Full Swing

We are back in full force. I picked up the kids from school, spent 30 minutes with Peyton on the piano, while Brandon finished up homework. We switched, and Brandon read to me for 25 minutes while later, Peyton read to me and then herself. Both were bathed and by 530 pm, I was going to take both to Peyton’s girl scout meeting. We didn’t have food, so I made breakfast for dinner. We had a bunch of eggs, so I made an omelet for the kids with veggies and hummus and got no complaints. I tried to eat, but I was too busy running around. Dave came home at the last minute, having taken the train. I grabbed a granola bar and headed out with Peyton to our meeting. Initially he asked for a week-long leave of viagra france absence but then decided to separate himself from the time. Cinnamon is another weight loss cialis 5mg generika agent that can promote the production of digestive enzyme in body. This can affect you brand levitra online in 15 minutes. In turn, the viagra prices appalachianmagazine.com width of the hair shaft width is constantly decreased and the hair shaft width is constantly decreased and the hair shaft gradually becomes thinner. Tonight was the info meeting about the cookie selling, so it ran longer. They also got presented their badges, and Peyton got all up to date. She was so excited for them, and she immediately told me, “I want to go home and show Daddy.” She pledged to sell 25 boxes of cookies (the troop goal per kid), but I want her to get the 100 box patch! We can even sell online, so she will go electronic 🙂
I dropped her off at home by 8 pm and headed to the PTA meeting. I was being introduced as one of four on the PTA nominating committee for next year’s board. I’m hoping this doesn’t segue into a board position, however the current PTA president, who is technically one of my coworkers, hinted at that and called me out in the meeting. We shall see, and the person who asked me to serve on the committee suggested it would be good for me “or my husband” to participate. I told her of Dave’s coaching commitments, and having us too spread thin. There are times where our commitments overlap, and the kids suffer as a result. We’ll have to find the time somewhere! I will have another meeting tomorrow night to find out more…too many meetings! I just want to go to the gym! Right now, I need to iron on patches for Peyton to her vest.  I told her to go to sleep, and I’d have it ready to show her tomorrow.  Maybe I’ll just glue gun it and call it a night.

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