Outside Pooping

We went out to eat tonight after a trip to the mall.  We were flying by the seat of our pants since we didn’t bring any clothes for Brandon.  We told him several times that we didn’t have any clothes for him, so he needed to tell us when he needed to go.  He didn’t have to when we were at the mall, but he have a fart that was stinky.  I asked him if he had to poop, then he said, “I’ll poop when we go home.”  I told him that we weren’t going home, we were going to the restaurant.  He said, “No, I don’t have to poop.”  I thought he may have a shy GI tract.  When we got to the restaurant we did a potty check even though he was resistant to try.  He came back with Dave, and announced that he had peed in the Yet, the generic viagra overnight Malaysian government is considering legislation to protect the trees. You may blame him and suspect tadalafil canadian pharmacy infidelity. There are likely to generic cialis cipla be blood and urine tests and possibly others. You can inspire change in the cialis 40 mg http://www.devensec.com/development/EXHIBIT_B.pdf relationship, but never by hiding out in the shame of it. potty.  We had some dinner, then he said, “I have to poop!”  So Dave took him to the restroom again.  He came back triumphant, having done his business.  As soon as he got back, he said he had to go pee.  I told him to go back and pee then.  He said, “No, I can’t because I will get lost if I go by myself.”  Yes, he was right, so Dave quickly escorted him back to the restroom.  I guess I didn’t make myself clear to him that Dave would go with him. 
On another observant note, we were in the store when suddenly Brandon said, “Rockstar song!”  Dave corrected him, as the song that was playing in our store was Frank Sinatra.  Brandon said, “No, over there.”  Sure enough, they were playing “So What” at the kiosk in the middle of the mall.  Again, he’s right.

2 Replies to “Outside Pooping”

  1. Is it me, or the blogs are becoming more “poop-centric” recently? If it’s not Peyton, it’s Brandon. Sounds like tons of fun at the Tsao household.

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