Mum-mum, okay?

In the past, Brandon would ask, “mum-mum” and tug at my shirt.  I’m still aiming to breastfeed for 2 years (as recommended by our pediatrician).  But as his vocabulary gets bigger and he knows how to use words better, it becomes a little more tricky.  So, he says, “mum-mum” over and over, especially in the mornings when he first wakes up, until I give in.  He usually stands by the bed and will cry out for up and mum-mum.  I usually get myself ready, take my time, prop up pillows, then say, “Ok.”  So now, he’s learn to cut out the middle word and says, “Mum-mum, okaaay?”  He doesn’t even wait for me to say ok anymore.  He’s taking liberties now as well, because he’ll say, “Mommy, okaaay?” but doesn’t really wait for me anymore.  Then my mom will use “mum-mum” interchangably with “let’s eat” like at a restaurant.  So I had to tell her to use the words eat ___ (insert meal here) so as not to prompt him to start tugging on my shirt and making a scene.  Oh…weaning will be so fun. 

Falling asleep…today Brandon was a bit more fussy, seems like he was just really tired.  So Dave was out on the phone with his parents and I was on my bed in the dark, waiting for Brandon to go to sleep.  He saw that I was still there so tried getting me to lift him up onto our bed.  But I was a little lazy and also want Brandon to learn how to sleep without us being right there for him.  He got tired of trying to get my attention, so he plopped down next to the bed on his pillow.  I could tell he was trying to find a good position, tossing and turning, but slowly falling asleep.  I snuck out to do the dishes – so it worked!  He doesn’t really need us!  Dave went in to check on him and he wasn’t in his usual place on the bed.  So Dave came back and asked where he was (but had already figured out where he was).  He said he almost stepped on him!  That would have been a rude awakening. 
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Brandon’s last day of school is tomorrow.  The new school year starts on Tuesday in the Toddler Room.  Thursday and Friday are in-service days, so the teachers will close the school to prepare for the next year.  Brandon and Jesselyn will be here at our house with my mom on Thursday and then with me on Friday.  Beats what happened today – my boss told me I had to cover one of my coworkers shifts because she had to leave suddenly.  Apparently, she got a call from the hospital to go pick up her not yet 2 year old daughter.  The nanny left the baby in the car while stopping at the bank.  Passersby heard the baby crying and seeing no one in the vicinity, broke the window of the car to get her out.  So the police were involved, obviously.  It was super hot today, in the 90’s outside of the car.  I have no idea how long the little girl was in the car, but that is ridiculous!  Supposedly, my coworker had just told my boss that this nanny was working out (she has gone through several)!  What would possess someone to think that it was ok?  I am so paranoid about leaving Brandon in the car, I even took him with me to open the garage door at my Grandma’s house (you have to get buzzed up and go around to open the garage door from the inside).  Another coworker called to check in and see how the baby was doing.  Fortunately, she was doing well.  We’ll see what happens, I’m curious if she will come in to work, since she presumably has no nanny now.  Earlier in the morning, Jennifer and I had given Carol a “thank you” present for a massage.  Carol thanked us for entrusting the lives of our children to her.  She teared up a little (which made me teary as well) and said she’d have separation anxiety from the kids as well.  She’s really watched Brandon grow up – he started when he was 7 months old, barely crawling.  Now he’s walking and talking.  She also mentioned that her son is a senior this year and that’s gotten her emotional as well.  So when I went to pick up Brandon, I had to tell Carol and thank her again for all that she’s done.  And that is why I am so thankful for such a great school and teachers that Brandon has.  We initially struggled between day care versus a nanny.  I just couldn’t fathom trusting just one strange person to take care of Brandon.  Even leaving him in a home day care with one caregiver was hard – because there were a range of kids there and he was the youngest and most defenseless.  I feel absolutely comfortable leaving him in good, loving hands now.  It makes such a difference at work, not having to worry about Brandon during the day.  Ok, long post, but a great deal of drama today. 

One Reply to “Mum-mum, okay?”

  1. wow..I admire you for being able to breastfeed for so long. My goal used to be 1 year but I don’t even know if I can last that long. My new goal is 8 months. Pumping at work can be a pain sometimes!

    I can’t believe the nanny left the kid in the car. That is so scary!

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