Old Friends

Yesterday, while Brandon and Dave were at basketball practice, Peyton had a birthday party to attend.  It was a cooking party, and it was held at a place very close to our house. I decided to walk there since it seemed silly to drive.  It was a great day for a stroll.  We headed out about 15 minutes before the party started. As we were walking, I heard someone calling my name.  I looked everywhere, and saw some random guy standing on the street corner.  I didn’t think I knew him, then I heard “Over here”, and saw Josh and Nela in the car.  We waved, and then Peyton asked, “I wonder where Penny and her sister are.”  I told her I thought they were probably in the back seat, we just couldn’t see them through the tinted windows.  When we got to the cooking school, we were the first guests there. They were still setting up.  Brandon and Nico have been friends since they were 3 years old, and I remember when Kavya was still on the inside!  Peyton was just a few months old, and they were in the same class together when both attended MA.  So, they have been friends for a long time.  We’ve had one double playdate with both siblings.  Their dad Craig was telling another dad yesterday how we’d not given the kids nerf guns but they had them at their house to play.  Just as I’d warned them to avoid the face, Peyton was getting lit up by automatic nerf gun fire.  Craig remembers just freezing, as he saw my face, as both of us looked on in horror.  Peyton was probably 3-4 years old, and didn’t duck or move out of the way at all.  It was supposed to be a drop off party, but Peyton was very clingy. She even told me beforehand that she wanted me to stay. sildenafil 100mg tablets Inforce another brand by InLife comes as an immune builder and immune builder platinum and is above all meant for day by day dietary supplementation. Less serious side effects may include: warmth or redness in your upper body. wouroud.com viagra sale cheap: Precautions For some people, extreme care and close consultation with the doctor is required to keep the use of cialis safe and beneficial. And numerous things one can do for making that lovemaking session the best ever, including trying the ideal positions and viagra online ordering http://www.wouroud.com/order-7960 various techniques. Once, you might be inclined to avoiding sexual relations, which can wreak havoc on relationships and further to intimacy. free viagra 100mg  When Sydney arrived, I thought I might be able to sneak away, but Joel said he was staying.  After the rest of the kids arrived, and the party got started, Joel and I just caught up about the girls.  Peyton didn’t realize I was gone.  I even stepped outside for awhile to talk to a school mom I saw walking around outside.  That’s the thing about having something so close to home.  I was bound to run into someone I knew, or two people for that matter.  The kids made their own pizza, from scratch, and then played some games.  After the pizzas were done, they ate and celebrated with cake.  Peyton finished her pizza and cake!  Joel was quite surprised.  Sydney had piled lots of veggies, but only ate a 1/4 of the pizza.  Peyton chose milk over juice, and scraped the frosting off, all because I was there.  I don’t think she would’ve if I wasn’t, but I did tell her her great choices.  I was happy because I declined cake…which is not typically me.  After we said thank you and goodbye, I took some pictures of the birthday girl and Peyton.  I tried to get both to smile, but it wasn’t easy.  We walked home, and Dave and Brandon were already home.  Brandon’s been working on his extra credit project for science – the planet Jupiter, which he selected to study.  He has to cite his sources and present it in class.  He did a papier-mâché ‘d a foam ball, and will be painting it later.  


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