Happy Birthday, Brandon!

Well, his birthday started off as just another busy Saturday. For Peyton and I, we had to sell cookies at the library. It was not raining this morning, but just as we started to get ready to leave, I heard rain noises. It was steadily coming down by the time we got to the library, then it started to pour just as we arrived. I had umbrellas ready to go, and Peyton was wearing rain boots and a rain jacket. I was hoping to get sympathy purchases for our efforts. Peyton was VERY quiet, but luckily, the other two she was with were much chattier. She did help re-stock, helped take money and handed people cookie boxes, so it wasn’t too bad. The one-hour shift went by quickly, and we even got a visit from Dave and Brandon! I was not turned to the table, when Peyton said, “Daddy!” I had asked them to come by to meet the other leaders, so they talked for a bit. The leader that tries to get Peyton to talk to her talked to Brandon for awhile. Hopefully she sees that we don’t make all mute children. She has a third grader, too, so it was nice. She tried to recruit him for boy scouts, but he definitely has his hands full with other activities at the moment. We came home after the shift, and Peyton worked on reading the new library books Dave had picked up. She finished up her writing homework, and then we ate lunch that Dave brought home. Brandon wanted the same breakfast that Peyton got on her birthday. He even wanted to scooter there, too! He was upset not being able to, even though it was pretty wet out there! Dave and Brandon left for practice and picked up bundtinis for the birthday celebration at practice, and Peyton happily headed up for her nap, even saying, “Good night!” She was out in an instant, and I cleaned up from lunch before napping myself. Dave and Brandon came home, and Peyton eventually came down. We all hung out for about 30 minutes while Peyton slowly came to, and then Peyton and I headed to re-stock our own cookie stash (we sold our entire stash by Friday!). I shuttled cookies back and forth, then we headed to Brandon’s game. Just on line viagra http://www.solboards.com/about-solboards/ 15 minutes a day of relaxation will make sure that you boost the Fresh air content in your system. In addition, too much hand practice and cheap levitra http://www.solboards.com/levitra-2972.html watching of online adult movies. Anything that is interrupting this sequence can result in the buy tadalafil online inability to get or maintain an erection that can last for several hours* You shall not worry about anyone seeing you when you are purchasing it. Each state sets its own needs for teens getting their without prescription viagra first license. It’s fun seeing him in the not so competitive league, because he has more confidence! He was d-ing up his player, and moved when the player moved. He was almost doing a little dance with the guy, and he didn’t let him pass him. They have to play man on man per league rules, so it’s in his wheelhouse. He is more aggressive with boards, too, as he even jumped up high for one attempt. His eyes were wide open as he reached out with both hands. He was the only one who had jumped to get it, but his hands just didn’t wrap around the ball. He didn’t get it, but I was glad to see the attempt! Another time, he dribbled (!) and tried to shoot. His downfall was that he traveled because he went up with the ball, saw his shot was going to get blocked, and then he came back down, still with the ball. He did this twice. Hopefully he’ll learn, but he has improved with both seasons of two concurrent leagues. After he was done, he showered up, and we were trying to find the restaurant to take him to celebrate. He chose Islands, like last year, I believe. They give free desserts, and then he gets a hamburger and fries. A regular man-sized burger! Peyton got a teriyaki bowl, which included pineapple and broccoli, and a side Caesar salad, while Dave also got a burger. I got a salad with some of Dave’s endless fries. Brandon shared a few fries with his sister, which was nice of him. When it came time for the dessert, Brandon wanted to order the kona pie, but it has coffee ice cream, and we thought better of it. He chose the other dessert, the brownie sundae, which was also yummy (but it was no substitute for mud pie 😉 ). We headed home for Peyton to shower up, and Dave got the kids to bed before heading out with his MO friends for one more outing before his friend heads back to Texas (where he lives now).
Here is the picture of the birthday boy about to indulge:



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