Play Dates

Today, Dave left with Brandon to pick Carter up for a baseball playdate.  Peyton and I hung around home until I was ready to leave.  We headed out on foot to Target.  It was 2.25 miles, and I was hoping to lure Peyton there with the prospect of a pastry at the French pastry place.  She had a spring in her step as we left the house.  We saw the Daron’s again, this time, the whole family, on their way to church.  They said hi to both of us, but it caught us both off guard, so we only eeked out a “hi!”  Good thing they didn’t run us over, since we saw them in the crosswalk.  We headed up the street, and Peyton kept asking me how long it was.  I would answer in number of minutes or in the distance from home to school, since she knows how far that is.  Dave called me when they were already at our meeting place.  We were only half-way there!  I told Peyton to pick up the pace otherwise we’d have to walk back home.  That got her for a little bit.  We finally arrived there, and Dave had gone into Target for something.  Peyton selected a waffle, and then told me she only got half of it last time with Dave.  I finished paying for the treat, and then Dave and the boys walked in.  We all headed out; Peyton whined that she did NOT want to walk again.  We dropped Carter off, then headed to Michael’s for some marbles.  Dave wants to use them as rewards for the baseball team.  When we got home, the kids finished up piano practice, then we let them watch the rest of the movie from last night.  The movie was a lot different from the book, which we continued to compare and contrast.  When it was over, it was nap time.  Peyton fell asleep, and we’re not sure what Brandon did, but he was quiet whatever it was.  When we woke up, Brandon headed to practice, while Peyton did some work.  I had to keep her busy so I could clean up the kitchen. If you’re a woman lacking in sex drive, it is imperative for you to take discounts on viagra for the disease. Some of the online pharmacies want purchase viagra from canada medical prescription and some other companies do not want it. The best provider pioneers the most accurate remedy which can boost male sexual health and prevent PE, you need to consume one Lawax capsule and one Musli Kaunch capsule daily two times with milk or water brand viagra for 4 to 6 months. Having said that, the critical first step is for the bulimic person to admit to the problem. cialis wholesale prices  I was deep cleaning the stove top and microwave oven, so I needed to keep her busy.  Luckily, she didn’t mind, and she did some Spanish work, then she finished up some of Brandon’s old math workbooks from school.  She chose to do math over spelling, which I’d proposed.  She’s getting better with her addition and subtraction, and isn’t getting as frustrated as she used to.  We were going to pick up our ceramics, however when I called, only two of three were done.  I was hoping nothing had fallen off the shelf with the earthquake last night.  I told the store we’d wait until they were all done.  I started coloring with Peyton when I finished up the kitchen.  She was happy to have me do something fun with her.  I did want to go over to the field to meet some of the parents or help Dave clean up the field, so with 30 minutes left of practice, we walked again.  Peyton was NOT happy about walking, but I told her “it’s just across the street”.  She is very familiar with the walk, and she even told me, “But we walked so much already today. Remember, Paris?”  Hahah…true.  We’d round out 3 miles if we walked to the park, so I was trying to get her there.  She’s walked that distance before, with the round trip to school, so I know she can do it!  She’s been a bit sniffly lately, so I am wondering if she is coming down with something from school.  I guess new environment, new germs.  And Peyton’s immune system is not up to Brandon’s somehow.  I encouraged her to not be sick all year long, so she can get perfect attendance.  I had to explain what that means, and hopefully Dave gets them to school in plenty of time to not be tardy!  It’s totally on him now to get them to school on time.  I warned him about traffic, too, as it can get a bit congested right in front of the middle school.  I’d already packed our three lunches, and even placed the food inside the bags, so all Dave has to do is have them pack their lunches into their backpacks.  I plan to do Peyton’s hair in the morning, but otherwise, he is on his own.  Tomorrow is a relatively “late” morning for me, so we’ll see how it goes when I leave even earlier, probably before Peyton even wakes up.  First day back tomorrow…it feels like it’s been forever!

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