Birthdays x2

Tonight, we celebrated Kathy’s and Bonnie’s birthdays. We tried a place that Bonnie had been wanting to try, and me, too, since Dave isn’t a fan of fondue. We’d gotten groupons for it, and the reservations were for 415 pm. An early dinner for sure, but it turned out perfectly. We were encouraged to “come hungry” by Theresa, so I planned accordingly an skipped lunch. The kids ate with Dave after basketball. Peyton was besides herself tired and hungry, so after eating, she was sent to nap. I was telling them “Goodnight” early on, and Dave was wondering why so early. I told him just in case I didn’t return in time for goodnight. Michelle came to get me, and we drove together. Julie was already there waiting. After awhile the birthday girls arrived, and then Thuy, and finally Theresa. The birthday girls helped us pick our cheeses as well as cooking methods. It took the pressure off the rest of us, and it was a great selection! We had a spicy one and a garlicky one, and both were yummy. Next, we had the full assortment of meats, and it was so much food! Finally, the chocolate selections, and both were yummy. One was even set on fire with 151, which had been awhile for some. We ended up staying over 3 hours! When I got home, it was just 8 pm, and only Peyton was up. Brandon was long asleep, as he hadn’t napped while Peyton did. So it was good that I did give him a hug. He was so great playing nicely with the rainbow looms I’d gotten last night all while Peyton slept. He had played a hard game, not as confidently as yesterday. No points, and one turnover, but I think he just knows that the level of play is harder, and he isn’t as confident as a result. We did see one of our old family friends who was the coach of another team after us. Small world, his daughter is currently being taught math by Dave’s co-coach, so they said hi to each other. We may bump into him, as his son is playing at the same level as Brandon. Again, small world!


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