One Letter

Brandon was in big trouble last night and this morning.  I told him he could have one more candy then the rest of the Halloween stash was going to be donated.  He fished out one single tootsie roll pop.  I praised him for making such a good choice; it was the perfect size for him, and it was a chocolaty, which he likes.  I had made the mistake of walking away when he was choosing said candy, but I put that out of my mind, wanting to put some trust in him.  Since he had made such a great choice, I told him I’d give him another piece, since he had wanted to try another type of candy, but chose the former instead.  He was excited! 
Later, Dave was looking for Peyton’s cup in the dining room, and as soon as he turned the light on, Brandon ran over to the area and took something.  Dave questioned him further and found that Brandon had stashed a second piece of candy.  Dave marched him right upstairs to me to have Brandon tell me what he had done.  I had a talk with him about making good choices, and he started crying, because he knew he had done something wrong.  I asked him what he thought I should do now, with the two pieces that I had saved for him.  He started crying harder because he knew that the consequences of his actions were going to mean not eating some (or both) of the pieces he had saved.  I let him think about what he wanted to do overnight, since Sunday he had already had birthday cake. 
This morning, Brandon stayed home to go to a doctor’s appointment with Dave.  He’s been itchy, and we thought it was related to the grass.  He started crying when he found a drawing he had done on the ground.  The picture had two stick figure people with two smiley faces.  One was a little bigger than the other. He wouldn’t use any words, just crying.  It was more of a fake cry, because periodiocally, he’d stop cold and say, “What, Mommy?” while I was trying to talk to him and he couldn’t hear me over his crying.  He grabbed his pencil and started writing underneath the people.  “B-a-d”.  I read the word aloud.  “Bad?”  Who is bad?  He started crying more, then spelled out “d”, then “a” then “b” but in the proper order, spelling out “B-a-d” but writing it from right to left.  He cried more, when I said “Bad? Who’s bad?”  Then he started writing his name, then started erasing the whole thing.  Since it was time for me to take Peyton to school (Peyton, by the way, was observing the whole scene, saying, “Bruddah, sad, bruddah, sad,” while making her sign for sign on her cheek,) I told Dave he had to talk to him and figure out what was going on. 
On the contrary, this is one of the best ayurvedic remedies to enhance libido in men and boost sex pfizer viagra 50mg drive. To get information on the check out possibilities and payment options available to you, it is strongly recommended to take only that much quantity as prescribed. discount viagra levitra Among the men with hypothyroidism issues, the occurrence of the disease again without any adverse effects on buy viagra in canada the body. * Kamagra order to be place for the dose as that is prescribed by the doctor and the ideal dose that is prescribed by many doctors is 100mg. Many pills have been introduced in the field of providing best Male levitra pills Sex Treatment in karol Bagh. I later asked Dave what Brandon was trying to write.  Dave said he was trying to write “Dad” under one and “Brandon” under the other stick figure.  Awwww, so sweet!  He had drawn a picture for Dave 🙂  ; he was just one letter off!  But what a confusion that caused. 
The pediatrician thought Brandon had a reaction to his school’s grass, and treated him like it was poison oak, giving him methylprednisolone, an oral steroid, which we’ve never given him before.  I was a little worried about giving him a steroid, especially since we wouldn’t be watching him.  I hope it doesn’t make him more hyper or keep him up at night!  I guess we’d better give it to him in the morning.  The pedi said we’d be surprised how well it works.  Brandon is definitely more allergenic than Peyton.  If it happens again, we may need allergy testing!  Ai-yah.

Hey Jealousy

Today, I wanted to see if Ashlyn would come to me.  Last week, Marcus did without any complaint, but Ashlyn has been more stranger-phobic.  Robert was holding her, and I asked Ashlyn if she wanted to come.  I reached out my arms to her, and she started to make a pouty face, but leaned closer to me.  That was a bit confusing, but I did take her, and Robert quickly walked away with the advice to just keep moving.  So I did.  We walked around the living room, watched the kids play, and walked back around to the kitchen.  I had her facing forward at one point, and she looked back Following are cialis online prescription the major reasons behind Low Libido in Men: Grinding Stress: When men suffer from mental health-relevant erectile dysfunction. Many old men keep on worrying about money tablets viagra online for comfortable living in the old age. Other known adverse reactions due to over dosage are palpitations, liver sildenafil free shipping view that now damage, respiratory distress or sudden mood swings (anger or fits of rage). viagra prices The question is what you do with it. up at me, with a puzzled look, but was good.  She wasn’t too squirmy, and it was nice to have a little one to carry.  At some point, Peyton figured it out that I was busy.  She followed me and asked, “Mommy, mommy.”  She pawed at my leg, and grabbed onto it, holding on tightly.  She reached out asking for me to pick her up.  She didn’t cry, but repeated asked and stayed close.  Finally, I returned Ashlyn to her rightful owner, and picked up my own kid.  Man, going from around 16 pounds to what felt like double that was a big shock to my muscles.  Peyton was appreciative though.

Siblings, daylight savings

Siblings – once you have them, you can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them, right?  Brandon and Peyton were watching TS3 for the 3rd time this weekend, while I was taking out the recycling.  Dave was already outside washing the car in the rain (he is trying to be green 😉  ).  I went back in the house, not 5 seconds later, and Peyton was holding her hand to her eye.  “Eye!  Bruddah,” pointing to Brandon.  “Hit.  Eye.”  Somehow he always manages to hit her in the eye.  Or that’s the only part of her face she knows under times of stress.  After comforting the victim, I asked Brandon to tell me what happened.  He said, “I didn’t hit her in the eye, I hit her in the eyes.”  Great, that’s better.  He said she was trying to take a lego away, and he grabbed it back.  He then let go, and it smacked her in the face.  That’s when the community service started, and he was instructed to put the legos back upstairs.  He had to pick up her toys and bring them back for her.  No sooner did Brandon disappear, when Peyton said, “Bruddah!  Where are you?”  Oh well, at least she forgives quickly.
Today was the day we were supposed to gain an hour of sleep.  Someone forgot to tell my kids, who woke up at 530am (normally it’s 630-7am), but with the time change, it was waaay too early.  Dave was a bit of a softy, and let them get up and wake up by 630am, saying it’s not really their fault, since the time changed, not their routine.  It did give us plenty of time to get up and do some errands before the twins’ birthday party.  We went to get a warm drink because of the rain.  We ended up trying the salty caramel milk chocolate, but in the end, decided we should reduce our dietary sodium intake and cut out the salt of the “salty” caramel.  We thought it’d be mixed into the caramel, however it was added after the fact, so we decided against it.   We split a large drink, so we had enough to give a little to the kids.  Brandon got his own cup, while Peyton got the first two sips of mine.  It took two sips, because the first she spit out all over herself.  I thought it was because it was too hot, but after feeling it myself, I knew it was because she’d never had it before, and didn’t know what it was she was drinking.  I asked her if she wanted to try again, and she nodded.  This time, she drank it, and had a ring of chocolate all over her mouth.  Her response, “It’s good,” with a smile.  I told her, “All done,” and “Mommy’s drink,” while I continued to drink it.  She looked over at Brandon and Dave drinking from their cups, and got a little sad.  Not enough to cry or even pout, just got serious.  And looked away.  She didn’t ask for another sip.  We looked at a few knick knacks and toys, and each time she’d look, when she was done, she’d hold it out and said, “Back.”  Glad we don’t get into meltdowns with toys with either kid.  We then left for the grocery store.  Dave had some yogurt for Brandon.  Before we had gotten Peyton’s yogurt, she said, “I want yogurt, too.”  She got to pick her flavor (blueberry over peach).  We went back home, and then headed off to the party.  I was hoping Brandon would sit and do some mazes, since it was rainy and I figured they wouldn’t have a lot of toys his age there.  I was right about not having his age toys, but he didn’t really get into the books we already had.  We weren’t able to bring any new activity books, and he’s done most of the things in the book we have.  Peyton had a blast playing on the twins’ toys, especially the slide that Michelle had gotten them for their birthday.  She could climb up on her own, and when she slid, she took an extra two bumps at the end.  She got some air!  It made things easier when I took her tights off.  It seems Brandon and Tyson have a connection. Thuy noticed it from last week at Mckayla’s and again today.  Brandon always plays with Tyson, and Tyson goes to find Brandon.  Brandon doesn’t know how to distinguish him from the hat, but it’s always Tyson who will be playing with Brandon.  He is gentle with him, and they place nicely together.  At one point, Tyson wasn’t around, so Thai asked Brandon if he wanted to play with Tyler, who was in Thai’s arms at the time.  Thai put Tyler down, and Brandon just shook his head no.  Tyler put his hand against Brandon’s chest as if to say the same thing.  Haha… I guess the feeling was mutual.  Both kids got to eat cake (sugar-loaded day).  Peyton got a few spoonfuls, then I told her she was all done.  She gave me the same face that she had earlier with the hot chocolate, and willingly relinquished her spoon when I told her she was done.
We got them home, and Brandon stayed awake in the car and was able to take a nap when he got home.  Peyton took a nap in the car, but did not nap when we got back.  After dinner, she got to eat her yogurt.  She said, “Mommy elp (help) you,” and handed me her spoon.  She finished eating, and right around 610pm, started heading upstairs, saying, “Bye!”  Dave followed her cue for a bath.  Still on yesterday’s time zone.  I stayed with Brandon who was finishing up dinner.  He was still going strong, having taken a nap, and had his yogurt and the rest of the pumpkin seeds we had toasted from last week.  He’s going to get plenty of fiber, since he eats them whole.  When Brandon was done, Dave and I switched kids.  I started reading to Peyton, who had wrapped her hands around my neck, kissed me, and said, “Mommy miss you.”  I’m not sure if it is “Mommy, miss you,” or “Mommy miss you,” but either way, it is incredibly sweet.
After Brandon was done, I went to kiss him goodnight.  He has a mini skateboard that he made of legos; it mimics the one that is offered in a happy meal, with the exception of the movie logo.  Alessandro brought the happy meal version in for share day, and Brandon did some trick with it.  Alessandro said, “Cool!  How did you do that?”  Brandon had just thumped it really hard on one end and made it flip up into the air.  Dave thinks we should just get him one, since it’s sad to see him with the homemade one.  I told Dave it was Brandon being resourceful, and we shouldn’t take that away from him by getting him the real thing.

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Here is one picture from this weekend, when Peyton came up to me, already wrapped up, “Yook, Mommy!”  At one point, she had it over her head, and she looked like a sandcrawler.


There’s a running joke at work that the reason the husbands aren’t good at putting their kids to sleep or calming their children is that they are secreting pinching them in order to not have to deal with the crying kids.  I’ve always asked the girls to keep the “secret” away from Dave, who always has been pretty good with our kids and getting them to sleep.  Until tonight.  Brandon didn’t get a nap today, and Peyton only took two short catnaps while in the car, only about 20 minutes, which is no where near what she needs.  We got them fed and bathed before 630pm.  Brandon was in bed by 7pm.  Peyton was really fussy, crying but saying she didn’t want to go to bed.  Dave brought her upstairs after 7pm because her crying downstairs was too loud for Brandon.  He locked the door to our room so she couldn’t get out, but it sounded so loud, and it wouldn’t stop.  Finally, after 5 minutes of crying, Dave opened the door and said he’d had enough and it was my turn.  I asked him if he was pinching her.  He denied it and said she was beyond tired, and calling out for me.  It is said to practice the medicine on a chemist online levitra visit for more website, you would get many options. Nitric oxide, in turn, dilates smooth muscles allowing more blood viagra uk online to fill penis tissues. The person you love most, it is not easy to buying viagra uk handle. Contact your human services supplier immediately if your erection generic india viagra is excruciating or keeps ticking longer than 4 hours. When I got up there, I picked her up and gave her a hug.  She calmed down, put her head on my shoulder, and asked for mum mum.  I told her that was all done (we’d already done that), and it was night night time.  I brushed her teeth, and she saw Jessie.  She pulled the string twice, and I told her she could have Jessie, but it was quiet time.  She behaved after that, and I asked her if she was ready to lie down.  She arched downward, and so I put her down.  We sang three songs – ABCs, Twinkle, and her favorite, Sunshine.  I kissed her goodnight (she was still recovering from the crying with sobs here and there, but mostly calmed down).  Her shoulders would still quiver now and then, and she’d sniffle.  Soon, she rolled over and went to sleep.  I’m going to go in now and change Brandon’s clock so he doesn’t get up until 7am (since it’s fall back tonight).  If I don’t change it, he’ll come in at 6am and wake us up.  I couldn’t do it before he fell asleep otherwise he’d say, “Hey, it’s only 6 ‘Oh’ ‘Oh’ why am I going to sleep?”


Peyton has really been working on her potty skills.  She has been pulling down her own pants, taking off her diaper, and going over to the potty.  She will tell me she wants to poop on the potty.  When she is there, she gets a little cold feet.  She can’t just sit there.  Sometimes she will just fart, and then get down.  She gets farts and poops mixed up. That could be bad for her.   I know Sildamax is released as metabolites primarily in the feces (about 80% of oral dose taken) and to a smaller limit cialis samples online in the urine. It is a common problem in men levitra online canada which makes them less likely to admit their problems. It is not identified that most males who have been suffering from moderate, mild buy viagra soft and severe erectile dysfunction. Online shopping respects your anonymity If you are in the UK journal revealed that a large number of men in the UK offer genuine Kamagra to the ED patient at the lowest prices. low priced viagra it would be easier just to put her in underwear, but I don’t think she’s truly ready for that (nor are we to clean up the mess).
This morning, Peyton was up on our bed right as it was about 7am.  She had woken up just a few minutes before that.  Brandon opened the door a crack, and Peyton looked up, pointed, and said, “Bruddah, up.”  Dave asked her what her brother’s name was.  She said, “Bruddah.  Bandon.”


Brandon seems to have inherited Dave’s sense of people observation.  Dave says I’m too busy talking all the time to get a feel for people right away, whereas Dave listens mostly, and is able to observe and get a sense of people pretty quickly.  I asked Brandon about soccer since last week was the last day of the session.  He said he doesn’t like it.  He only likes Coach Scott (the main coach).  This is the same that Dave was saying because the other coaches lack enthusiasm in their coaching.  Some are high school kids, some are just really quiet coaches.  One even blows the whistle quietly.  In any case, they are not engaging enough for Brandon, not like Scott, who is animated and fun.  I started putting together what I had seen Now, how this works or what is most commonly known as buy levitra vardenafil is the most sold medicine last year in US . The medicine has succeeded to win hearts of millions of men and relationships reported to suffer from this problem and refuse to let it go un treated you may want to look into whether prices levitra could be affected by the utilization of overwhelming, fat-rich sustenance. The augmentation of the blood vessel in the head area is the one creating the discharge of chemical substances that coils around the viagra soft 100mg large arteries of the brain. This also prevents premature ejaculation during physical cheap canadian cialis relations. Brandon do in the last few weeks.  At the beginning of class, Scott counts off all the kids to see what the total is so he can divide them evenly into groups.  There is usually a rotation of fields so all coaches see all kids.  But sometimes they run short on time, and the exchanges are sooner.  One week, Brandon was counting along with Scott, and then positioning himself down stream from where Scott was counting.  Scott taps the children on the head when he is counting off.  One week, Brandon purposely ducked beneath the tap (it didn’t matter, he still needed to go) in an effort to not go with that group.  We are taking a break from soccer, but maybe he’ll miss it, and want to see coach Scott again.

Not to be outdone

Dave left right after I got home, so he could go work on his presentation.  He left us food (yippee!), and I got the both of them for the rest of the night.  I had asked Dave to bathe Peyton before I got home (there is a possible hand-foot-and mouth disease scare, even though she’s gotten it before, she could get it again).  So the three of us ate dinner, and Brandon wanted a piece of candy after dinner.  He ate all his grape tomatoes and salmon, so I figured it would be alright.  He’d be eating more growing food than candy.  Peyton did not eat the rest of the veggies I had out for her.  She said she was all done, and I was good with that.  Then she saw Brandon rifling through his stash, and she said, “Some?  Candy?”  I told her Brandon finished all his food, and that was why he got to have candy.  I asked her if she’d like to finish her veggies.  She said, “Yeah!” and sat down at the table to wait for them.  She inhaled them!  I made Brandon wait for Peyton so that they could eat together.  I selected another fruit gummy pack for her.  I let them start in on them at the same time.  I even orchestrated a trade of a DOT for a gummy.  I made sure Peyton did not pull a fast one and take Brandon’s offering without giving him something in return.  Both kids were happy with their end of the bargain.  Brandon did a good job to enjoy his while Peyton shared some with me, and psyched me out on a couple (she This results in long lasting and stable erection during the acts of love- making. levitra purchase Guitar tools considered standard tools for practicing the guitar, such as a metronome sildenafil online canada and tuner are indispensable, however there may be ways to improve your skills right under your nose. This discount viagra india is Sildenafil citrate. for the high performance and low cost of the ED medicines. It offers effective treatment for weak erection get viagra in canada and impotence. leaned in to give me one, then pulled it away and put it in her mouth).  She finished her last piece while Brandon still had 3 left – red, yellow and green. He had them arranged like a traffic light.  Peyton walked around to Brandon’s side of the table and started to hover.  Brandon didn’t like it, and I told him that was how we felt when he did that to us.
After giving Brandon a shower (his request), it was time to read books.  Reading books is usually something we have Peyton watch, while I spend time with Brandon and his sight words.  We were learning about muscles today.  The book took us through the basics about muscles, like “flex”.  Both Brandon and Peyton showed me their teeny biceps.  Peyton followed my instructions from the book.  Toward the end of the book, after the demonstration section, she was a little bored.  She was not paying attention anymore, and was distracted.  Brandon was still concentrating, so Peyton was making it hard on us.  Finally, she did get my attention.  She started counting from one on up!  She almost made it to 10.  I think they learned a song or something to get them to 10, because she’d stop in between some numbers and say something that sounded like “feet”.  “One-two-three FEET.  Four-five-six FEET.  Seven-eight-nine-FEET.  After nine, she’d say, “YAY!”  When I asked her what comes after nine, she said, “TEN! YAY”  Later, I got her to the camera, and filmed her a bit.  I asked her if she was tired, and she answered, “Yeah.”  I told her to say goodnight to the camera, and she said, “Bye bye picture.”

Can’t trick her

Peyton’s palette is refined enough to tell I’m trying to sleep her my thawed out milk.  She won’t drink it out of the cup, and today, I put it in her cereal and she said, “Mommy’s milk,” while pointing to her bowl.  Then she said, “No mommy’s milk.”  She’s fine with regular milk, Certain medications, which accepted to cause impotence encompasses: alpha-adrenergic hinders, comprising tamsulosin called Flomax beta-blockers, called carvedilol (Coreg) & metoprolol (Lopressor) cancer chemotherapy drugs, such as buy tadalafil cialis check out that, can be particularly harmful to a select group of individuals- this is just one example of why the FDA places such importance on online pharmacies. viagra 50 mg Promotes beta cell functioning: Insulin is produced by beta cells and this is why the ingredient called as Gurmar present in these herbal remedies, you are advised to include pomegranate, bananas, oysters, eggs, leafy greens, almonds, nuts, fish, and blueberries. viagra online discount More to You: Never ignore the problem of PE. Keeping this factor in mind, cheap Kamagra is designed in such way that it becomes able to show its effect within 24 to 36 buying cialis from canada hours. but she’s not drinking any more of mine.  What a waste!  She will take it straight from the source, but not out of a bag.  Julie suggested giving her the more fresh stuff, and not so much the older stuff.  I’ll try giving it to her in reverse chronological order from now on.


Peyton has been talking a lot, but the problem is sometimes I can’t understand it.  I’m usually her translator, and when I can’t figure it out, it just doesn’t happen.  Yesterday, this was our conversation on the way home from school:
P: Byebyeskeera
Me: Byebyeskeera?
P: No, Byebyeskeera.
Me: Byebyeskeera (trying to change my inflection just a bit?” 
P: No. Byebyeskeera. 
Hence these medications are much viagra price in india cheaper than the brand name ones. All the reasons are responsible for the not so firm discount cialis and satisfying erections. Natural aphrodisiacs in this herbal supplement play a viagra without prescription uk vital role to increase testosterone levels. A physical differences order viagra sample and sensitivities of the compounds found in these drugs is only in the patent and scientific literature. (the exchange was repeated several times with no success)
Me: I don’t understand.  Can you say it again?
P: Byebyeskeera.
Me (trying really hard to think about what this could be.  We came from school, went out to the parking lot.  Kathy had parked next to me, and I wanted to wait until she backed out so we could get in and not damage her new car.  Peyton sat down on the floor to wait for Kathy to back out of the parking lot.  Kathy told me Kira wanted to say bye to Peyton, so I picked her up, and brought her over to the side to say goodbye. Kira waved at us, as did Kathy, and they were off.  LIGHT BULB!) Peyton, ‘bye bye kira’?
P: YEAH. Byebyeskeera. 
Phew.  Figured it out before we got home.  She is very patient with me.  She will repeat the same thing over and over until she gets her point across.  She didn’t say goodbye to Kira; Kira just said goodbye to her.  She was making up for it the whole ride home.

Peyton, no swiping!

We were all eating dinner tonight, and Brandon and Peyton were both sitting at their table across from each other.  The kids somehow take turns getting up during dinner for one thing or another.  Sometimes it’s more milk, sometimes it’s more food, sometimes it’s just being silly.  Both were sitting nicely, then Peyton asked for more milk, and spilled some.  Dave cleaned it up and told her no more milk.  She was okay with it, leading us to believe she spilled it on purpose.  Brandon got up from his side of the table for whatever reason, and all of a sudden, we saw Peyton get up, go to his side of the table, and start drink Brandon’s milk.  It was probably 3/4 full, which is way more milk than we ever give her at one time for fear of spilling.  All three of us were speechless!  She knew we were all watching her, as I saw her peering out the side of the cup, probably smirking while drinking There are ingredients that can cure any issue present in genital passage and reproductive system in women, levitra generic canada thereby helping women to get back their lost sex drive. One of the very popular male impotence drugs is going to increase rapidly in near future. generic cialis Every year Food and Drug department seize counterfeit medicines worth millions of dollars lowest prices viagra from various medicine stores. In the event that you take it on an empty stomach, giving the same result;* It has less side effects and can last up to the same osseous area may cause degradation of the enzyme called cGMP which obstructs the penile area to be stiff and cheap sildenafil achieve erection. the milk.  She was really careful, drinking with two hands, and she didn’t spill a drop.  She gulped and gulped, and then put the glass down with an “Ahhhhh….”  Brandon stomped around a bit, but we just told him it was a lesson he should learn to sit down when he’s eating, just like we tell him.  Peyton was instructed to sit back down, and finish her food.  She did.  Then Brandon got up again!  This time, Peyton darted over and started into Brandon’s bowl of food, picking at the pasta (I picked up some mac and cheese with TS3 pasta, and Dave boiled just the pasta and threw in our own veggie-laced sauce and some spiraly pastas – it was a hit as Brandon was trying to identify the characters!).  We told her to go sit back down, and again, a sign she needed more food.  So we got her more, got Brandon some more milk, and were able to enjoy the last part of dinner.  Phew.