4th of July

Today, we hung around the house in the morning, with Brandon finishing up his “homework”. He had some things left over yesterday, since piano lessons got in the way. Dave was packing up the car, then left with Peyton to get a “no solicitors” sign to put outside our house after two different people rang our doorbell just 5 minutes of each other. They got home, ate lunch, and then were out the door. Peyton went down for a nap, but rolled around for at least an hour before actually napping. I told her we weren’t going anywhere until she napped. She finally did, and by 330 pm, we were up and doing errands. We had to go to the bank, get gas, and then get some groceries. We were headed to the Chang’s, which we did about an hour later. Peyton and Ashlyn did a good job playing with each other, finding puzzles as a common ground.  The boys wanted in on the action, too, but it was hard keeping them out of the puzzle zone.  In the end, we each took a twin to entertain or damage control.  Cameron helped break apart and put puzzles away, while Colby was working hard on one of the puzzles.  They moved back and forth between living room and dining room, and by the time we were done, it looked like a full on day care!  Robert was out back busy cooking, and the ribs, hot dogs and sausages all turned out great!  I was going to split a chicken/pineapple sausage with Peyton, but she gave it back after one bite.  I don’t know what her deal was, but she did like the ribs and cleaned the bones.  She had her fill of edamame, and a slice of cheese.  Round two was a popsicle and some strawberries.  We headed out by 8 pm so we could start the bedtime routine, which was just teeth-brushing, as we’d both take a shower/bath tomorrow morning before heading out.  We thanked our hosts, and I got two out of three hugs from the kids.  Colby was cute, as he gave me a hug, then walked over to block the front door!  Ashlyn followed suit.  Here’s a couple of pictures that I took, of Peyton and Ashlyn reading books.  One has Colby in it, too, and it looks like Peyton is giving him a stare-down.  He just wanted in on the story-telling!

While we headed home, Peyton told me she missed her brother and wanted to go camping for two nights!  I told her it was too late, and too dark to drive now.  Maybe next year!  She asked why she wasn’t going for two nights, and I told her that she chose not to go.  We’ll be heading out fairly early in the morning, and she can be reunited with her brother 🙂  I don’t think he feels the same…I’m sure he is having a blast being his dad’s only child right now.  The first picture is of Ted reading over Brandon’s shoulder.  He has his shirt on now!
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