Better Day

Today, Peyton had a rough morning, but she ended up on green. CDC reported no problems! I asked her why her morning was “rough” (teacher’s words). Peyton said she didn’t do something in 5 seconds, and she had to change her card. She did tell me that she changed her card on her own, and she didn’t throw a fit like the other times she’s been asked to change it. I asked her if she kept her shoes on today. She gave me a long nod. Amazing what 12 hours of sleep will do for her! Yes, didn’t wake up until 730 am per Dave when he woke her. I asked Peyton what she was doing that she didn’t listen. She told me she didn’t finish up her work, which doesn’t sound like her, as she typically finishes her tasks. She told me she was working on her worksheets. Geez, those are supposed to keep her busy at dismissal, but now she is powering through.  Here are pictures of her “work”.  We think she rushes coloring to just get it done to move on to the next sheet.  I just printed another 15 out.  Since we were home early, the kids did all their homework and piano before dinner.  In fact, Peyton ended up reading 10 books in her online reading assignment, since she was banned from electronics yesterday (including the computer for reading).  She’s half-way through the next level, F.  And she is getting better with slowing down her roll to understand what she is reading.

The kids got to enjoy their teeny tiny macaron – purple for her, chocolate for him.  Yes, the flavor was “purple” 😉

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