
Yesterday, a poet came to campus to share his poetry in assembly form for the kids. Each two grade levels were present with the author/poet as he engaged the kids. We were given forms to have books inscribed for the kids a few weeks ago. I thought the kids would get their books at the assembly, but I didn’t look carefully enough. They were being distributed at the parent education night, which is where I happened to be going last night. After Dave came home with Brandon from baseball practice, I took off. I picked up the books; I got Peyton a hardbound book with a CD, and Brandon chose a funny story book, which wasn’t poetry. The speaker was very good; he was animated and recited some of his poetry aloud to us. His point was to engage reluctant readers with poetry. Peyton couldn’t stop talking about her assembly and how funny the author was. She said she’d never met an author before, and he taught them funny cheers (like our Unicamp ones – “round of applause”). When I got home, Brandon was still awake, rolling around. I decided to bring him downstairs to read Peyton’s poems. He got through a few of them then decided he was tired. It worked to tire him out. I put his book out for him for this morning and brought Peyton’s back to her room.
This morning, I heard Peyton tinkering around in her room. This results in further cost savings as you do not have time to go out, use your own bedroom instead. cialis order on line Fragment 176-191 remains a top bulk peptide, it has been cialis india one of the top choices for many years. Erectile viagra without side effects dysfunction is the inability to obtain and or maintain a hard erect penis suitable for sexual activity, due to insufficient blood supply to the penile tissue. The physicians associated with ISHRS, mostly hair transplant surgeons, say that laser hair therapy “may enhance hair growth and reduce inflammation after hair transplantation.” Is there an alternative to doing laser hair therapy at a studio, such as in the home? Handheld laser combs are available for about $500 to $600. cialis online price She was putting her Goldie Blox together on her own but needed help. I asked her if she saw her poetry book. She went back to her room, and immediately started reading that. I told her if she did a good job at school, I’d help her with the set again. So while I was getting ready, she was reading poems to me. They’re funny, silly, 1-2 page poems. Brandon came in and said, “I’ve already read for 24 minutes.” He got into the book he was given. The author was right! He got kids engaged in reading, throwing in some vocab words, just to keep it interesting. I wouldn’t classify either kid as a “reluctant reader”, but they were definitely engaged in their reading! Today at pick up time, Peyton handed me her star sheet. It was completely full! THis is after I’d already emailed her teacher to check in and see how she did today. I hadn’t gotten an email yet, but I wanted to make sure things were going well today. She had a bit of a rough start being back from break. So, we put her goldie blox together, and made a few movies tonight! It’s always easier for positive reinforcement! We finished up her project before dinner, ate, and then practiced piano before the boys came home. Then, she watched her jeopardy, while Brandon ate. She showed her movies to the boys, then she went to sleep. Brandon’s turn to practice now!

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