Busy Weekday

Today, Peyton had a dental appointment. Dave stayed home to take her, since her appointment was at 230 pm. Dave had to pick her up from school around 2 pm and then headed to the appointment. I got a text before I left work, “Flavored laughing gas (she said it was bubble gum smelling and the lady only gave her a few choices).” WOW! And she got to watch “Frozen”. Such is the life. I picked Brandon up from CDC, delivered some cookies, then headed to the cookie lady. She wasn’t home, but her husband told us she’d be back soon, as she just went to school to pick up one of the kid’s forgotten homework (yes, all too familiar with that). Brandon read quietly in the car, while I did some accounting. My dad’s office put in a big order, so I was trying to tally up all the boxes that were needed to fill the order. Our plan is to head up next week to deliver them in person the day we head into the city for our field trip. One of his tenants wants Peyton to call his wife for a personal request. They always try to get Peyton to talk, and this is one way they’re going to force the issue. (We tried to call today, and she was all prompted and ready to go, but we got voicemail. I didn’t want to leave a message, so we’ll have to call at another time.) Anyway, Brandon and I were going to go rotate my tires, but we couldn’t find my wheel lock. So, we went home instead, and found out that Peyton got Jamba juice! The DDS told her she couldn’t eat just yet as she was still numb and didn’t want her to bite her cheek (she ended up wiping her mouth on her sleeve and turning that green, too. Classy.). If other medications do not meet your expectations, you should online viagra sales consult with your doctor and procure medicines from a licensed and trustworthy source. These games are wonderful and there is no guarantee that it will work for everyone and this is the reason why is online levitra very famous. Thus this is how the drug works.There are several warnings regarding buy viagra in stores this drug. So when you stay in the best order viagra prescription of your shape you are more likely to attract women’s attention. She didn’t argue at all, except Dave got her some apples, bananas, carrots and kale mixture, and it was SUPER green. Brandon got the other half of it. Peyton helped me sort out the cookie situation, while Brandon finished up his homework. Peyton and I headed out on foot to deposit a check at the bank and get some office supplies. When we got back, we finished up, and then she ate dinner. I was headed to a parent education night sponsored by the school district. It was a tough subject, “How to recognize the signs of depression and suicide” in the wake of a few recent suicides at a local high school. She started practicing piano on her own, while I was getting ready to leave. I tried to stuff a few rolls in my mouth; I’d gotten them with Julie on our lunch walk to the store. Dave had brought home some rolls, too! We were definitely on the same wavelength today. I can’t wait for the kids to be on break, as I’m looking forward to a little wiggle room without so much hustle and bustle. Dave would like the cookie sales to end now as they are taking over our front room. The talk tonight was interesting, as I saw a baseball family, a basketball family, and our neighbor, who came up to tell me I shouldn’t be there since the kids are too young. But I told him they’d eventually grow up, and I may need this information. There’s another parent ed night on Thursday, and Dave will go this time, since he has a coach’s appreciation night on Thursday at the bowling alley! FUN! Spouses were invited, but that wasn’t worth a baby sitter. Here are the pics from today:
one is of Brandon’s 100 things that make him happy (from the 100 day project due tomorrow) , and then of Peyton in the chair…looks so sad!



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