asked me if we could do it while we were out of town, but I waited until we returned)
1. What is your favorite color? GREEN
2. What is your favorite toy? Lego friends
3. What is your favorite fruit? MANGO
4. What is your favorite TV show? “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
6. What is your favorite outfit? Short-sleeve shirt (Mickey Mouse – yellow one from Rome) + small size 3 shorts (blue ones)
7. What is your favorite game? Sonic car racing
8. What is your favorite snack? pop chips
9. What is your favorite animal? puppy
10. What is your favorite song? “Hello” by Adele
From the 1980s on, we have recognized viagra for sale mastercard bought this not merely the discomfort, difficult urination and intimacy difficulties observed previously, but a fourth symptom of chronic prostatitis: anxiousness. If it exceeds ten, the chances cialis viagra sale of prostate cancer can lead to temporary or permanent male disorder. Sperms fertilize the order levitra online egg cell or ovum in the ovary of a woman to produce a baby. This module gets smashed in the blood vessels and muscles in your penis get damaged gradually. pdxcommercial.com acquisition de viagra 11. What is your favorite book? “Inside the Human Body” (comic book featuring cartoon characters
12. Who is your best friend? Daniel, Hope, Violette, and Melodie
13. What is your favorite cereal? Honey Bunches of Oats
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Jump in Puddles
15. What is your favorite drink? Pink Lemonade
16. What is your favorite holiday? “I have many. But Christmas (when asked to narrow it down) because of the presents.”
17. What is your favorite thing to take to bed each night? blue rattle bear (Brandon’s when he was little) wrapped with Daddy’s blanket around it
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Peanut Butter Toast
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Sweet Tomatoes
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Teacher

20 Questions

1. What is your favorite color? black, purple (violet), turquoise, and green (neon), sometimes
2. What is your favorite toy? legos
3. What is your favorite fruit? coconut, wait, is that a fruit?
4. What is your favorite TV show? Guardians of the Galaxy
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? pizza
6. What is your favorite outfit? basketball clothes
7. What is your favorite game? Skylanders
8. What is your favorite snack? Cheetos
9. What is your favorite animal? dog – German Shepherd and Scottish Terrier
10. What is your favorite song? “Your lips are movin'”
But do you know how the herb got its name? Also known as Epimedium, it was traditionally found in China, where a goat herder accidently consumed it and realized http://videoleadspro.com/?shop=5185 generic prescription viagra without the libido benefits. The jellies and soft tabs are available in online markets. cialis prescription online Researchers say major concerns have been raised about long-term vision impairment in men who used oral medicines to treat erectile dysfunction. viagra pill price It relaxes nerves and help the mind think positively. cheapest price viagra 11. What is your favorite book? “Weird But True”
12. Who is your best friend? Rohan Gupta, Nate Cha, Tyler Becker
13. What is your favorite cereal? Fruit Loops
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play basketball and soccer
15. What is your favorite drink? Fanta (sneaked from movie theater)
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What is your favorite thing to take to bed each night? blankets and animals – Pillow Pet
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? waffles with pecans
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? (Answered after dinner) Islands (where we went to dinner tonight)
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? business man “the guy who makes all the money”

20 Questions

Here is the list of questions for Peyton this year:
1) What is your favorite color? Pink and purple
2) What is your favorite toy? Flutterbye
3) What is your favorite fruit? cantaloupe
4) What is your favorite TV show? Sofia the First
5) What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? peanut butter and jelly sandwich
6) What is your favorite outfit? tutu Mommy made last year
7) What is your favorite game? Clash of Clans
8) What is your favorite snack? lollipop
9) What is your favorite animal? dog – Katie
10) What is your favorite song? “Dark Horse” by Katy Perry
While generic medicines should be approved equivalent versions of trusted medicines, providing the same excellence, security and efficacy as the original, this is viagra professional australia often not the case. They all mentioned the importance of their generic viagra cialis mindset and capturing the ‘difference that makes the difference’. Males, who crossed 50 http://www.cbs.tc/?buy=6591 cheap viagra tablet years, usually suffer from reduced blood circulation and gradual reduction in the signal transmission from the brain to the penile nerves. A conservative German government has cheapest viagra buying this just committed to doubling the share of electricity generated from renewable sources by 2020 and replacing its nuclear power plants with renewable energy. 11) What is your favorite book? Big Hero Six
12) Who is your best friend? Iris Z. (from Mrs. Manundo’s class)
13) What is your favorite cereal? Raisin Bran
14) What is your favorite thing to do outside? play on the structure and ride bikes
15) What is your favorite drink? water
16) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas (presents) and Halloween (candy, even though you don’t let us eat it)
17) What is your favorite thing to take to bed each night? my animals, I tuck them in just like a mom
18) What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? purple stack from Crepevine (pancakes, blueberry compote, mascarpone)
19) What do you want for dinner on your birthday? breakfast for dinner
20) What do you want to be when you grow up? police officer

20 Questions – 8 years old

I finally got a chance this weekend to ask Brandon the 20 questions for this year:

1.  What is your favorite color?  BLUE
2. What is your favorite toy?  Pokemon cards and Legos
3.  What is your favorite fruit?  pineapple
4.  What is your favorite TV show?  Beyblade
5.  What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Rice
6.  What is your favorite outfit?  Quicksilver grey t-shirt
7.  What is your favorite game?  Pokemon
8. What is your favorite snack? Nuts
9.  What is your favorite animal?  Dog
India levitra sale http://robertrobb.com/biggs-attacks-the-voters-trump-will-need/ is undoubtedly one of the leading higher education providers all across the world. This shows that one can distinguish from difficult relationships, nervousness while speaking in robertrobb.com viagra ordination public or more complex causes. Similar case happens while some body is searching for cheap tadalafil the effective performance during the actions of foreplay. This medicine is cheapest prices for cialis thought about that the first innovative formula used for making branded ED pills. 10. What is your favorite song?  “Everything is Awesome” (from the Lego Movie)
11.  What is your favorite book?  Harry Potter
12.  Who is/are your best friend(s)? Joshua, Carter, Nico, Tyler, Wyatt, and Jack (the kids who showed up today)
13.  What is your favorite cereal?  oatmeal
14.  What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Soccer, dodgeball, and hockey
15.  What is your favorite drink?  orange juice
16.  What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas
17.  What is your favorite thing to take to bed each night?  Domo
18.  What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Oatmeal
19.  What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Hamburger and fries
20.  What do you want to be when you grown up?  Policeman