Sting Practice

Here is a sample of Peyton’s new practices:

same thing, but backhand.
This is the new coach, he’s the founder of the program, and overseas all the coaches.
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Two weekends and a week

Last Friday, we had Peyton’s first show of Mulan. She had tech week meaning on Tuesday and Thursday, she was at school from 230 pm to 630 pm or later. Tuesday, she had Girl Scouts right after, while Thursday, I had to move her piano lesson to Friday. They were fed dinner after each dress rehearsal. She didn’t have a mike on Tuesday, and she was a bit sad about it. Mostly because Brandon made it a big deal, telling her he had a bigger part than she did because he was miked for at least three of his shows. She was okay with it, as her little group all didn’t have them. On Thursday, when I went to pick her up, she was wearing a mike while eating dinner! She was beaming from ear to ear when I mentioned it. So Friday, we had piano after pick up, and then we had some downtime for her to relax. I had already gone to get flowers and make up earlier in the day. I decided to put make up on her for the show, giving her a little cat-eye action and light lipstick.

Her show was 7 pm, so I had my parents wait with her while I waited by 530 pm, in the middle of the first show. My parents brought her to school by 6 pm, her curtain call, and then joined me in the cold to sit for almost 45 minutes. Because of my nutiness, we were first in line. The parent producers had taken stage left side, so I went first row, stage right. There was no supposed to be video taping or pictures, but the parent producer’s husband had already posted FB video of his kid, so I broke the rules (gasp!). My dad was a bit worried about me being caught by the stage hand who was bringing out props at one point while I was filming. She was able to meet with her fans, after her show was done. We had some girl scout sisters as well in attendance. This was the show for her to mingle, since she was still in costume, and could socialize with her fans. We took pictures with my parents and of the girl scouts, and then she changed her clothes. Since it was so cold, we all felt like eating warm food. We went to pho since there was only one place that was open later than the others, which were all closed or closing. We ate with my parents, then they headed back home.

Peyton had her first tournament game in Salinas at 1030 am, meaning we had to be on the field by 930 am, meaning we had to leave the house by 8 am. I made the mistake, or not really, of having her practice piano before we left. We didn’t leave the house until closer to 815 am, and it showed it would take about a full hour to arrive. I wanted to make it there with plenty of time to spare, but instead, we got there just in time. She was able to warm up with the team, and she was still within the first half of the team to arrive. They had played this team the week before and handled them mightily. The same happened in this game, but this time, since we were up by so much, to close out the game, Peyton came in to pitch! I hadn’t seen her warming up; I just saw her headed to the mound, and I was surprised. Later, I found out the pitching coach had asked her if she wanted to pitch. She shrugged and said, “Sure, I don’t know,” or something like that, and he said, “Okay, get in there!” It was a bit rough with a few walks, and 3 unearned runs, but she did manage two strikeouts, and finished out her inning. She was listed as the winning pitcher of that game. The second game was at noon, so they didn’t get a break. We were a bit nervous about this team, since we’d not seen them before. But the team handled them 12-3. We then had to leave before game 3 at 3 pm, since Peyton had her show at 5 pm on Saturday. She slept while I drove back, and since I made good time, I went home first. I had her clothes all ready to go in case we ran out of time. We did hair and makeup, then turned around in less than 20 minutes. Brandon had had a busy day as well. He had a baseball game in the morning, at 830 am, and then had a second baseball game that he had to miss, since he had basketball practice that was semi-mandatory, since they had their first basketball tourney the next day. They were all done by the time we were home, and Dave had already started grilling dinner. He packed up two burgers for us, and we left them in the car the whole show. I was not first for this show, rather 10 groups back or so. I waited alone, then Dave and Brandon came over when they’d finished dinner. We sat to stage left this time, saving two seats for Ashlyn and Julie. I had a better sense of how to film a clip this time, so I got Peyton’s “solo”. Solo is used loosely, but she was singing, on her own, alone = Solo, right? 😉 It may be the closest she ever comes. This time, since she had the first show, she didn’t have time in between to greet guests in costume. She quickly changed for the next cast to get in wardrobe. She did come out and take a few pictures, and then we headed back to her tourney in Salinas. We both ate our burgers that made us. She was helping me text our friends at the tourney, and then suddenly said, “Oh no. The burger just flew off my lap!” She used my phone, after I gave her instructions on getting to the flashlight, to find her missing pieces. We arrived safely to the motel, where it looked something out of a movie. It was 70’s style, open format. I had originally pulled up to a sketchy van. I quickly checked in, then we found our room and waited. Our friends were coming back from Chili’s and they were changing to go to the pool. The problem was was that I’d taken her swim bag out of the car to make more room for her softball gear. I’d already deadbolted the door it was that sketchy. When the friends arrived, we met them in the middle of the parking lot, by the pool. The girls who had bathing suits went in and said it was warm. Peyton and her friend did not have suits and sat poolside at the hot tub with her feet in. We gave them a timer, and after 20 minutes or so, we told them to get out. We wanted them to have rest for the big day on Sunday. They ended up winning the third game, in a close victory, of 4-3. We had been watching on our app, and the score went from 2-3, to 4-3. Peyton innocently asked me, “Do you think I would have made a difference in the win?” I told her we’ll never know, since she wasn’t there. Since I’d booked the hotel room for Peyton to hang out with her friends, and we’d driven so far, her good friend’s mom texted me (at 940 pm) and said, “It’s only 940 pm, and we’re here to party, so I wanted to know if it’s okay for Peyton to stay up and watch movies with N?” We had to decide which place to do this. They ended up coming over to our place, after both girls had showered. We gave them another hour or so while we chit-chatted about softball. They watched a little bit of Wizard of Oz, then a disney channel show, and when that was done, they headed home. I showered after they left, and P was already asleep before I was out! I cozied up, too, as it was cold! I didn’t want to be too hot by turning on the heater, but I ended up falling asleep out of exhaustion. I thought maybe she’d sleep in, but she didn’t! She woke up at 730 am, tapping me on the shoulder. We weren’t going to meet up with the team for breakfast until 10 am. There was a black bear diner right across the same parking lot. But the hotel had breakfast, too, and she wanted froot loops. I let her watch tv for a bit, and then by 930 am, we went downstairs for breakfast at the hotel first. We weren’t allowed to take food back, by I did ask her to take a bagel for later in her kangaroo pouch. She just didn’t feel like taking it, but I eye-convinced her (convinced her by my look). Later, we met up with the team for another breakfast. She ordered pigs in a blanket, sitting next to her vegetarian friend. I thought she would turn vegetarian like her friend, who learned early on where chickens come from, and stopped eating meat. She asked me later, “Are sausages from pigs?” I told her, “Yes,” and she said, “OH, that’s why they call it ‘Pigs in a Blanket’?” I told her, “Yes”, and then she had a light bulb moment.

Since they had a 3-0 record going into Sunday, they got a bye. They played at 130 pm in the semi final game. They had to play a team that we hadn’t faced before. But, the game was completed in 18-0, with the ump at one point asking our team to step off the base and get outs that way. The other coach heard and said, “Don’t do us any favors,” but we wanted to hurry up and get the game over with so the girls could rest and re-group for their final game. It turns out they were playing the team that they barely won in game 3 the day before, when Peyton wasn’t there. The game started in the sun, and it was mild, but as soon as the lights went on, after the sun set, it was chilly. Turns out, this time, there was no challenge at all. Perhaps they used their best pitcher to get to the finals. Perhaps not. Our team ended up winning 12-0 in a decisive victory. Now, Peyton could think she helped out! She did get two hits, scored twice, so she did add to the score. It was a great way to end the fall season! Because it was the Monica Abbott classic, she, herself, presented the award. She’s 6’3″, and has a massive wingspan. She is the first player to secure a 1 million dollar softball contract. She grew up in the Salinas area, hence why the tournament is played there. It’s great the girls had her to aspire to as they continue their love of the game.

We were going to go home and watch Brandon’s game by 7 pm, but the team ended up going out to dinner. We met up at one place first, then another after the wait was too long. She got another hurrah with the team before we really headed home for two more days of school. She was super tired on Monday, but she made it through the day. We got home, did homework, and she got to rest. Tuesday, we had a regular day, but we were headed out of town after Brandon’s friend’s birthday party from 6 to 8. We worked on Peyton’s homework, did piano, read, and packed up our stuff before the boys came home. We headed out by 830 pm, making a stop to get coffee. There was another stop for gas and a fill up of food, since Peyton and I had only eaten the rest of the salad we had at home and we were both hungry. We got veggie burgers, from a burger place on the way down. We rolled into Dave’s parents’ house by 230 am, so we made relatively good time, considering there was mild traffic and a whole lot of big rigs. We got up with barking dogs of their neighbors, and we were in the park by 1130 am! We made great time, and we headed to do the rides the kids wanted. We waited for Peyton’s friend to ride her final ride that she’d not ever been on – Screamin’. We tried out the new Tower of Terror – Guardians of the Galaxy Breakout! The kids loved it! Peyton loved it more than the previous version, which was a bit scary for her.

We were also in at the right time for the food festival, celebrating the holidays. There were small bites like the Wine and Dine or International Food festival at WDW. We got to try new things in the park, which was good for us, too. We did see Frozen, where Brandon saw a basketball friend, after seeing one of Dave’s ex-coworker’s ex-husband. Thursday, we hung out with Dave’s parents, going to eat dim sum as well as shopping before the stores closed. The kids came away with a lego set for each to keep them busy at home. We headed over to Dave’s sister’s in laws’ house, and he was loaded with the Nintendo switch. The kids played the cooking game and raced, but the tempers started to flare with the two younger ones. Luckily dinner was served! We all headed up to enjoy turkey and fixings. The kids entertained themselves for a long time after dinner, so much so that the adults just hung out. They not once came up to complain about anyone else. Finally, Brandon did appear, and said, “Someone said PIE?” The cousin that made the pie did tell the kids that there was pie, but it was not ready to be served, so they were sent back downstairs. Later, they did come up and hung out for pie. We wrapped everything up by 10 pm or so for our drive back. We were headed into the park for Black Friday. This time, we were meeting up with Peyton’s same softball friend. She had her extended family and cousins, so we all hung out in line for a two hour wait for cars. There were 6 kids, so it worked out nicely. Then 5 adults that were together went in one car, and Dave and I went in the third car. We were able to keep all our photos since we’d purchased the max pass. We ended up going to Guardians after that, and we took the whole first row! Peyton’s friend didn’t go, but she ended up going with two of her cousins. We parted ways with them, when they met up with their family for dinner. They ended up leaving the park, and they all hung out and swam. It was such nice weather, it was off-putting! The first day, I had two layers for both bottom and top, and neither kid wanted anything more than shorts and a tshirt. It was 75 degrees even after the sun set. The next day, we lightened the load, but the kids still didn’t really use their layers. We left shortly after 9 pm on that day, only to return on Saturday for our final day for the trip. We ran into our friend’s husband on his way to meet up with the family after purchasing the advent calendar. They were going to Guardians of the Galaxy and had extra tickets since not all of them were going. We then rode on the ever-awaited SCREAMIN’! She almost bailed, asking if I was going. That prompted me to go. But I reminded her she had to go with her friend, since we’d dragged them to do it again. They’d already been that morning. Well, she went, and she LOVED it! She wanted to go again and again! Each time, they took pictures. They went two more times with just the kids. Then, we broke for lunch, with them meeting their family. We headed to do other rides, and walk around some more. We ended up staying just long enough to see the kids’ own cousins. They didn’t arrive until much later in the evening, as they were planning to watch the new Fantasmic. Two were out of commission for dinner, so they had two seats open for dinner. Dave’s sister agreed to take the two kids to feed them. We were sent pictures of their courses as they occurred. We went on The Haunted Mansion as I saw my name spelled correctly on the list! The recap I got was that Brandon thanked her for dinner, and Peyton didn’t eat much. They had kids’ meals, and they had veggies for their appetizer, and PEyton wanted mac and cheese, while Brandon ordered ribs and they split it. She didn’t eat her full portions, so he ended up eating after her, which he rarely does. He told me, “It was $25! You can’t NOT eat the food!” They ended up staying for the show, while as we were headed out, we heard, “Hi Brandon!” It was Jeff and Abby. So we ended up getting to see the family even though it was half at a time. We were going to leave early Sunday, so we didn’t want to push being in the park too long. We headed to dinner outside the park before coming home to pack up.

This morning, the alarm went off at 545 am. We do it for softball, so to beat the traffic, we ended up getting out of the house before 630 am. We made great time despite some slow downs. We had “breakfast” at 10 am, and in and out was the fastest line. That held the troops until we got home. We didn’t really eat again until a fruit snack at the outlets. Then, we shopped a bit, and then headed home to start the piles of laundry. We had to get groceries as well, so all of that, and piano, was done before 8 pm bedtime. Now on to the blogging and videos and pictures from the last 10 days!

Friday morning performance:
Friday evening performance:
Then, Saturday’s games:

First walk:
First hit:

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Another hit:
Beat the throw!

Stole home game 2:
Two vantage points:
dland footage:

She was finally tall enough to drive her own car. I remember when she couldn’t even GO on the ride…(2’8″)

She couldn’t reach the pedal fully; she was having a hard time steering and pushing the pedal, so she’d stop and go periodically. She insisted on going on her own!


Planet report: 5’s for model and presentation

portrait mode make up

Tourney recap

This morning, we did the same as we had yesterday. Though I woke up in a panic, looked at my pedometer, which said 615 am. I realized a millisecond later that I hadn’t changed it one hour back last week. Phew. So, I turned my alarm off, and got ready. I got P up, and ready to go. We made better time because we didn’t stop for gas, and I knew where I was going. Though we went 3-0 yesterday, we still ended up playing at 8 am. It was rough. And colder.

Here is the first hit of the day, after starting off with two strikes, swinging aggressively.

Once on base, she got herself into (and out of) a pickle…which I wasn’t able to capture, but she had everyone awake by that time.

She’s getting too aggressive on base!

Here she is stealing home…
Second at bat:

with the rbi from the smallest member of the team.

With the first win, they moved on to the next game at 11 am. They hung out for a little bit before warming up for the next game. It was a team we’d faced yesterday, but we knew it was going to be tough.

Luckily, we did get past the second game. By now, Brandon had won his game against their brother team. It was hard playing against the guys they just had all practiced with a month ago. And one of his baseball teammates. They came over to watch the final game at 2 pm. I went to get sandwiches for us, and to refill on caffeine. There was still time left, so the team and brandon were all playing “Never have i ever”, kid edition. No drinking involved, but I did hear, “Never have I ever…been in middle school.” Two of them were out on that, since Brandon and another sibling are in middle school. He was the only boy over there, but he did not care whatsoever.
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The last game was against a pitcher we’d faced yesterday. She had pitched one inning and went 1-2-3 against the heart of our lineup. Luckily, we were up already by a few runs, but this time, they put up 3 to start, and we were not able to answer. However, here is Peyton’s first at-bat at lead off:

This proved to be the only hit of the game, and unfortunately, we were not able to score any runs.

Second at bat with the same pitcher:
While it didn’t quite work out, she made contact and put it in play somewhere…

That lead to the team’s loss.

Second place in the GOLD bracket. Medal ceremony.

Here are the pictures from today:

still had to practice piano. Wanted to because she’s learning a new song

Tourney Fever

Last week, Brandon had a tourney, but it was a late night on Saturday. Peyton was to have practice in the morning, but the rain forced the coach to cancel. The rain wasn’t heavy, so since she was all ready to go, and we only had 30 minutes notice, we headed out for breakfast. Then, we went to the nearest field and Dave hit some balls to the kids. I did some laps at the track nearby, while the kids played with Dave. Soon, the rain did come back, and we were just wrapping up when it started coming down. We went home, then Dave discovered Peyton left her bat at the field. He stormed (get it?) off, while Peyton got ready for her basketball practice. We all went to her practice, and then came home to get Brandon ready for his baseball tourney. The rain had completely gone away, but it was super cold. I had Peyton and I in ski jackets, a blanket, fuzzy socks and warm shoes. The game did not start until 5 pm, and he had a double-header. She read ahead for the week knowing she’d have two practices during the week.

They lost both games, heading into Sunday. Sunday morning, we were out the door for a 7 am start. Luckily, it was daylight savings time, so we “earned” an extra hour, but it was all for naught, given the early arrival time. The good news is that the team won. I hadn’t planned for this, so we all went out to team brunch, then I drove Peyton and myself back home to practice piano for her piano party at 130 pm. Dave went out to lunch with the team (so many meals!) after they won the second game. Peyton’s party was just an hour, but even after I arrived one hour later, I heard her song being played and figured it was her. I didn’t want to snatch her ahead of her getting snacks, so I allowed her to hang out another 15 minutes. We headed back to the final game of the day. And to pick up the boys. Sadly, the team was up by 2 in the final half inning, and only 3 outs were needed to win their first championship. They couldn’t hang on to the lead, and they ended up losing. Two of the boys were devastated, while Brandon just wanted to know what we could eat for dinner.

Monday, the kids had a break, while Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were all practices. I was late getting Peyton to practice on Tuesday as I was not prepared and had to go home, get her stuff, get him, get her, and go back home (I dropped the socks), and we were 30 minutes late. She was NOT happy, and didn’t want to go at all. Dave saved the day by warming her arm up, and then getting her in to the game. But she had a rough time, getting nailed by a few balls and crying all the way. She had shown her mostly tough side for the majority of the season, but she just fell apart. I think the time change had finally caught up to her. Even the tough head coach came up to us and said “Peyton needs to be tucked in good tonight; she’s taken a beating out there.”

Thursday was a different story, since I was off earlier. Piano went as usual, and then we picked up Brandon and headed to the field early. Dave met us there, and she was relived to no longer have me hit ground balls to her, but Daddy now could.

I had to work less than 2 hours on Friday. Dave stayed home for as long as he could, then he left, leaving the kids alone for less than 1 hour. I got home and both kids were being watched by Alexa, playing a “choose your own adventure” type game with her. They had done their work that I had prescribed for them. We hung out at home, did piano with Peyton, and then had lunch. We went to Costco, bought a bunch of stuff, then headed out to Brandon’s practice. Dave met us there, and then I took Peyton to the Kaos’ house for a get together with the Browns. It was much easier not having sibling issues with P and B, and at first, she played Mario Kart with the boys, then migrated to M’s room to read with her. She was having a great time reading, she either asked or M offered to borrow her book. I had to ask Michelle to make sure it was okay, but Peyton was happy to borrow the comic book-type read.

Saturday, both kids were in separate directions. P had to be in Watsonville by 7 am for an 8 am game. I set my alarm for 530 am, get her up by 545 am, and then we were out the door by 6 am. I had to stop for gas, we set the music, and the gps, and headed out. It was still quite dark, but she was up for the first 15 minutes. Once the sun started coming up, she fell back asleep, and remained that way until we arrived at the park. We were early, but I didn’t want to rush, mess around, or do anything else. Even getting gas was not something I preferred to do, but I didn’t want to stop after a later Friday night.

People in all shop viagra online phases of an abusive relationship to protective residence or counsel with an abuse agency…back and forth, over and over again. People seeking for convenient treatment of ED use Kamagra that provides the quick and long lasting results- It is highly effective and functional medication that work to normalize male sexual health in just a few minutes cheap tadalafil no prescription of intake. Nicotene is an addiction There are numerous cialis generic uk aids readily available to clients. A nutrient-rich on line levitra penis vitamin cream containing L-Arginine and many other male-specific nutrients may be the way to go. Here is what she has been doing at piano:
She saw it, and wanted to re-record it! She was also working on this one and wants to speed it up after hearing on youtube:

Hit down third base line:
Stole third:
And for some reason…she did not slide. Lesson hopefully learned:
Then, the next five batters had the same play. And each slid, even though that meant a dust storm for the parents with each run scored.

Here are the pictures for the week:

Weekend Tourney

This was the second weekend of tournament games, different team, different costume. I had to stay with Brandon for his basketball practice, so I didn’t get to see game 1. Dave video’d it on the go pro, but that might take some time to develop and post. We did make it time for a full taco spread along with games 2 and 3.

I parked myself behind home plate to get these:
lead off batter:
stealing home in game 3 after getting on on a walk!

She was called to bunt:

Due to errors, she got on safely, then two more runners came in while she moved over to third.

After losing the first two games, they won the third game by 2 runs. This put them in the silver versus gold bracket. The first game was not until Sunday, which allowed everyone to sleep in, sort of.

After the final game, we all went home, in two cars, and both kids napped in the car. I was struggling to stay awake, but met the kids and Dave at home. We had Brandon shower, and then we headed to their basketball league’s halloween party. She was staying in her softball uniform, as she was meeting two other girls from her softball team at the party.

They played games, including throwing bean bags at some clowns, and throwing bean bags into pumpkins. The mom running the station whispered to Peyton that she wanted her to beat her brother, as he had come around and did that station, too. After she sunk 2 out of three bags, she did confirm “you beat your brother”.

We stayed until 9 pm, because we were the clean up shift. We cleaned up with all the other parents, while the kids helped corral the donations that were brought. We headed out, and then Dave was hungry, so we went to dinner quickly. But that meant, we had a very late bedtime.

The extract is extremely bitter, it is pastilla levitra 10mg said that he is facing erectile dysfunction or impotence. Gradual Yet Steady Results You can’t expect a transmutative uterus gives a birth cost of viagra 100mg to a baby instead of serious ectopic pregnancy. However it is advised by the pfizer viagra cheap Chinese practitioners to restrict the use of this weed in pregnant and Lactating mothers. As a viagra brand 100mg result the erections are limp or flaccid in nature. Dave got up early to get Brandon to the east bay for a hike with his baseball team. It was a 6 mile hike, up and back. They were supposed to start at 915 am, and the coach thought it might take 3-4 hours. We were up the way just another 15 minutes, but I’d gotten Peyton to the field before 1130 am, with the game time at 1230 pm. Dave was hurrying up the hill, and got up there in just an hour. Brandon was walking behind him with the other boys. They did have a few stops, but it was coming close to when Dave was needed on the field for base coaching. They pulled up just as the teams were huddling up.

The game today was a tough one. It was close in the beginning, but then it started getting out of hand.
There was a small highlight, though even then, it didn’t end the way we’d have liked it to.

She got on base, and then stole second.
“Way to Sit on It” – heard from one of the dads in the stands!

Then from second to third,

She was called out, though her coach didn’t believe it. She said her hand hit the bag before she felt the tap on her helmet. Not sure where she got that from.

She did get sad, like didn’t remove her helmet and glasses for awhile, but she calmed down. The other team has not yet seen her cry. They don’t approve 🙂

That was the last game for this team, and she’ll have two more tourneys with the other team.

Tourney Weekend x 2

This weekend, Peyton was participating in a Halloween tournament. The team was going to be individual emoji’s, but the order didn’t come together in time, so the coach ran around looking for an alternate shirt. He ended up getting the same shirt with different emoji’s, and it worked out perfectly. Peyton was so-so on the emoji that she’d gotten assigned (the hug emoji). They had coordinating socks and a hair tie as well. Our friend picked up her uniform on Friday night and gave it to us at basketball practice. I had Brandon at baseball, and I’d met them over at the gym when it was done.

Saturday morning, I got up and went to the field with Peyton’s teammate and my mom friend. They’re dad and son were coming over later, even though I offered to drive us. Dave was a maybe whether they’d make it, since Brandon’s game ended at 230 pm, while Peyton played at 930 am and 2 pm. They took care of the first game, beating a team we’ve beaten before, but it was close 8-7.

We went to lunch with some of the team. We went to pho, and the girls all sat together, while the moms all sat on one side of the table. We went back to the game, and it was our friend from softball camp’s team. We’d lost to them before, but it was a close game last time. This time, it was also close, and we lost 7-5. Dave was able to catch most of that game, as Brandon’s game ended early as they got spanked.

We transferred our stuff from one car to the other, and then we were all invited to have pizza at the coach’s house. We picked up some veggies and headed over to play. The kids all played together, while the parents hung out. The family lives in an area where there are wild turkeys. I didn’t believe it, but when we were leaving, my friend all of a sudden stepped on the brakes. There was a turkey blocking the way out of the cul de sac. It played chicken with her, stepping in front of her, going to the left, and then blocking to the right. I have photos of the turkey on both sides of her car, while she was screaming inside. The dad behind me had video!

We made it home safely, as Dave quickly side stepped the turkey. If I didn’t see it myself, I would have never believed it. We got the kids showered up and then off to bed, as it was an early wake up time for us all. Both kids had games at 8 am, meaning that we had to be up by 6 am, and for us, out of the house by 630 am. We were the first of our team to arrive, just before 7 am. We got settled, and Peyton had a birthday gift for her coach. She wrote the card after I helped her make it the night before. We got a red bull (his drink of choice) and a photo I’d bought at a previous tourney.

The first game, we handled the first team, which was still part of the pool play. We were then seeded in the top half, the gold bracket to face a higher ranked team. We had a big break, and this time, we headed to breakfast. Four girls sat together, while the moms and one dad hung out at our own table. We were able to eat, and then went back to the field to play the first bracket game. It was a single elimination tournament. We started off to a strong lead, but unfortunately, they came back. Dave was able to make it for a few innings, before he had to return for Brandon’s second game. After her game wrapped up, we headed down to his game. She fell asleep in the car, but woke up as I exited the freeway.

The highlights of the weekend were the coach’s birthday, with Peyton handing him his gift. The first game on Sunday, Peyton played right field, to allow another girl to play second, which is where Peyton normally hangs out. So, she and another little girl, smaller than P, were playing center (Victoria) and right. On two outs, there was a bomb hit to right field. Peyton had to drop step, and run behind her to track the ball. Her glove was turned around on a backhand, and she miraculously made it to the ball to snag it out of the air. The crowd erupted in cheers! The coaches pointed at me, and smiled. The head coach came up to me and said, “You like how I know where to put her!? She learned that from the clinic on Wednesday! That’s what they practiced!” I told them all that I texted Dave, “My daughter caught the ball!” As opposed to “YOUR son doesn’t know how to run the bases.”

I didn’t get it on video; the other parents kidded with me since I usually get offensive plays on record, but I will always remember that catch!

Here’s one hit…
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Stealing home:

Right underneath…but really, that is NOT a textbook slide.

Here’s Brandon’s hit from Sunday to tie up the game:
The coach of the younger team that Peyton could still play with was there scouting her. She lead off all of the games, and she doesn’t like it. I told him she didn’t like it, and he said he usually gets the mentally tough kids to lead off, as they can stand up to the pressure. He kept asking how she is doing. I did brag to him about the catch that she had. Their team had lost all three games they played on Sunday, some by a lot of runs. They didn’t score at all in 3 games. I told him that Peyton was NOT the youngest player on the team. He asked who else was on the team that was younger, and if she wanted to come play with him. Nice try, dude. Peyton doesn’t want to play either. But I can’t tell him that. She really loves the team she’s on now. So much so that I had to pin down one of the coaches that got us on this team on Saturday night. He got uncomfortable with the question to the point that he got up and left the area. Later, one mom had to text him to explain what he meant by his cryptic answer.

In the morning, before the first game, the coach came up to us and said, “Hey, I don’t want you talking to other teams. I’m territorial.” I thought he meant that we couldn’t go say “good morning” to another team. He said he had something in the works, and he was going to let us know soon, but he was going to have space for us for spring and summer. He wants to have tourneys in spring and summer, and even go to LA. We’re good!

next weekend, we have another halloween tournament with the other team. We have another shirt ready to go – Taco hot sauce packets!

Busy Weekend

Friday night was practice as usual, but since the sunlight is lessening, practice for Brandon ended early. Good thing as one of the kids got smacked in the nose with a bat on accident. Brandon was not involved, and he let me know. We went to Peyton's basketball practice, as I hadn't been able to go, as Brandon's practice always conflicted. They still had about half an hour left. Brandon ended up being asked to help out. Some of the softball moms asked how he agreed, since he must have been tired. I told them, "Well, Coach Ryan asked him. If it had been Daddy that asked him, he would have given him dirty looks and funny faces." Fortunately, for him, he wasn't alone in the asking of help. G tried to talk to him, but he was quiet and didn't say much. His response to me when I asked him about it, "She always says stuff, and i have no idea what she is talking about." Hmmph, he sounds like his dad.

Saturday, we headed out early for the softball game. The game was at 930 am, so we were out on the field by 830 am. There were three games that day, 930 am, 1230 pm, and 345 pm, basically out on the field all day long. Brandon had a friend for the first game, an older brother of Peyton's teammate. He's also Brandon's new teammate for the J-league he is in. He plays on another team, as well, so they had a tourney with that team later that day. The boys played video games for the first game, battling each other. Just minutes after, a foul ball hit inside the cart one inch from the switch console! Then, Dave was going to get lunch, and I asked him to take Brandon, to get him "out of here". With Brandon, went Myles. ANd with Myles, went his cousin Gabby. So, Dave had a carfull of kids, where he just wanted to go by himself.

He came back, and we got game 2 started. Myles had to leave for his basketball games in Pacifica. Brandon joked, "Can I go watch him?" Or maybe I joked he should go with Myles, since I was losing my "babysitter". His mom was taking him, and said, "Sure! You can come along!" Brandon looked expectantly at me, and I shrugged sure! We gave him $20 and a missive to mind his manners. He agreed, took his phone, and then left with Myles' mom, aunt, and cousin, Gabby. Dental complications are frequent from the pharmacy australia cialis acid, and that can lead to deterioration of tooth enamel very quickly as well as gum enlargement. I would simply send say 20 men, all of whom had stunning long, thick discount buy viagra hair. A chiropractic vet pursues this specialization after earning his degree in viagra in line chiropractic school. Within the yr 1998, the Pfizer Organization effectively launched a medicine named sildenafil and it is marketed as a treatment for tadalafil 20mg generic depression. We paid attention to the next two games.

The team had lost the first, won the second, by a run, and then lost the third game. We all met up with the rest of Myles' family for dinner, running into other J-league families.

We ended the night showering up and getting them off to bed (after piano of course).

Here are the highlights of the tourney:

Peyton was lead off batter and aggressive on the bases.

Her teammate stalled at third, and didn't slide. But, the throw to second worked for Peyton! She did what she was supposed to do.

Here's another hit:

Capitalizing on errors:
They were up today in the semis, but they couldn't hang on to the lead, and errors got the best of them. That meant we could take care of things at home. Brandon had practice today, and Dave dropped him off at home, while another family picked him up. I'm proud that he is acting more maturely, and is capable of conducting himself with others. He armed the house, locked up, and I found him right back at home when I got home.

I asked him how he had charged his phone on Saturday. He said, "AUntie, I mean, Loida, helped me since she was charging Myles' phone." I told him in Hawaii (the family is from Hawaii) that was a sign of respect, and "family is family". I told him it's okay for him to call them Auntie and Uncle, especially, since the cousins probably were saying it all day long. It was really cute hearing him adapt to their family so well. Both boys are lefties, both are the eldest child, and they both remind their parents of the other.

One other thing that happened yesterday, while Brandon was gone, we went to watch the 12 U team, which has girls that are Brandon's age. One is in his homeroom as well as science/math class. Her mom hadn't really acknowledge me in the past, though I'd tried to make the connection between Peyton and Brandon. We saw them at back to school night, but they still didn't really say anything. She came up to talk to me, and asked about school and how Brandon liked things. She knew Brandon's name. And from another teammate, we knew that SHE knew that Brandon was in JJ's class, because JJ had told her. We just didn't know why Brandon's name kept coming up. While the mom and I were talking, her daughter came out of her game to use the restroom. After she was done, she came up to us talking, but it was awkward timing, since she should be back in the game in the dugout! I later told Brandon about our interaction, and his face became contorted, and I believe he was blushing. Kids these days are so awkward with each other.

Here are some pictures of the tourney:


From last weekend In Manteca:

Tourney Weekend Wrap up

Peyton played at 9 am, so that meant we had to be at the field by 8, meaning we had to allow for 45 minutes to arrive, meaning that we woke up at 630 am. Which is the same time we wake up every day. Sigh. But she is a trooper. She got up and got ready. Now Brandon was the one who complained. He had basketball later in the afternoon at 3 pm, so we drove separately. We knew it was a double elimination Sunday, so we had a few games to play. The 9 am game was against a team that was 0-3, and they looked about our size. They had a few big girls, but size doesn't always matter.

We found out that she was batting over 900 from the day before.

She walked and they asked her to steal second, but she was called for hesitation. I don't even think she knew what had happened. I assumed she would be crying, but later found out that she said she did not.

Here she is up to bat:

She got to third on another at bat, reached on errors.
She ended up closing out the game, as the run she drove in mercy-ruled the other team. My parents were able to watch her play on this game.

The next game was at 12 pm. We had to move to another field. We had the kids wait in the shade and just relax, knowing they had two more games ahead of them at least. Salab Misri an ancient herb known for it’s aphrodisiac properties is an excellent PE natural remedy 4. online levitra india The best herbal and viagra pills price natural aphrodisiac supplement is Musli Strong capsules. Linkbait is continue reading content generico cialis on line a controversial writeup that compells other webmasters to link to your article. People always look at the Check This Out buy generic cialis deep specifications before buying a costly camera.

Ball four – passed ball, she ran, and didn't stop this time, and got to second! She is a quick-learner!

We lost the 12 pm game, but she did get to play a little short stop, when the short stop missed a few, and Peyton was moved from second to short. She did not get as many balls hit to her there.

The team won the 130 pm game, meaning that they would advance to the final game at 5 pm. Dave left to get Brandon to his practice, while I knew I'd be missing Peyton's. Dave is her coach, so he had to be there to coach the girls. I went to get sandwiches for Peyton, and she stayed with her team. They were watching trolls on one of the dad's phones.

The girls fought hard at the 5 pm game, but it wasn't enough.

They were given a shirt, and took a team photo with the other team.

Each team could award the "dirtiest girl award" as well as the "Golden Glove" award. The dirtiest girl went to the pitcher, who received a golf towel to attach to her bag. The Golden Glove award was given out, and I started to film. If it was Peyton, I'd get it. If not, I'd have footage for that mom.

Here it is:

So proud of her!

We drove back, talking about the game, and she was excited. She didn't fall asleep like I thought she would. We made it just in time to meet her basketball team who was still practicing. She was embarrassed and didn't want to wear her t-shirt that was given to her. It was a big shirt, so she didn't want to be seen in it.


Saturday morning, I took Peyton to practice, while Dave was at the field by 7 am with Brandon. Their first game was at 8 am. Peyton's practice was from 9 to 11 and was a make up from the day before when it was too hot. We showed up so early, I thought we had the wrong field. Luckily, there was another girl there before us so we knew we were in the right spot. Soon enough, teammates started to arrive.

The night before, we got an email that the pool would be opened up after practice was done. I had asked Peyton to pack swim clothes that morning, but as she often does, she ignored me. I told her on the way to practice that if she did a good job and hustled despite the heat, that I would tell her a secret. After a hard practice in the heat, with 4 stations, and 2-3 girls per station, meaning they got a lot of work in, the coach informed the girls that swimming was on! Peyton's teammates all asked her if she brought her clothes and if she was going swimming with them. She became sad and said she didn't have clothes. I reminded her of the reason she didn't have clothes. I asked her if she practiced hard (yes), and then I reminded her that I had a secret for her. I told her that she could go swimming. She told me she didn't have any clothes. I told her that was my secret. I had packed her a towel and clothes to change into. Coach pulled back the cover to the 9 foot square pool. The girls waited until he was all done, then one by one went off the diving board.

The coach's wife is a swim and water polo HS coach. So, they are all fish! Her other friends are on swim team, so they were also fish. Peyton was the youngest and smallest in the bunch, and she is the least seasoned swimmer. They were all playing around and when the pair of sisters started to fight, their mom called out a game of "Sharks and Minnows". Peyton was showing her fatigue, but she wasn't going down without a fight. Soon, another mom saw she was struggling and suggested she use a floating ring. She was much more comfy and could enjoy the game. The girls cooled off in the refreshing pool, while I put my feet in. One of the moms went on a slurpee run, so she brought back huge cups, which were shared amongst the families. I had texted Dave and after two games, they headed over with lunch. Brandon didn't have swim wear, but he had considered stripping down and going in his sliding pants. I had suggested that to Peyton earlier, to see what she would say, but she declined skinny dipping. I thought she wouldn't mind swimming topless like the boys, but she declined. After some time out on the deck, Brandon finally took off his socks and stuck his feet in. The girls immediately started to splash him, especially one of the teammates who we've known for awhile. One of my former coworkers showed up with her daughter, who knew one of the teammates from school. I chatted with her awhile, since I haven't seen her in awhile. We'd last really talked at a mutual friend's wedding.

Time was called after the kids had been in the pool over 2 hours. The kids were starting to get hungry, so we helped close down the pool. We went home and showered up and napped. Dave had been arranging to continue the playdate in the evening since the other family didn't have AC. We wanted an indoor venue. We were trying to decide between bowling and dave and busters. Each of my kids wanted to do a different thing, so the tiebreaker went to the only kid. She chose D&B. We met up there and got a table. The AC wasn't strong because of the sheer number of people in the place. It wasn't hot though, so we lived. We had texted another family who was watching a football game! It was only halftime, so they headed our way shortly after they received the text. We had only gotten a table for 7, but we fit as the kids are small. They did give us a hard time saying we'd exceed the fire code, but really, the kids are small. We had given them a card for our kids to share, and the other girl had one, too. They were all told to stick together as it was really crowded. They would check in and out on us to make sure we were okay. They cashed out their own cards when they were done. Each cigarette ones takes 5 to 8 minutes cialis prescription of your life. With Zenegra 100mg cialis 40 mg navigate here life is easy and taking one pill a day means that when the problem erupts, Windows suddenly starts shutting down to prevent itself from further damage. These suggestions will come in handy when generika levitra 20mg you anticipate love making. Mahendra Trivedi has this supernatural ability to transform living organisms and non-living substances. page buy cialis australia They had almost 2000 points, and they got big hour glasses. Well, it's more like sand art. But they were mesmerized by the patterns of the sand in oil. I think they were getting tired by this time, so I caught Brandon staring at this thing for a good two minutes, with a fixed stare.

We headed home after a filling dinner and fun. The kids all came back with the same thing, while Brandon jipped Peyton and got pokemon cards that cost more than her half of the booty. I walked out and did math with her, and she didn't want to entertain it. I told her that not knowing math allowed Brandon to take advantage of her. She said she didn't care, but I think she just didn't want to do the math.

Brandon had a game on Sunday morning. We headed there together. It was a close one, but not quite enough. Afterward, we headed in search of shave ice in downtown SJ. One store was no longer selling it, but we found one just around the corner. We all got our own, but it was quite warm in the store. We sweated it out, and enjoyed the cool treat, then we went in search of lunch. In reverse order, but so be it. We headed home for piano and naps. Then, we hung out and stayed cool the rest of Sunday.

Monday was an early 8 am consolation game. But we were up by 630 am. Rough! Brandon was starting to get sneezy and coming down with a cold. It was a close game, and despite being ahead much of the game, they could not hang onto their lead. We went home, and Dave took Brandon back out for more practice, since he was warm already. Peyton and I headed to the Zhangs' for their housewarming party. The gang was already there, and Jess answered the door. Kira was right behind her, and Jess asked Peyton, "how old are you?" Peyton responded, "Eight." Jess asked Kira the same question, and she was met with the same answer. They all got along fabulously. Jonathan had made ribs and burgers while Jennifer made a tomato salad and roasted corn. The aunties all brought dessert; I'd brought an orchid for her housewarming, not food. The kids were entertained with a movie for Ashlyn and the boys, and cookie decorating for the girls. Some of the kids were able to decorate cookies, but it didnt keep their attention as long as Peyton, Kira and Jess worked on theirs.

They retired to Jess' room, where they were watching something on Jess' phone. Dave texted me that they were back at home, and as everyone was wrapping up, food was being distributed. I brought enough for all of us to eat again! It was so yummy. When I got home, I fed the boys the food I'd brought, and then we all headed down to another game, a final for the kids one year above Brandon. They also played a hard-fought game, but they couldn't keep it together at the end. We ended our weekend of baseball with one more baseball game. We got home in time to get ready for bed and start our short week.

Today, Brandon had his second basketball game. Dave said he was playing already as he arrived at school. He had picked Peyton up, so I just went to meet them there. She was doing her homework with F and G. They were there too, and it is no wonder that Brandon was playing harder per Dave. He was going strong to the basket and putting up shots. He did get one to go in today! He got more minutes today because this team isn't as strong. I left right at the end of the game to take Peyton to her softball practice. It was almost 30 minutes in traffic, even using Waze. Though, when I arrived, Dave was already there, even though I'd suggested he take Brandon home. Peyton had a good nap, sleeping most of the drive there. She woke up and asked what time it was. Then she hustled out to the field. She got a good workout there, and then we came back to start the bedtime routine. She didn't get to bed until after 9 pm, as she had to eat, shower, read 20 minutes and practice piano. She's been practicing mostly on her own now, but luckily, she has a bit of a break as the piano teacher isn't holding lessons this week. Phew! There will be another practice tomorrow, and then again on Friday. No rest for the weary, but at least it's not 100 degrees anymore.

First practice

Saturday morning, Peyton had practice at 9am. I had her outfit all put out the night before so there were no struggles in the morning. We waited on piano, so she wouldn't melt down beforehand. It helped that she was excited for it. We were the first new family out there, followed closely behind the other two new families from our city. The coach even commended us for being early. Brandon was in slides, but the coach asked if he had a glove (always) and if he wanted in (of course). So he got work in as well.

They were teaching them more advanced stuff like stealing, and diving back. They all had to get dirty.
We wrapped up a bit earlier than I was expecting. I planned to be out there for 3 hours, until noon, but they apologized for "going late", and it was 1130 am. We headed out to the work picnic that had already been under way. We got there just in time to take a picture before some had to leave. Brandon had loaded up a plate, and had to wait on it while the photo was taken. Luckily, it was quick, and those that had to leave did, and we stayed for lunch. We stayed for a little bit, then Dave shooed us over to Kenny's as they had a friend in town with his family. They'd eaten at Kenny's, but the kids were offered a second round of dessert. They played there with the other kids (8 kids, and 6 adults) until the little ones went down for nap. We left as the other family left to head to their next destination.

We finally went home and had the kids shower up. They rested, and then piano was finally done. The kids were able to relax the rest of the evening. Three main and popular erectile dysfunction drugs such as Kamagra and prescription cialis usa e widely renowned for their effectiveness such as Kamagra, Caverta and cialis. Zenegra is unquestionably free viagra an excellent drug to ditch ED. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction should consult their doctors to make sure they are screened cialis levitra price for diabetes. Therefore, internal biology, as well as individual beliefs, senses and understandings, are as subject to the same ravages of time, environment, road conditions and inherent overnight delivery viagra engineering problems that can lead to accumulation of filthy deposits.

Sunday was Peyton's softball friend's birthday party in the pool. Peyton practiced piano, the kids played catch outside, and we had breakfast at home before heading out. We arrived fairly early, and she got to see friends from both teams she played on this summer, in addition to a girl scout/basketball friend. Brandon had not planned to swim, he only wanted to swim with Marcus later on, but when he got there and saw there would be nothing else for him to do, he quickly changed and got in the pool.

The party started at 1130 am and after swimming, cake and more swimming, some families were leaving. Ours did not want to get out of the pool, but we managed when another family said they had to leave. So, our kids came out, dried off, said thank you to the bday girl and her parents, and we headed to the Kao's for a baseball lesson. Dave was going to host a mini camp for three kids, while Mckayla swam in the pool. Marcus met us at the driveway with his glove and a ball. He was ready! The kids had fun in the backyard with soft and baseball before getting too hot and jumping in the water. They all had a race in the pool, and Brandon was the winner! His body type got him the win. They did a few races back and forth before resorting to shooting each other with water cannons. Well, NOT "intentionally", but ultimately, that's what happened. Soon, they got out and showered, but Peyton wanted more softball, so she pitched to Dave while the three other kids were getting cleaned up. Then, it was her turn, and she wanted me to help her. When she was done, I released her to Mckayla's care, and they played nicely together. Brandon and Marcus were playing with nerf guns inside the house for the most part. We enjoyed yummy meat and chimichurri sauce from the chef, along with green beans and shishito peppers. We gathered the kids for cake and ice cream before quickly heading home to get the kids in bed. Mckayla wanted us to stay later, and didn't understand why we couldn't leave later. I had to give her our timeline, and after she heard it, she seemed agreeable to let us go.

We had a full friend weekend, and it was great! Here are the pictures, in no particular order…