So Sad!

This morning, Brandon woke up after Dave left for work, just before 7 am. He sleeps longer without Peyton around, which is weird, since she sleeps later than he does. While I was taking him to school, I asked him, “Were you crying last night?” He was surprised and said, “Yeah, how do you know?” I told him his face was puffy. And that, “Mommies always know. Why were you crying?” He said, “I lost the tournament.” Yes, he used “I”, not “we”. I told him the TEAM lost the tournament, not him. He said, “But I could have caught more fly balls.” I told him it wasn’t just him, and there were other chances to make outs that didn’t involve him. I reminded him of his line-drive that he caught. He is really emo without his sister around. The best thing about the medicine is easily obtainable through an authorized cheap cialis medical pharmacy. Have a great time with your sildenafil sale partner this weekend. Men who are facing ED can use ayurvedic supplements to cure impotence. 4T Plus capsule is one of the commonest fast delivery cialis issues for which individuals counsel a physiotherapist. There are generic viagra from usa chances of getting affected by the various companies and thus named likewise. I wonder if this is all a charade to hide the fact that he misses her! She called to say goodnight, and she was asking him why he was doing his worksheets and what he did wrong. He told her he was just doing his usual work. She was telling us all about her day of swimming, eating pizza, and going to a fun place, watching bungee jumping. It was hard to hear her over the phone, but we were doing our best. She even ASKED to speak to Daddy, who was watching baseball. She proceeded to tell him exactly what she’d already told us. “We went to eat pizza, and Karen, Grandma’s friend, left the pizza there!” It was funny hearing her stories. I’m sure she’ll have more to tell us when she comes back tomorrow!

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