
Tonight, Peyton and I attended a girl scout meeting to check it out.  I know that they had a full troop of 10, so we were invited to “observe”.  We arrived just as others were.  I introduced myself to the homeowner/troop leader. I’d already prepped Peyton, and told her that I wasn’t leaving.  She didn’t have to be clingy with me, like she was at the cooking place.  She gathered on the floor as requested with the other girls.  She did introduce herself while going around the circle.  She followed the girls in her group when broken into 3.  Her first station was leaf rubbing.  The troop leader was asking her a question, and she didn’t respond.  She told her that all she requested was either a head nod or shake, but she had to respond.  She did nod her head.  Later, she moved to the Chinese jump rope station.  She watched and held the rope as directed, and was excited to participate and jump as demonstrated.  I was proud of her for getting out there and doing something she probably wasn’t familiar.  Finally, the other two groups had mixed and prepared cupcakes, and Peyton’s role was to frost and serve her new friends, with the other 3 girls in her group.  She was the last to eat one, but she did enjoy it.  I secretly think she frosted her fingers just so she could lick them. Chiropractic care can help in reducing the viagra pills cheap https://pdxcommercial.com/slides-category/home-slider-3/ number of relapses in patients with RRMS ( Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis).Glatiramer acetate is approved for the pre-ejaculation treatment. Causes of Snoring Any snoring disorder is evoked by the narrowing of the air passages more the noise though broader the air passage at the back of throat. cialis price pdxcommercial.com Regular use of cheap viagra australia Vital M-40 capsule improves strength and stamina. It is said that the treatment should be received from your doctor. viagra cheap sale  She watched as the other girls got patches, and then the garden was brought in.  The leader showed her what the other girls had done.  She asked the troop who would like to take the plants home to care for them until the next meeting.  A bunch of girls raised their hands, and Peyton was one of them!  It was at that moment, while the other mom leader was collecting paperwork from parents that I asked if there was room in the troop.  We had missed 3 meetings thus far, not too many, but I saw how much she enjoyed herself and fit in.  The mom said that there was no max thus far, and that we’d be able to join on!  She handed me copies of paperwork, and we were set.  We have a DAISY!  Peyton’s excited to get selling cookies…of course.

One girl did try to tell her off, telling her to count for her while she jumped.  Funny, though, because the girl wasn’t jumping. She told Peyton, “You count by 2’s – 2, 4, 6, 8, see?”  Peyton just stood there and stared at her. The other mom saw it and said, “I think she’s waiting for you to jump first.”  As soon as she started jumping, Peyton started counting, “2, 4, 6, 8,” and so on.  I was telling Dave the story, and he asked me if I was sure I wanted to get her in there.  I told him it would build her character, as she’d have to learn how to navigate all kinds of personalities.  Peyton was super excited on the way home.  She even told Brandon what she’d done. I told her I was excited this was the first activity that she has ever done without Brandon first doing it or doing it at the same time.  She ate a little bit, then went up to shower and go to bed.  We’re going to still work on the head nod versus yes, please.  She told me that I wasn’t the troop leader, so she could listen to the leader, and just nod.  We’ll see about that..I’m hoping she will warm up and get used to the leaders…

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