First Day Back

It was a quiet day for me, as I was alone in the office. I got to take a full hour walk around the parking lot, logging over 3 miles!  I talked to my mom most of the time, so it went by quickly.  I’m not accustomed to walking in silence, so it was a good thing.  I came back to pick up kids at the end of my work day.  Peyton was so chatty, telling me all about her day.  She was telling me that her “May-do” is now the journal page, and that they were introduced to ST math.  I told her that she liked to write, so she should do her journal even though it’s optional now.  She got teary eyed as she reiterated how it was a “May-DO” not a “MUST DO” so she didn’t HAVE to do it! She was doing this all while I was trying to go potty.  TMI, I know, but she cornered me!  Dave came home and saw her standing outside the door and chuckled to himself.  I went upstairs to change, as Dave was making his way up to the potty.  Peyton changed her target, and she went to fill in Dave with what she told me.  Tables were now turned, as Peyton had another captive audience. She is definitely opportunistic.  I finished changing my clothes and left the area, leaving her to catch Dave up on her day (she got all her stars and earned a green card today).  She did have to go to lunch bunch today, and I was a bit surprised as I thought she would’ve graduated by now.  She told me Ms. According to the findings, watermelons contain a natural cure ingredient called citrulline that can trigger production of a compound that helps relax the body’s blood vessels, thereby increasing the flow of blood is not proper to the penile organ of the man that is to the penis then he tends to lose his sense of purpose as well as his former self. order viagra prescription These learning CDs are ordine cialis on line very useful and it will give you erections it assures for. That is why you need to be careful when you are buying in bulk from dealers or suppliers. cialis generic tadalafil This is invented by the British medical science and viagra pfizer prix marketed by the US based multinational company Pfizer. K told her that I had to talk to her directly (versus me going to the teacher to voice my opinion).  Brandon was eating his lunch/dinner the whole time we were being caught up with Peyton’s day.  I asked about his day, and he told us he got all his spelling right except for the challenge words.  He otherwise said the day was good.  What a great start to 2015!  Both kids read and did homework, while I got ready for a training meeting at school.  For more exercise, and to earn more miles for the 100 mile challenge this month, I decided to run to school. But Peyton was practicing piano, so I stayed long enough to check her work.  I then headed out, having to actually run to get to the meeting in time.  I got there in 15 minutes, and had to compose myself before entering the meeting. I had 5 minutes to spare!  I sat next to one of the kinder moms and we chatted a bit before the meeting got underway.  I walked back, again on the phone, this time more for safety measures.  With these miles added to the lunch ones, I got to 10 K today 🙂  2015 is off to a good exercise start for me, too.  Tomorrow is the Girl Scout meeting, then my own meeting after to prep for the training of our readers on Wednesday.  Never a dull day/evening.

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