Rough Day

Today, I helped Dave get the kids ready as much as I could, then I headed on to work. Dave dropped them off, and I put my day in. It was a typical work day, except it was my first day back in over 2 weeks. It wasn’t too bad, and at the end of the day, I headed up to pick up both kids. From the same place. WOW! When I picked Peyton up from the first room, the older teacher looked like she wanted to tell me something, and looked like she was shaking her head sadly, like my pet just died. She didn’t elaborate, and there were too many kids around, so I just took Peyton, who looked like she was in one piece, and we headed to get Brandon. That was when I found out or tried to piece together, that Peyton was a bit sad. She’d wanted Brandon after 1130 am pick up, and she didn’t know where I was. They told her she could see Brandon at 230 pm when he came in from class. Of course, when he came in, they asked him to go to room 1, where Peyton was. He didn’t want to. They had to coerce him or really convince him to go. He told me, “I just wanted to relax! I had a long day, too!” Dude, he sounded like some business man who just wanted to put his feet up on the couch or something. Finally, he went over to her, and she felt better, but as he was leaving, she cried again. Apparently, the other teacher didn’t know this since Ms. Briana was the one Peyton stayed with. I couldn’t sort out details clearly, since we were trying to make the goodbye brief, but I suppose she stopped, because she wasn’t crying when I picked her up. She was puffy in the face, and her nose was more drippy. But if I didn’t know she’d been crying, I may have chalked it up to her sniffles that she may have picked up from her new friends. What is the viagra 50 mg best herbal treatment for weak ejaculation? Musli Strong capsule is the best herbal pill to cure sexual weakness and enjoy intimate moments with your beautiful female. This stiffness then provides males proficiency for developing healthy, stronger and longer erections for pleasurable sexual intimacy. browse that drugshop generic cialis samples After five changes you can treat yourself to a ten-minute break. cialis uk The cash for junk cialis viagra online cars in Edmonton depends on the two major aspects viz. the condition of the vehicle at the time of selling and the ability of the car owner to negotiate for having the best price for the vehicle. We came home, and both kids finished up their lunches that they hadn’t fully eaten. I warmed them back up, since both kids like hot meals. Spoiled! I cleaned up all the dishes from lunch, when Dave came home. We finished up, and then the kids took turns practicing piano. Brandon had homework, but he’d gotten all of his spelling words (even the challenge ones), so he doesn’t need to take the test again on Friday. Interestingly enough, one of the vocab words was one that I’d made him look up when we read Percy Jackson. Dave was surprised he spelled the challenge words correctly, too! Brandon did a little math, which proved a little challenging for him, which I think surprised him, and then 20 minutes of reading. He wasn’t done until 8 pm! Peyton was finished by 7 pm, and she went to her room right away. No fussing at all. That girl is TIRED! I’d even shut her door to keep it quieter when Brandon went upstairs to shower up. I think she was already asleep by then.
I left to the gym, and did 4 miles. It went by pretty quickly, then I headed home. When I got home, I received a nasty gram response to a long-winded volunteer email I’d sent out. It deflated me a bit, as it was not nicely put. Basically, I write emails like I blog. I had to vent to a co-volunteer before I wrote back. I provided the information that she suggested, in a more succinct manner, and then I threw in that I was not a writer for a living. I stopped short of saying, “I’m a pharmacist!” because I didn’t want her to think all pharmacists were terrible writers! Apparently, I have a tough crowd of volunteers this year. I also stopped short of telling her that I wrote the email over 2 hours, and that I’d done so between picking up and dropping off kids. Geez…I know I need a thicker skin, and she is definitely toughening it up…

Tomorrow, I’ll remind Dave to give Peyton more of a heads up at drop off…

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