Busy Day

I couldn’t sleep last night since we’ve changed over to a new time recording system at work. But we’re charged with “tardy” minutes if we go beyond our “start” time. These are all “quotes” being used because none of it is real. There’s no real start time. Time starts when we get in, but officially, our minutes over the :00 hour or :30 are tracked as tardy. While the boss isn’t counting, it is still be recorded. I don’t want it to be used against me when said boss is gone in the next year or two. SO….I woke up every hour or so just to check the clock in a fright. The alarm did jar me awake, and I rushed to get out of the house. I made it with two minutes to spare, looking at my desk clock at 5:58 am waiting the two minutes, lest I get overnight pay for my entire shift. Work was work, no problems really, other than having to stay a little overtime because of call volume. Kid pick up was easy, as I received a note from the teacher that Peyton was on PURPLE today! That’s above green AND above blue. I’d been communicating with the teacher yesterday about Peyton graduating from Lunch Bunch. The teacher agreed, but it wt thasn’t her decision, so she had to forward the request and her recommendation to the resource teacher. Surgeries that require organ buy levitra midwayfire.com transplant are the most complicated, and also time consuming ones. This might look like a James Bond movie story, but is surely not. cialis uk The importance of hits for the success of companies has risen in sectors such as the following: automobiles, food, grooming, hotels, construction, entertainment electronics, software, and the list goes on. cialis 40 mg midwayfire.com Moreover, they smoke, consume alcohol frequently and midwayfire.com viagra in usa make use of illicit drugs. Peyton has never really liked being there, and she was disappointed that she had to go again at the start of this year. Well, the resource teacher got back to us today and informed us that Peyton would be “mainstreamed”. Sounded like she was so deviant. I was more excited to hear how her first day back out of jail was. She was super excited, and told me that she sat between the Irisses who were both happy to have her back. She also found Hope in the playground and played with her, too. She declared that she’d not get any more Red slips for the trimester. Then, she started to compare how many she got versus how many Brandon got. If only they could compare grades like that! She did show me two things she received today – a caught being good slip from her reading teacher for walking quietly as well as her “Rock Star of the Week” for getting all blues each day of the week. I congratulated her but she deflected and said, “But that’s from December though.” Only two other kids have gotten it thus far so she really had to earn it!
Homework and piano (she volunteered then Brandon didn’t want to be outdone, so he came as soon as she finished) were both done before 4 pm. I started dinner early for Peyton since we had the GS troop meeting at 6 pm, knowing how pokey she is. But when Brandon saw us eating, he wanted to join. Initially, he wanted to wait for Dave, and he kept asking when he’d be home. I think he just wanted Dave home so he could open up his present from Auntie Meg that had arrived at the front door.  Brandon wanted ME to open it and then asked if HE could open it, saying “I just really want to know what it is!”  Finally, at about 5 pm, Dave did come through the door and relieved Brandon.  Coffee and a mug, so not exciting for Brandon, but at least his curiosity had been satisfied.  Peyton and I took off for our meeting, and she was talking to me a mile a minute.  I was trying to concentrate on us getting there, when she asked me, “But why did Daddy reach for his laptop?”  I asked her, “What are you talking about?” She replied with a question to my question, “Why couldn’t he wait until he got home?”  Yes, Random Thoughts from P.T.  I had no idea what she was talking about at first, then realized she was talking about when he crashed.  Seriously…it was 6 months ago.  Why bring it up now?  I asked Peyton if she was going to talk this much at the meeting.  She said, “Uh, no.”  Haha..at least she’s honest.  We arrived with about 5 minutes to spare.  We said hello, and then Peyton sat around the table next to Miranda.  She incorporated herself while I chatted with some of the other moms before the meeting started.  Today, they were learning how to be Upstanders and stick up for those who couldn’t defend themselves.  They were making superhero likenesses of themselves, and also learning first aid and how to escape from our house in a fire.  All very practical things.  They got to make a first aid kit, and fix the owies on their moms.  At the end of the meeting, Peyton handed out the swaps that we made.  She didn’t want to tell the troop what they were, but chose to hold one up and let the girls guess.  They guessed right away!  They were a hit.  I did tell everyone that Peyton helped me make them, and she chose all the colors and patterns of the pom poms.  I forgot to mention she cut out the fabric, too.  After we got back home, she showered quickly, and then fixed an owie on Daddy’s arm using her first aid kit.  Off to bed she went, then I headed to my meeting at the grocery store.  We were meeting for the training of our parent readers tomorrow.  Unfortunately, one of the moms who normally leads the bulk of the meeting is not going to attend, so I’m going to co-lead with another mom.  I’m totally not prepared, as this mom just told us tonight, and it came as a bit of a shock to us all.





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