GS Cookie Kick Off

I picked the kids up, and we were home by 5 pm. I got dinner started right away, getting the kids to finish up as quickly as possible. Peyton and I had to leave before 630 pm to go to the church right around the corner. I was planning to walk, but when Dave got home, he said it was too dark, and we should just drive. That bought me 25 minutes as it would only take 2 minutes to get there. Peyton finished up dinner quickly, went to take a bath, read, and was ready to go just as asked. Brandon did his homework, and kept asking when Dave was coming home. He overheard me tell Dave that if Dave wasn’t home by the time that I left, Brandon would be home alone. Dave came in with plenty of time to spare. We took off and were there within two minutes. We were early, and one of our troop leaders was outside. Another was inside, and we didn’t know. The overflowing value of cialis best price is of same quality as of cialis. Acai juice has tremendous health properties generic super cialis and could be one of the best treatments out there. It is realistic facts that men think their masculinity is at stake if they admit they are impotent. cost of viagra pills Manage your stress through cost of viagra yoga and meditation. We checked in finally, and then the girls did their tasks to earn stickers. Peyton made a sign to sell her cookies, learned about safety in selling cookies, learned about the product and cookie names (she chose to sample the thin mint, which she KNOWS what it tastes like) and a few other stations. I was speeding her along in the effort to get her back home and in bed. We left after about an hour, earlier than most, but I had a mission to get Peyton home early. We said bye to the other moms and the girls in the troop, then we headed home. She told me she was still wanting some soup, but I told her it was bedtime and she could get more breakfast tomorrow. She didn’t put up a fight and headed upstairs to brush her teeth. She also said she got a gold card (higher than purple) and got to wear the birthday crown and pass out her goodies. She’d been waiting for me on Friday to do so, getting in trouble for looking out the window. I’d totally blown it, as the things were in my trunk, and kids were being dismissed already. I’d wanted to take photos of her passing them out, and instead, I had to give the bag of goodies to the teacher for today’s distribution. A few more days and we’re off on our mini vacation! Just need to make it through this week…

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