Row, Row, Row…

Dave asked me today what school does with “Row, Row, Row your boat”.  I didn’t know what he meant.  He said yesterday when he was giving Brandon a bath, he started singing the song and Brandon did something and Dave didn’t know what it meant.  I asked Dave to show me what he was talking about.  While Dave was putting Brandon’s clothes on after the bath, he started singing the song and Brandon grabbed Dave’s hands and started rocking back and forth, trying to sing along.  It was so cute and unexpected.  Wow, they learn so much at school, Brandon’s teaching us new things.  Dave was saying yesterday how Brandon was trying to name his classmates and point them out to Dave when he picked him up from school.  But Dave couldn’t understand Brandon and doesn’t know the kids, so he couldn’t really make it out.  I told him Nonetheless, this critical circumstance has a host of other health benefits buy brand cialis protecting the heart, providing more energy and increase productivity. It does so by eliminating certain artery-clogging foods, which focuses on healthy options and viagra price living a healthy lifestyle, everyone knows a well-balanced diet on a daily basis. Tadalafil should also be used with care for those cialis 5 mg people who have angima (chest pain/chest tightening), heart disease and conditions like high/low blood pressure. They can easily get the medicine at their doorstep just by placing an find over here cheap tadalafil order via online. he should have asked the teachers for help.  They are pretty good at interpreting for the kids.  Some of the kids have ethnic names and are new to the class and school so we’re not familiar with them.  I asked the teacher of the names of some of the kids while I was there just to learn their names and insert them in the night-night’s when we put Brandon to sleep. 

Today when I went to pick Brandon up, he climbed up on the structure and started pointing out the window saying, “house” or it sounded like “clouse”.  The teachers and I were listening carefully trying to figure out what he was pointing to and saying.  We couldn’t figure it out, but Brandon kept pointing up and repeating himself, getting more excited.  Finally the teacher says, “Oh, clouds!”  Yes, Brandon was pointing up to the clouds; it was pretty cloudy today, summer has gone already.