Birthday Celebration

Wednesdays are Brandon’s late start to the day, where the kids aren’t supposed to be at school until 930 am, and then they have their recess first until class begins at 950 am. He normally goes to Peyton’s school to volunteer for their second grade teacher. I emailed his teacher last week to let her know I’d be taking him out to breakfast.

I told him the night before, and Peyton said, “What? He gets to go to breakfast?” Uh, she got to see Ariel at Disneyland for her birthday. Lest she forgot. I told him to think about where he wanted to go, and he immediately said, “Crepevine.” We’d been for Peyton’s birthday awhile back, so he was making up for lost time.

We all got up at our normal time, and then Dave took Peyton to school, while Brandon and I made our way to downtown MTN. There was no line of course, so he knew what he wanted right away – the Purple Stack. I threw in a side of chicken apple sausage for protein. He said he wanted to eat the whole thing. I suggested that we split it, and that I would eat slowly, and if he caught up to me, that I’d give him more. Well, that never happened. His eyes were larger than his stomach. He got to five bites left, and he just gave up. We sat there awhile longer, and he was able to finish up. He had brought his magic book that Auntie Julie had gotten him, and he loved reading it! He also didn’t want to be late. He asked me, “What time is it?” I answered, “8:10 am”. A bit of time passed, when he asked again, “What time is it?” “8:20”. Really, we had plenty of time! After we’d finished, it was only 830 am, so he wanted to go home. While we were driving, there was something on the radio about someone being “legally blind”. He had never heard that phrase, and he asked me what that meant. Then he asked, “So what does it mean to be illegally blind?” His first 12-year old funny đŸ™‚

Regarding his desire to go home, I asked him if he needed to poop (since he usually rushes us to get home for this), and he said no. But as soon as we got inside, he ran upstairs. I asked him why it changed?! He said, “Well, you said, ‘Poop, so.'” Touche.

I dropped him off at school and headed to work. I worked until school was out, then drove home to get Peyton. Brandon was going to walk home, since I wanted to put in a rounded amount of time, and that meant that I wouldn’t be back in time to get him. As I was headed down our street, I caught a glimpse of him. He saw me right away, and after it was safe, he crossed the street to join me in getting his sister. We got to CDC, picked Peyton up, and then headed back home to finish up homework. Dave was trying to figure out where to go for dinner while he was on the train coming home. We asked Brandon, and he answered, “Olive Garden”. Dave guessed why – because of the never-ending pasta? Brandon nodded. We didn’t know where one was, and because I had a book training for school, I had to be back at school by 730 pm. So, Dave asked me if we should return “to the scene of the crime” (Frankie, Johnny, and Luigi’s, where Brandon had almost choked on a piece of prosciotto that he didn’t cut properly, on a family outing with the KP families for a birthday gathering many years ago. He was probably 4-5 years old. Dave had to finger sweep and pull the meat out of his throat because he tried to swallow it without properly chewing it). So, I asked Brandon, “Do you want to go to Frankie, Johnny and Luigi’s?” He said, “So I can choke again? No thanks!” I guess he remembers. So, we didn’t really pick a place, but I had to leave to get cookies with the cookie mom.

The kids and I were picking up more cookies at the Cookie Mom’s house, and Dave met us there. We dumped my car off at school and headed to an Italian place we’d never been to before. While we walked in, there was another family from school, whose older daughter had the same birthday that Brandon did. The girl, Thea, said, “That’s the boy I was talking about!” She is a drama girl, so she was pretty loud. Peyton is friends with the younger daughter (she’s at cdc, in drama, and a 5th grader), and she ran up and said hi. I wished Thea a happy birthday. They returned the same wishes for Brandon.

We sat separately, and we ordered our food. The food was yummy; the boys had rigatoni, Peyton had the kids’ rigatoni, with chicken, while I had ravioli/spaghetti with pesto. When dessert was ready to be ordered, Dave asked the server if there was anything for birthdays. He offered Spumoni ice cream. Brandon was totally fine with that; they even brought it out and sang to him! Peyton, Dave and I shared a chocolate dessert. While the servers sang to him, the girls ran out from behind the wall and giggled at the sight.
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I love his giggly face; that hasn’t changed in 12 years.

The kids dropped me off at school, but I was still 30 minutes early. No one was in the library yet, so I headed home to help with bedtime. Peyton had piano to practice, and she had her report to finish up. She did all of that, while I turned around and got back to school. By then, there were attendees already inside the library. I stayed for about an hour before returning home to sleeping kids.

We haven’t gotten him anything yet, but there are so many things going on, fortunately, he’s our easy going kid. He is happy to have time alone with us. Here is his list of 20 questions:

I did ask if he had any friends who were girls who would make the friends list. Grace made it with a questionable prompt by me. But when I asked if other girls made that list, his answer was “No”.

And he wants to work alongside my dad. And loves his dads pancakes. I love this kid.

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