A Different Player

This morning, after we got back from our coffee outing, I sent Peyton for a nap.  It was only 945 am, but she’d been asking to go home the whole time we were walking around at the grocery store.  She’d woken up at least once overnight, and early this morning, so she had no problems falling asleep.  Dave had to leave to get to the gym by 1030 am so I packed away our ornaments while she slept.  I woke her at around 1045 am, and she was a grump.  She remained that way and took 25 minutes to walk 0.75 miles.  It was pathetic.  I was so upset with her since she caused me to miss part of Brandon’s game.  Today was the start of his second team’s season, the local rec league.  I already know most of the team, as there are four kids from baseball – Brandon, the other coach’s son, and two boys who had asked Dave to play for them.  Another kid is my OB’s son, who we’ve always played on opposite teams, but this was the first together.  And then there’s Dave’s star, who he called his triple threat, since we’d seen him sing at the drama performance, and he was awesome!  I couldn’t tell what the score was, but I chatted up a mom that was cheering for our team, too.  Turns out she was the star’s mom, but she was very harsh on him!  She’d chastise him in English, but on offense, she’d coach him in Chinese.  But the guy is good!  Brandon was a different dude, too!  He was super aggressive, with hands in the arm on D, making steals, forcing turnovers, and then on offense, he’d dribble, drop his head, and look for the basket while being defended.  He even scored, twice!  The chemistry on the team was incredible, and it didn’t hurt that there was a set of twins who employ mental telepathy.  Dave will have to always play those two on the court at the same time so they can use their super twin powers.  None of the team is particularly tall, but they all play with heart.  There’s even a player who can’t use his left hand, but he had no problem poking the ball out with his right!  It was great to see.  Even the best guy isn’t a ball hog.  They played a tight game with the score close, but they always lead.  Of course, it’s never been about winning or losing, but Dave’s teams have always been the latter.  He says this is his karma for having a great team after all the “development” teams he’s had over the years.  After the game, I went up to talk to my doctor.  Her husband was funny because he asked how we know each other.  She played it cool and told him where I work and that we work together.  He, in turn, told Dave as he’s known Dave from baseball.  Dave had online stalked him and knew he went to our college.  It was then that I realized that that’s why he’d looked familiar all these years, since the time I’ve known my doc – he was a grad student the whole time we were in undergrad!  I told him I lived on his side of campus.  He was there from ’91-’96!  He acknowledged he was a TA in chemistry, so that’s why he looked so familiar.  Michelle may even know him, too 😉  Such a small world…and it’s getting even smaller as we see the same families from season to season across different sports.

Peyton and I walked home, and it was much better.  She had snacks that I brought her (she couldn’t eat in the gym), and we took our time.  She headed up to do a puzzle and then asked to practice piano.  We did all that, had lunch, and then the boys came home.  Brandon wanted to go ride bikes, so we headed to the park.  While there, we ran into another dad from baseball practicing with his son.  Dave said it was social hour at the park.  There were also two boys from school there riding and practicing with their dad.  Peyton knew the younger one from kindergarten.  Here she is getting started on her bike. She’d gotten herself too close to the sign, but she figured it out.  She also fell a few times, but no harm.  After one particularly hard fall (they all looked hard to me), Brandon even rode up to her to help her up.  She didn’t take it, but I asked him how she fell.  He said her foot caught up in the chain or something, and then she fell.  She’d been falling while going over the metal plates on the roadway at the school.  I thought she’d done it again.

Then after we got home, the kids drew their entries to the walk a thon design contest.  Here they are…I know they most likely won’t win, but I told them they definitely wouldn’t win if they didn’t try.  Brandon said he didn’t want to “lose”.  I told him that wasn’t the point; it was that he should participate.  I think Peyton totally looked at his drawing before drawing her own. Theme: Walk into the Jungle.  When I pointed out that her pictures were similar, she told me, “No, his birds are on top of each other, and mine are front and back.”  Sure.  Her handwriting is better, that’s our take.  She liked her giraffe that she’d drawn, too.  But not sure that a giraffe is featured in a jungle.

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